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A constant normal stiffness direct shear box for soil-solid interface tests Vincenzo Fioravante*, Vito Nicola Ghionna*®, Sergio Pedroni***, Danicla Porcino**** Summary ‘The paper deals with the resuhs of interface tests conducted on a modified direct shear box apparatus, under constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS) cimsltions. Tests have been carried out on different types of in- terfaces, each one consisting of an aluminium plate with a specified roughness surface in. contact with a silica sand. ‘Three different sands have been investigated. For sake of brevity only the results concerning two extreme «ypes of interfaces for all sands have been described in detail, namely a dense rough interface (D/80) and a loose smooth interface (1/8). A de ‘scription of the apparatus is provided and the factors affecting the reliability of the tests are analysed. Typical test results are shown and the influence of the “confined dilatancy” on the two different types of interlaces is discussed, Introduction ‘The study of the phenomena that develop at the contact ground-structure has known an in- creasing imsportance in the geotechnical field over the last years both for a better understanding of the behaviour of traditional foundations such as piles and anchors (Wernick, 1978; Bouton et al, 1986; Boutow, 1988; Bouton, 1989; Amey et al., 1992; Janine et al., 1993; Letant et al,1994; Tasu- Ccawon ef al., 1995; Jaxpine and Cxow, 1996] and in connection with the development of soil reinforce- ‘ment (reinforced earth, soil nailing, geosynthetics reinforced soil) [Ati et al, 197; ScriLosseR et a., 1979, 1981; Juran et al., 1988; ScHLOSsER ef al., 1990; Jaweus. ef al., 1987] Jaxorve ef al. [1996] have observed that in some ‘eases the evaluation of the lateral bearing capacity of displacement piles, based on the usual empiric methods, can result too conservative. For instance, the API RP2A Recommendations for offshore piles in sand, tend to underestimate the lateral bearing capacity of short piles installed in dense sand. ‘Therefore, there is a need to examine carefully the basic mechanisms which control the development of friction at the contact of a solid surface with the ground, ‘The first studies on the friction which develops. at the contact between soil and solid surfaces have been conducted by Porvoxoy [1961), using a direct shear box modified with the aim to execute inter~ face tests + Head of Geotechnical Laborato, ISMESS pA Seriate (BC), ++ Profeston Dept. f Mechanics and Materials, University of Reggio Calabria, Senior Engineer ENEL. PIS Niguarda (MD, ‘co Engineer Ph.D Student, University of Reggio Calabria. Successively Yosuina and Kisitns [198La, b] have made research on the friction between dry sand and steel through an anular shear device ‘An interesting study concerning the friction at the interface between sand and steel has been done by Ursuct and Kistnpa [1986a, b] using at first a sim- pile shear apparatus and then an apparatus which is able to execute both simple and direct shear tests ‘These studies have demonstrated that the maxi= mum value of the friction coefficient depends on the normalized roughness defined as: o whe R,_ = roughness of the solid surface defined as ver- tical distance between the highest and the lowest peak measured on a reference lenght L of the surface profiles Dsq = mean diasneter of the soil grains. Moreover the same authors have neticed a cer- tain influence exerted by the shape of grains on the values of friction coefficient Further on these studies on reinforced soil have pointed out the great importance exerted by the phenomenon of “confined dilatancy” at the inter- face between soil and solid surface, which is respon- sible for the elevated values of friction angles ob- tained in pull-out ests on metal strips and bars, and for the reduction of friction coefficient with the em- bedment depth of the reinforced elements [Atimt et dal, 1977; Werntcx, 1978; ScitLosser ¢t al., 1979, 1981, Fig. I refers fo the conceptual scheme adopt- ed by Wexnick [1978}10 explain the role of the “con- fined dilatancy” in the development of the lateral fiction between soil and cylindrical inclusions. The above mentioned aspects are found in the French RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA 3/99 frcued ty agacen st eactian (roo wrtove) eens 8 Tat Satin 1 -Wernick model [1978]. explain the concept of the "confined dilatancy” for cylindrical inclusions ig. 1 Modelo propsto da