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Fountain Hills, AZ

October 2015

From Elder, Bonnie Hollabaugh

they manage to get through their day (or maybe thats just
Its very easy for us to get wrapped up in our
own world, to put all of our focus on what is going on
with us, or within our little circle of people. This is not
what we should be doing, however. In Galatians 2:1-4,
Paul writes, If then there is any encouragement in Christ,
any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any
compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of
the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord
and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or
conceit, but in humility
regard others as better
shake our hands, worship God
than yourselves. Let
Band Aids
and then go on with their day.
each of you look not to
We dont realize how many
I have a Band-Aid on my finger,
your own interests, but
invisible wounds our brothers
One on my knee, and one on my nose,
to the interests of othOne on my heel, and two on my shoulder,
and sisters in Christ may be
Three on my elbow, and nine on my toes.
dealing with at any given time,
I dont think that Paul
Two on my wrist, and one on my ankle,
or what kind of pain they may
is asking us to do anyOne on my chin, and one on my thigh,
be carrying, be it physical or
thing extraordinary
Four on my belly, and five on my bottom,
emotional. We can look at
when he talks about
One on my forehead, and one on my eye.
someone who may be in a
One on my neck, and in case I might need em
looking to the interests
wheelchair and realize that
I have a box of thirty-five more.
of others. I think he
there is something going on
But oh! I do think its sort of a pity
wants us to take the
physically, but there are so
I dont have a cut or sore!
time to show other
many things that people deal
people that we care
with that are not readily visible
about them. I think he
to others.
Depression and
wants us to take a minute out of our busy lives and ask
anxiety are not visible afflictions, but they are very real to the
someone how they are doing, and that he wants us to wait
people who experience them. Someone with fibromyalgia
for the answer. Showing care and compassion can happen
doesnt wear a sign saying that they are dealing with it. Peoin so many ways, and its up to us to find out what ways
ple that we encounter every day may be dealing with finanwork in any given situation.
cial issues, family issues, addiction issues and many other
In the song My Wish by Rascal Flatts, the
things, but they put on their invisible Band-Aid and continue
words to the chorus are as follows: My wish, for you, is
through life. Some people are deathly afraid of javelinas but
that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams
stay big, your worries stay small, You never need to carry
more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody
loves you, and wants the same things too,
Our Vision:
This is my wish.
In the coming weeks, lets live out these words
Living Gods love.
for someone else and show others the true love of Christ,
calls us to . . .
simply by caring about them and showing that we care.
Our Mission :
In this poem by Shel Silverstein,
published in 1974 in his book,
Where the Sidewalk Ends, Shel
wittingly talks about how this poor
child who has Band-Aids covering
his entire body, but that there are
no cuts or sores anywhere. Oftentimes we look at the people around
us and we think that they have it
all together. People come into the
church on Sundays, smile warmly,

Reach out to all with faith and love.

In Touch

page 2

Focus on Finance


Rev. Bill Good
Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Stan Jones

Aug Income

$ 35,955


$ 32,400

Parish Associate

Aug Expense

$ 29,552


$ 34,063

Yr to date Income

$ 301,256


$ 289,200

Yr to date Expense $ 273,572


$ 284,060

Pastor Ken Brown

Associate Pastor

Debby DeBernardi
Director Christian Formation

Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator

Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry

Dorothy Parris

Caryl Bates

Lynn Medley

Linda Lull
Class of 2015
John Brockelman
Helen Quigley
Terri Schmidt
Chris Young
Class of 2016
Sally Atchinson
Bob Lull
John Skewes
Arlene Stewart
Class of 2017
Mary Alice Bivens
Bonnie Hollabaugh
Aleyne Larsen-Craig
Helen Roesch
Ron Waldo
Moderator: Nancy Wulfmeier
Class of 2015
Ben Fast
Jack Morris
Ruby Pearson
Bev Watters
Class of 2016
Suzie McCready
Dorothy Rudack
Donna Sims
Nancy Wulfmeier
Class of 2017
Michele Hasley
Mary Lee Lehrich
Cynthia Linton
Linda Warren

We are holding steady into our eighth month so far.

We are ahead of budget on the income side year-todate and we have managed to keep our expenses down
below budget. We have four months to go, so lets
keep the prayers going that nothing unforeseen happens. Thank you for keeping up your pledges.
We look forward to seeing our Winter Residents back
in church.
Linda Lull, Treasurer

On the Inside:
Elder Bonnie Hollabaugh .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . ..
Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .
Advanced Health Care Planning .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
International Peacemaker 2015 .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .
Mission Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ..
Presbyterian Women .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. ..
How Can You Help? .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . .
Lockboxes for Seniors. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . ..
Not Yet a Member? .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
News from Hilltop Hospitality.. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .
Snapshots from Summer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . ..
Christian Formation .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .
The Second Coming .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .
Advent & Christmas .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .
From the Director of Christian Formation .. . . . . . . . . . ..
This and That .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .
FHPC Foundation.. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
The Rest of the Story .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .
Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . ...
Music Ministry .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . ..
Toss your turtle shell aside .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .
Member Spotlight...Did you Know? .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ...
Necrology for 2015 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .
October Birthdays .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..
Fellowship with the photographer .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .


page 3

October 2015

Advanced Health Care Planning

Saturday 10/31/15
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Fellowship Center
Presenter: Althea Halchuck, EJD & End-of-Life Counselor

Info: 978-618-7150

A FREE workshop designed to help with planning and implementing your advance health care directives. Answering concerns such as:

Why do you and your family need a plan?

