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A pond is a body of standing water ,either
natural or artificial,that is usually smaller than a lake. They may arise naturally in
flood plains as part of a river system, or they may be somewhat isolated
depressions,(examples include vernal pools and prairie potholes). Usually they
contain shallow water with marsh and aquatic plants and animals. Afew animals
also make thier home in ponds, including both alligators and beavers.The type of
life in a ponds is generally determined by a combination of factors including water
level regime (particularly depth and duration of flooding) and nutrient levels, but
other factors may also be important, including presence or absence of shading by
trees, presence or absence of streams, effects of grazing animals, and salinity.

One of the most important features of ponds is the presence
of standing water, which provides habitat for wetland plants and animals. Familiar
examples might include waterlilies,frogs,turtles and herons. Of ten ,the entire
margin of the pond is fringed by wetland,and these wetland support the aquatic
foodweb,provide shelter for wildlife , and stabilize the shore of the pond. Some
grazing animals like gees and muskrats consume the wetland plants directly as a
source of food. In many other cases, however, the pond plants fall into the water
and decay.A large number of invertebrates then feed on the decaying plants, and
these invertebrates provide food for wetland species including fish,dragonflyand
herons.The open water may allow algae to grow,and these algae may support get
another food wet that includes aquatic insects and minnows.Apond, therefore,may
have combinations of three different food webs,one based on large plants ,one
based on upon decayed plants,and one based upon algae.Hence,ponds often have a
large number of different animals species using the wide array of food
sources.They therefore provide an important source of biological diversity in
Vernal ponds are ponds which dry up for part of the
year.Naturally occuring vernal ponds do not usually have fish. They are called
vernal ponds because they are typically at their peak depth in the spring (vernal
means to do with the spring).The absence of fish is a very important characteristic,
Since it provides amphibians with breeding locations free from predation by
fish.Hence,introducing fish to a pond can have serious detrimental consequences.
In some parts of the world, such as California, the vernal ponds have rare and
endangered plant species.On the coastal plain, they provide habitat for endangered
frogs such as Mississippi Gopher Frog.


Pond usually implies a quite small body of water,generally smaller

than one would require a boat to cross. Another definition is that a pond is a body
of water where even its deepest areas are reached by sunlight or where a human
can walk across the entire body of water without being submerged.In some
dialects of english, pond normally refers to small artificially created bodies of
water .
Some regions of the United state define a pond as abody of
water with a surface area of lessthan 10 acres(4.0ha).Minnesota, known as the land
of 10,000 lakes is commenly said to distinguish lakes from ponds,bogs and other
water features by this definition,but also says that a lake is distinguished primarly
by wave action reaching the shore.
The term is also used for temporary accumulation of water from surface
runoff(ponded water).

1. Globally, the most important service provided by a pond, at many
scales is the production of fish and other wild life.These are often
also a source of food for humans,as well as an important source of
recreation.At the same time, these ponds help maintain water
quality by recycling nutrients.
2. In the indian subcontinent,Hindu temples usually have a pond near
by so that piligrims can take baths.These ponds are considerd
3. In agriculture ,treatment ponds may reduce nutrients released down
stream from the pond .They may also provide irrigation reservoirs at
times of drought.

Ponds are frequently human constructed. In
country side farmers and villagers dig a pond in their backyard or increase the
depth of an existing pond by removing layers of mud during summer season .A
wide variety of artificial bodies of water are classified ponds .some ponds are
created specially for habitat restoration, including water treatment. Others ,like
water gardents ,water features and koi ponds are designed for aesthetic
ornamentals landscape or architecture features fish ponds are designed for
commercial fish breeding ,and solar ponds design to store thermal energy .



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