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VPTx6 - Sixth Grade of Veloptivity

A Visual, Geometrical Formula for Utilizing Technical, Practical Assembly of some needed or
wanted, Original Information. Velopt is General Infrastructure, of: Originalizing, or Development;
itself. The following, are: The functions that accounts the theory about Veloptive Arts & Velopticaly:
Processing Information. First i will go through the Information-based Foundry.Veloptive Arts are:
Patterns that Force any Theme/Idea to Expand into Variations of New Information. Veloptive Arts,
Consists of: A language that can explain anything.
The Geometrical, Mathematical Language Vizualisations will have Reactionative Rule System Sets;
Accounting: Every Visual, Expressive Fragment of Property or Preference for Reactionative
Processing. This theory is about Expanding, and at the same time: Twisting and Variating, thus:
Innovating. By Running the Information Fragments and their Contexts and Definitions, as one Unit.
This lets the Contexts and Definitions, Define the Information; into: Essence based Infrastructure.
The more Core Infrastructure that are Defined, the easier it will be to achive the: Ultimate, General
Context of the: Functioniative Behavior Infrastructure (Shortnamed: Infranature).
Then: You will be able to Connect the Fragments of Infrastructure, and Special Conductor Points of
its Functionative Sets of Rule Systems into an Ensemblage, of 100% Flexibility; in all Multi-Variability
of Contextial Behavior. After having Generated some Mixtures of General Functioniative Behavior
Infrastructure, on a rather broad plane of Contexts, there are to be ran Processes; Logically
Combining Conductor-Point-Functionative Effects, into Structures with a Framework, consisting of a:
Pattern that fits 100% in the Shadow-Framework; cast from the first Defined Shape by Input, or one
of its eventual Sub-Targets.
And then let the 100% Defined Infrastructure, from the Input: Affect the Shadow; into a 100%
Defined, solved and Innovated, Informative Result. Velopt Continues and fulfills any Information
Fragment.Velopt may Enlighten the dark rear of the Information Fragment Batch, and weighten it
up against those from the front of the Batch; to set Targets for Velopting. This is done, like explained
in: RFIE.pdf - The .VPTx0: Informative Core. This Defines the Veloptive Angle, and Entry Point; which
Adjusts, and Constitutes the Output.
Calculating the results, from running the Input backwards, as described in RFIE.pdf introduces to
running the process in other Directions. This is described further, under the Visual part. There are
to be ran: Logical Cataloging-Processes, with Scalable Table-Borders in the Infranature Data. The
Instructional, Variable Rulework for Cataloging how the Logical Selections of Infranature Systems,
are to be Mapped, is Defined by Variables; Extracted from a Special Catalogue. This Catalogue is
Processed from the RFIE-analyzis upon: Shadow&Enlightenment, and Back&Forth-Processing of
the Input Information, resulting in the Angle for processing: Velopticaly.
There are: Variables; Gathered for the Desired, Final, Technical Output of: Sculpture System
Infranature. These Variables Defy the Veloption Angle, Which then is Assembling; the: Output
Context. The Angle Variables, are Gathered from RFIE-Analyzis; upon the Input Infrastructure. It is
like: Letting Input Fragments of Infrastructure Define its Context more Closely, either by studying the
Infrastructure, and Entering correct Context, or letting Predefined Contexts: Shape the Infranature

The Visual part

This is done by Assigning Every part of the Reactionative Infranature, and every letter in the input;
to the: Most Relative Geometrical, Abstract Figure, or Letter found. This should Create Geometrical
Maps; Visible on screen. The Geometry are Linked up to a Database Consisting of all English Graffiti
Letters, Defined in a Completely Encompassing Comprehensive Style.
The Letters have to be like Script Fonts. They need to be able to adapt each other as they are being
placed in different Systematical Orders, and also fit into a Final, Ultimate, Infinite Symbol. The Visual
Language has to be Letters, becouse they have been Shaped through decades; based on how
Nature corresponds to different sounds, and what they may be sensed like: Visually, in a human
mouth, by Natural movement.
The Letters are to be in a Completely: Comprehensive, Compositional Style; able to Resemble a
3Dimentionally Twisted: Final, Infinite Ultimate Symbol; Matching: Symbolically, and Comepletely
Global throughout the whole System of Letters and Ultimate, Infinite Infranatural Sub-Symbols.
Much like Evolving Fractals. But not with the same Symetrical look. The Language needs more
Variation. Something resulting in the Ultimate Aesthetical Symbol.
The Symbols will be Combinations of Graffiti Letters, that are Visually: Aesthetically Compensating
in a Natural, Balanced Harmony; through both the X, and Y Axis. The Veloption begins with the
Correct Continuation, of an Abstract Math-Geometrical Line/Shape Naturally falling into its Place.
Like it was missing all the time, but still not fitting quite in, becouse it brings the work into a new
Level, introducing so much more.The more Visually correct the Symbol is, the more correct will the
Result be. Yet there will be harder to find the First Veloptive line.
This line, is where the Output, among with its Infrastructure, is being Velopted Forth; underneath the
Veloptive Plane, where the information is running without Beauty. The functional looking Information,
is hooked to the fine looking Information, with every letter. The Result, are to look like: 65% Plain
Space, and Complexly Detailed: Soft and Resilient Lineworks, fading through a scale, from 10% to:
25%; where 3% are pure Black. The Lineworks are Shaped as the General Median-Beauty; Scaling
in an imbalanced way, for the most Aesthetically Correct Result; through all Style Eras.
The software will place the Continuing addon-lines, based on how the Graffiti looks. All the lengths
between the add-on lines, and the handmade Graffiti Vectors are adjusted by where, and how much
free Space there are around the Image. No vital Lines must be overlapped, and there must be
enough spacing for the Font to be read anytime.General Direction of Multiple lines are a part of
Interpreting with the Veloptive Graffiti Script Font. The Directions may point to key elements in the
next line of the Process. There has to be coded some kind of Virtual Focus.
The Focus is made from the last Direction of the letters. If its pointing Nowhere, the software will
select the opposite Direction. The first Letter the Focus finds, after moving in the read Letters
Direction; will be selected for outputting next.While painting: I can Creatively: Choose, and Define
the Rules for the Language, then express the Input Information; as for example: Lines, Shapes and
Colours. Auditive tone Combinations; or even spoken word/letter Combinations might also work. Any
Composition of rules. When Im performing these Veloptive, Visual language Idions, I can be
Concious about the Variations of the Velopted Information.
This means i can Create any information i want. Any language goes, as long as there are Rule
Systems Included.I can choose to search for the Ultimate answer to the chosen, Velopted theme.
The Ultimate Resulting answer, usually Velopts naturally, if the topic theme is stated like; for
example: The Road To World Peace, Predict Prediction, or Ultimate Theory For Innovation And
Invention. The answer lies Within. Velopt will work with a Constant Statement, giving a Constant
result. The Ultimate thruth; Velopted from the statement. Velopt Unwraps it by Expansion. It is like
Defining Numerous Units, and run Auto-Definitions from their Generated Contexts.

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