Werancx 1978 ] per siegar it concetodi “diatanzaimpedita™ pes salusons cinch Regulation for the calculation of reinforced earth [Norme Francaise NF P 94-220, 1992]. The effect of the “confined dilatancy” between sand and solid surface has been modelled in the laboratory through a modified direct shear apparatus, which allows to perform tests imposing on the soil speci- men a condition of constant normal stiffness (CNS) [Jousrow eta., 1987; BouLoy et al., 1986; Bouton, 1988a, b; Bouton et al., 1988; Bouton, 1989,1991; Horerr, 1990; Mournap, 1992; Tabucanow ef al, 1995). ‘These studies have pointed out that the phe- nomenon of the “confined difatancy” is Tinked to the existence of a very thin stratum of soil atthe in- terface between soil and solid surface, whose thick- ness is approximately assessable between 2 and 10 times the mean diameter of grains. “The behaviour of this layer depends by the fol- Jowing parameters: ) normalized roughness of the surface; b)_ grain size; ©) soil erushability; ) relative density of soil ©) initial effective normal stress; ) constant normal stiffness K defined as @) Aw = variation of normal effective stress 09, -vatiation of the displacement u of top of the stratum in a divection perpendicular (0 the shear surface. In general it has been observed that the sand: rough surface interface shows an increasing dilatant behaviour with the increase in the density of the sand and with the decrease in the initial effective normal sess, The effect ofthe “confined dilatancy” | S PA ART ANESRMIBE | Mronsvantt - Gitonna ~ Pepsont - Porcivo; corresponds (o an increase of the normal stress, which is followed by a corresponding increase in frictional shear stress (t*) at the interface. ‘This in- crease can be interpreted as.a change of the friction coefficient that passes from the real value f to the ‘apparent value defined as: r= Fo, = 8" Gi, @) where o}, represents the current normal effective stress and dy the initial value of On the contrary the sand ~ smooth surface in- terface shows an increasing contracting behaviour with the increase in the effective normal stress o'n, In this case the effect of the “confined dilatancy" results ina reduction of the normal stress, which is followed by a corresponding reduction of the fric- tional shear stress. The importance of the previous- ly described effects depends on the value of the con- stant of stiffness K aiid they tend to become more ‘evident for higher values of K. Janoini etal. [1993] have pointed out that the stress paths on the plane (r,0',) observed during some loading tests on piles were qualitatively similar to the corresponding ones obtained in CNS direct shear tests and they have suggested a new method Tor the calculation of the shaft friction of offshore piles, based on the concept of the “confined dilatan- “This represents a further confirmation of the importance of the problem for design purpose and therefore the need for deeper research into the study on soil-solid surface behaviour. ‘Wessex [1978b] and Bouton {1988a] have pro- posed an approach to link the constant K to the de- formability characteristics of soil to assess the lateral friction of cylindrical inclusions. This has been done using the cavity expansion theory in an elastic wiate- rial and can be summarized by the following equa- tion: BEp _ doy Re AR. K (a) wessuremeter modulus of soil; radius of the cavity assumed equal to: D Ro B4e D_ = diameter of the inclusion and ¢ = interface thickness=2+10 Do. “The above equation allows to observe a depend- cence both on the deformability characteristies of the soil and on the radius of the inclusion. “The previously mentioned studies were mainly concerned with the static behaviour of the founda- tions. A limited number of experiments with the ‘CNS direct shear apparatus have also been conduct- RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA A.CONSTANT NORMAL STIFPNESS DIRECT SHEAR HOX FORSOIL-SOLD INTEREACE TESTS LANAI 9 ed in cyclic conditions. These studies in general have shown a degradation of the fateral friction with the increase of the sumber of the eycles, that was more marked with the inerease of the amplitude dis- placement and of the constant stiffness K. Cyclic in situ loading tests on piles have also beeen performed in the context of a research pro- ‘gramme conducted by the Imperial College Group [anomie ef al., 1998; Lexawe and Janose, 1994; Jar pie and Crow, 1996] with the aim to formulate a new method for the evaluation of the shaft friction of offsbare