What are your end-of-life rights and options?

How do you select your health care proxy/surrogate?

How do you ensure your end-of-life wishes are known & followed?

How do you have THE CONVERSATION with family?

Althea Halchuck

International Peacemaker 2015

Come and listen and ask questions of Pastor Edelberto Valdes Fleites, of Caibarien, Cuba. The International Peacemaker of 2015 will be at the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church's Fellowship Hall, on

Sunday October 4, 2015 at 4:00-5:00pm.

A life-long Presbyterian in Cuba, Edelberto Fleites has served as the Pastoral Elder/Minister at the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Caibarien, Cuba since 2008. Prior to this position he served a congregation
in Camajuani, Cuba for 17 years as a lay elder while working as a biologist. He has been active in his
presbytery and synod, serving as stated clerk of Central Presbytery and as Vice-Moderator of the synod,
in Cuba.
If you can not attend in Fountain Hills, he will be in the Valley at various Churches from Thursday, October 1st through Sunday, October 4th. On October 1st an Open House will be held at Presbytery of the Grand Canyon-4423 North 24th
St., Suite 200 in Phoenix from 2:00-4:00. On Friday, October 2nd he will be at two locations at 10:00-11:00am at Faith Presbyterian
Church-16000 N, Del Webb Blvd, Sun City. Then later at Celebration of Life Presbyterian Church-2530 S Alma School Rd, Mesa at
7:00pm. Then Saturday October 3rd he will be at University Presbyterian Church-139 E Alameda Dr., Tempe at 10:00-11:00am. And
at Orangewood Presbyterian Church -7321 N. 10th St, Phoenix at 6:00-9;00pm. Sunday October 4th, he will be in Sun City West at
Desert Palms Presbyterian Church-13459 W. Stardust Blvd. at 9:30 am.
Come and enjoy fellowship and refreshments with us and find out what it is like being a Christian lay person in Cuba. We are looking
forward to learning and hearing what he has to say.

page 5

November 2012
page 4

In Touch

Mission Ministry
Hebrews 10:24: "Let us be concerned
for one another, stirring one another up
to love and good works."
What does this mean to me? It means
that it is my responsibility to help
my friends, neighbors and those who
need my help. We here in the Mission
Ministry are continually reaching out to
help those who need that extra hand. We
have been able to reach out to not only
those in Fountain Hills, but those in the
Terri Schmidt, Elder
Valley that need our help as well. We
have been busy this month and I am anxious to share our good
works with you.
2015 International Peacemaker
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church is thrilled to host Pastor
Edelberto Valdes Fleites of Caibarien Cuba, for an hour of a
slide show and questions and answer period. We will be inviting the community and have refreshments afterwards. This will
be held on Sunday October 4th, from 4:00- 5:00pm. We will
meet in the Fellowship hall. Pastor Fleites is a life-long Presbyterian, and has been a Pastoral Elder/Minister for the 7 years.
Prior to that he was a lay elder for a church in Camajuani Cuba
for 17 years while he worked as a Biologist. Now that the policies between Cuba and the USA have changed, it is easier for
us to bring people into the USA to tell their stories and to build
more solid relationships. Thank you John Bivens for making
this happen for us. Come and join us in the Fellowship Hall on
October 4th.
Extended Hands Food Bank
Thank you to all of you who so graciously bring in nonperishable food each week for the Food Bank. They are in such
need of this food. With over 300 families on their roster, they
are continually needing food.
JimBobs Friday Night Fish Fry has started up again for the
season. Thank you to Nancy Wulfmeier, Linda Warren, Susan
Owens and Terri Schmidt for helping serve the 95 dinners that
were served on the first Friday of September. The price is
$9.99 for all you can eat fish,
fries, coleslaw, and spicey hush
puppies. This also includes coffee, water or sweet tea and a
dessert. What a deal!!!! Plus the
money that is made is used to
help those in need here in Fountain Hills.
We will be there helping serve
again on the first Friday of the month. Come out and see us.
We love to see you and visit with you. The Fish Fry is on the
first and third Fridays of the month. They are also open on that
occasional fifth Friday.

Water for MANA House and

Homeless Veterans
We will continue to collect water for those homeless down at
MANA House and the Veterans downtown. Thank you to
all who have so generously given cases of water. We
have so far collected 63 cases of water. Some of these
were more than the normal 24 bottles, some were 36 bottles or 40 bottles. As I was talking to a Veteran that helps
deliver this water to the people downtown, he told me
"You have no idea how humbling this experience is". He
told me these people are so grateful for this water and
can't say enough good things to them. Some day I would
like to tag along and help deliver this myself, but for now
I am happy that the American Legion has agreed to take
this water downtown for us.
Valley One-N-Ten Teen Center
Thank you to all that brought in the school supplies.
Some of the supplies went downtown to this Center.
While Ron Waldo and I were there, we talked with the
lady in the office that was so excited to receive the supplies. While there she was telling us of a camp that they
take these kids to over Labor Day. Many of these kids
have never been to a camp or would not otherwise get the
opportunity to go. While there she was telling us of
things that they still needed. As many of you know when
we collect the Pentecostal offering, a percentage of it
comes back to our Church to be used for a local cause.
We decided this year we would use this money for the
camp's needs. From the pictures that were posted on their
website, the kids looked like they had a great time.
Children's Books
A new project we are working on is collecting new and
used childrens books. Ron Waldo told us of a request
from his niece asking for these
books. She lives in Bethel,
Alaska, and works with kids. She
reads to them and they have a
very limited supply of books. You
can bring them into the office or
give them to Terri Schmidt and
she will make sure they get to
Alaska. The books that we will be
collecting can be of a religious
nature, but don't have to be.
Thank you in advance for your
help with this project.
Continued on next page...

