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Cecilia Vanelly Jardines


Nombre del

Jan Pohlenz




09 -09 -15

MII-U1 Actividad 1. Review: Simple past/ Repaso: Pasado simple

Instrucciones: Copia en un documento Word los siguientes ejercicios para enviar a tu tutor:
Exercise 1. Simple past verb to be.
Escribe la forma en pasado de los siguientes enunciados:
Simple Present: She is in a hospital.

Simple Past: She was in a hospital yesterday

1. Simple Present: I am at school.

2. Simple Present: You are tired.
3. Simple Present: He is happy.
4. Simple Present: She is intelligent.
5. Simple Present: It is cold.
6. Simple Present: We are angry.
7. Simple Present: You are fast.
8. Simple Present: They are expensive.
9. Simple Present: I am a good student.
10. Simple Present: You are busy.

Simple Past: i was at school last week

Simple Past: you were tired in the morning
Simple Past: he was happy yesterday
Simple Past: she was a intelligent
Simple Past: it was cold yesterday
Simple Past: we were angry in the morning
Simple Past: you were fats last weekend
Simple Past: they were expensive
Simple Past: i was a good student last year
Simple Past: you were busy last week

Exercise 2. Simple past of the regular and irregular verbs.

Elige la forma correcta en pasado de los verbos que se presentan en la columna de abajo; ten cuidado al
escoger, pues hay ms verbos de los que se requieren.










studied __________






Drove ________________


Played ________________

Exercise 3.
Cambia los siguientes enunciados al tiempo pasado simple (simple past). Pon especial atencin en utilizar los
verbos en su forma correcta en pasado. Observa que cada enunciado en pasado ya tiene incorporada la
expresin de tiempo adecuada para complementar los enunciados: yesterday (ayer), last year (el ao
pasado), last summer (el verano pasado), an hour ago (hace una hora).
Simple Present: I study French.

Simple Past: I studied French last year.

1. You finish your homework.

2. He works in an office.
3. It rains every summer.
4. We drive to work every day.
5. They play the piano every day.

you finished your homework an hour ago.

He worked in an office many years.
It rained last summer.
We drove to work two hours ago.
They played the piano yesterday

Exercise 4. Composition.
Escribe una breve composicin en ingls sobre las actividades que realizaste el fin de semana. Asegrate de
usar correctamente los tiempos verbales en pasado y las expresiones de tiempo (last weekend, last Saturday,
etc). Escribe 100 palabras como mnimo.

last weekend I visited my grandmother and my grandfather. I

stayed at their house in Mexico city. I played volleyball with my
cousins. then we went to the revolution monument and many
other places. I ate pozole.
last week I went to work. I felt tired in the work, because it was
tiring to check accounts of customer.
In the morning my brother told me about your last vacation. He
was a bad swimmer, because he went to acapulco with your wife
and your son.
I liked acapulco because it was a beautiful place.

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