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Una vez Rosita Fresita y su hermana Manzanita fueron al jardn a recolectar

fresas y todas las frutas de la temporada. Ese mismo da por la tarde llegaron sus
amigas Caramelo, Galleta de Mantequilla, Cerecita y Laurita Pasita y planearon
hacer una fiesta sorpresa para Manzanita y elaboraron la lista de invitados:
Mermelita de Mora,
Merengue de Limn,
Mousse de Frambuesa,
Sorbete de Lima,
Cabello de Angel,
Flor de Naranja,
Sorbete de Albaricoque,
Crepe Suzette,
Carla Cafecito,
T de Almendra,
Lima y Limn,
Pastel de Ciruela,
Pastelero Bigotn,
Uva Agria,
Seb sin nombre,
Dinosaurio pies grandes,
Batido de Pltano,
T con Miel,
Fresi Princesa,
Seor Sol,
Topo Guacamole
y Locutor.
Para ello, se agruparon y se repartieron lo que iban a atraer para la fiesta. Llegado
el da esperado y todas y todos en la casa de rosita, decoraron la casa de Rosita con
flores y globos, y haba muchas golosinas y el pastel se miraba tan delicioso y era
relleno de manzana y adornado con fresas.
Empezaron a llegar los invitados, sin que Manzanita se diera cuenta de lo que
pasaba en su casa, unos traan obsequios y le llevaron juguetes, libros y galletas, y
unos lindos zapatitos rojos que Manzanita quedo encantada cuando ella visit una
tienda con su hermana Rosita Fresita.
De repente entro Manzanita a la casa y se llevo una gran sorpresa y todos sus
amigos y amigas le gritaron FELIZ CUMPLEOS MANZANITA! Y elle se alegro
al ver la decoracin y los regalos.
Despus en la fiesta, el perro Bobby de Rosita Fresita se puso a jugar con ella y le
tom un zapatito rojo, y se lo escondi como si fuese un hueso, y entonces
Manzanita se puso a llorar.

Por eso todos los que estaban en la fiesta empezaron a buscar y Manguito amigo de
Rosita corri y les dijo venga, creo que se donde esta enterrado el zapatito,
Vamos! Y salieron corriendo al jardn y en efecto el zapatito estaba enterrado
junto al rbol de manzanas y fue as como lo encontraron.
Todos regresaron a la fiesta y disfrutaron de ella jugando y contando historias,
partieron el pastel y comieron y por ltimo abrieron todos los regalos que haba
Manzanita se sinti aquel da tan feliz por la fiesta que le haban preparado y por
haber encontrado su zapatito, que dijo en su interior: Es la mejor fiesta sorpresa
que he tenido en toda mi vida.
Rosita Strawberry and her sister Manzanita were once the garden to collect
strawberries and all the fruits of the season. The same day in the afternoon came
caramel, butter biscuit, Cerecita and Laurita Pasita friends and planned to make a
party surprise for Manzanita and drew up the guest list:
Mermelita de Mora,
Lemon meringue,
Raspberry mousse,
Sorbet lime
Angel Hair,
Orange flower,
Sorbet apricot
Crepe Suzette,
Carla Cafecito,
Almond Tea,
Lime and lemon,
Plum cake,
Pastry Chef mustache,
Sour grapes,
Seb unnamed,
Dinosaur large feet,
Banana milkshake,
Tea with honey,
Fresi Princess,
Mr Sun,
Mole Guacamole
and broadcaster.

To this end, they were grouped and shared what they would bring to the party.
Reached the expected day and each and everyone in the House of rosita, decorated
the House of Rosita with flowers and balloons, had many sweets and cake looked
so delicious and was filled with Apple and adorned with strawberries.
Began arriving guests, while Manzanita realized what was happening at home,
they brought gifts and led toys, books and biscuits, and a few cute red shoes that
Apple was delighted when she visited a store with his sister Rosita strawberry.
Manzanita I suddenly go to the House and took a big surprise and all their friends
shouted happy CUMPLEOS MANZANITA! And elle are delighted to see
decoration and gifts.
Later at the party, Bobby Rosita Strawberry dog began to play with her and took a
red zapatito, they hid it as if it were a bone, and then Apple set to mourn.
Why all those who were at the party began to search for and friend sleeve of Rosita
ran and told them come, I think that is where this buried the zapatito, go! And they
ran to the garden and in effect the zapatito was buried next to the Apple tree and
was how they found him.
All returned to the party and enjoyed her playing and telling stories, left the cake
and ate and finally opened all the gifts he had brought.
Manzanita felt that so happy day for the feast which he had prepared and for
having found your zapatito, which said in its interior: "Is the best holiday surprise
I've had in my life".
The end

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