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Number Wizard Console UnityScript Translation Notes

What is UnityScript?
UnityScript is the third language supported natively bu Unity. Inspired by Boo and Javascript, UnityScript is a
looser language that takes concepts from Javascript to allow for fast development without worrying about some of
the overheads that C# require.
UnityScript is not Javascript. While the syntax is superficially similar, UnityScript is a fully class based language
while Javascript is prototype based. There are many other smaller differences in the syntax and semantics, but the
other important difference at this point is that UnityScript has access to all the standard C# class libraries and
integrates natively with the Mono platform (and Unity libraries). You can find out more about the major differences
between UnityScript and Javascript on the Unity3D wiki.
The UnityScript Basics for Noobs (pdf) is a great resource and will run through the basics of scripting using
UnityScript. We will not attempt to cover the same material in these translation notes, but will instead focus on the
differences between C# and UnityScript. You can also find a list of UnityScript Keywords on the Unity3D wiki
which will come in useful as we dive into the language.
Generally, UnitScript syntax will look very familiar after C#:


void NextGuess () {
guess = (max + min) / 2;
print ("Higher or lower than " +
print ("Up = higher, down = lower,
return = equal");

function NextGuess() {
guess = (max + min) / 2;
print ("Higher or lower than " +
print ("Up = higher, down = lower,
return = equal");

Why Use UnityScript?

UnityScript, by being looser with both typing and syntax, can sometimes let a developer get something working very
quickly. For example, much of the code that is required to set up a C# script is optional. This lets us concentrate
on the behaviour and not worry about the overhead.
This comes at a cost, however. Many advanced features, such as Lambdas and Delegates that are available in C#
are missing or complicated to use in UnityScript. If you want a more throrough inspection of the missing features,
you can take a look at this extensive list.
That said, because Unity will support multiple languages in the same project, nothing stops us from using UnityScript
in the majority of our code, and jump into C# to use some of the more advanced features. This does lead to some
complexity with compilation order which well go into in future translation notes when the issue arises, but works
without much friction for simpler projects.

Translating our first script

It is worth noting that there are several translators avaible that will carry out the translation automatically within
unity. Notable is Florent Poujols translator which is a commercial project available on the assetstore. A limited
(100 lines) version exists for free online to try out as well and can often help when translating small scripts.
Since this is the first time we have translated to UnityScript, we will go through the NumberWizard.cs file in some
details. Future translation notes will simply highlight new or interesting features that were introduced by the project
instead of going over familiar ground.
Dont forget that the entire project file translated into UnityScript is attached to this lecture!

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Number Wizard Console UnityScript Translation Notes

Declaring Classes
Many of the things we have to specify in C# are optional in UnityScript. Most obvious is the class declaration. In
C# each file is a class, and the class has to be explicitly declared within that file. This can lead to problem when
renaming files but not the class inside, or vice versa. This can be omitted in UnityScript for classes that extend


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// class Definitin here

public class NumberWizards : MonoBehaviour{

// class Definition here ...

The Code to define the behaviour of the class can be added straight into the file without explicitly declaring it. The
class name is then the script name by default. While this is useful, sometimes we need to create a class that inherits
from another type, or implements an interface. In that case, we can use explicit class declaration similarly to C#:
class MyType extends ParentType implements AnInterface{
// class Definition here ...

Importing other modules

You might have noted in the code above that we did not use using statements to import the required UnityEngine
and System.Collections namespaces. Thats because those are imported for us by default. We have access to all
the Unity libraries without explicitly requiring them, so we can save on some more typing. That said, we can still
explicitly import a module that isnt loaded by default, like UnityEngine.UI by using the import keyword:


using UnityEngine.UI;

import UnityEngine.UI;

And since were accessing the same underlying libraries, we can use the same namespaces and well find the object
were used to from C#.

Declaring Methods
Method declaration is very similar to C#, but function return types do not need to be specified when declaring a
function. For example, we had to explicitly tell the compiler that our NextGuess() function returned nothing by
using the void keyword, but we dont have to do this in UnityScript. We do however have to use the function
keyword to declare functions:


void NextGuess() {
guess = (max + min) / 2;
print ("Higher or lower than " +
print ("Up = higher, down = lower,
return = equal");

function NextGuess() {
guess = (max + min) / 2;
print ("Higher or lower than " +
print ("Up = higher, down = lower,
return = equal");

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Number Wizard Console UnityScript Translation Notes

As we can see, the rest of the function is essentially the same. We can also optionally define a return typr to make
the code more efficient (no need to infer the type) and help us catch errors at compile time by defining the return
type after the function declaration using a colon:
function MyMethod() : ReturnType {

Input arguments can be defined as in C#, except that the colon is once again used to define type. This is optional
and can be omitted.
function MyOtherMethod(firstArg : TypeOfFirstArg, secondArg : TypeOfSecondArg){
function YetAnotherMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3){

Declaring Variables
Declaring variables in UnityScript is a little different to C#. We use the var keyword to declare a new variable and
the type of the variable is optionally defined after the variable name and separated from it by a colon:
var foobar; // An untyped variable called foobar
var max : int; // An integer variable named max
var myTransform : Transform; // A Transform variable named myTransform

The convention for capitalisation of variables and types is the same as in C#

Whats pragma strict?

At the beginning of most script you will see the #pragma strict directive. What this does is explained in some
details on the wiki:
Its a good habit to get into and required for iOS development. #pragma strict will enforce stricter type
checking, generate more useful error messages sooner, and will encourage good programming habits.
What pragma strict does is toggle the UnityScript compiler to be stricter with regards to typing. For example,
optional types for variables and method arguments will now be required for all but the trivialest operations. This,
as mentioned int the wiki, is good practice and will make your code more robust. It is recommended that all
UnityScript files begin with the #pragma strict line.

Full translation
Taking all the above into consideration gives us the following for the full version of NumberWizard.js:
#pragma strict
var max : int;
var min : int;
var guess : int;

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Number Wizard Console UnityScript Translation Notes

function Start() {
function StartGame() {
max = 1000;
min = 1;
guess = 500;
max = max + 1;
print ("========================");
print ("Welcome to Number Wizard");
print ("var number: Pick a in your head, but don't tell me!");
print ("The highest number you can pick is " + max);
print ("The lowest number you can pick it " + min);
print ("Is the number higher or lower than " + guess);
print ("Up = higher, down = lower, return = equal");
function Update() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) {
min = guess;
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) {
max = guess;
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) {
print("I won!");
function NextGuess() {
guess = (max + min) / 2;
print ("Higher or lower than " + guess);
print ("Up = higher, down = lower, return = equal");

None of which should come as a surprise. Hopefully you can now translate simple scripts from C# into UnityScript

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