Anda di halaman 1dari 2

Earth is ordinary rocky planet, one of the eight planets orbiting average star

called the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy, one of the billions throughout the
observable universe.
Astronomy: study of the universe
6000 stars are visible to the unaided eye
Constellation: patterns and configurations of stars
88 constellations most of them visible from North America at some during the
People imagine constellations are attached to vast Celestial sphere centered
on Earth
Celestial coordinates are more precise way of specifying a stars location
Apparent motion of the stars is the result of spin or rotation of Earth
North celestial pole: point where Earths rotation axis intersects celestial
sphere in Northern Hemisphere
Polaris is located close to the north celestial pole (north pole)
South celestial pole: extension of Earths axis in the opposite direction
Celestial equator: intersection of Earths equatorial plan with celestial sphere
Brightest star: , Second brightest: (Betelguse and Rigel brightest in Orion)
Latitude: Declination (Degrees N and S) and Latitude: Right Ascension
Celestial equator is at a declination of zero degrees, north pole is at +90
degrees, south pole is at -90 degrees
Right ascension is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds and increases in
east direction
24 hour solar day
Apparent daily progress of Sun and other stars across the sky known as
diurnal motion
Sidereal day: a day measured by the stars
Earth rotates on its axis 360 degrees for one day
Solar day is 3.9 minutes longer than sidereal day
Earth changes 1 degree per night
Ecliptic: apparent motion of the Sun on the sky traces out path on celestial
12 constellations: Zodiac
Summer Solstice: Sun is at most northern point above the celestial equator
June 21
Winter Solstice: shortest day in Earths Northern Hemisphere and shortest in
Southern Hemisphere (Dec 21)
Earth is closest to Sun in early January
Equinoxes: where ecliptic intersects the celestial equator
Autumnal equinox: sun crosses from northern into southern hemisphere (Sept
Vernal equinox (March 21) occurs in spring as Sun cross equator moving
One tropical year: 365.242 solar days from one equinox to next equinox
Sidereal year: time for Earth to orbit around Sun relative to the stars

Precession: sidereal year is 20 min longer than tropical year

Starts from new Moon and appears to wax (grow) a little each night
One week: half of the lunar disk is visible (Quarter Moon)
Next week: gibbous phase (more than half)
2nd week: full moon
3rd and 4th weeks: Moon wanes (shrinks) becoming new again
Location of Moon in sky depends on its phase
Moon shines by reflected sunlight and its orbit is inclined at small angle (5.2
Moon always keeps same face toward Earth, rotates on its axis as orbits Earth
called synchronous rotation
Sidereal month (27.3 days) Moon completes one revolution
Synodic month: 29.5 days needed for Moon to complete cycle
A lunar eclipse occurs when Moon enters Earths shadow: Sun and moon
opposite directions
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun
Total eclipse: if Moon or Sun is completely obscured
Partial eclipse: if only a portion of the surface is affected
Annular eclipse: if Moon is too far from the Earth for its disk to completely
hide the Sun
Umbra and penumbra on pg 15
Astronomers use triangulation to measure distances to planets and stars
forming foundation of the cosmic distance scale.
Parallax is apparent motion of a foreground object relative to a distant
background as observers position changes.
Baseline: distance between two observation points: greater the parallax
Science is step by step process for investigating physical world
Scientific Method used by all scientists
Theory is a framework of ideas and assumptions used to explain observations

Chapter 1.1

Planet means wanderer

Planets seem to speed up and slow down during their journeys and loop back
and forth
Eastward motion of planes: direct or prograde motion
Backward (westward) motion: retrograde motion
Planet appears brightest when closest to us

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