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This is wicked. I'd like to see all the continents like this!

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[ ]Confused_Erection 13 points an hour ago
I second this motion
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[ ]Ilizur 2 points an hour ago
I'm not sure about it, this makes the game feel "small" compared to our real wor
ld. It would need some corrections of the view in order to get a nice polished a
spect I guess. But really cool though !
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[ ]tacticalorgasm [score hidden] 33 minutes ago
Someone did a scale experiment that I'm too lazy to google but it determined the
entire length of Kalimdor was like 14 miles I think. I'm sure I have the figure
wrong, but it was surprisingly small.
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[ ]gimily [score hidden] 21 minutes ago
If we took it how we experience but I'm fairly certain its scaled down, just lik
e all distances in wow (not talking combat distances but like world distances).
For example, according to the lore either northshire->goldshire or goldshire->st
ormwind is a one day walk. Think about it the central city of an entire kingdom
wouldnt be the size of in game SW, itd be massive. Given this i think its hard t
o make measurements of how large kalimdor is actually supposed to be warcraft un
iverse wise (unless we decide to ise GS->SW as our standard distance lol)
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[ ]xInnocent [score hidden] 20 minutes ago
Welp, now I want to just walk from Stormwind to booty bay on foot.
Think I'm going to do that
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[ ]tacticalorgasm [score hidden] 19 minutes ago
The world got a lot smaller with flying. In classic when you had to run everywhe
re, even well past 40 because who had 100 gold by then, the world really seemed
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[ ]PaPa_ZeuS [score hidden] 32 minutes ago
This is an extreme that makes it feel small but it's the same principle as flyin
g which is why I'd prefer it didn't exist. When forced on the ground plane every
thing seems big and you are immersed in it.
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[ ]rx25 44 points 2 hours ago
It's a great picture. Fun to see things like Theramore (RIP), and Orgrimmar like
The elevation walls for Mount Hyjal and Winterspring look stupid though. I wish
they made the zone barrier entries a bit more angled. If a level 20 wants to cli
mb up from Ashenvale to a level 85 zone and die well dammit they should be allow
ed to!
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[ ]walkingtheriver 11 points an hour ago
Oh shit! I just realized that the spiral of the mountain going up to the Hyjal z
one actually starts in Felwood!!
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[ ]ctishman [score hidden] 15 minutes ago
Actually, thematically speaking it began in old Azshara and continued through As
henvale, Felwood, Winterspring then Hyjal. Those areas comprised what used to be
the High Elves' territory in Kalimdor, and they controlled and protected the ar
ea around the World Tree. The Undead campaign in Warcraft III had a segment abou
t the assault on Nordrassil, if I recall correctly.
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[ ]loppol11 10 points 2 hours ago
They almost can, it's a pretty smooth path from Ashenvale through Felwood to Win
terspring, but the bridge across Frostwhisper Gorge is broken :(

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[ ]Jeaddie 5 points an hour ago
you can just go around i was pretty suprised when i discovered how all the elven
places were litrally next to each other ( guess it makes sense)
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[ ]MadRaymer [score hidden] 29 minutes ago
In vanilla, I remember when my druid got the aquatic form, I swam from Darkshore
to Azshara at level 20 (this is when Azshara was a 50+ zone). I died horribly f
rom the demon satyrs there, but I was so excited to see a higher level zone. At
the time, I was convinced I wouldn't be playing WoW more than a couple months (i
nstead of a decade), since that had been my track record with MMOs, and I wanted
to explore as much of the world as I could before quitting. Also in vanilla, I
remember swimming from Menethil Harbor all the way south along the coast to get
to Stormwind, since I didn't know Ironforge had a tram that connected the two. I
really enjoyed exploring the world back then. It seemed so vast and immersive w
hen it was new.
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[ ]cattaclysmic -1 points an hour ago
Fun to see things like Theramore (RIP), and Orgrimmar like that.
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[ ]Rufdog2 2 points 44 minutes ago
Cities are rendered differently because of the detail in them.
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[ ]cattaclysmic [score hidden] 33 minutes ago
It was a reference to Theramore being blown up.
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[ ]Je7pax 19 points 3 hours ago
I've never seen WoW from this perspective before - this is awesome!
Thanks for sharing :)
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[ ]Gazareth 11 points 2 hours ago
how do you turn off view distance?
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[ ]KodekGB 1 point 2 hours ago
Mods and private servers.
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[ ]ISNT_A_NOVELTY 15 points 2 hours ago
The server has nothing to do with it. No part of this screenshot has anything to
do with the server.
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[ ]TOXIC_OMG_REPORT -18 points 1 hour ago
Well, you can only use mods on private servers, tho, so you need a private serve
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[ ]Zaenux 13 points 1 hour ago
You could use a "machinima tool" called FreeFarSight a few years ago that allowe
d you to modify the game in this way. I'm not sure if it's still maintained but
I don't recall anyone claiming they were banned for use of it, and people used t
hat program for years.
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[ ]marlamin 8 points 1 hour ago
It is maintained still
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[ ]Zaenux 1 point 1 hour ago
Cool, thanks for the info
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[ ]ISNT_A_NOVELTY 3 points 1 hour ago
Free Far Sight works perfectly fine on live servers. Again, nothing that went in
to the creation of this screenshot required anything from the server.

