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October 20,2015

The Honorable Joe L. Barton

U.S. Representative, District 6
U.S. House of Representatives
2107 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Congressman Barton:

I write today to ask you to support changes to the surface transportation reauthorizafion bill that
will ensure Texas receives its fair share of federal transportation funding. As you know, relative
to the transportation taxes Texas pays, we have historically received a disproportionately small
share of federal transportation funding. The days of Texans funding projects in Alaska,
California and New York must come to an end.
and the population
As Texas experiences historic economic growth and sustained prosperity
a safe and
growth that accompanies both
efficient transportation system for the citizens we serve. Our vibrant economy is attracting top
companies and some of the greatest talent in the nation. As a result, Texas must continue to
expand its transportation infrastructure. Doing so will help ensure that Texas remains at the
pinnacle of the U.S. economy.

Working with our state legislature, I developed long-term transportation funding solutions that
dedicate more than $4 billion ayear in additional state transportation dollars to build more roads
without raising taxes, fees, tolls or debt. Although
and improve our existing infrastructure
that Texas has the best infrastructure in the
this represents a
country, our work is not done.
Unfortunately, Texas continues to be shortchanged in the distribution of federal transportation
dollars due to the structural inequality in formulas used for distributing federal aid
apportionments and allocations to states out of the Highway Trust Fund account. According to
the Federal Highway Administration, Texas remains the only "donor" state and received only 95

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The Honorable Joe L. Barton

October 20,2015


it sent to Washington in federal fuel taxes in Fiscal Year 2013

balance, such as Alaska receiving $6.01 and New York receiving
while other states
$1.63 per dollar paid. This inequity amounts to millions of dollars each year and forces Texas
taxpayers to subsidize the infrastructure of other states. This imbalance weakens our ability to
develop and build local projects, address traffic congestion, move freight efficiently actoss our
state and maintain the infrastructure our citizens deserve.
cents back for every dollar

V/hile our congressional delegation has worked to protect our state's dollars and improve Texas'
"rate of return" for many years, the days of Texas taxpayers .funding projects in other states must
come to an end. Vy'e owe it to our taxpayers to begin a long-term focus to ensure that Texas
taxpayer dollars return to the benefit of Texans. Texas' taxpayer dollars should be used to
continue building Texas' economic growth by addressing Texas' transportation needs.
As Congress resumes consideration of our surface transportation programs, I ask that you work
with your colleagues to develop afair, equitable and logical approach to federal transportation
funding that does not shortchange Texans.
Thank you for your consideration of this important issue and for your continued service on
behalfofour nation and our state. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact Jerry
Strickland, Executive Director of the Office of State-Federal Relations, at (5I2) 463-4375.

Greg A


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