piles. This paper reports the first results ofa research conducted by the cooperation beuween Enel Hy. draulic and Structural Centre of Niguarda (Milano), Ismes (Bergamo) and the University of Reggio Ga- labria, addressed to the study of the behaviour of the lateral friction at the interface between soil and inclusion. ‘The research concernes of both static and eyclic behaviour. This paper refers to the direct shear tests performed in a CNS apparatus on sand-metal inter- face under static conditions. The main feature of the apparatus are described in details and some results are presented, CNS direct shear box apparatus ‘The apparatus used in this study is a direct shear box having dimensions 100X100 mm, which was modified to supply the conditions of constant nor- smal stiffness (CNS). A scheme of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 2 From this point of view CNS tests can be considered an intermediate situation between che traditional constant normal load (GNF, tests, where the vertical strains are nat at all constrained and the constant volume tests, were the vertical strains are not ale lowed. In the literature different types of CNS direct shear boxes have been reported [JouNstox et al, 1987; Horerr, 1990; Moureast, 1992; Tanucavon et 4L,, 1995), The main differences among them con- cern the system adopted to provide the condition of constant normal stiffness on tap of the sample. The apparatus used in this study adopts a servocon- trolled electro-pneumatic system which continuesly adjusts the vertical load according to the following linear relationship with the measured vertical strains: Aga KeAu = o being: Ady = 0 (0) on (C= 0) = increment of the nor- ‘mal effective stress (0,) om the shear plane at time t, evaluated with reference to the initial (04 (C= 0) =¢y9] val Au =u ()—u (t=0) = increment of the vertical nor- mal displacement of the top of the sample at time t, evaluated with reference to the initial [u ((=0) =u] value; K ~ constant normal stiffness In general dz (t) shouk be assessed taking into account the current value A(t) of the sheared area. Fig. 2~ Schematic view of the constant normnal stiffness direct shear box apparatus, Fig. 2- Schema delappparechiatura di tglio diel a rigiderza normale post, LUGLIO- SETTEMBRE WREEQSDERLEARSDORIER EL IEEE L LE OTT ED TASTES Fosavavre- Grtowna - Pepkont- Porcine However this is insignificant for the interface tests because in that case A remains constant during the sliding movement. ‘The main components of the system ate: = adouble-acting pneumatic actuator; — _aproportional valve; = two linear variable differential transducers (LVDTS), respectively vertical (V) and horizon~ tal (H), having the following characteristics: horizontal= maximum stroke: 20mm, accuracy 0.10% measuring range (m.r.); vertical: maxi- ‘mum stroke: VOnum, aceuracy 0.15% mv ~ twoload cells L.C.), respectively vertical (V) and horizontal (F), having the following characteris- tics: vertical= full scale: 5 KN, accuracy: 0.05% £s., nominal sensitivity: 2m IV; hori- zontal full scale: 5OKN, accuracy: 0.05% Cs. nominal sensitivity: $m VV. an automatic data acquisition and control sys- tem which regulate every five seconds the verti- cal load, “The working principle of the control system is schematically shown in Fig. 8 “The electrical signal provided by the vertical load cell, is sent (0 an A/D converter and then stored every 5 seconds on the data acquisition system. Subsequently itis processed by the personal computer and trans- formed in actual values of A,= 0 (0) -On(€=0). At the same time the conditioned signals of the vertical LVDT are sent to the personal computer and trans- formed in displacements values Au = u (9 -u (t=0). Accordingly to the imposed K value the personal com- puter calculate the correct value Ao’y that correspond to the actual vertical displacement and compares it to the current value of Ag, experienced at that tine. As the difference 3a, = Ady - Aa", overcomes toa select- ed allowable error, itis converted to analogical signal and sent to the proportional valve that controls the pneumatic actuator. In this way the actuator applies a correction force (positive or negative) on top of the sample which is proportional to dAgq.The feedback proce- ure is repeated until a good correspondence be- tween the measured and settled values of Ags is ob- tained. Fig. 4 shows atypical curve reproducing the var- iation of the normal stiffness K with the horizontal displacement (w) observed in a CNS test. Asit can be seen, the