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Grading Rubric for Assessment 1

Two points are assigned for the best answer(s), 1 point for acceptable answers, and 0 points for
unacceptable/undesirable answers.
SECTION ONE: Read the scenario and select the best response.

One of your customers has just said to you, The service here is terrible. You should say:

What is it about the service that you have not liked? 2pts
Would you like to fill out a complaint form? I can get one for you. 1pt
I realize our service is poor today. We are understaffed, so I apologize. 1pt
I am really sorry to hear you say that, but we are trying as hard as we can. 0pt

2. A customer came to your department with an urgent question. You promised her that you
would collect information about her question and answer it by noon. It will take you at
least 20 minutes to gather the information needed to provide an answer. It is now 11:50
a.m. Your supervisor just scheduled a 30-minute meeting to start at noon. This meeting is
for all employees in your department. You decide to:

Find the customer after the meeting and apologize. 0pts

Ask your supervisor if you can be late for the meeting. 2pts
Arrange to have the customer call you back at a better time. 1pt
Contact the customer right away and hope that she can be found. 2pts

3. Terry, who has been an employee in your department for about six months, can be
careless about safety. He hasn't been involved in any serious accidents, but he's had
many near misses. Your supervisor asked you to introduce a new employee, Susan, to the
department and to help with her training. Terry overheard and offered to show Susan the
safety procedures. Your supervisor thought that would be a great idea. What should you
a) Tell Terry that you think it would be better if he let you do the training. 0pts
b) Tell your supervisor that Terry has had many near-misses and not much experience.
c) Let Terry give Susan the safety training. 0pts
d) Volunteer to help Terry train Susan on the safety procedures. 2pts
4. It's been a very busy day, and you have just received a customer complaint. This is the
third time today that this same customer has complained to an employee about the same
problem. However, it's the first time that you have spoken with her. Your best course of
action is to:
a) Ask the customer to wait and ask the employee who last dealt with her why the
problem was not fixed. 1pt
b) Ask the customer to wait and ask the employee who last dealt to speak with her. 0pts
c) Apologize to the customer and ask if she would like to speak with a supervisor. 1pt
d) Apologize to the customer and ask how you can fix the problem. 2pts
5. Each shift, you have to complete several tasks before leaving for the day. It is near the
end of your shift and you probably will not have enough time to finish all of your assigned
work before leaving. The best thing you can do is:

a) Think about changing your routine to help you finish your work on time in the future.
b) Tell the employees on the next shift that the tasks are unfinished and ask them to finish
them. 1pt
c) Explain the situation to your supervisor and ask for help. 2pts
d) Leave for the day and complete the unfinished tasks tomorrow. 0pts
6. One of your customers is irate and has just yelled at you because you were slow in
responding to a request he had made. You decide to:

Call the manager and ask her to deal with the customer. 1pt
Tell him you are sorry and explain the reason for the delay. 2pts
Explain to the customer that he is receiving the same service as everyone else. 0pts
Tell the customer you will help him as soon as he calms down and stops yelling. 0pts

7. An employee in your department has been coming to work 20 minutes late for the past
week. The rest of the employees have picked up the slack so far, but everyone is
becoming angry. What should you do?
a) Explain to the employee how being late hurts the departments ability to get things
done and that she can help by getting to work sooner. 1pt
b) Warn the employee that you will speak to the supervisor next time she is late. 0pts
c) Tell the employee that its unfair to everyone when she comes in late. 2pts
d) Bring up lateness in the next department meeting. 0pts
8. One of your coworkers frequently complains about problems she's having with a customer.
You decide to:

Tell her what you believe she is doing wrong. 0pts

Empathize with her and explain that some customers just cannot be happy. 1pt
Tell her to channel her energy into finding a solution instead of complaining. 0pt
Ask her if she would like to discuss the situation and try to find a solution together.

9. While you are on break, a customer spills a large drink in a busy area of the store.
Cleaning the floors is the job of another team member, but he is taking a customer's order.
What would you do?

