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Burns: Understanding Nursing Research, 5th Edition

Chapter 07: Understanding Theory and Research Frameworks

1. A study framework reflects the:
a. blueprint for the study.
b. data analysis strategy.
c. researchers theory or idea about the study.
d. specific plan for data collection.
2. A researcher theorizes that walking three times per week will minimize the likelihood of

premature labor in at-risk pregnant women. The researcher initiates a research program to
test this theory. This research study is attempting to validate what aspect of theory?
a. Development
b. Explanation
c. Prediction
d. Strategies for controlling outcomes
3. Which of the following is true about theoretical frameworks used in research? Theories:
a. are constructed by people and are tentative in nature.
b. offer precise guidance in all situations.
c. represent ultimate truth and are congruent with reality.
d. represent ultimate truth and are congruent with reality.
4. Abstract is defined in research as:
a. concrete and specific.
b. not well defined and general.
c. particular and realistic.
d. well defined and precise.
5. Which of the following is true about the relationship between a study framework and the

Hypotheses are inductively identified within the stated framework.
If the hypotheses are stated, the researcher does not need to have a framework.
The hypotheses are not meant to be testable, but the framework is.
The framework and hypotheses must be congruent with each other.


6. The framework and conceptual map for a study:

a. are always included in the study report.
b. are usually clearly identified in the report.
c. often must be inferred by the reader from the text of the report.
d. should be referred to only at the end of the study.
Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

Test Bank


7. Which of the following represents the most concrete term?

a. Concept
b. Construct
c. Framework
d. Variable
8. Which relationship diagram below best represents the following hypothesis?

Conventional gauze dressings cause fewer skin changes in wound sites than do
hydrocolloid or hydroactive dressings.
a. Gauze dressing skin changes
b. Gauze dressing wound site
c. Type of dressing skin changes
d. Type of dressing wound site
9. Which of the following responses best describes the relational statement that is

diagrammed below?
Pain perception (+) anxiety
a. Anxiety causes increased pain perception.
b. Increased perception of pain causes anxiety.
c. Pain perception and anxiety are inversely related.
d. Pain perception and anxiety are positively related to one another.
10. Which of the following is an example of a theory from a physiological background that is

used by nurses as a framework for nursing studies?

a. Gate control theory of pain
b. Health promotion model
c. Social cognitive theory
d. Theory of coping
11. Which of the following statements is true regarding the connection of theory to

qualitative research? Qualitative research:

can guide or be derived from theory.
cannot generate grand theories due to lack of statistics.
is based on middle range theories.
leads only to practice model and conceptual frameworks.


Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

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