system adopsed is capable to provide a quite stable response except at the beginning of the test, where there is some scatter of the stiffness coef ficient. This irregular trend can be abseribed to the very small values of Au measured in the first part of the tests compared with the overall accuracy of the feed-back system. However the initial variations of K produce negligible influence to the subsequent [AIR PRESSURE FEEDING SYSTEM uC) TEVER ARM BACK PRESSURE, Fig, 5 ~ CNS direct shear box apparatus feedback control system, ig. 3~ Sistema di controllo automatico del apparecchiatura di taglindirelio a vigidezza normale imposta, AAA AMARA RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA A.CONSTANT NORMAL STIFENESS DIRECT StIEAR HOX FOR SOIL-SOLID INTERFACE TESTS Tnterfice Tayoura Dense. d= 50 Ka = youra Densely velocity v=0.31 mewimin). Fig. 4— Tipico andamento della rigidezxa normale imposta K du- vante una prove (nalorenominale di K= 1000 kPafmm; velocita dtaghio w= 0.31 mmémin). can be deduced! from the obtained results shown be- low. ‘A double effect pneumatic actuator was adopted since it allows a more precise response compared to a single effect actuator during the unloading phas- Soils Tested “Tested sands consist of three different natural silica sands namely: ~ Ticino Sand (T$10) — Toyoura Sand FF Sand Fig. 5 shows the grain size distribution curves of the tested sands, while table Land table TI their main mineralogical and physical properties. Fig. 6 shows the pictures reiative to the tested sands. According ¢o the most usual classifyeation system, their roundness characteristics can be de- fined as follows: “Ticino Sand: Subrounded ‘Toyoura Sand: Subrounded FF Sand: Subangular 1 \ eS teyeurasina | == — Tiina FF sand Percent patsing [3] eseeseees \ x 1 \ 1 \ x g 1 O10! 0001 Grain size [mm] Fig. 5 ~ Grading curves for tested sands. Fig, 5 —Curoe granulometyche dalle sabbie utiliza. ‘Tab. I Mineralogical characteristics of tested sands, Tab. I~ Propreta mineralogiche dele sabbie wilizate, “Ticino sand Quartz Feldspar Toyourasand FF sand 70% Quartz 83% Quare 98.2% 26% feldspar 17% Feldspar 1.3% Heavy minerals 4% Mica 0.5% “Tab, 11 ~ Physical characteristics of tested sands. "Tab, IT ~ Propreta fsiche dll sabbio wilizate. “Toyoura sand FF sand Yow kNim] 16.67 16101478 Yoxio FEN/m] 13.94 13.58 1.59 nin 0.58 062 073 Can 0.89, 092 12 G 2.68 2.64 261 Dyo fmm} 0.35, 09 0.05 Dyp [mm] 0.56 024 0.09) Deo fram] 0.62 0.26 0.10 C=Di/Dio 178 42 2.09 Yosnna and Kistipa (198 1a}, Ussuct and Kisit- 1s [1986b] have pointed out that the shape of the ‘grains can have some influence on the frictional in- terface behaviout. This influence can be accounted. by the modified roundness parameter [Ussuet and Kisiipa, 1986 b] illustrated in Fig. 7. FRet Ate M 6) where, 1] + 2S) motte on ness parameter of the i* particle a M= number of particles ‘The other symbols are defined in Fig. 7. The above parameter is difficult to evaluate. Therefore it was preferred to adopt the following empirical cor- relation automatically evaluated by an image analys- er Quamtimet 570 commercialized by Leica Cam- bridge Ltd in use at Enel Hydraulic and Structural Genire: 1___[Perimeter®) Rq=Roundness= rpg¢-—“Garae 8) LUGLIO- SETTEMBRE SRLS ASD ELE SLED IE Rei 11 Fionavans - Gutowna - Pepnont - PoRCINO Fig. 6 Image analyser photos showing particles features of tested sands: (a) Ticino sand; (b) Toyoura sand; (c) FF sand. Fig, 6— Imagini ingrandite al micrzcopiaeetronio dele parceled sabbia ube: (a) Saba det Tien; (6) Saba di Toyoura; (6) Sabbia FF. Ry was determined on a statistically significative number of sand particles, Table III [Porcino, 1997) reports the average value (R,) of the measured Ry for each tested sand. Asitcan be se more angular than Toyoura sand while F shows a more pronounced angularity. All sands were tested in dry condition. 