In Touch

page 5

October 2015page 4

Mission Ministry
High School Snack Bags
Thank you to all of you who have
been helping with this project. The
lady in the High School office is always so pleased to see me, as I deliver
what we have collected. This means so
much to the teachers as well as the
kids. If the kids are not hungry, they
can concentrate on their studies and
not on their empty stomachs. Something so little as a breakfast bar can mean the difference between a passing and failing grade. Thank you for your continued support on this project.


As I close this months newsletter, I want to say THANK

YOU from the bottom of my heart. You have made such a
difference in so many lives and I am so proud to consider
you part of my family. Remember that what you give always
comes back to you, multiplied. Your rewards will be waiting
for you in Heaven. May God Bless and watch over you until
we meet again.

It is that time of year that we need to concentrate on our

Winter Project to help our homeless Veterans by donating
new sweatshirts and/or long-sleeved t-shirts and socks that they
will need for the upcoming cold winter months. These items
will be delivered to MANA House in Phoenix probably in late
November or early December. I truly hope this project turns out
to be as successful as our Summer Project was when we were
able to make a very large delivery of new t-shirts and socks to
MANA House. We were also able to make another delivery of
magazines and books to the Veterans Hospital/Home in Phoenix
in late August. We continue throughout the year to collect gently used clothing, toiletries, books, DVDs, CDs and magazines
that will be delivered throughout the year on a regular basis.
Deliveries are made when there are enough items collected to do
so. There are two boxes for you to place your donations located
at Church. One is in the Narthex on the table or floor and the
other one is in the Fellowship Center located on the left side as
you enter. Any questions, please just ask me.

Terri Schmidt,
Mission Elder

Donna Sims,

Plain White Flour--who knew?


There is a mistake in the September issue that needs to be corrected. The seemingly helpful advice on
treating burns with flour is an "urban legend" that began circulating on the internet in 2011. The advice
it provides runs contrary to all accepted verified knowledge and should not be heeded. The preferred
standard of care is still cooling the burned area off with cool water. Using flour could be detrimental in delaying treatment compared to using the proven standby of cool water. Besides it could be a lot messier! And slinging flour around
in the presence of a burning flame could precipitate a dust explosion with disastrous consequences.
A good source of medical advice is the websites of Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, webMD and other established and
trusted medical providers. And if something sounds "flaky" or strange, it probably is.
The website researches some of the claims that are circulated and can shed light on their credibility.
Barbara Oakeson
Retired Pharmacist

FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it
icon. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is
added. It is just another way to stay connected.

page 7

December 2011
page 6

In Touch

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2015-2016
Moderator, Maurene Gerson
Librarian, Barbara Oakeson
Vice-Moderator (Program), Sandi Thompson
Historian, Office Angels
Secretary, Bonnie Matty
Search Committee, (open)
Treasurer, Maria Berry
Membership Directory, Arlene Stewart
Publicity, Ilene Berg
Bible Study Coordinator, Jean Linzer
Mission Coordinator, Sandy Larson
New Member Contact, Carol Fuls
Circle Leaders
Morning Circle, Suzie McCready, Joy Fick
Afternoon Circle, Martha Baxter
Evening Circle, Judy Irvin
Hooked on Books, Leader, Jan Hoff
Out N About Leader, Nancy Wulfmeier

October 2
October 6
October 8
October 19
October 21

9 a.m.
1 p.m.
9 a.m.
7 p.m.
9:30 a.m.

Coordinating Team Meeting, Adult Center, FHPC

Afternoon Circle, Fountain View Village
Morning Circle, Adult Center, FHPC
Evening Circle, home of Chris & Jen Young
Hooked on Books, Jan Hoffs home
Out N About, Saguaro Lake

Dont forget to sign up at the front of the church or in Fellowship Center on October 11 or October 18 to help us prepare
for a fun and informative evening at the FHPW Fall Gathering to be held on Monday, October 26, 2015. The event will
begin at 5:30 PM in Fellowship Center.
Pat Tuttle, Donna Yordy and Bev Roselieb
will share their experience at the triennial
Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian
Women held in June. Bring a friend and a
salad to share drinks and dessert will be
Mission matters to Presbyterian Women.
In addition to being one of the points of the
PW Purpose, support for mission is a thread
running through all the work PW does in
congregations, presbyteries, synods and churchwide.
The Mission project at the Fall Gathering will be our annual
Thank Offering which gives women a tangible way to express
their gratitude for the special blessings in their lives. The 2014
Thank Offering totaled $689,125 and helped to provide a variety of services, such as weekend nutritional supplements for

children in Pennsylvania, programs for immigrant youths

in Idaho, cleaning and personal hygiene supplies for families in need in Tennessee, expansion of homeless shelter
for families in North Carolina, and a womens dormitory at
a theological college in Sudan. At least 40% of the offering funds health ministries throughout the world. The remaining 60% funds new mission projects. Twenty-two national and ten international projects were funded by the
2014 Thank offering of Presbyterian
No giving guidelines for the Thank Offering are suggested other than give as
you are blessed.

