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International officer’s report 2009/2010

Southern Africa
Following the national delegation visit to Southern Africa earlier this year and the call for
regions to build links with Southern Africa, We Have had meetings with Barnet health
branch regarding joint delegation to Southern Africa next year. Barnet have existing
twinning arrangements within Southern Africa and it is felt a shared delegation based on
their experience and links would give us a head start in making our own twinning.
We have now agreed a draft proposed programme for a joint delegation in Octiober.
The proposals have been sent to the National International committee who can agree to
subsidise the cost of such a delegation to a total of £1500
Similarly we have facilitated better links with ACTSA and now have a nominated
member of the regional forum to act as our link. We have also requested that our region
become part of any planned ACTSA delegation tours. AS a result of this we were
informed of two African trade unionists visiting the country, As part of a visit to Britain
Vemi Zinyama of ZCTU (Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions) and Victor Dlamini
General Secretary of NAPSAWU (Swazi Public sector Workers) made a brief visit to the
Regional Office. As well as receiving an update on the political situation in both
countries, informal discussion took place on building links between our organisations.
It was agreed that the first step in this would be to invite both organisations back to the
region for a longer and more focused visit to the region .It is hoped to involve the
Midlands TUC in this. Of particular interest to Vemi was capacity building of women
trade unionists , it was particularly interesting to hear that the Dignity campaign (which
this union had supported) had resulted in a rise in women's active involvement in the
trade unions in Zimbabwe. Women who had beensignificantly involved in the logistics of
the campaign saw the value and role of trade unions.
Both also expressed an interest in learning more about UNISONs approach to activist
training and development. It was agreed that we would look at building on their visit

Malawian nurses – Four regional activists recently completed a sponsored mountain
walk in aid of the wellness centre being built by the Malawian nurses union. To date
£1000 has been raised! so thanks to all who have contributed. As part of our proposed
delegation to Southern Africa a meeting will thke place with the MNU to build on those

We have built better links with the regional PSC and hope to make what is a national
priority more of a headline issue within branches. In light of the fact that out of 1200
UNISON branches nationally only 50 are affiliated to the PSC we have written to all
branches and provided literature on the Palestinian struggle and the role of the PSC and
would encourage all branches to affiliate.
Despite a recent ‘hiccup’ which led to a planned joint tour by Colombian activist Aida
Quilque all but bypassing the region, Discussion continues on joint works with the
northern region, specifically a joint delegation to Colombia next year.

Having risen with the national international office, our regions willingness to be involved
in tours by international visitors, we have recently been advised of a tour of three
Venezuelan trade unionists (including a public sector worker.
Eglé Sanchez Elias Rodriguez from the Venezuelan print workers union (accompanied
by Francisco Dominguez of the Venezuela Solidarity campaign) gave a report (to the
Regional International forum )on the progress being made by the Bolivarian revolution .
Both campaigns urged all branches to affiliate to their respective organisations.
you can affiliate to the VSC at
and the CHRP at
The Regional Centre later hosted a Birmingham VSC meeting.
Discussion will continue regarding future
co-operation including building closer links with our brothers and sisters in the
Venezuelan trade union movement

National International seminar

Was attended by myself and three delegates from regional branches. A full report was
included in the international newsletter

UNISON has relaunched their campaign regarding the Phillipines and the situation
facing trade unionists. I attended the meeting and will through my branch, and will be
bringing a motion to the next Regional Council.
Edre Olalia a peoples lawyer in the Philippines and Andy Whitmore from the campaign
for human rights in the Philippines also spoke at the region of the dangers faced by trade
unionists and social activists (in what is the second most dangerous place in the world
for trade unionists)

The region held a stall at this years fete with many positive outcomes. There were also
lessons learned. A full report has been circulated

Following on from a motion at this years conference calling on regions to form twinning
arrangements with Cuban trade unions (and on the basis of not wanting to reinvent the
wheel , we have agreed to organise a joint visit with the East midlands form public sector
workers union sometime next year .
I continue to produce a newsletter,
I continue to try and keep this as upto date as possible
I am continuing to email branches and international contacts on any international issues
which require urgent action or support. I make no apology for this as of course you don’t
have to read them (a course of action that many seem to take!)

The regional priorities have tended to be Southern Africa, Palestine, Cuba and
And within Regional Council we have said regularly stated our solidarity with the
struggles of our comrades in these areas.It has to be of concern therefore that
less than 6% of branches in the region are affiliated to any of the solidarity
campaigns in these areas.
Financing the activities of solidarity campaigns is the simplest form of solidarity
and is relatively cheap (£50 is the general cost of affiliation to the above
If our support for international struggles is to be more than empty rhetoric we
need to gain support from activists and members within our union, and this often
means having the discussion (and sometimes argument) within our branches of
the importance of international solidarity.
Taking motions calling for affiliations to your branch is an opportunity to have this
important debate and I would encourage all branches to do so.
If anyone wants advice or support on this issue please contact me.

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