1 Ticino sand results on slightly sand Solid surfaces description ‘To.apply the presented results to the interpreta- tion of the results of aluminium alloy model piles Fig. 7 ~ Definition of modified roundness [Ursvct «al, 19860) Fig. 7 Definizione della rotondta modificata [Uesuet eal, 19864. fi axially loaded in the ISMES centrifuge, the inter- face tests have been conducted using aluminium plates with different rpughnesses similar to that of model pile surface. However the gathered results have a general validity since, as reported by Yost and Kisiioa [19814], the interface behaviour is not significantly influenced by the nature of the metal “The lowest roughness was obtained by grinding, the aluminium plate with glass paper, whereas the other roughnesses were obtained by using a lathe, that produced a succession of asperities approxi mately homogeneous. Several approaches have been proposed in the literature to define and quantify the roughness of the solid surfaces in interface tests [Porvoxpy, 1961; Yost and Kisiups, 1981a; Ussvor and Kista, 1986a; Horerr, 1990; Parkowsky, 1994]. Such ap- proaches differ one each other for the following fac- tors:1) the parameter chosen to characterize the roughness of the surface 2) the reference gau length over which the roughness is measured. In the present study the parameter R,, previously defined in this article, was adopted assuming as reference ‘gauge length a value L = 0.25mm (Fig. 8) Kisiupa and Ursuct [1987], proposed that the reference gauge length should be close to the mean Tab, IIL — Values of roundness for tested sands accord to Eg. (8). Tab. ILI ~ Valor della rotons por le sabia wilizateottenuti dal’ Bg. (8). , Toyoura Sand Ticino sand TOYON ae Ra 1.25 1.22 131 M=number ‘ofparticles 5° uy 2 y AIA RANG | RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA A.CONSTANT NORMAL STIFPNESS DIRECT SHEAR HOX FOR SOWL-SOLD INTRECE TSS ALAS AAANSEGE 13 diameter of the tested sand,'To verify ifthe assumed ‘gauge length could be considered adequate for all tested sands, the measurement of surface roughness ‘was repeated by using different gauge lenghts in the range from 0.25 mm to 2.5 mm. The results ob- tained are reported in Fig, 9 (Pocino, 1997}: itis evident that the influence of the gauge lenght can be considered almost negligible for the smoothest plates, whereas this influence is significant for the rough plates. However, comparing the values of Ry obtained with a gauge lenght of 0.25 mm with those corresponding to the adoption of a gauge lengitt equal to Dig of the tested sands, the differencies re- ‘main confined in an acceptable range (ie. they do not exceed 10 xm). “The roughness of each plate surface was meas- ured through a roughness tester Mitutoyo Surfiest 804. Itallows measurement of the parameter Ry in a ‘maximum range from 0.3 t0 160 jem, and with the following lengths: L. = 0.25 mm, 0.8 mm, 2.5 mm. For each plate the measurements were performed on nine different points of the plates and the aver- age value was adopted. Furthermore, for each plate, the measurements were repeated in different phas- ¢s of the experimental test programme, in order to ascertain a possible roughness degradation. It was verified that the roughness characteristics of the plates did not exhibit significant variatic the test programme. A noe mm Fig. 8 ~ Definition of R, for tested solid surfaces. Fig. 8 ~ Definzione della rugositi Ry per le superfic solide ute za 100 = Bo =e smoo 80 = a rough “The tests were conducted on three plates having. the following roughnesses: Re=3um,; 10m; 30m. In table IV the values of the adopted normalized roughness are computed. Fig, 10 shows an enlarged picture of the rough aluminium plate (RI=30 4m) with some Toyoura sand grains. These values can be considered representative for the most common, practical applications, involving soil-metal interfa- ces, ‘Test procedure Sand samples have been prepared adopting the method of dry Tamping in an unique layer. The height of the sand sample was 12 mm in interface testsand 20 mm in sand-sand tests. In interface tests the metallic plate consisted of a block having the same thickness of the bottom half box. ‘The consolidation phase was performed in load- ing steps applied by the electro-pneumaic system. During this phase the vertical settlements of the samples were monitored in order to assess the den- sity of the sample at the start of the shearing phase ‘The rate of shear displacement (v) was kept equal to 0.31 mm/min. in all tests since the influence of the displacement rate, verified in a series of pre- liminary tests, resulted significant in the range from 0.01 mnymin. to 0.59 mm/min at small w values, as shown in Fig. 11 [FexkeRo, 1996], while the differ- ences at large values of w are less pronounced. ‘Tests for setting up the equipment A seties of proof tests on sand have been per- formed to evaluate the performance of the appara- tus, ‘The attention was focused on the following as- pects: ) non-uniform stress distribution on the shear planes )_ loss of sand grains from the gap between the top and bottom halves of the split box during the test ‘Tab. IV — Values of the adopted normalized roughnesses, Tab. 10'~ Valovi adotuati dé rugosa normalizzata dele interfac- ce wilizat, s=RYDso Ry=RYDsp Ry=RYDog Umm) Fig. 9 Roughness parameter R, vs. gauge lenght L, ig. 9 Andamento del porametro di ragosita I com ta lun (ghezaa di misura L Ream) "TS10. Toyoura FF 3 00050018 ———0.088 0 aos = 00az tT 30 00s 0.125088 LUGLIO- SETTEMERE "SEPERATE RELATED LET ES NEDSS PENDS Fig. 10 ~ Micrographs of the rough aluminium plate (R 30 jm) with superimposed some grains of ‘Poyoura sand (enlarg. 