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States Rights Summary 03/17/10

Executive Summary – Many states are trying to neuter the federal government from
overstepping their bounds as defined by the constitution. Here are some highlights.

Wyoming – The Governor signed the Firearms Freedom Act which says guns and ammunition
made in Wyoming and sold in Wyoming and not leaving the state are exempt from federal gun
control including registration. The law calls for a $10,000 fine plus up to two years in jail for any
official from the federal or state government who tries to enforce a federal law on such a firearm.
Picture a federal agent trying to arrest a person for not registering a wyoming exempt gun and
the Wyoming Citizen than attempts to make a citizens arrest on the ATF Special Agent.
Interesting conflict. The ATF guys will probably want to go in teams of 30 to raid a person in
Wyoming and then they have to deal with the state and local police who may attempt to arrest
them. Will there be a firefight? This is the best law we have seen in decades.

South Dakota – The Governor signed a law saying that firearms made and kept in South Dakota
are exempt from federal law. They did not go into penalties for the feds like Wyoming. A shame
they did not push for penalties.

Oklahoma – Their house passed a bill allowing the people to vote on a state constitutional
amendment allowing them to opt out of any new federal health care bill.

Utah – Their legislature passed a measure that Congress and the Federal government could not
carry out health care reform without the approval of their state legislature. They also passed a bill
authorizing the state to take away federal land under the eminent domain process. Pelosi will love
that one. Utah getting into this big time (gotta love them for this) passed a bill saying federal law
enforcement authority even on federal lands can be limited by the state of Utah. Way to go
Utah!!! They are asserting their tenth amendment right to be sovereign. I guess Obama with his
muslim inclinations or he may actually be a muslim is not being regarded favorably by the
mormons in Utah. Utah is a mormon majority state as Obama would put it. This also tells us that
the mormons around the world are against this “Obamanation government” in Washington.

Curiously the FBI, CIA, NSA etc are chock full of Mormons. The mormons can be destroying this
regime from within. It is my understanding of them that their loyalties lie more with their church
than the state. Divide and defeat always works. Who ever would have thought the mormons
would help dismantle this Obamanation. Interesting thought to ponder I suppose. Way to go Utah
is all I can say. Happy days for the beltway boys huh! This also makes me think the internal
security witch hunts in the federal government are well underway. The leaders always get
paranoid when they lose popular support and turn on their own ranks looking for spies, dissidents,
etc. Police states start out good for the police and then it becomes a nightmare for them as the
leaders get more and more paranoid about a revolution. The thought of standing trial for treason
and other offenses scares them I suppose.

Alabama, Tennessee and Washington – They are considering bills or constitutional

amendments to assert local police powers as supreme over federal authority. Guess they do not
want to be out done by Utah, way to go.

Rhode Island Vermont and Wisconsin – They are considering bills that would require the
Governors to recall and or otherwise take control over National Guard troops. It is felt the national
a guard; constitutionally should not be shipped overseas. They do not want their own state
National Guard to be call to arms against the state. Stripping the fed of their national guard troops
is a wise move and will reduce their military might nicely. It will also place resources in the hands
of the state national guards like tanks, air craft, arms, etc.
Opposition to States Rights – Of course the federal courts will oppose states rights as will the
other branches of the federal government. The court will argue using article six, stated below:

Article 6 - This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance
thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States,
shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any
Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any state to the Contrary notwithstanding.

They will argue that article six says federal law trumps state law. Nonsense. Read it again. Article
six touts the constitution as being the trump card. It also says if the fed makes a treaty (think
foreign cause that is what treaties are) the state shall honor it. It also says that states shall not
make laws to trump the constitution. So let us see what the constitution says and it is a no
brainer as you can see below:

Amendment X (1791) - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.Simple if
the constitution does not give the power to the state it belongs to the states. End of story. Not too
much to this one.

Discussion – The state marijuana legalization laws started the chain reaction with states rights.
The fed backed off on enforcing marijuana laws where it was legal in the state. That opened the
door. Next come more laws pushing the fed back to its constitutional role. This would shrink its
budget and size down by 80% as a approximate number.

Who wants to Support the Fed ? - Well the banksters, and those working for the fed and those
receiving handouts from the fed. Remember if you lived in a welfare neighborhood you would not
be aware of the recession/depression. All the federal entitlement programs are pumping money
into the pockets of those people like they did years ago. They do not want anything to change.
They do not work, do not pay taxes, get drunk, get high, get free medical, get rent subsidies,
send their kids to college for free, get free lunches for kids at school, free childcare and the list
goes on. If they want a career they go to work for the government because no one else is hiring.
They want the fed to continue. They have no idea who pays for their entitlements and do not care.
They do not understand how mad the taxpayers are. Error on their part and they will be caught
unawares sleeping when the egg hits the fan. Basically the fed has no worthy supporters just
those who want a non-productive job or a handout. Bad allies. The very few banksters and
corporate moguls will run to other countries at the drop of a hat. I would say the fed is doomed,
just a matter of time. If they were as smart as some think they might be they would never have
gotten themselves into this mess to start with!

What to Expect – States rights seems to have gotten a lot of wind in its sails. The fed with their
martial law garbage scared the states. Under martial law there would be no state government as
in go home fellows and we'll call you if we need you. Suspended is the operative word. Well the
state governments did not think that was a fair deal so they decided to react and react they did.
The fed is so shamelessly scared they are even trying to get gun control measures into their
health care bill which they are trying to pass without even a real vote. This calls for one to reveal
healthcare issues and then the fed can revoke gun ownership rights based on health problems.
This could be diabetes (one can fall into a coma and someone could take the gun), bad heart, high
blood pressure (same thing as diabetes) cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, color
blindness, myopia (cannot see target correctly), muscle disorders that could upset aim and hit
innocent bystander, sleeping pills, pain pills (like a fireman injured on job would lose gun rights
because he needs pain meds for his broken back), depression medicines, ADD, ADHD, etc. You
see the fed practices the salami theory with gun control. You slice a piece off whenever you can
and soon there is nothing left.
The Silence of the Fed – The birth certificate free President in the White House remains silent on
all the laws passed by the states. He does not know what to say. Same as he did with the birth
certificate issue. Duhhh. He is also afraid to give what he considers credibility to these things by
speaking to them. This is standard operating procedure for them like their never admit you were
wrong policy. They will at some point have their courts say the states rights are wrong
constitutionally. I doubt this will work it will just push things to secession which is the next stage.

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