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Lesson 1

Your Name:

Miss Clark

Grade Level: (circle one) K 1 2 3 4 5 6

Subject: Social Skills

Lesson Title: Big or Little?
Materials Needed:
Social Skills notebooks
(composition notebook)
The Recess Queen by
Alexis ONeil
Chart Paper
Sticky notes with
problems from the story
on them
Sticky notes with
pictures of problems
from the story
Prerequisite Skills: Working in
small groups

Essential Concept
Skill: Communicate
and work productively
with others emphasizing
collaboration and
cultural awareness to
produce quality work.

Essential Concept
and/or Skill: Adjust to
various roles and
responsibilities and
understand the need to be flexible to change.

Lesson Objective: After listening to The Recess Queen, students will work together to categorize
problems ranging from small to big with 100% accuracy.
1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?)
Today we are going to listen to a story and then organize the problems in the story from small
to big.
2. Procedure

Read the book The Recess Queen

Get out problem cards (sticky notes with different problems on them)
Read aloud the problem on one sticky note
Tell students where you would place the problem and why
Distribute the rest of the sticky notes to students
I am going to set the timer to 2 minutes. During the two minutes I want you to read your
problem cards and think about where they would fall on our chart, are they a small,
medium, or big problem?
7. Give students 2 minutes to read and evaluate their problem cards
8. Okay, now I want you to place the problems on the chart paper where you think they fit.
Remember, small problems we can ignore. Medium problem we can use our I-Statements,
ask the person to stop, or find another solution. Big problems we need adult help.
9. Allow students 1 minute to post their sticky notes on the chart paper.
10. Once every student has placed their sticky notes on the chart go through each one and ask
if Why does this problem fit under small, big, or medium? Make sure to talk through
each sticky note.
**Note: some answers may vary. Some problems that may be small to some
students might be medium to others. Depends on their tolerance level.
6. Assessment / Closure:
Assess students understanding as they place problem cards on the chart and during their
participation in discussion of placement of problem cards.
7. Plans for differentiation:

Provide cards with pictures versus sentences.

Allow students more time to read problem cards or read them aloud to student/s.


8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum lab, teacher resources,
websites, etc.):
Mentor teacher

Lesson 2
Your Name:

Miss Clark

Grade Level: (circle one) K 1 2 3 4 5 6

Subject: Social Skills

Lesson Title: Big or Little? (cont.)
Materials Needed:
Pre-made problem card pictures
Social Skills notebooks (composition notebook)
Flip interactive for small, medium, big problems
Prerequisite Skills: Working in small groups

Essential Concept and/or Skill: Communicate and work productively with others
emphasizing collaboration and cultural awareness to produce quality work.

Essential Concept and/or Skill: Adjust to various roles and responsibilities and
understand the need to be flexible to change.

Lesson Objective: After learning about different levels of problems, students will provide at least
6 examples of their own (2 examples per category) for small, medium, and big problems they
face and write/draw them in their interactive social skills notebook.
1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?)
Today we are going to talk about small, medium, and big problems again. We will be writing
examples of our own small, medium, and big problems we face each day and categorizing them
in our social skills interactive notebook.
2. Procedure
1. Prior to social skills time cut and glue small, medium, big problem into students
interactive notebooks (to save time)
2. Who remembers what we talked about last time?
3. Call on student to answer
4. Okay,(students name) what did we talk about last time we met?
5. Yes, different levels or types of problems. Today we are going to continue talking about

6. Before I pass out notebooks I am going to set the time to 2 minutes. During this time, I
want you to think of problems you face each day, either at school or home. I also want
you to think if they are small, medium, or big problems.
7. Set timer to 2 minutes. Allow students time to brainstorm.
8. After students have brainstormed get out your notebook and share an example. One
problem I thought of is when people make noise while I am working. I decided that is a
medium problem because it is something I cannot ignore. However, I could use my IStatements to ask them to stop or problem solve by moving to a different spot to work.
How could this be a different level to someone else? (Others may be able to ignore the
humming, just depends on the person)
9. Pass out interactive notebooks. I want you to write down the examples you thought of
during your brainstorming time. If you think of more you can add those. I will set the
timer to five minutes and then we are going to turn and share with a partner.
10. Set timer to five minutes. Provide assistance/direction as needed. Go around and ask
students why they categorized their problems the way they did.
11. Okay, now that you have had 5 minutes to write/draw your own examples I will give you
another 5 minutes to turn and share with your partner and make any changes.
12. Set timer to 5 minutes
13. Collect notebooks after 5 minutes is up
6. Assessment / Closure:
Assess students understanding by looking at their social skills interactive notebook and reading
over the examples they provided and determining if they categorized them correctly (**note:
answers will vary). Also assess students understanding based off participation in discussion,
effort, and ability to support reasoning when asked why they placed a problem where they did.
7. Plans for differentiation:

Provide cards with pictures versus sentences

Allow student/s to draw pictures for problems
Allow students to type and print problems versus write them out
Have student/s say problems and write for them


8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum lab, teacher resources,
websites, etc.):
Mentor teacher

Lesson 3
Your Name:

Miss Clark

Grade Level: (circle one) K 1 2 3 4 5 6

Subject: Social Skills

Lesson Title: Feelings
Materials Needed:

The Way I Feel by Janan Cain

Prerequisite Skills: Working in small groups


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Communicate and work productively with others
emphasizing collaboration and cultural awareness to produce quality work.

Lesson Objective: After listening to The Way I Feel, students will name at least 5 feelings and
depict (by drawing) what those feelings look like.
1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?)
Today we are going to listen to a story about feelings and then draw what different feelings can
look like.
2. Procedure
1. How might feelings relate to small, medium, big problems that we have been talking
2. Allow students time to respond
3. If students are stumped Sometimes problems can make us feel different emotions.
4. Read The Way I Feel
5. What were some of the different feelings in the book?
a. Scared, angry, sad, silly, etc.
6. Show example in your notebook to students.
7. Pass out interactive notebooks
8. I am now going to give you 5 minutes to choose 5 feelings and draw what those
feelings look like to you.
9. While you are drawing I want you to think about a problem you have faced that made
you feel at least one of the feelings you choose. Then we will go around and share the
last 5 minutes.
10. Give students time to work.
11. At the end of the five minute work time share your example. When I was drawing my
picture for angry I thought of the time my little sister kept taking my clothes. I would
consider that a medium problem because I could use my I-Statement (I feel angry
when you take my clothes without asking. Please, stop) to ask her to stop.
12. Allow students to take time sharing

6. Assessment / Closure:
Informally assess by looking over the different feelings students depicted and determine if they
are familiar with different feelings. Informal assessment can also be done during discussion
7. Plans for differentiation:

Provide feeling pictures versus asking students to draw

Provide feelings words
Write feeling words down for students as they name them
Provide extra wait time
Allow students to use read aloud book to refer to for ideas


8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum lab, teacher resources,
websites, etc.):
Mentor teacher

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