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1. What do you know about Indonesian legal system?

Indonesian legal system is based on a civil law system, intermixed with
customary law and the Roman Dutch law.
Before the Dutch colonization in the sixteenth century, indigenous kingdoms
ruled the archipelago independently with their own custom laws, known
as adat. Foreign influences from India, China and Arabia have not only




customary adat laws. Aceh in Sumatra,






own sharia law, while Toraja ethnic group in Sulawesi are still following
their animistic customary law.
Dutch presence and subsequent occupation of Indonesia for 350 years has left
a legacy of Dutch colonial law, largely in the Indonesia civil code. Following
the independence in 1945, Indonesia began to form its own modern
Indonesian law, not developing it from scratch, but modifying precepts of
existing laws. Dutch legal decisions maintain some authority in Indonesia
through application of the concordance principle. The three components
of adat, or customary law; Dutch-Roman law; and modern Indonesian law coexist in the current law of Indonesia.

2. What do you know about Adat Law in the Indonesian legal system?
Adat Law is one of component of legal system in Indonesia, beside Western
Law and Islamic Law. Adat Law is very important, because its original law of
Adat Law, or its often only mentioned as adat, is unwritten law. The source of
adat law is habits and customs that done continously and obeyed as law by
Indonesians. Because adat is unwritten, grow, developed and maintained in
social life, so can adjust to changing times and elastic.
3. One of the types of adat society that are territorial in structure in village
society. What is village society?
In Indonesia there are 3 types of adat society that are territorial in
structure :
Village Society, District Society and Village Union Society.
1) Village Society is groups of natives who live by the same principles, way
of life, and have same beliefs. The community is fixed, remaind at the
same location and governed by a village chief.
2) District Society is comprises of number of village societies of the same
adat that live within the same district but with each community retaining
its independence.
3) Village Union Society is formed on the basis of coorperation between the
district societies that are located within the same adat territory. Whereas
the aim of coorperation is to work together and create a good and
prosperous adat society.
4. One definition of constitutional law widely used in Indonesia is that
constitutional law is a set of rules the regulate and govern the

organization, relationship, and interaction of institutions of the state both

vertically and horizontally. As an organization Indonesia is a Republic
based on the sovereignty of its people. Mention the primary goals of state.
The primary goal of State as a nation is to improve public welfare, to educate
the life of the people and to participate in the establishment of a world order
based on freedom, perpetual peace and social justice (Preamble,
The Constitution of Indonesia (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Dasar Republik
Indonesia 1945, UUD '45) is the basis for the government of the Indonesia).

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