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In spite of our desire for this world to

become peaceful and making every
place drug free, many are still addicted
to it though they has the knowledge of
the adverse effects of it.
Nowadays, the spreading of news
regarding the issue on transporting
drugs in the different sides of the globe
is largely increasing.
Many people especially the minors are
dopehead to drugs though they know
the unfavourable outcomes of using it
like making themselves involve in
crimes and non-humane activities. So
were doing this and everything we can
to enlighten their minds and to divert
their attentions to some more
productive activities rather than be
spellbound to drugs forever.

do beyond his/ her capacities, be it studies,

work. When the person does not use the drug for an
sports etc.
amount of time, they may suffer from withdrawal.
2. Education and counselling:
Education and counselling are very
When a person is addicted, they are usually
important to face problems, stresses,
addicted to a class (a specific kind) of drug. For
disappointments and failure in life. These
example: Heroin is a drug that is in the Opiate class.
should be taken as part of life. One should
utilize a childs energy in some other Which means that a person addicted to Heroin may
also be seen to have an addiction to other opiates such
activities like sports, music, and other extra
curricular activities.
3. Seeking help from parents and peers:
Whenever, there is any problem, one
A person who may easily become addicted to
should seek help and a guidance from
drugs is said to have an addictive personality.
parents and peers. Help should be taken
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
from close and trusted friends
defines drug addiction as a mental disorder.
4. Looking for Danger Signs:
If friends find someone using drugs or Drug addiction is often linked with other mental
alcohol, they should bring this to the notice
of parents of teacher so that appropriate
measures would be taken to diagnose the
illness and the causes.
5. Seeking Professional and Medical
Highly qualified psychologists, psychiatrists and de-addiction and rehabilitation
programmes can help individuals who are
suffering from drug/alcohol abuse. If such
help is provided to the affected persons,
with sufficient efforts and will power, the
patient could be completely cured and lead
normal and healthy life.

What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction, also called substance
dependence or dependence syndrome, is a condition
Prevention and Control to
where a person feels a strong need to take a drug.
Drug Addiction!
Addiction also involves other behaviours. These
include finding it difficult to control the need to use
1. Avoid undue Peer Pressure:
the drug and feeling the use of the drug to be more
Every child has his/her own choice and
important than more normal things such as family or
personality, which should be kept in mind.
So a child should not be pressed unduly to

The Truth about Drug Addiction

Reasons why people use
1. People suffering from anxiety,
bipolar disorder, depression or other

mental illnesses use drugs and alcohol

to ease their suffering.
2. People see family members, friends,
role models or entertainers using drugs
and rationalize that they can too.
3. People become bored and think
drugs will help.
4. People think drugs will help relieve
5. People figure if a drug is prescribed
by a doctor, it must be ok.
6. People get physically injured and
unintentionally get hooked on
prescribed drugs.
7. People use drugs to cover painful
memories in their past.
8. People think drugs will help them fit
9. People chase the high they once
10. To seem grown up
11. To experiment
12. To rebel

drugs which can result in violence and

infectious diseases. Drug use can alter the
function and structure of the brain. Other
medical problems which can result of drugs
use are: Mental disorders, cardiovascular
disease, stroke, HIV/AIDS, cancer,
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and lung disease
and Death just to name a few.

Effects of Using Drugs

Trouble thinking clearly, paying
attention and remembering are
consequences of drug use. As a result,
students who use drugs may do poorly in
school or even drop out. Adults might have
trouble with their work performance and
maintaining employment. In addition, social
relationships regardless of age could
Individuals may act on at risky
behaviors while under the influence of

Pregnant women who use drugs

endanger the health of their unborn child.
The child could be born prematurely, have
a low birth weight and have trouble with
both intellectual development and behavior.

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