1 x 29) Rg. 10 ~Inonagine ingrandita al microscpioelettrnico dela rasta di allumanio rugosa (Ry =30 zn) com soraposte par ticelle di sabbia dé Toyoura (ngr. 1% 29), Interface Toyoura Loosem dno= 150 kFa-K=1000 kPa, 035, 030 035 soz Sous =O 011 Sunn 010 ¥=0331 mini 0.05 | v0.59 mm/min 000 ee a ees o 2 4 6 &§ 0 a 4M w (mm) Fig. 11 ~ Influence of shear displacement rate (¥) on test reels Aig. 11 ~ Influenza della veloit iti (v) sui risulad dé prove ©) effect of the grains trapped between the two halves of the split-box on the measured shear force. The above mentioned problems have already been discussed by several authors [Werwick, 19784; Jewer1 and Waar, 1987; Oot and Carrer, 1987; Bouton, 1988a; Jeweit, 1989; Horerr, 1990; AL- Dount and Poutos, 1991]. In general these observa- tions were only qualitative without coming to some quantitative assessment of their effects {As far as the aspect a) is concerned, Jewett [1989] analysed the unequal stress distribution ex- isting on the front and back walls of the top half-box and to minimize the problem suggested fo connect the loading plate to the top half-box. Facing the same problem, Wernick [1978a] proposed an appa~ ratus where the loading plate was allowed to per form only vertical movements by inserting roller bearings inside the top halbox. According to Horerr [1990] both these solutions would present different disadvantages without solv- ing, on the other hand, the problem. [FronavaNTE.- Gii0Nsa - Prpxomt - Porcino A. Dours and Poutos [1991] instead faced the problem of the tilting of the top half box to which should be ascribed the loss of sand grains, that takes place at the front and back walls of the box. In the apparatus that they adopted the tilting of the half box was prevented by a lateral roller bearing guide, installed on top of the top half box and connected to verzcal bars fixed on the bottom half box. More- over, they used an internal thin rubber membrane to prevent any inclusion of sand grains in the space between the two halves of the box. This required a preventive calibration of the spurious effect.on the measurement of the shear stresses induced by the presence of the membrane, [first series of proof tests was devoted to study the vertical movement of the top half box during, the test. Two LVDT's were positioned at two oppo: site sides of the top half-box. The measurements, taken evidenced the presence of a significant lift ing movement of the extremity A (Fig. 2) of the top half box causing a rotgtion of this part of the half box. This movement was accompanied by a loss of sand grains from the inside of the box. The sand. ns remained confined on the top face of the bottom half box, so that they were observed only when the top half box was removed. At the same time the curves shear stress vs. horizontal displace- ‘ment showed an irregular trend particularly in che final phase of the test (Fig. 12). To minimize these problems it was decided to increase the rigidity of the reaction structure connecting the top half box With the load cell for the measuremen‘s of horizon- tal force. This was obtained (Fig. 2) both by in creasing the dimensions of the shaft (C) and of the swan neck loading yoke (B), and making the seat of the roller bearing (I) more precise. Moreover, the axiality of the shaft with respect to the surface of the shear plane was carefully controlled. ‘The mod- ifications performed gave rise to benefits in reduc ing upward movement of the extremity A of the top half box (Fig. 18) [Ferrexo, 1996]. However the problem of the irregular trend of the curve (©, m0 800 kPa, Dr=859%K=OkPafmm o 2 4 6 8 © B W fom) Fig. 12 ~ Example of disturbance observed in a prelimi- nary test Fig. 12 Esempio del dsturboosservato in wna prove di messa 1 punto prelininare. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA ACONSTANT NORMAL STIFFNESS DIRECT SHEAR HOX FOR SOJL-SOUID INTELEACE TESTS ESTAS SAARINEN 15 ) was not completely solved even if it was im- proved significantly. To this purpose the attention was focused on the geometrical details of the facing surfaces of the two halves of the box on front and rear sides of it. Fig 14 shows a schematic view of the longitudinal sec- tions of the boxes that were adopted. As it can be seen each part of the box contains a small step, ‘which was purposelly designed to reduce the nega- tive effects induced by the presence of the grains en- tered into the gap between the two halves of the box. The dimensions of the step (Lh) (Fig. 14) are different in the solution adopted for sand-sand tests with respect to the solution of interface tests (Figs. Ma) and 14(b) respectively). Step dimensions reported in figures are not fixed but have to be modified according to the grain-sizes of the used sands. The observations performed led to the conclusions thae a convenient height for the step should be not less than about 2Dso, both in sand-sand tests and in interface tess. This justifies the very reg- ular trend of the curve (¢, w) odserved in Fig. 15 [Row 1997] forall sands having Dso less than half of the height ofthe step and the abnormal trend ob- served for TG106, that consists ofa fine uniform Ti- cino gravel having a mineralogical composition sim- ilar to Ticino sand but Deo=8.2 mm. With reference to the lenght 1 in Fig. 14, it was decided to maintain a longer length in the sand to sand tests than in sand (o aluminium tests, in order to prevent the greater loss of material that occurs in the first kind of tests. Test program The complete test program has taken into ac count different interface characteristics obtained combining sand samples of different relative dens ties with aluminium plates of different roughness. ‘Ticino sand 959%300 LP, Dr=858-K-=OkPalmm Furthermore the tests were conducted with dif- ferent values of initial normal stress (go) and nor- mal stiffness (K). ‘The complete set of the performed tests is reported in table V. In this table the espe of testis specified with a composite symbol where the capitol letter indicates the relative density of the sand (D=Dense, Dy= 85%; L 159%) and, the number indicates the values of the plate rough- ness expressed in um. For sake ofbrevity in the fol- lowing only the results concerning the D/30 and 1/3 interfaces with the thrée sands have been presented. Infact these interfaces represent two extreme situa- tions with respect to the influence of the “confined dilatancy” on the interface behaviour. Therefore their discussion can give an usefull contribution also, for the understanding of the behaviour of other types of interfaces. VARs to. (a) ime sopjleteam in oS Sinbad - We ee (b) Fig. 14 — Cross sections of modified shear box: (a) for sand-sand tests, (b) for interface tests, Fig. 14 ~ Sezione trasoersale dela scatola di taglio modifica: (a) per prowe sabbia-sabbias (2) per frowe di inteyfaccia. : 2 -3} Oviginal Apparams 4 o2 46 8 © 2 w wea) Fig. 13 - Upward movement (x) of the upper half-box ob- served in a preliminary test and after the modification oF the shear box (upsine™ contraction). Fig. 13 ~ Movimento verticale deta semiscatola superior os- servnto tx una provn dimessa a punta preliminare e depo la mo- ‘if della scala di tagtio (1 yie= compressone) 5 wm Fig. 15 — Influence ofthe ratio h/D.gon sand-sand test re sults (for b=1 mam). Fig. 15 ~ Influenza del rapporto h(D a sui visultat di prove sab bia sabia (per h=1 mm). LUGLIO-SETTEMERE —EEMOARLOLLE AAAS AIAN “Tab, V—Test programme. Tab. V~ Programma delle prove. 6 AAAS Pomvarrs -Gitonna - Pepkon! - Porcino "TYPE OF SAND SAND RELATIVE DENSILY/ R. jam) a (KPa) K (kPafmm) 18 530-150-300 0-100-1000 Ds 50.150-300 0-100-1000 io 50-150-300 0-100 cats pjlo 50-150-300 01000 80 50-150-300 0-100-1000 D380 50-150-300 0100-1000 18 530-150-300 0100-2000 Dis 550-150-300 0100-1000 uo 450-150-900 0-100 “TOYOURASAND brio 550-150-300 0-1000 30 50-159.800 0-100-1000 p80 559-150-300) 0-10-1000 us 100-150-300 0-100-1000 bis 100-150-300 0-100-1000 uo 100-150-300 0-400-1000 FF SAND bio 100-150-300 0-100-1000 230 100-150-300 0-10-1000 b/s0 /100-150-300 0-10-1000 ‘Typical tests results Figures from 16 to 18 show some typical CNS tests results for D/30 interfaces with Toyoura sand. All tests were performed with an initial normal stress ‘oF 50 kPa, Different values of constant normal stiff ness were adopted, respectively K=0, 100, 1000 kPa mm. Fig. 16(a) reports the r vs. w curves observed in the above tests. As itcan be seen there isa significant influence of K, which concerns the complete trend of the curves both before and after the attainment of the peak shear stress. The effect