More Gathering News . . . .

The PWP (Presbytery) Fall Gathering will be held at First
Presbyterian Church, 161 N Mesa Drive, Mesa, AZ on
Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. If
you would like to carpool be prepared to leave the front
church parking at 8 a.m.

page 7

October 2015

Registration for PWP 2015 Fall Gathering



Registration: $10 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch

Deadline: October 19, 2015
Make checks payable to: PW Presbytery Grand Canyon
Mail to: Natalie Herrick
15566 W Las Verdes Way
Surprise, AZ 85374-5475

The Rev. Martha Sadongei,

pastor at Central Presbyterian
Church will be the Keynote
Speaker. You will remember
Martha from our 2013 Gifts of
Women Sunday and also our
2014 Winter Gathering.

Nomination Form
I would like to nominate:

for the 2015 Honorary Life Membership Award.

Each year at the Winter Gathering FHPW recognizes an
individual with an Honorary Life Membership in Presbyterian Women for their service to our church/community. The
monetary donation is used to support national programs for
all women in the Presbyterian
Church (USA). If you would like to
nominate someone from our congregation whom you feel qualifies
for this recognition, please complete the form to the right and hand
it to Mary Alice Bivens, chair of
the selection committee.

I feel she deserves this honor for the following reasons:

Submitted by:

Ilene Berg


Out n AboutOut to Lunch

The October meeting of Hooked

on Books will be at 9:30 AM on
Wednesday, October 21st at Jan
Hoff's Home. Jan will present a
review of "The Shoemaker's
Wife" by Adriana Trigiani. Hooked on Books is
open to all women who enjoy reading and discussing books. For further information, contact
Jan Hoff at (480) 836-7551.

Out 'n About lunch group is planning on The

Lakeshore Restaurant at Saguaro Lake on
October 21st at noon.
We will try to carpool
-- will order from the
menu -- and receive
separate checks. Contact Nancy Wulfmeier
for reservations
at 837-3021.

In Touch
How can you help?

page 8

Lockboxes for Seniors

Fry's Community Rewards Program

The more our church family shops at Fry's, the more monetary support our church will have. Won't you consider registering to allow Fry's to donate a portion of your grocery
expenditures to our church programs?




How to Re-Enroll for the

Frys Community Rewards Program
* Go to
* Click on Sign-In.
Enter your email and password, click on sign in.
Click on your name (top right hand corner),
under Account Summary scroll down to
Community Rewards.
Click on Edit under Community Rewards.
Under Find Your Organization: Enter the NPO
number or name of organization then select
search. (You can get the NPO number from
your organization.) It is #84123
Under Select Your Organization, click on the
circle next to your organization.
Click on Enroll

** FREE **

o If you have re-enrolled correctly, you should see a

green box with Your enrollment in the Community
Rewards Program has been updated. Thank you for
participating! You will also see the information listed
under Community Rewards on your Account Summary page.
A simmering idea
During a lesson on 1 Kings 18, a Sunday school teacher explained the confrontation between the prophet Elijah and the
false prophets of Baal. He described how Elijah built the altar, placed wood on it, prepared the bull, laid it on the altar and
instructed Gods people to pour water over the altar.
Now, the teacher asked, can anyone tell me why they wouldve poured water over the animal?
A girl eagerly raised her hand and answered, To make the gravy!
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Not Yet A Member?

*If you are attending our church and dont have membership in another church, you can join our church by profession
of faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or, if youve already been baptized, you can join by reaffirmation of faith in
Jesus Christ.
*If you belong to another church, but would like to transfer your membership
to our church, we can arrange for a letter of transfer from your current membership
church to ours.
*If you are a winter visitor and are an active member of another church back
home, you can become an affiliate member at our church here and maintain your full
active membership there.
For additional information, please contact Aleyne Larsen-Craig at 602-625-6201, Sally
Atchinson at 480-837-1054 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.
Sally Atchinson

& Aleyne Larsen-Craig

page 9

October 2015

Mark Your Calendar . . .

News from Hilltop Hospitality
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Good to Go
Hilltop Hospitality member, Althea Halchuck, EJD, presents an easy to follow
workshop on Advance Healthcare Planning. Althea has a doctorate in Health
Law and is a long-time end-of-life volunteer in hospice as well as a long-term
care Ombudsman.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
All Church Rummage Sale
This event will soon be on us so please start saving new or gently used items for donation to the sale.
In addition to all our regular departments, this year well be adding a boutique where better items will
be offered at higher prices. You can also start thinking about which department you'd like to work in.
Remember how much fun we had 2 years ago?
Details will be available for all events as we get closer to the dates but dont hesitate to ask any
Hilltop Hospitality member if you want to know more now! And if you would like to join the HH
crew we are looking for new members and would love to have you just let Chris Young (480388-5075) or Marta know.

