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Materials Required:
A white candle
A pink candle
A yellow candle
Jasmine incense
Olive oil
This spell should be performed during the waning phase of the moon. Firstly
anoint the candles with the olive oil. Start with the white candle and then the
yellow. The pink candle should be anointed at the end. Begin to coat the oil
starting at the bottom and going downwards all the way in one go. Coat all the
candles in this fashion. Decide on how many pounds of weight you want to shed
and divide it by three. Carve the number on each candle. If you want to lose
fifteen pounds, you need to carve out the number 5 on each of the candles. If it is
an odd number divide the number in such a way that each candle has only very
slight variation. Once this is done, set up an altar on a flat surface. Light the
white candle and place it at the center. To the left of the white candle, place the
yellow one and to the right of the white candle, place the pink one. Cast a circle
around the candles and light the incense. Jasmine incense can be used for
women and Patchouli incense can be used for men. Then light the candles and
meditate upon them. Visualize that you are having the excess weight banished
from your body.
Have another glass cup inserted with a wick. As the white, yellow and pink
candles burn, pour out the wax into this cup. In this way you will be able to make
a new candle. Burn this new candle everyday until you lose the desired number
of pounds.

Weight loss spell

By: MagickalDude2

Write how many pound you wanna loose on a piece of paper and burn it.
"burn, burn, burn away.
Pounds be gone you cannot stay"
repeat this for 7 days or 14, or more.
personally, i would do this spell while your on a diet or trying to loose weight. because you'd
be working

hand in hand with the magic. or you could do it and just sit your ass down and eat all you
want. anything is possible.
From the Atharvaveda, one of the oldest Vedic scriptures of
Hinduism, circa 1400 BCE, we get a demon-placating spell to
remove zits from women so that they will be found attractive
and marriageable to men:
Some atharvanic charms were designed to
enhance the physical attractions of women.
One of the most important is the removal
of blemishes on the skin, regarded as the
work of demons, some of whom were named.
Several divinities were invoked for aid,
including Savitar, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman,
each being assigned to remove particular
unsightly marks. The goddess Anumati (the
personification of divine favour) is
especially invoked since women's happiness
was her motive in creating them. (Atharaveda
I.18). To remove blemishes, the ritual
prescribes sprinkling the woman's face with
water, the purifier par excellence, followed
by an offering of chaff from a vessel of
palasa wood, the residue being poured on
the ground to placate the raksasas and other
demons responsible for the blemishes. Then
more chaff, wood shavings, and other
worthless material are placed on her left
foot (the left in ritual and folklore always
being the inauspicious side). The worthless
materials represent the blemishes, which are
then symbolically washed off the woman. Each
person is said to be born with 101 marks on
the body, some auspicious and some not.
Eye-brows which meet were deemed especially
page 51
"Ancient Indian Magic and Folklore"
by Margaret Stutley
(Great Eastern Book Company, 1980)
posted by cat yronwode (
-----------------------------------------WEIGHT LOSS SPELL BY SELLING POUNDS
All you have to do is get two people together, and have the
one who wants to buy the pounds pay the person selling them.
Then they shake hands and the deal is done.
It usually takes a week or so, and ten pounds is about all
you can transfer at a time.
Best Wishes,

John M. Hansen
1999 John M. Hansen (
-----------------------------------------WEIGHT LOSS SPELL BY TRANSFER TO AN EGG
OMG! Get out! And to think of all the time and energy I've
wasted on Slim-Fast!
No actualy, I've found result by using an egg to transfer
the weight. I take a bath with pungent herbs like
eucalyptus and the like and then rub a raw egg [in the shell
--cat] all over my body while chanting "take my fat" over
and over. Then in the middle of the night I break it at the
crossroads and then walk away without looking back. My
theory is for the weight to be distribute among the
I also carry a mojo Cat fixed up for me and it has worked
wonders. I sheepishly admit that at my heaviest I weighed
in at 300lbs. I now weigh 234 and It's been less than a
year since I got the mojo and done the egg-weight-transfer.
Credit is also due to the Atkin's Diet. I can eat like a
horse and still lose weight! Currently I am nibbling on a
Burger-King Whopper with Heavy Lettuce, pickles, and mayo,
minus the bread. Ummm...good stuff.
If anyone would like to try the above please make sure to
break the egg at a crossroads you will never visit again.
You definitely don't want the flab back, and trust me it's
your flab in the first place and it naturaly wants to come
back to you. I messed up my first try real good and dropped
the egg on the ground and splattered egg all over my jeans.
I gained 6 pounds that week.

