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2015 Report
Dear Ones,

With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!
Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Lord!
Teach me Your statutes. With my lips I have declared all the judgments of Your mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Your precepts, and
contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. (Psalm
119:10-16) In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I do pray for strength and wisdom, and I thank God every day for the opportunity to continue
in the work J.C. and I did together for so many years. The continuation to my prayer is that I stay
strong in body as well as in mind, that I be privileged to work until I drop literally. I hope you
will add your prayers to mine. There is a lot of work to do yet!
Here is a picture of some of the pruning Ive had done in the yard. The weeds that were growing
head-high are now gone. Of course, being in the South where everything grows merrily, theyll be back,
but for now things look good! I also caught up
on notes and emails, have submitted the files
for volume 11 of Global Harvest to the printer,
well transfer files for volume 86 of The Voice
of Truth International by the end of August,
were sorting out which tracts need to be
reprinted and how many of each one, the layout
of two booklet tracts is completed so they can
now be submitted, Ive almost finished the editing and layout of a series of radio sermons J.C.
preached over Sri Lanka radio [omitting the
intros and closings, and adding some questions
so that it can be used as a class book] a lot
of work has been done since the last report, but
theres more to do!

Liberty Church of Christ
689 Highway 25
Dennis, MS 38838
Co-worker with
Wayne and Janet Barrier
Byron and Gay Nichols
Jerry and Paula Bates
Louis Rushmore
Robin Dunaway


The Voice
of Truth

[In order to get this report printed and out while somebody is here to help, I am writing it midAugust] The months ahead are going to be a challenge. There will be a Mission Training Seminar
at Heritage University August 25 which I need to attend; emails to write to the men with whom we
work overseas to get their financial lists so that I can write the checks to be taken by the Bates when
they go to India; Jerry and Paula will be attending the Bear Valley Retreat the first week of September;
theyll be in Winona for a week [during which time they and I and some sweet volunteers from the
nearby Huntsville Church of Christ will get this report ready for the mail] and will leave on the 11th of
September for points overseas and wont be back until October 20th; there is another Mission Seminar
at Heritage the 22nd; Louis is scheduled to leave for two months overseas on the 24th of September
[which will mean that I will be the only one in the office for a month, but Barbara Oliver who worked
with us in the past and Barbara Wright from Huntsville will be wonderful helpers during that time]; I
have a ladies day October 3 with the Lake Harbour [Jackson, MS] sisters; the Forest Park, GA Mission
Workshop is dated the 14-16 of October; with the Bates return home I will be accompanying them
when Jerry reports to the North Brandon church in Jackson on the 28th of October; on the 29th I am
scheduled to fly to Seattle and then to Pleasanton for some days with family there and also to teach in a
ladiesday program in Tulare, CA on November 14; the September/October report will need to be written, printed, and prepared for mailing before I leave for California.....

Betty (Mrs. J.C.) Choate

(Continuing the work begun
by J.C. in 1962)
708 Burton Drive
Winona, MS 38967
email: Choate@
Web site:

Let me do a little aside here. We joke among ourselves that some people may think that when missionaries go overseas, they are
having an exotic foreign vacation! And when they come home, they are resting from their travels! Let me assure you that is not the
actuality! When the Bates and Louis are here they are constantly busy with responsibilities in the office and with appointments to report
to churches that make it possible. When they are overseas, they are keeping tight schedules in order to do the preaching, teaching and
other work planned for each stop. Their flights often require being up at all hours while being ready to hit the ground running when they
land. Yes, this is the most exciting and wonderful life a Christian could live, but it is wonderful and exciting only for those who are truly
dedicated to spreading the Gospel throughout the world. I thank God for our co-workers and for their long-term commitment.
As I said before, I look back at challenges in the past and recount the ways God took care of everything that was greater than this
limited staff of humans could handle, and I wait in faith for Him to come to the rescue. He knows the need for more team members
here. He knows that, at my age, my years of full participation are numbered. He knows that the volume of work we are doing cannot
continue without additional strong and dedicated co-workers. I remind myself that it is HIS work, not mine, and at the right time, in
the right way, and with the right people, He WILL supply what is needed, through Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Two Great Brothers in Christ

