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Fears and phobias

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed
into the nervous system and works like an instinct. From the time
we're infants, we are equipped with the survival instincts
necessary to respond with fear when we sense danger or feelunsafe.
Healthy Fear -- a fear that has a protective function
Unhealthy Fear -- a fear that leads to exaggerated and violent behavior
The most common fears in intractable conflict are:

Loss of identity

Lack of security

There are people who fear for every things:

Some people fear because of accidents and naturals calamities
Business men fear that they may have to face lossin business
Job hunters fear of attening interviews

What are the causes of fear?


Exercise to over come fear:

Take control of your body
Inhale slowly but deeply


A phobia is an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation. In

most cases, the phobia involves a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm.
Women tend to be twice as likely to stuffer from a phobia compared to
High anxiety state paired with an object.
A person's levels of general anxiety becoming so high that panic is
easily triggered whenever stress levels are raised even slightly.
Another possible cause of phobias is that we often associate danger
to things and situations that we cannot prevent or control, such as
lightning strikes during a storm, or the attack of a dangerous animal.
A person with a phobia has intense symptoms of anxiety.
1) Feeling of panic, dread, horror, or terror.
2) Recognition that the fear goes beyond normal
boundaries and the actual threat of danger.
3) Reactions that are automatic and uncontrollable,
practically taking over the persons thoughts.
4) Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling,
and an overwhelming desire to flee the situation all
the physical reactions associated with extreme fear.
5) Extreme measures taken to avoid the feared
object or situation.


1. SPECIFIC PHOBIAS- there are four categories of specific
-situational phobia,
-fear of natural environment (storms, water)
-animal phobia, and

-blood-injection-injury phobia.
2. SOCIAL PHOBIAS- persistent and irrational fear of
situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by
others, such as parties and other social events
3. AGORAPHOBIAS-an intense fear of being in a situation from
which immediate escape is not possible
A specific phobia is an intense, irrational fear of a specified object or
situation. Specific phobias can be classified in four major types: animals,
medical, natural environment, and situational. Many people have more
than one phobia in the same category, such as dogs and snakes. However,
it is also possible to have phobias in more than one category, such as dogs
Examples:-Astraphobia fear of thunder and lightening
Aerophobia fear of flying
Cynophobia fear of dogs
Acrophobia fear of heights

Fear of being humiliated and embarrassed
Anxiety is felt before, during, and after the outing/ event
Examples: Public speaking (glossophobia), meeting
people(Anthropophobia), and using a public restroom(Paruresis)


What are the causes of agoraphobia?

Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center say that
nobody is sure what the exact causes of panic disorder and agoraphobia
are. The panic may be a learned behavior because panic attacks tend to
happen in places or situations where they occured in the past.


Not all phobias need treatment

Any drugs which are prescribed are to help aid the signs &
symptoms and do not actually cure the phobia itself
Therapy is the most efficient manner of treating a phobia

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