***1 dilek 1 de luv

Spell For A Long & Happy Relationship

When you have found someone special, someone you are falling in love with this spell will increase the bond between you and that person. It does not "force"
the bond, but rather magnifies each of your good qualities so that the other can
see them more easily. Once everything good about you is magnified, the other
person naturally grows more and more fond of you.

First, of course, prepare your external sacred space, and cast your Magick circle around your
altar. Then...

On a Friday during the third hour of darkness: Place a potted cyclamen in the room, and water
the plant. Light three candles: deep red purple, and white.
Say Aloud: "I ask the goddess Branwen to bestow True love on my union with (insert
Breathe your love into your heart. Place the red candle in front of the other candles.
"I ask that this be done for the greater good/ So be it. And so it is."
Gaze at the flames in each candle, and when you are ready, blow them out. Remember that it
is important for you to be grounded in the basics of Magick and Witchcraft before you attempt
any serious Love Magicks. Because desire and emotion are tied so strongly to Love, the spells
can have some unpredictable results if you haven't practiced the basic secrets of real
And please remember the section on your Witchcraft ethics and responsibilities. Think twice
before EVER casting a spell to affect someone's free will. It really can come back to haunt
you later in life (in the form of frustrated relationships, bad "karma" and other unpredictable
To know: Love spells are free to make someone love you, or make someone fall in love with
you. Love spells with psychics magick voodoo black magick to reunite lovers spell love can
give enchantments binding. quick weight . loss natural weight loss. safe weight loss spells.
Love and love spells make someone love you. Rapid weight loss green tea weight. Plan
weight loss tip fast weight loss diet weight loss hypnosis. Learn hypnosys ,hipnosis or
hypnosys course lovespells lovespel love spels psichic psycics lovespells lovespell. Love
Essential Oils
An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by steam or
water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a
plant..Essential oils are the volatile part of the plant that are largely responsible
for its characteristic aroma. They are also considered the 'life-force' and soul of
the plant by many. Although called "oils", they are nothing like traditional
vegetable oils as we know them, as they are very light, non-greasy, absorb
quickly into the skin and evaporate quite readily. Essential oils can be employed
holistically since they help us heal on all levels. Read more about Essential Oils.


To perform this spell, you must find a suitable shell in
shallow water. Take the shell and dry it thoroughly. Next,
place a symbol of your desire upon the surface of the shell.
The symbol must be made with a substance which will easily
wash off in water.

Place the shell upon the shore, so that the Tide will bring
waves across the shell. Take care to note the phase of the
Moon (waxing moon for the gain of something, waning for the
dissolving of something). When the shell is in place, draw a
triangle in the sand, enclosing the shell completely.
The symbol upon the shell must be facing upwards (toward the
Moon). Meaningful words, or phrases, may be placed upon the
shell also, or simply written in the sand (inside the
Finally, give the words of enchantment: (toward the moon)
Goddess of Moon, Earth, and the Sea,
Each wish in Thy name must come to be.
Powers and Forces which Tides do make,
Now summon Thy waves, my spell to take
Leave the area now, and the spell is set. Once the waves
come, then your wish will be taken out to the Old Ones. It
will usually take about 7 days for a Lunar spell to begin to
manifest, but can take as long as 28 days.
This type of magic is what we call "little works", and
belongs to the folk-magic level of Witchcraft. There are, of
course, much more involved spells, and such. But, I do love
the simplistic beauty of a spell like this.
1997 eliza (

1. Preparation

This is a simple potion using ingredients that are readily available. Once you have made the
decision that you really are ready to release yourself from your burdens, whatever that might
mean, assemble these items and know this is already the work begun. Take your time, bless
each item and keep your mind focussed on the desire to return to your true form and shape as
prescribed by your creative template which became yours at the moment of your conception
and always lives in every part of every cell, and is inscribed in every dimension in your
energy matrix too. We seek not to make anything better or do anything unnatural, but in the
contrary, to return ourselves to THAT original template and in doing so, regaining our own
true "even flow" of rightful life, of rightful time and space, and of proportion.
The Magic Potion For Weightloss

Star Of Bethlehem x 1 drop per 50 ml of Holy Water

Wild Rose x 3 drops per 50 ml of Holy Water
Clear Quartz (a small crystal) per 50 ml to of Holy Water

IMPORTANT: For final catalysis of the ingredients, the essence of blue is required.
Therefore, this potion is to be stored in a BLUE glass bottle.
For a single serving, put a small amount of this potion into a a BLUE glass or BLUE glass
chalice per serving with water, mineral water or sparkling wine, and/or store larger quantities
ready mixed in a BLUE bottle in your fridge for easy access.
The Wordings & Sequence for the Weightloss Ritual

