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Chapter 3

Flexibility Analysis of Piping Systems


Although this simple equation is useful in determining the need for formal stress analysis, it does
have limitations. No general proof can be offered to assure that the formula will yield accurate or
conservative results. Users are advised to be cautious in applying it to abnormal configurations (such
as unequal leg U-bends with L/U greater than 2.5 or near-saw-tooth configurations), to large
diameter thin-wall pipe (stress intensification factors of the order of 5 or more), or to conditions
where extraneous motions other than in the direction connecting the anchor points constitute a large
proportion of the expansion duty.

Allowable Stress Range

B31.3 establishes maximum allowable stress limits that can be safely accommodated by a piping
system before failure will commence for two separate stress loading conditions. These limits are for
stress levels that can cause failure from a single loading, Sh, and those that can cause failure from
repeated cyclic loadings, SA.
The allowable stress range, SA, [302.3.5 (d)] is the stress limit for those stresses that are repeated
and cyclic in nature, or simply, it is the allowable stress to be compared to the calculated
displacement stress range, SE [319.4.4]. SE (a secondary stress) will be discussed in the
Displacement Stress Range section of this chapter.
The allowable stress range is presented in B31.3 by two equations:
Equation (1a):
SA = f (1.25 Sc + 0.25 Sh)
SA, by equation (1a), is a system allowable stress of the entire piping system of the same material
and temperature.
and equation (1b):
SA = f [1.25 (Sc + Sh) - SL]
SA, by equation (1b), is a component allowable stress at temperature where SL has been calculated
for that component.
Sc and Sh are the basic allowable stresses for the cold and hot conditions as defined in the Defintion
and Basis for Allowable Stress section in Chapter 1. Their values are found in B31.3 Appendix A
Table A-1. (Note: For cryogenic or cold pipe service, Sc is taken at the operating temperature, Sh is
taken at the installed temperature).

CASTI Guidebook to ASME B31.3 - Process Piping - 2nd Edition


Flexibility Analysis of Piping Systems

Chapter 3

f is the stress-range reduction factor presented in B31.3 Table 302.3.5 or equation (1c):
f = 6.0 (N-0.2) 1.0
Values are as follows:
Cycles N
7,000 and less
Over 7,000 to 14,000
Over 14,000 to 22,000
Over 22,000 to 45,000
Over 45,000 to 100,000
Over 100,000 to 200,000
Over 200,000 to 700,000
Over 700,000 to 2,000,000

Factor f

SL is the longitudinal stresses to be discussed later in the Sustained Load Stress section in this
An example of the application of the allowable stress range equation (1a) is as follows:
Example 3.2
Calculate the SA for a piping system constructed of ASTM A 106 Grade B pipe material used in 260C
(500F) service, and with a design life of 18,000 thermal cycles.
Solution: From B31.3 Table A-1 for ASTM A 106 Grade B
Sc = 138 MPa (20,000 psi), (at min. temp. to 38C (100F))
Sh = 130 MPa (18,900 psi), at 260 C (500F)
f = 0.8 (from B31.3 Table 302.3.5), then
Metric units

U.S. customary units

SA = 0.8 (1.25 x 138 MPa + 0.25 x 130 MPa)

SA = 164 MPa

SA = 0.8 (1.25 x 20,000 psi + 0.25 x 18,900 psi)

SA = 23,780 psi

This piping system can be expected to operate safely provided the displacement stress range, SE, does
not exceed SA of 164 MPa (23,780 psi) and the number of thermal cycles is less than 18,000. (The
f factor although appropriate for the 18,000 cycles of this problem, is also suitable for 22,000 cycles as
shown in Table 302.3.5.)
The allowable stress range equation (1b) can be used as a design basis in place of equation (1a)
provided the longitudinal stresses due to sustained loads, SL, have been calculated for each
component and these longitudinal stresses are less than the hot allowable stress, Sh, (SL Sh).
CASTI Guidebook to ASME B31.3 - Process Piping - 2nd Edition

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