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. NERVOUS SYSTEMNervous system !!!

2. The nervous system begins pre-natally It eventually develops into the spinal chord with
a specialized extension, the brainstem The posterior portion of brain stem develops the more
specialized cerebellum, and the anterior Develops the cerebral hemispheres
3. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYTEM Comprises two parts: the brain and spinal chord
Encased in bone for protection. In addition, Cerebrospinal fluid circulates inside and around the
brain for additional protection Brain the organ that directly controls our thoughts, emotions and
motivations. Spinal cord a series of interconnected neurons Extending from the brain to the
center of the back. It carries information to and from the brain
4. the two directional communication in the nervous system involves two different kinds of
nerves and neurons.. Receptors are structures designed to receive sensory information from
the outlying Nerves of the body and transmit that information back to the brain thru the spinal
chord Effectors transmit motor information about how the body should act in response to the
Information it receives that usually comes from the brain
5. The Peripheral Nervous System Comprises all of the nerve cells except those of the brain
and the spinal cord. The primary job of the PNS is to relay information between the CNS and the
receptors And effectors lying outside the CNS. The PNS connects with the receptors in both our
external sensory organs and our Internal body parts. it connects with the effectors that produce
Movement, speech and so on.
6. he PNS comprises of two main parts: vous system controls quick and conscious
movement of muscles. these muscles are attached directly to the bone and allow us to move. We
have voluntary control over the muscles served by the somatic system omic nervous system
controls movement of our non skeletal muscles (heart and smooth muscles). The smooth muscles
include those of the blood vessels and the internal body organs the Autonomic system is divided
into two parts..
7. Sympathetic nervous system - is concerned primarily with catabolism, the process by
which your body captures stores, and uses energy and materials from food and eliminate wastes
rasympathetic nervous system concerned with anabolism, the process that stores energy in the
body. These two systems tend to work in tandem.
8. T h e b r a i n Structures and functions
9. forebrain Located toward the top and front of the brain comprised of two parts: the
telencephalon and diencephalon
10. Telencephalon: - three parts ~ the cerebral cortex (outer layer of cerebral hemisphere)
plays vital role in our thinking ~ the basal ganglia a collection of nerves crucial to motor
functions ~ the limbic system imp. to emotion, motivation and learning. Comprises 3
interconnected cerebral structures a. hippocampus- plays an essential role in the formation of
memories b. amygdala- plays a role in anger and aggression c. septum- involved in anger and
11. Diencephalon - between the telencephalon and midbrain - comprises the thalamus and
hypothalamus Thalamus- relays incoming sensory information thru projection fiber to the
appropriate region in the cortex Hypothalamus- involved in water balance in tissues and
bloodstreams. It controls much of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system also
involved in temp. regulation. interacts with and is sometimes viewed as part of the limbic system
therefore involved in behavior related to survival : fighting, feeding, fleeing, mating.

12. the main source of control for visual and auditory Information. The reticular activating
system of the midbra Regulates state of consciousness, including sleep, wakefuln Arousal, and
attention, as well as breathing and heartbeat Midbrain
13. hindbrain Most rearward portion of the brain 1. Medulla oblongata- part of the reticular
activating system helps control heartbeat, breathing, swallowing, digestion 2. pons- serve as a
kind of relay station for signals passing from one part of the brain to another. 3. cerebelluminvolved in bodily coordination, balance,and muscle tone.

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