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[ ]Lootwalkersexualrhinoceros 4 points 1 hour ago
FFS doesn't support a view distance this far. WoW Machinima Tools did but those
stopped being supported in mid 2013. This is a view distance of around 15k while
FFS supports around 2.5k :(
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[ ]TOXIC_OMG_REPORT -4 points 1 hour ago
I was referring to the use of mods, but I see your point.
Maybe the screenshot has nothing to do with server on this case, but the use of
mods do :P
Edit: grammar
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[ ]JonnyArcho 3 points 1 hour ago
I'm really curious what you consider 'mods.' Every addon for the game is by defi
nition a mod.
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[ ]TOXIC_OMG_REPORT -3 points 1 hour ago
An addon modifies the appearance of the game (for example the UI, or adds things
to the UI), not the game itself, like graphics or gameplay.
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[ ]JonnyArcho 3 points 37 minutes ago
So what you're saying is that addons are not mods, yet the modify the game in so
me why? It doesn't matter if it's UI specific, because by definition anything th
at adds to a game experience that isn't in the official game is a mod.
So what you meant to say was there are no approved mods that change the graphica
l fidelity of the game? That is one thing, but to say that all mods is bannable
isn't a true statement.
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[ ]TOXIC_OMG_REPORT [score hidden] 26 minutes ago
It doesn't modify the game, it modify its appearance.
An addon only let you modify the UI to show that, for example, a sword deal 10 d
amage instead of 5, but when you hit with it it still deals 5 damage even if the
description say it does 10 damage, because an addon can't modify that. A mod wo
uld let you modify the real damage of the sword to 10, to deal 10 damage.
The hotfixes Blizzard uses work similar way. Imagine hotfixes as mod and the fin
al patch as addon. When they change something with hotfixes, for example an spel
l nerfing or buffing it, you deal more or less damage, but the description of th
e spell still reads the old damage because it won't change the description (the
appearance) until the patch.
I'm trying to explain myself the best I can, I don't speak English and it's hard
to explain that kind of stuff x)
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continue this thread
[ ]redsteve905 6 points 2 hours ago
It's interesting how you can clearly see the zones defined by time. Hyjal seems
a bit out of place. More please!
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[ ]Sairo_H 4 points 2 hours ago
Incredible. Would love to see all the other continents. this is wild.
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[ ]oddabel 4 points 2 hours ago
Can someone do me a favor, and upload it to Imgur or something? My 3 down DSL co
nnection is... crying.
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[ ]pompousrompus 2 points an hour ago
Man, I just spent 20 minutes trying to rehost it on imgur for you before giving
up, their Android app is trash. Sorry m8.
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[ ]antidamage 13 points an hour ago
I'm the real MVP[1]

