Anda di halaman 1dari 3

1. What is the HIV/AIDS connection?

a. HIV infection with a high # of opportunistic infections

results in AIDS
b. All patients that are HIV positive dont end up with aids
2. Which are the following of the most common manifestation of
a. Deafness (something your born with)
b. Loss of hearing= something that happens
3. Rubella is transmitted in what manner?
a. Airborne
i. Nasopharanx
b. Do not want pregnant female to get it
i. Greatest risk is to the unborn fetus
4. To prevent the spread of c diff the best method is which of the
a. Handwashing before and after each patient
b. C diff lives in our feces
c. Diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, dehydration, nausea
5. Which of the following methods have the lowest risk of HIV
a. Exchange of saliva
6. Which of the following symptoms differentate HAV from HBV and
a. Diarrhea
b. Hep a= fecal oral route, dont wash hands after going to
the bathroom/ raw shell fish
i. Not a blood born pathogen
c. Hep b= blood or body fluids
d. Hep c= blood
7. Sally contracts the flu virus from her roommate. Sally has one
day of low-grade fever and aches but by the next day she is fine.
What happened?
a. The virulences of the flu virus was not strong enough to
fully infect Sally
8. The wearing of a mask by the patient prevents/stops the
_________ cycle of infection?
a. Portal of exit
9. A non-specific immune defense would include all of the following
a. Acidic environment
b. Mucous membrane
c. T cells***
i. Get vaccination or your immune to something
d. Tears
During the inflammatory response the final stage results in

a. Scar tissue formation

Which of the following is considered the most common
nosocomial infection?
a. VRE
It is known that UTIs are the most common nosocomial
infection. The second most common infection is a?
a. Wound infection
The use of an autoclave requires steam under pressure to
sterilize items. Which of the following represent?
a. Degrees of temperature per pounds of pressure per square
During this stage of HIV infection the person infected is
a. Stage 2
Which of the following blood borne pathogens is most
infectious to a healthcare worker?
a. HBV
Which of the following is the best prevention against
transmission of HAV for the adult population?
a. Handwashing
Of the list below: which accurately describes how a
bacteria prevents the use of an antibiotic?
a. Bacteria alters its cell membrane
Which of the following terns means infection of the blood
a. Bacteraemia
VRE is primarily transmitted by _________?
a. Contact
Mycobacterium tuberculosis can infect which of the
following parts of the body?
a. Lungs, brain, kidneys
John comes to the department for a CXR due to a positive
mantoux skin test. Which of the following could be the reason?
a. Exposure to active TB
For patients with TB disease in the hospital which of the
following precautions must be in place?
a. Healthcare personnel should wear makes that filter
particles 1 micrometer in size
A patient arrives from a long-term care facility for an
imaging study. The CAN accompanying the patients has watery
diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain for 5 days. The pt also has
The use of quanti-feron is limited for which of the following
a. Blood sample must be processed in 12 hours

C DIFF can be infectious for months outside of the body on
surfaces. This is due to what capability of bacteria?
a. Ability to create endospores
Which of the following terms means inflammation of the
large bowel?
a. Colitis
An alternate name for rubella is
a. German measles
Pathogens that dont make us sick
a. Normal flora
HEP C differs from HBV infection because
a. Its not commonly spread by sexual contact

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