A Living and a Dead Faith

Easy, indeed, it were to reach
A mansion in the courts above,
If swelling words ad fluent speech
Might serve, instead of faith and love.
But none shall gain the blissful place,
Or Gods unclouded glory see,
Who talks of free and sovereign grace,
Unless that grace has made him free!
William Cowper
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Amazing lightning storm over the Grand Canyon

Great Reformed Quotes

Where the God-centered principles of Calvinism have been abandoned, there has been a strong tendency downward into the depths of man-centered naturalism or secularism. Some have declared,
rightly, we believe, that there is no consistent stopping place between Calvinism and atheism.
- Ken Talbot


page 10

Snapshots from Summer

page 11

October 2015

Snapshots from Summer

It wasnt all 115 degree heat! We had fun!

In Touch

page 12

Christian Formation
Christian Formation Opportunities:
10:15 AM Sabbath Day Bible Study
10:15 AM Elementary Life with God
11:15 AM Blessed Beginnings Nursery
11:15 AM Preschool Life with God

Womens Bible Study Circles

(Sept thru May)
9:00 AM 2nd Thursday
1:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
7:00 PM 3rd Monday

The Way on Wednesdays
12:00 PM Lunch & Study
5:00 PM Elementary Big God Story
Committed Youth Rehearsal
3:45 PM on Wednesdays

Mens Bible Study on

7:00 AM in the Adult Center

Preparing Hearts and Hands for

Advent and Christmas:
Seeking live nativity characters for
Christmas Eve Family Service and
Saturday December 5th on the Ave
of the Fountains community event.
Enjoy being a part of the Big God
Story in a fun creative way. Do you
love to sing? We have a place for
you in our live nativity! Contact
Debby DeBernardi for more information!

Spiritual Life Group

6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday

The Second Coming

Each year we celebrate the coming of the baby Jesus at Christmas.
Butthe next coming will be of the risen Christ. If Jesus returned tomorrow,
would we be ready? Would you?
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

What will the world be like in the last days?

What did Jesus say the signs of His return would be?
Jesus Parables of the 10 Virgins and the Wedding Banquet.
Pauls words on the end times.
What did the Old Testament prophets reveal about the last days?

Come join Sylvia Burke, Pastor Bill, and Pastor Ken for a five week series beginning Oct. 21 thru Nov.18 for the Way
on Wednesday. You can choose to participate at 12 noon (with lunch for $5) or at 6:00 PM with your own brown bag
dinner. Call Marta to reserve a (lunch) by our Presby chefArlene Stewart.
Together we will discover
the message of the Bible
concerning the last days
and the Second Coming.
This study is open to the
community. Come and
bring a friend!

Chef Arlene

Sylvia Burke

Pastor Bill

Pastor Ken

page 13

October 2015

From the Director of Christian Formation

Becoming Like Christ is Gods
Doing and is Carried out in our
Daily Living.
A reading from Pauls Letter to the Romans and meditation.
Romans 8:28-32
We know that by turning everything to
their good God cooperates with all those who love him. With
all those that He has called according to His purpose. They
are the ones He chose specially long ago and intended to be
true images of His Son, so that His Son might be the eldest of
brothers. He called those He intended for this. Those He
called He justified, and those He justified, He shared His
glory. After saying this, what can we add? With God on our
side who can be against us? Since God did not spare His own
Son but gave Him up to benefit us all, we may be certain,
after such a gift, that He will not refuse anything that He can
the ones He chose specially long ago and intended to become
true images of His son. - How does it feel to hear that you
are chosen to become a true image of Christ? Try not to
shrug it off as impossible or fanciful its Gods doing and
is carried out in your daily living.
Looking at your own life, can you think of a seemingly bad
or very difficult situation that has been transformed into
something life-giving? A situation in which you have come
to see things differently, in which your heart and mind has
been opened? If you can, as you recall that time, remember
the words of Gods intention, that you become a true image
of His son.
Read the scripture again, noticing particularly how it speaks
of God co-operating with you.
Can you ask Christ now to help you see and understand the
transforming action of God in your life today, perhaps in
places where you have never thought of looking before?
Hear and participate in other meditations like this at Try it. Youll like it!
May you go and live life with God cooperating with Him
as He cooperates with you!

Living Life with God

Get your copy of HomeFront Magazine: A Resource for
Spiritual Parenting and Grand Parenting each month. You
dont have to have kids to enjoy! Find the link on our church

Elementary KidCommunity began Wednesday

nights with a great team for a large group worship and response time followed up with a small group discipleship
that includes games, crafts and mission opportunities. We
continue to add things to make our space a place where the
Holy spirit is free to move, teach, and lead through Gods
Word, relationships, prayer and various activities.
A new generation needs a strong foundation of biblical
knowledge in an environment where they can encounter the
living God. Kids can open their hearts to God, learn to discern His voice, have a desire to obey Him, and do all in the
power of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 2:13) This spiritual formation for a life time of faith needs a community of ministry
support for kids and family. Special thanks to our Elementary FaithFriends: Gary and Debby DeBernardi, Bonnie
Hollabaugh, Judy Irvin, Matt Jefferson and Cheryl Kenna
Augustine. Guest story tellers will join us through out the
year. Excited to have more kid assistant leaders this year,
too! Next year we will be forming a preteen-middle school
If you cant prepare heart and time to be with us on
Wednesday evenings please consider becoming a KidCommunity Resource Administrator one half day per
week in our office. If you like to shop bargains, organize
and willing to xerox we have a place on the team for you
(or someone you can encourage to be involved!) Contact
Debby at 602-570-7340 today.

