Anda di halaman 1dari 2

1) What is difference between char and varchar in sql server 2005

2) What is the diff between sealed class and private class in inheritance
3) Differentiate between DAO, ADO and ADODC as in data access objects?
4) What is difference between Convert.ToString(variable) and variable.ToString()
5) What is the difference between class and abstract class?
6) What is the difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder classes?
7) What are the differences b/w structure and class?
8) What is the difference between int.Parse() and Convert.toInt32().
9) Difference between string and stringbuilder?
10) What is the difference between readonly and const
11) Difference between direct type casting and using "as" keyword?
12) What is the difference between passing a value object by reference and a
reference object by value?
13) What is the difference between int and Int32?
14) Difference between dispose and destructor?
15) What’s difference between Association, Aggregation and Inheritance
16) What is the difference between cookies and session?
17) What is the difference between these statements obj=null and obj.dispose()
18) What is the difference between protected and protected internal?
19) What is the difference between TypeOf, GetType and what are the uses of
TypeOf, GetType
20) What is the difference between arraylist and hash table using a simple program?
21) What is the main difference between const,readonly and static
22) What is difference between protected, internal and protected internal?? Whether
protected field available in derived class which is outside the assembly. If not this
is possible by which access modifiers??
23) What is difference between value and reference types?
24) Difference between multi-level and multiple inheritance?
25) What is the difference between interface and abstraction?
26) Difference between C++ and
27) What is the difference between finally and dispose methods?
28) Difference between keyword internal and protected?
29) What is the difference between Hash Table and Arrays?
30) Explain difference between Class and Module?
31) What is difference between interface inheritance and class Inheritance?
32) What is the Difference between imperative and interrogative code?
33) What is the Difference between a sub and a function?
34) What is the Difference between directcast and ctype?
35) What is the difference between c-sharp and What kind of security or
advances we find in both languages?
36) What is the Difference between DataView and DataTable?
37) What is the difference between <c> and <code> XML documentation tag?
38) What is the difference between the Debug class and Trace class?
39) What is the difference between <c> and <code> XML documentation tag?
40) What is the difference between // comments, /* */ comments and /// comments?

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