Tell the other team member about the spilled drink. 0pts
Warn passing customers about the spill until the other team member cleans it up. 1pt
Clean up the spill as quickly as possible. 2pts
Ask the manager who should clean up the spill. 0pts

10. A customer asks you a question and you are not sure of the answer. You feel the
customer expects you to know the answer.
a) See if you can get them to answer their own question by talking it through with them.
b) Bring someone into the conversation who can answer their question. 2pts
c) Deflect the question and focus their attention on a different issue. 0pts
d) Make up an answer to satisfy them now and plan to correct it later if needed. 0pts
SECTION TWO: Read the statement and choose how strongly you agree/disagree with it.





11. I believe feedback
does little to improve
12. No one is the victim
when you steal from
your company.
13. If Im unhappy with
a job, the best thing to
do is quit as soon as
14. What is good for
the organization is the
concern of the
supervisors, not the
15. My behaviors are
often not as safe as they
could be.
16. My pay is more
important to me than
the contributions I make
to the company.
17. I often lose my
patience with others.
18. I am always on
19. People say I can be
counted on to do
whatever it takes to get
the job done.
20. People say I am the
best worker they have
ever seen.


SECTION THREE: Read and respond to the statements and choose the answer that best
represents your experience.
21. How

often did you complete extra credit assignments in school?

Whenever offered. 2pts
About 75% of the time. 1pt
About 50% of the time. 1pt
About 25% of the time. 1pt
Never 0pts

22. Suppose we contacted your most recent supervisors/teachers. How would they describe
your dependability?
a) Much better than my co-workers/classmates. 2pts
b) Somewhat better than my co-workers/classmates. 1pt
c) About the same as my co-workers/classmates. 1pt
d) Worse than my co-workers/classmates. 0pts

e) Much worse than my co-workers/classmates. 0pts

23. In the past year, how many times were you late for work/class?
a) Never 2pts
b) 1 2 times 1pt
c) 3 5 times 0pts
d) 6 or more times 0pts
e) I have not worked or had class this past year. 1pt
24. In school, how frequently per year did you request an extension on a due date from a
a) Never 2pts
b) One 1pt
c) Two 1pt
d) Three 0pts
e) Four or more times 0pts
25. How

often do other people come to you with their problems?

Never 0pts
Rarely 0pts
Sometimes 1pt
Frequently 2pts
Almost always 2pts

26. Suppose we contacted your most recent supervisors/teachers. What would they say about
how often you stretch the rules at work/school?
a) It never happens 2pts
b) It rarely happens 1pt
c) It happens occasionally 0pts
d) It happens frequently 0pts
e) I dont know 1pt
27. Compared to your peers, how often do you lead others?
a) Much less often 0pts
b) Somewhat less often 0pts
c) About the same 1pt
d) Somewhat more often 1pt
e) Much more often 2pts
28. How

would you describe your grades in high school?

Mostly As 2pts
Mostly Bs 2pts
Mostly Cs 1pt
Mostly Ds and/or Fs 0pts
My school did not give grades 1pt

29. How

would others rate your ability to handle last minute changes?

Well above average 2pts
Above average 2pts
Average 1pt
Below average 0pts
Well below average 0pts

30. You typically set your work standards:

a) Above average 2pts
b) At the same level as others 1pt

c) At achieving the highest quality possible 2pts

d) At achieving the highest quantity possible 1pt
e) I dont know 0pts
SECTION FOUR: Read the items below and respond to how effective/ineffective each is.
Rate the effectiveness
of each action listed
below for dealing with
an angry customer who
has come to you with a
31. Asking questions
about specific reasons
why the customer is
32. Outlining reasons
why the customers
concern is not right.
33. Listening to and
understanding how the
customer feels about
the situation.
34. Asking for the
customers ideas about
how to best deal with
the concern.
35. Referring the
customer to a more
experienced co-worker.
Rate the effectiveness
of each action listed
below for dealing with a
difficult employee.
36. Dropping small
hints to let this coworker know his/her
behavior is bothering
37. Talking to other
employees about the
38. Speaking to your
supervisor about the coworkers attitude at
39. Letting the coworker know that you
are bothered by his/her
40. Trying to find out
the root causes of the
co-workers bothersome






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