Preschool KidCommunity continued with more lessons from the Psalms this month. Karen Ford continues to
offer a relational time with our Preschool 3-5 year olds.
We are praying for an assistant and more substitutes that
are willing to develop a relationship with our youngest
most open to spiritual things group of kids and their families. VERY special ministry during second service. Pray
with us for more FaithFriends to invest their time and talent
in this generation.

What a great way to kick off the Fall Schedule

In Touch

page 14

This and That

Written by Andy Rooney, a man who had the gift of saying so much with so few words. Enjoy.......
I've learned .... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
I've learned .... That when you're in love, it shows.
I've learned .... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day.
I've learned .... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
I've learned .... That being kind is more important than being right.
I've learned .... That you should never say no to a gift from a child.
I've learned .... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.
I've learned .... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
I've learned .... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation

An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow

Its time to check your legal papers. Do you have a Will and/or Trust? If not, its time to consider one. In your
Will or Trust have you included the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation? If not, please consider it. The
Foundation is a perfect charitable way to leave your mark and final testimony of your faith and value in our
Church. Your gift will help insure the future needs and ministries of the Church for years to come.
To learn more about the Foundation, contact a member of the Board of Trustees. They will be happy to answer
your questions and assist you in becoming a LEGACY member of the Foundation.
Foundation Board of Trustees
Barbara Oakeson
Matt Jefferson
Roy Nickel
John Skewes


Susan Phillips
Dawn Lau
Ben Fast


page 15



The Rest of the Story

Engineering that endured.
The U.S. Standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was
that gauge used? Because that's the way they built them in England, and English expatriates designed the U.S. Railroads.
Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's the gauge they used. Why did 'they' use that gauge then?
Because the people who built the tramways used the same jig and tools that they had used for building wagons, which used that
wheel spacing. Why did the wagons have that particular Odd wheel spacing?
Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England,
because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts. So, who built those old rutted roads?
Imperial Rome built the first long distance roads in Europe (including England ) for their legions. Those roads have been used ever
since. And the ruts in the roads? Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels. Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome, they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing.
Therefore, the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial
Roman war chariot. Imperial Roman army chariots were made just wide enough to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses.
Now, the twist to the story:
When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, you will notice that there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides
of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by
Thiokol at their factory in Utah.
The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit larger, but
the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to the launch site. The railroad line
from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the mountains, and the SRBs had to fit
through that tunnel. The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad
track, as you now know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds.
So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the world's most advanced
transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's
ass. So the next time you are handed a specification, procedure, or process, and wonder,
'What horse's ass came up with this?', you may be exactly right.

The beauty of growing old

How beautifully leaves grow old, wrote 19th-century essayist John Burroughs. How full of light and color are
their last days.
Society doesnt think highly of old age. Beauty products tout the supposed virtues of maintaining a youthful
appearance. Older adults wisdom, born of much life experience, is often disparaged, ignored or not sought. But God
says this about the righteous, whose lives are rooted in him: In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green
and gull of sap, showing that the Lord is upright (Psalm 92:14-15, NRSV)
The aging leaves of autumn can prompt us to look for beauty in the seniors among us, to notice the light and
color that still abound. From all the fruit they still produce service, prayer, love may we learn about living faithfully until our own last days.
- Heidi Mann
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

In Touch

page 16

Library Footnotes
This summer our church library
received an outstanding donation
from Marilyn Chaddock in the
form of dozens of books on a
wide variety of Christian topics.
She contacted me to see what we
could use from her husband
Pauls personal collection, a real
treasure trove. After spending
the morning at her house and carrying away four boxes, I
felt like I had won the lottery!
Our Library committee decided to start cataloguing the
books about the apostle Paul first because we only had a
few books about him on the shelf which was inadequate
for one of the most important people in the Bible. Deciding to feature those books in this article for Library Footnotes, I began writing several sentence overviews for each
book. But the overviews were sounding a lot alike since
all the books are focusing on the same topic. Of course
the books take different approaches one is a collection of
a Presbyterian pastors sermons, another is the nucleus of
six radio talks broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting
Corp., many are written by New Testament scholars, and
several are in the form of a travel handbook of Pauls journeys with pictures and maps. Indexes in the back of a few
of the books are helpful in finding certain subjects, scriptures, maps, people, places, etc. Therefore, I recommend
that you as a reader, a student, and a companion along the
more excellent Way go to the Library, look them over, and
check out the ones that would be meaningful and helpful
to you to enrich your understanding and appreciation of
Paul and his writings.

