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The storyteller of Italian taste:

the new profession for Made in

Date: 08 Sep 2015

By: Italian Good News
Tags: Expo 2015, Expo2015, Fine Italian Food,
italian cuisine, Italian excellence, Milan Expo,
Milan Expo 2015
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In the year of Expo the University of Urbino has

created a new course that will train students for a
profession that is directly linked to the Italian
tradition of food, well-being and storytelling.



The new figure, presented during the Expo, is

called Narratore del gusto e della cultura,
Comunicatore del benessere, Selezionatore delle
tipicit italiane (that we might translate as a
Storyteller of taste and culture, Communicator of
well-being and Selector of Italian authentic
products); the course will be held within the Corso
di Alta Formazione (High Training School) of the
prestigious college in Urbino. Admission requests
can be submitted through Sept. 5th.
This new profession will have multiple job
opportunities in the food industry, in hotels and
restaurants and in the larger eno-gastronomic
tourism sector, says Rodolfo Coccioni, professor
at the Universit di Urbino. Its the first time ever
that such a course has been created globally
and it will establish a direct link with all the related
industries. In fact, the Corso di Alta Formazione
will set up a network of agencies, food industries
and international teachers.

New figure meets old

Food and wine represent a huge part in Italys
richness: the country is a haven of top quality food
and wine. The new Narratore del gusto will be
tasked with capitalizing the 5 Ts: Tradition,
Territory, Transparence, Traceability and all that
is authentically Italian (Typical).
The course is intended for all graduates who dont
have a job or who want to change their current

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profession, adds Prof. Coccioni. Its a role that

companies already request in Italy and abroad and
our course fills a gap by offering adequate training.
The large food and wine industry including food
and wine tourism is one of the most dynamic
economic sectors in Italy; at the same time
companies abroad look for this new role as they
need a professional who is able to tell the Italian

Telling the future of the

Made in Italy
Telling the stories of our products is an art we still
have to learn, according to Prof. Coccioni. Most of
all we still have to fully understand the link between
the product and the earth. From the characteristics
of the soil to the historic and cultural context, this
new role will help shape the Italian top-quality
products and drive their growth. Italy has quality in
so many areas, from art to landscape, from history
to territory and soil a soil that makes our food and
wine unique.
The new Narratore del gusto will be able to tell
our good products, select the Italian typical food
and wine, recognize quality and authenticity and
link the product with the territory and its history;
he/she will communicate well-being, using all five
senses to help appreciate and enjoy food and wine
in all their aspects, and have the vision to see what
the foods of tomorrow will be, always preserving
quality and Made in Italy.

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