Insecurity about the wordings, having a book fall to the floor in the middle of a ritual or
forgetting the words completely is the fast track to - well a ritual that isn't all it could have
So please copy the wordings out on a nice piece of paper or parchment in big enough letters
that you can really see them under the low light conditions of the ritual, or learn them by
heart. At least, make sure you are familiar with the flow of the wording and that you will be
able to keep any breaks in concentration, mood and flow to the minimum even if you do need
to glance briefly at the parchment when it comes to it.
You can also "stick it up on the frigdge" for a time before you do the catalysing ritual so you
see it often and you are familiar with it and comfortable before the event itself.
A little bit of foresight and planning can go a long way!
2. The Main Catalysing Ritual For Real Weightloss

For this ritual you will be sitting at a table, preferably after dark, and have the following
a) one mirror, large enough to prop up so you can see your own head and shoulders with
nothing cut off;
b) two white candles either side of the mirror, and one BEHIND the mirror.
c) the spell wording
d) The magic potion for weightloss ready to drink in a BLUE glass or BLUE glass chalice.
Now, get the room ready.
Create the right environment by turning off the lights, extinguishing or covering all other
sources of illumination, putting on some supportive music to mask everyday sounds, and
whatever else you personally need to make this a special space for special work.
Light the left candle, light the right and then the one behind the mirror. Make sure all is secure
so you can relax and get to work.

Take your seat at the table.

Sit steady and look at your own mirror image for a time. Simply let all judgements and
thoughts of the past flow away as best as they can, and then seek to look through the mirror to
the candle which stands behind it, and which represents the invisible realms that are there,
even though our eyes do not always perceive them.
The candle behind the mirror represents the original template, given to you by the creative
order itself and to which we seek to return in all ways.
Do the best you can to hold both the image in the mirror and the invisible candle at the same
time in your awareness throughout.
Now, hold the chalice or glass with both hands and speak the words, slowly and honestly.
Slim and slender,
fast and light
joyous beauty,
shining bright.
Health and heart
and will of might,
body, soul,
set now alight.
Shed the burdens,
shed the pain,
make me whole
and new again.
do I seek,
first signs show
within the week.

Now raise the chalice, take a deep breath, and say to both the mirror image of what is as well
as to the invisible candle behind the mirror which is your creative template and the future:
Magic potion
flows through me
makes me healthy,
sets me free.
As I drink, so shall it be:
I return myself
to me.
Drink from the chalice and allow yourself to really become of the sensation of flow, then take
another deep breath and say for the second time:
Magic potion flows through me
makes me healthy, sets me free.
As I drink, so shall it be:
I return myself
to me.
Wait until all the echoes and resonances in your mind and body have cleared before you take
one more deep breath and speak the words for the third and binding time:
Magic potion flows through me
makes me healthy, sets me free.
As I drink, so shall it be:
I return myself
to me.
And this time, drink everything that is left in the chalice so that it is empty.

Now, bow to your visible mirror image and the invisible template which lies behind it, then
extinguish the left and right candles and turn the mirror down or take it away, so you can only
now see the one candle of the true creative template.
You might take a while to just be there with the future and the desire to be who you were
always meant to be, if you wish.
When you are ready, blow out the candle in the Hard but keep it burning steadily in your
The ritual is complete.
3. Renewal

Now, place your bottle with essential magic potion or a ready made easy-to-use bottle (blue,
please!) of some every day drinking liquid, and it really doesn't have to be anything special at
all, from water to lemonade or whatever you personally like, into the fridge where you can see
it, and easily find it, and be easily remembered and reminded.
Take a small drink before every meal, and EVERY TIME you need the power of this potion
and this spell to help you do what must be done on every level to return your body, your mind,
and all your systems into a real even flow that is way, way beyond just "loosing weight" or
Before you drink, think or say:
Magic potion flows through me
makes me healthy, sets me free.
As I drink, so shall it be:
I return myself
to me.
... to evoke the power of the complete central ritual there and then.
4. Regeneration

Pay close attention to how you feel when you do this re-evocation of the complete ritual
through the potion and the spell each time you do this.
Should you find the power of the potion to wear off, and this is just one of these things that
happens quite naturally and no sign that you didn't make it right or that it wasn't strong
enough, do the original power ritual again to bring the renewal actions back on line on full

power. You will find that this time, both the experience of the ritual as well as the potion itself
and its effects will be right away even stronger and it will also last longer.
Blessed be on your path, and may it be light, joyful and in tune with the Creative Order,


while in the mirror put your hands on your stomach and chant
goddess hear my plead,make me the weight I want to heed,
this size is to big for me, A size [size you wantr to be] I want to be,
so mote it be

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