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Could you volunteer to help investigate the lives of the

Smelt fishers of the Tidal Thames in London?

The fishery for smelt was probably the most important of all Tidal Thames
fisheries but now the fishers, like the fish themselves have almost gone from the
estuary. The Zoological Society of London and Thames Discovery Programme are
holding this initial meeting for volunteers interested in joining us to help us cast
light on what life was like for those that fished for smelt in the heart of London

There will be an initial meeting for volunteers

10 until 12am on Friday 20th November
At the Mews Schoolroom at Discover Greenwich
During the meeting we will cover the following topics

The biology of Smelt in the Thames Estuary and what ZSL has learnt from its HLF
funded smelt survey

The archaeological evidence of Thames fisheries in London from TDP

What we would like to achieve by researching smelt fishers

Discussion on the sources of documentation on the smelt fishery and smelt fishers

Open discussion

Instructions on the follow up workshop at ZSL, London zoo in February 2016

This event is free but you must register
For more information or to register please contact

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