Loy Mitchell

Brother Loy Mitchell has passed from this life into that eternal world. His son, Stan, wrote an
eloquent summary of his life for pubishing in Global Harvest. This is a small exccerpt: Loy preached
for congregations in Kamay, TX; Rotan, TX; Eisenhower in Odessa, TX; Northside in Topeka, KS;
and Knott, TX. His lifes work, however, was in Africa. To see him preach in the Shona language
was a revelation. To hear him sing hymns with Shona brethren let one know that he was one of them.
His mission work was no spring break campaign. It was real mission work, one that saw relationships
deepen and develop; one where Christian character was built over time. Bank tellers, neighborhood
children and Christians everywhere knew his trademark slogan: Dont forget! God loves you.
I think of another missionary to Africa: David Livingstone. He was a missionary from Blantyre in
Scotland, a medical doctor, opponent of the slave trade, and an explorer. When he died, African admirers carried his body across one thousand miles of African bush to the coast. There a ship transported
his remains to Westminster Abby in London. But the Africans took his heart out and buried it in Africa. His heart, they insisted, was in Africa. As far as I am aware, Loy Mitchells body is intact, heart
and all. But it is still true that his heart was in Africa.
Loy Mitchell: Born Lawrence, KS, November 20, 1932. Died in Knott, TX, June 9, 2015.

EDMOND, Okla. (BNC) by Phil Sanders We are saddened to announce the loss of our dear friend and brother in the Lord,
Mack Lyon, who passed from this life to be with the Lord at 11:15 pm on August 5.
Brother Lyon was a great soldier of the cross and enjoyed an opportunity to minister to
more people in his life than anyone in his generation. Like David, he served the will of God in
his own generation and fell asleep (Acts 13:36).
Mack Lyon loved the souls of men and loved preaching. In his last days, he constantly
dreamed of being able once again to preach. As a young man, he was made to leave home if he
were going to preach the gospel. He chose the Lord over his own parents.
Those who heard Mack Lyon from week to week loved him. How could they not love
him? He spoke the truth in love and cared about every soul. He never exploited anyone but gave
countless materials away free.
Mack ended his programs with compassion. Speaking of the booklets and CDs Search offered, brother Lyon would say:
Theyre free. Everythings free, due to the generosity of your friends members of some
Mack Lyon
churches of Christ in the area. Theyd be very, very pleased to have you visit and worship with
them. Its been a pleasure to have you join us today. Do it again next week, too. Will you? God bless you. We love you.
We love you too, brother Lyon.

Booneville Golden Circle Volunteers

Twenty volunteers from the
Booneville Church
of Christ made the
three-hour drive to
Winona and did a
lot of work while
they were here
loading boxes of books onto a truck for shipment overseas in response to
requests for literature, counting tracts and bundling them, preparing letters

for a mailout, and enjoying some great fellowship along the way [we also gave them empty boxes and encouraged them to choose from
our stock any books they wanted]. We are so grateful to them and to the church there for their important support of the work.
Ladies from Crockett, MS also spent a day helping recently, as have others from West President in Greenwood, Old Union church,
young people from Siwell Road in Jackson, the Huntsville brothers and sisters, and of course Strickland and Liberty are great helps in
time of need. Without such volunteers, we would be in trouble!

Whats Going on Over There

Sunny David in New Delhi, India: Arpit, James and Seemas

[Seema is the daughter of Kumar Malik, converted decades ago from
Hinduism and currently an elder in the church in New Delhi] second son,
was baptized on 20.6.15 at the church building. He is seen with his family
and older brother Sameep who was baptized on 21.5 14. Arpit is 14 and
Sameep 18.

The church in Delhi is doing well. After getting the certificate of completion on the building we have been able to build a small house in the back. I
have been looking for someone suitable to come and live on the premises
and work with the church. Brother Dhuruv Prasad (if you remember, who had
left Delhi and has been living in Bangalore for the last almost 15 years), has
come back to Delhi and has been hired by the church to help with the work.

Today the Gospel is being preached in India everywhere in the homes of people every day through literature, radio
and T.V. People are being taught the truth of Gods word. Everyday people are calling, and writing, asking questions,
requesting for more literature and Bible correspondence courses. They are learning the truth and upon obeying it they are
becoming free from ignorance and all kinds of falsehood which had enchained them for years. Thank God for making all
such work tools available to us to reach people everywhere with His soul saving message, and for men like J.C.Choate,
who relentlessly worked to obey His great command to preach the Gospel to all nations.