is more evident for values of K higher than K=100 kPa/mm. "This fea- ture is confirmed by Fig. 16(b) which reports the om vs. w curves. It can be observed that increasing the value of K causes a significant increase of the current normal stresses during the shearing phase. ‘The re- sults reported in the previous figures can be ex- plained taking into account that a dense-rough in- terface tends to diate when sheared in CNL, tests (Fig. 16(c). This basic behaviour influences the spanse in CNS tests. In fact, the tendency of the in- terface to dilate is in these tests, counteracted by the elastic reaction of the adjacent soil. ‘This yelds also a reduction of the vertical upward displacements of the sample (u). Such reduction becomes evident only for values of K higher than 100 kPa/mm (Fig. 16(c)). Fig. 17 reports curves showing the current stress ra- tio (e/oy) vs. the horizontal displacement (w) from the same tests. As it can be seen the normal stiffness has only a minor influence on the mobilized friction co- efficient. This clarifies that for the tested sand the in- ‘case of the shearing resistance in CNS tests is only due to the increase of the normal stress and not to a modification of the friction coefficient. Fig. 18 re- ports the stress-paths followed during the above de- scribed tests, The first portion of the curves cancer ing the GNS tests reflect the very small contractive behaviour shown in Fig. 16(€). Afer this phase the carves show a significant increase of the normal stress 0, which corresponds to the dilatant behaviour exhibited by the interface. In the same figure are al- so shown the stress-paths followed in other tests wi Aifferent initial normal stresses. As it can be seen all tive stress-paths are bounded by an unique strenght envelope, corresponding to the condition of maxi- rum obliquity [5] indipendenty of the val ue of normal stiffness K adopted. This envelope de- fines the real value of the mobilized friction angle berween sand and interfaces. Ics interesting to point out that the stress-paths concerning the CNS tests reported in Fig, 18 are qualitatively similar to those obtained from instru- ‘mented pile tests on sand performed in situ by JaR- pane etal. [1993] (Fig,19). Figures from 20 to 22 re- port similar results gathered from D/30 interfaces with Ticino sand, while figures from 23 to 5 refer to 1D/80 interfaces with FF. The above figures confirm the general behaviour exhibited by Toyoura sand. Figures from 26 to 28 show some typical CNS tests results for loose/smooth (L/3) interfaces with. ‘Toyoura sand. Fig. 26(a) reports r vs. w curves gath- cred in the above tests. It evidences that within the investigated range of shear displacement the im- AAA A NTARORET | RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA ‘A CONSTANT NORMAL STIFFNESS DIRECT SHEAR HOX FOR SOM SOLID INTERFACE TESTS Interface Toyoura Dense/3Qum ayo" 50KFa 175, + KO Ravin 150 -— Ke100 krafmm i 135, 100 06 75 s 50 Pot ig. 16 ~ Influence of normal stiffness K om tests results ig. 16 ~ Influenza deli rigidezia normale K su risuliat di pro- posed stiffiess K exerces only a poor influence on both peak and ultimate shear stresses. Fig. 26(b) re- ports a vs. w curves from the same tests. As itcan be seen increasing the stiffness results ina slight reduc- tion of current normal stresses during the shearing phase. This trend is more evident for values of K higher than L00 kPa/mm. Fig. 26(c) shows that. similar trend is observed also on the u vs. w curves. ‘This behaviour can be explained considering that a loose-smooth interface tends to contraet during CNL tests (Fig. 26(0)) In CNS tests this gives rise to small reduction of both the current normal stress- ‘es and the vertical displacements of the sample. Fig ws hos. zontal displacement from the samme tests. Asitcan be noticed also for [/3 interface the normal stiffness 27 reports the current stress ratio K-10 kPa 11000 Pay 6 8 10 fen] rar Fig. 17 - Mobilized friction coefficient f vs, horizontal displacement. Fig. 17 —Andamento del coeffciente dk atrto mobittato fon o spostamento orizzontale Interface Toyenra DenseQjem coe SREB 0 9 m 1 mM wm mM w a ow sD au ig. 18 ~ Stress paths followed during the shearing phase. Fig. [8 — Percorst delle sllectazion:aservat durante la fase di tagho vest une 210 by Fig. 19 ~Stress path followed during loading tests on an, instrumented model pile in sand [[axotve eal, 1993}. Fig. 19 Percorso dele solecitacion’seguito durante wna prova

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