If you need assistance in finding these books or any others you are seeking, the Library is usually staffed on
Monday mornings. Or contact Vivian Virden, Linda
Warren, or myself by phone or look for us Sundays in
Following is a list of the recent acquisitions:
Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free by F.F. Bruce
Paul the Man: His Life and Work by Clarence Macartney
Paul the Apostle: An Illustrated Handbook on His Life &
Travels by Robert T. Boyd
Paul the Apostle by Robert E. Picirilli
The Apostle: A Life of Paul by John Pollock
Paul: An Introduction to His Thought by C.K. Barrett
St. Paul and His Letters by Frank W. Beare
St. Paul in Ephesus and the cities of Galatia and Cyprus
by Otto F.A. Meinardus
The Writings of St. Paul RSV with introductions and
annotations by Wayne Meeks
Paul the Apostle to America: Cultural Trends and
Pauline Scholarship by Robert Jewett

- Barbara Oakeson

Giving it all
A meager but meaningful donation recently made news at a church at Charlotte, North
Carolina. In the collection plate on Sunday was an envelope with 18 cents and this message:
Please dont be mad. I dont have much. Im homeless. God bless.
Pastor Patrick Hamrick was able to locate the donor to thank him in person. But the man
wanted to stay anonymous, saying the gift was between him, the church and God.
The pastor praised the donors bravery, saying, We gratefully acknowledge that this individual, out of his poverty, has given all he had to live on.
Like the widows mite in the New Testament (See Mark 12:41-44), the 18 cents was truly a
sacrificial gift.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

page 17

October, 2015

Music Ministry
I am so amused by the fact that
we can sing familiar hymns and
anthems, and hear musical compositions that have survived for
centuries, and we love them
more and more deeply rather
than less and less, even with
constant repetition. Text, combined with just the right interval,
longevity of tone, dissonance for
intention, pause, attack, rhythmic accuracy, counterpoint and
climactic momentum can
Debbie Fisher, Director of Music
live long in our heart and
soul. Combine all this with people in our lives whose
presence remains impacting when hearing the piece, or the
presence of the love of God, brought into light by His inspiration through a composer. I have sung the following
English text in Latin, in rehearsals strictly to perform,
along with a few other selections, in concerts five weeks
later. The words are so rich, especially within the musical
body written by Morten Lauridsen, and are now more
deeply implanted into my soul through the constant repetition of the sacred Latin texts
Here is some of the text from three movements of "Lux
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
A hymn befits Thee, O God of Zion,
and to Thee a vow shall be fulfilled
in Jerusalem.
Hear my prayer, for unto Thee
all flesh shall come.
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Come, Holy Spirit, send forth from heaven
the ray of Thy light.
Come, Father of the poor, come,

Giver of the gifts, come, Light of hearts.

Thou best of Consolers, sweet guest of the soul,
sweet refreshment.
In labor, Thou art rest, in heat, the tempering,
in grief, the consolation.
O Light most blessed, fill the inmost heart
of all Thy faithful.
Without Your Grace there is nothing in us,
nothing that is not harmful.
Cleanse what is sordid, moisten what is arid,
heal what is hurt.
Flex what is rigid, fire what is frigid,
correct what goes astray.
Grant to Thy faithful, those trusting in Thee,
Thy sacred seven-fold gifts.
Grant the reward of virtue, grant the deliverance
of salvation, grant everlasting joy.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins
of the world, grant them rest everlasting.
May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord,
in the company of Thy Saints for ever and ever;
For Thou art merciful. Alleluia, Amen.

Deborah Fisher
Director of Music Ministries

To worship is to sing
The worshiper who sings...drinks more deeply of the message of the hymns.
The gospel as found in our hymns is the same as that in the Scriptures.
The worshiper who sings...becomes more deeply involved in the service;
less of a spectator and more of a participant.
The worshiper who sings...draws more closely to those who worship with him.
The worshiper who sings...expresses faith by lifting his or her voice in praise to God.
The worshipper who sings...upholds the service, making it finer and richer for fellow
worshipers, the pastor, the church and God.

Toss Your Turtle Shell Aside

A unique class being offered, designed to further develop your interpersonal
skills. Taught by Jack Combs, Fountain Hills resident, corporate president,
trainer, and life coach.
Combs designed the three session class for all ages 18-108. Learn how to meet
and talk to people from anywhere anytime make friends quickly, overcome
shyness, develop a fun personality, draw people to you like a magnet, meet that
special person, tell a good joke. Hilarious Best thing I did You wont
forget this class
3 consecutive Wednesday evenings 7:15 PM 9:15 PM begins October 7th
reserved seating only: $49.00. Make checks payable to: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. Questions? Call Marta Ludwig 480- 837-1763 Class starts on

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc

In Touch

page 18

Member Spotlight . Did you know?

Q: Where were you born, and where did you grow up?
Bill: I was born in Ft. Wayne, IN and raised in Rodeo, CA.
Bonnie: I was born in Rockford, IL and raised in
Loves Park, IL.

Bill: I enjoyed being a general dentist. I especially enjoyed getting to know the families and watching the
children grow up and come back with their families.
Bonnie: I loved being a Mom! Professionally, I enjoyed being a home visitor for teen moms
and helping to start a Community based
Doula Program at Easter Seals in Rockford. I was the Doula Team Leader for
ten years and especially enjoyed helping
the teen moms during the labor and birth
of their babies.