Philemon Rajah, Madurai, India: Philemon Rajah, along with his son-in-law, Kingsly,

conducts training programs under the banner of JC School of Evangelism, teaching men
and women in local congregations of the need for personal outreach, and training them in
methods for doing that. They are invited to parts of India, outside their home-state of Tamil
Nadu. These photos were made in Andhra Pradesh, during one of the programs there.
This is a thank you they received from the local preacher after the first session:

Respected beloved brother greetings to you in the name of
Jesus Christ, once again thank you for your visiting and conducting J.C school of Evangelism training classes for the month
of August 2015. We sincerely appreciate all your lessons, we
feel sorry for all the inconvenience which you experienced while
you were in our rural area. Brother, we look forward for your
September classes. Please convey our greetings to your family
members and members of Lords church which meets at Madurai. Your brother in Christ, B.Vijaya Kumar, Churches of Christ
from Vidyanagar &Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh).

P.K. Varghese in Trivandrum, India: Brother and sister

Varghese have recently

been in the States with
family and visiting churches. The photo on the
left shows preparation for a baptism that was
about to take place in Trivandrum, South India.

B. Arjunan in Batalundgu, India:

We are preparing for the Fifth Retreat

at Kumily. Three souls obeyed Gods mighty
words and took baptism in the second Sunday
of July. This month I visited Kumily and paid
advance amount for the Retreat. One man has invited us and asked us to conduct
Bible Study once in every month in Kumily. Hence I have planned to go there on 10th
of this month. Gods works are going well. Please pray for all. We expect your visit to
our place once again.

S. Rajanayagam in Kangayam, India: This is to let you know that

we had TWO baptisms yesterday and they are fine young men doing Engineering degree. Their parents are already Christians. Please pray for them.
Beloved sister, this is our 75th Birthday gift to you and please accept this.

Shahid Khokhar, Pakistan: Greetings and

peace from the congregation in Toba. As you

know the work of the Lords Church is increasing in Toba Tek Singh and people are gathering
for His cause to spread His Word in different
places of the city. The person who is helping
me is named as Akhtar Masih and he has been fervently and diligently participating in
most of the activities of the congregation and is also rendering his services as a learning
preacher along with Majid George (worship leader), but he and I never knew that he had
to pay the price for it. The school where he was working as sanitary worker was a Catholic
school and they have terminated him for the reason that he was not attending the Catholic
Church on Sundays and was spreading the true teaching of the Gospel among his fellow
beings. He is more than 45 years and has been working in that institution for 15 years.

Harold and Lilani Thomas, Colombo, Sri Lanka: Recently Lilani called to give an

update on events in the church in Colombo. She was so excited because Julia of the Wennappuwa congregation, who had declared that she would marry no one but a dedicated
Christian, is now [with the approval of her family] given permission to talk via phone with one
young man in the Colombo church. Presanna was converted about two years ago from a
Buddhist background. He comes from a predominantly Buddhist village, from a poor family,
but he has gotten a good education, retired from the military, and is a pharmacist in a hospital in Colombo. More exciting than that, he is teaching his parents and they no longer burn
incense to Buddha, saying that they are ready to give up their idolatry. Praise God!
Exciting things are happening in the Lords great family! Love and Hugs, Betty
We now have 120 titles, full-color,
pocket-sized tri-fold tracts that will be
extremely useful to you in your outreach ministry. In packets of 25, they
are only 10 cents each. BBC
Place Label Here

News!!! The Voice of Truth

International, our 116-page teaching magazine
is now printed in color! If you do not already
receive it, now is the time to subscribe! Four
issues of TVOTI are $15, 8 issues are $25; or
the congregation can enlist for a box of 35 copies of each issue for $30 a month.
What has God entrusted in our hands? The souls of the
world and His unfolding plan since creation!
What are we doing with that treasure?
Summer 2015

The latest issue of Global Harvest will be

available soon. Many will receive a free copy
because we are trying to make more brethren
aware of its existence. We do need you to
order the magazine ($10 for 2 issues), so that
its future publication can be secured. The
church needs this.

Dont miss out on these treasures!

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Mrs. J.C. Choate
World Evangelism
P.O. Box 72
Winona, MS 38967

Non Prot Organization

U. S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 12

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you (John 14:18).
[Angels are] ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation... (Hebrews 1:14).

The Gospel is our mission. The world is our home.

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