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Grade 5
Lesson 1
*What are the two classifications of material? useful and harmful
*Landfill- is a dumping site where waste materials are covered with layers of soil so as not to
pollute the surroundings
* toxic- are substances that are harmful to living things and the environment when not disposed
of properly.
Lesson 2
Properties of Materials
Physical Properties - a characteristics of a material that can be readily observed without
changing its composition.
Hardness -ability of a material to be rigid and resist pressure that may cause deformation or
change in shape.
Brittleness- ability of the material to break when subjected to a high stress or blow.
Flexibility- ability of the material to bend without breaking.
Elasticity-ability of the material to be stretched and then return to its original shape after.
Conductivity- ability to let heat and electricity to pass through them.
Malleability- ability of the material to be hammered into flat sheets.
Ductility- ability to be drawn into thin wires.
Chemical Properties- a characteristic of a material where a material has to change its property
first before a certain property can be observed.
Combustibility- ability of the material to burn.
flammability- ability of the material to ignite or catch fire easily.
Biodegradability- ability of the material to decompose easily.
Non-biodegradable- takes a very long time to decompose.
Lesson 3 5Rs
- to lessen the amount of trash that will add up to the environment.
- to find another use for materials that have already been used or that have
already served it purpose.
- means to create a new product out of a material that has already served its
Incineration Technology - is one way of generating energy from wastes by burning the piles of
garbage to produce heat.
- it is where collected garbage is segregated in order to recover recyclables and
biodegradable materials.


- Materials recover facility

- means to fix slightly broken things to make them useful again.

Lesson 5
Physical Change - is a change in the form and appearance of a material, with its composition
remaining the same.
Phase Change
- a change in the physical state of a material brought about by change
in temperature.
- is an example of physical change.
Chemical Change - is a change in appearance and composition. A new product is formed, the
original material can no longer be identified.
Oxygen- Plays an important role in the burning process.
Oxidation- a chemical reaction that is aided by oxygen.
Evidences of Chemical Change
1. Formation of a new product
2. Formation of Gas
3. Release or absorption of heat
4. Formation of a precipitate

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