Q: How long have you lived in

Fountain Hills?
Bill and Bonnie: We
moved to Fountain Hills from
Rockford, IL in 2012.
Q: How many siblings do you have?
Bill: I had two brothers and
one is deceased.
Bonnie: I am the youngest
with two sisters and a brother.

Q: How long have you been a member of

our church?
Bill and Bonnie: We moved to Fountain
Hills in September of 2012 and joined
later that fall.

Q: How long have you been married?

How did you meet your spouse?
Bill and Bonnie: We just
celebrated our 48th. anniversary in August. We met while Bill
Bill & Bonnie Matty
was in Dental School at Northwestern
University and Bonnie was in the Nursing School at
Chicago Wesley Memorial Hospital.
Q: What was the craziest or silliest thing you have ever done
(if you can even mention it!)
Bill: One of my long time golf playing partners in
Rockford, IL died suddenly, and his wife asked those
of us in the foursome to spread some of his ashes on
his favorite course. We chose a pretty hole with a
winding creek up the fairway, and stood along the
creek by the tee box to spread his ashes. Just then
the breeze picked up and blew most of the ashes onto
our golf shoes. We proceeded to tee off and all of
us hit our tee shots into the creek. The curse was on,
and for years after it was difficult not to get psyched
out by that hole. But we always remembered our
deceased friend.
Bonnie: When going to school in Chicago during the
60s, there was a parade for the astronauts. Several
of us tried to get into the Drake Hotel where they
stayed in order to see them. Also we were there
when there was the big blizzard that closed Chicago
down. We made snow angels on Michigan Ave.!
Q: What was your first job?
Bill: My first job was working at a telephone cable
factory in Emeryville, CA.
Bonnie: My first job was as a waitress at a local restaurant in Loves Park.
Q: What has been your favorite job, either paying or non paying? Why?

Q: What was the most interesting event or

accomplishment in your life? If it was an
ordeal, were you able to turn it into a
positive outcome?
Bill: Graduating from Northwestern University Dental School was one of my lifes
proudest accomplishments.
Bonnie: At one point, I made figure skating costumes
and have several in the Hall of Fame in Colorado

Q: Have you ever had a life changing experience?

Bill: Marriage, serving in Vietnam and having our first
child all have been life changing experiences.
Bonnie: Marriage, parenthood, family crises and spiritually, becoming a Christian, have all been life changing
Q: What is the best advice you were ever given?
Bill: Always pay off any credit cards each
Bonnie: A Pediatrician advised me that when I
said No to the children that I had to follow through.
Q: Who, would you say has had the most impact on your life?
Bill: My wife, Bonnie, who has always loved and supported me through good years and difficult years.
Bonnie: My husband, Bill has made a tremendous impact on my life. He has been my lifelong partner, friend
and soulmate. Also my mother lived with us for almost
13 years. I learned so much from her and what to expect in the aging process.
Q: Who in your life would you say, you might have had the most
positive influence on? Why?
Bill: I would like to say that I have had the most positive influence on our children, a younger dental partner,
and former staff members.
Continued on page 19.

page 19

October, 2015
Hospitalized? Call the church!
If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply
vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and
we are not aware of it.
You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your
situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to
the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.

With deepest sympathy we list

those members who have passed
away in 2015.
Billy Neal
Sylvester Taylor
Marjorie Koepke
Dallas Shuck
Jack Schuler
Paul Barker
Mildred Aimone
Lorie Bayne
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Matthew 25:21

Oooops! Is it real or photo shopped?

Continued from page 18 the Mattys

Bonnie: I like to think that I have been a positive

influence on our children. Professionally, I believe I
helped the teen moms I served become better parents
and to have a positive birth experience.
Q: What would be your best advice you might offer to someone today?
Bill: I would advise to develop a strong work ethic,
and recognize your weaknesses as well as your

Bonnie: Live each day fully! This is a day the Lord

has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Q: There are many wonderful things about our church, but
what do you like best?
Bill and Bonnie: The people have been so warm and
welcoming to us. The church is very inclusive and
diverse. We feel very blessed to have found a new
home in AZ and a new church home at Fountain
Hills Presbyterian Church.



Mary Wernecke
Martha Carillo
Ray Schmidt
Ruth Martin
Carol Skewes
Andrey Lull
Mary Martinson


Monique Reynolds
Charlie Eberspacher
Donna Sims
Pete Herguth
Lana Busche
Martha Baxter
Joan Larson
Cecyl Herguth


Doug Katonak
Mary Holtan
Ryan Vawter
Joanne Larson
Bill Myhr
Jeanene Schopbach
Patricia Culley
John Kurkjian

Non Profit Organ.

Permit NO. 299
Scottsdale, AZ

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Current Resident or

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Readers: Suellen Russell & Jean Ipema; Staff Photographers: Gary Oakeson & Michele Hasley; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie
Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Marilyn Humes, Mary Martinson and Vivian Virden. Travel to Bulk Mail
Post Office: Mary Martinson.

Time of fellowship between services at FHPC. Gary Oakeson with granddaughters (Caitlin & Anna) and Anabelle Good.
Gary is usually behind the camera and not in front!
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729
Office E-Mail Address:
Office Hours: Monday Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good
email: cell phone: 480-329-8090

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