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Garrett Jarboe

1. Boethius was a philosopher of 6th century Rome. He is best known for his Consolation
of Philosophy which topics such as fortune and death. He wrote De institutione musica, it was a
work that classified music as he knew it, Greek music, into three groups. These groups are:
Musica mundana-music of the world, Musica humana-human and spiritual harmony, and Musica
instrumentalis-instrumental music. He believed that music was not just instrumental, made from
singing and playing, but also was part of the universe, spirit, and body. He says that music
permeates from the planets, body, and mind. This sort of natural music unites the universe.
2. Howard Gardner is an American psychologist. He specializes in the developmental
process of psychology such as intelligence and learning. He changed the view of intelligence by
claiming that there are multiple intelligences that all humans possess in varying amounts. He
has identified nine intelligences, but claims there may be more. These include: Spatial/Visual,
Verbal/Linguistic, Logical, Kinesthetic, Musical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist, and
Since we are focused on music, the musical intelligent people learn best through songs,
patterns, and rhythms, and express themselves through music. He explains that these children
often get ignored in traditional education because they learn with patterns, rhythms, and
expression of emotions. He says that this is an intelligence because they are able to think in
terms of sounds and expressions. These people possess skills that set them apart from others
in that they can sing, play instruments, and write music.
3. My sense of music is similar to Boethius and Gardner, in that they believe that every
person is able to understand and make music in some form. I too believe that all people have a
capability in music. I also agree with Boethius that music is universal. Music is everywhere on
earth, made by nature, animals, and humans. I also think that Gardner is correct that all people
have some musical intelligence, just possessed in varying amounts.
This brings music to be necessary in the world and natural. Music is a great way to
express thoughts, opinions, and emotions. Since it is a universal language, it can be understood
by all and key to sharing ideas and knowledge. That is why everyone loves music because it is
so easy to connect to. That is why is is used in television and movies.. It expresses emotions
and feelings of the setting and characters.
People want music when words fail to express their thoughts and feelings. They may
want to hear music anywhere because it helps them get through life in various ways. People
need music when they are sad, happy, or scared. They need music when they need a universal
to hold on to. They need music to connect their feelings to others and know that they are not
4. Digging up the past of music is so important because music expresses so much. If we
find music of the past, it may unlock key parts of life in the past. Music also changes throughout
the years, therefore, it may unlock new forms of music. It may unlock new ways of viewing and
creating music. This in turn can lead to new forms of music in life today, opening our minds and
hearts to the past history of the world.
Dear Boethius,
You were correct in your idea that music is universal. Your views of music have not died and
continue to contribute to music today. Music has continued to evolve from what it was in your
time. Music allows us to express our emotions and thoughts about ourselves, others, and the
world. We are now able to share this art form instantaneously with the entire world.
Dear Dr. Gardner,

Thank you for opening the world to the idea that people are intelligent in many things, that there
are different forms of intelligence and that education needs to cater to each one. I have always
believed that people have their niche, something that they are truly intelligent in. You have
spread this idea and allowed others to better understand that they have something they are
good in. I would also like to thank you for your role in advocating the importance of music

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