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English (Reading & Listening)


#2 Listening:
Main Topic & Main Purpose Q.
Tutik Sriani, S.T., M.Eng, PhD



Main Topic & Main Purpose Questions

What are these people mainly talking about?
What is the main topic of this conversation?
Why is the man/woman talking to the professor?
Lectures & Class Discussions
What is the main point of this lecture?
What is the topic of the class discussion?
What are the students and the professor discussing?
What is the primary topic of this lecture?



Sample Note

Concentrate on the Questions & the Answer Choice


Listen to and read the question carefully.

Read the answer choices carefully.
Pat attention to time.
Answer EVERY question.


Concentrate on the context and the detail

The language in the conversations is usually rather informal and
frequently concerns topics common to the everyday life of young adults
enrolled in a university. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge
of the subject matter discussed in the conversations. All the information
needed to answer the questions is included within the conversation. Try
to remember the details in context so as not to get confused.

Example (short conversation):

Ive just locked my car keys in the trunk.
Dont worry. Ive got my set.
What does the woman mean?
In this conversation, the womans response indicated that she is not
concerned about the incident because she has her own set of keys to1995
the car.

Concentrate on the context and the detail

Example (long conversation):
Have you decided to change your major?
Well, the Engineering Department will accept most of
the work that I did toward my physics degree, so I
switched to engineering just last week.
But wont the change set you back as far as graduating
is concerned?
It looks like I will be able to catch up with most of the
engineering courses by next year, so it really wont set
me back too much. Besides, I think that I will be happier
in the engineering field.
What is the woman concerned about?
In this conversation, the woman sets the context the mans change of
major. The man answers her question and gives information about his
decision, She wonders how this will affect him. His response indicates1995
that he is confident about his decision.

Concentrate on the purpose

Many of the questions concern the speakers purpose. The first
person might be extending an invitation, and the second person
might be accepting or declining it. Concentrate on details that
indicate apologies, requests, offers, or opinions.

I cant get this printer to feed the paper through

Dont look at me. Im hopeless at these things

In this conversation, we can infer that the man is seeking help to

solve this problem. The womans response indicates that she
cannot help him.

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