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[ ]pompousrompus 3 points an hour ago
Yes, I almost deleted my comment because of how pointless it was so thanks for r
edeeming it, slightly.
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[ ]TOXIC_OMG_REPORT 4 points 2 hours ago*
WoW, I remember that a few months ago (maybe 6 or 7?) someone posted an album of
Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outlands and, maybe, Northrend from that perspectiv
e and others aswell.
Someone remember the link or have the images? I lost it, and it would be a good a
ddition to the post.
Edit: watching the image better, I see how amazing Un'goro crater is without all
those trees and dark atmosphere. Love it, tho.
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[ ]Myalko 3 points 55 minutes ago
I can't upvote this enough. I love how you can tell that Azshara's been reshaped
into the Horde symbol. It looks really cool.
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[ ]Martenus 3 points 51 minutes ago
Honestly, it is impressive for a 2004 environment. For 2015, it looks just old,
monotonous and quite boring. And I never liked the "chunky" feel to zones, I alw
ays wished the zones would blend in a bit more and we weren't restricted that mu
ch by unnatural mountains.
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[ ]Varzem 4 points 3 hours ago
Every time I see something like this I am constantly amazed at how small it all
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[ ]dado112 11 points 2 hours ago
And yet how big the world feels if you dont have flying.
I remember the 15 minute walks through zones without mounts in vanilla, even tho
flying is great, i like the way they're gonna do it with flying coming later in
to the expansions.
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[ ]Varzem 1 point 2 hours ago
I like it, too! You're certainly right about how big it feels without flying.
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[ ]WriterV 1 point an hour ago
I was levelling a low-level horde character through Tanaris the other day and it
felt like the desert was huge! Even though it didn't really take too long to ge
t from one place to another, the impression it created in terms of size made it
feel large and wide.
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[ ]Sticky_3pk 1 point an hour ago
Took the flight path from winterspring to Gadgetzan during vanilla. Poop break,
grab a snack, have a smoke. Might have touched down by then.
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[ ]Laheree 2 points 2 hours ago
Dude, like legit, I want to know how you did this. Please!
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[ ]jyunga 2 points an hour ago
Seeing this makes me really hope that this new adventure mode feature gives us r
easons to explore the old zones again. I wish they'd come up with some other for
m of progress where they could make a new reason for questing that would reuse a
ll the zones over again. Hell, phase the whole world for level 110 players, have
a team adding new mobs and quests.
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[ ]Seplechura 2 points 59 minutes ago
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[ ]tenehemia 1 point 2 hours ago

This puts things in perspective a bit. Like, can the residents of Orgrimmar see
Mount Hyjal on a clear day? It's absolutely enormous and not that far away.
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[ ]Knobull 1 point 53 minutes ago
You can, although Nordrassil looks like a Minecraft tree.
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[ ]herpesderpes69 2 points 2 hours ago
This hurts my head haha. It looks like dustwallow is to the direct west of durot
ar is maybe pointing out directly east into the ocean. I know it's a panorama, b
ut it confuses my brain haha
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[ ]daydreams356 [score hidden] 41 minutes ago
Its on its side. Its viewing the area from the inlet south of duratar, looking e
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[ ]nitasu987 1 point an hour ago
Wow it makes it feel like the world is so tiny!!
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[ ]WriterV 1 point an hour ago
Can anyone do this kind of a panorama but with the locked-off zone in Eastern Ki
ngdoms? (The zone that borders Western Plaguelands but has no map files, and is
blocked off with immense invisible walls.)
I always find tons of pics of the zone, but it would be nice to see a wide panor
ama of the whole thing.
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[ ]z3r0demize 1 point an hour ago
Awesome! Forgive me for being a noob, but I'm assuming that huge tree to the rig
ht is Mt. Hyjal. What is that second big pine-tree to the left of it?
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[ ]Herowyn 3 points an hour ago
Looks like the Shrine of aviana
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[ ]Twentyhundred 1 point an hour ago
That's badass. How many FPS does one get if you do that?
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[ ]Vyndu 1 point an hour ago
That's pretty cool.
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[ ]Confused_Erection 1 point an hour ago
You made my day!
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[ ]haunteddiamond 1 point an hour ago
Where the hell is the boat in thousand needles?
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[ ]badtimefrank99 1 point an hour ago
is it just me or does thunder bluff look much larger than orgrimmar.
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[ ]bojangleswe 1 point an hour ago
This is cool as fuck. More! More!
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[ ]daydreams356 1 point 45 minutes ago
Friggen awesome! I want more!
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[ ]DoomG [score hidden] 42 minutes ago
Makes me think of Warcraft 4....
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[ ]-----------------_ [score hidden] 31 minutes ago
Hmm its weird to see it like that. Things change color and style from like.. A c
ouple of feet. Thats pretty weird.

Its also pretty weird that it seems to be Only westfall, elwyn forest and duskwo
od (and to some extent redridge) that have borders up against each other that ar
e not mountains.. I really love that.
(In vanilla zones, although it happens in most non vanilla zones as well)
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[ ]JohnnyNoNumber 1 point an hour ago
I've read the comments and stared at the pic for a while. I still don't really u
nderstand how this is happening.
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[ ]30fretibanezguy 0 points an hour ago
Makes me sad that the ungoro crater isn't really a crater at all :(
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[ ]BennyBonesOG -1 points an hour ago
I thought we blew Theramore up HAHAHAHA!
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