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The Sun Symbol

and the Torch of Life

All myths, legend and science concur, the Sun is central to all life in
our system of worlds. Indeed we are made of stardust! Our Star was
probably born as a result of a super nova shockwave passing
through a nebula that once spanned our local galactic
neighbourhood. During its formation the Sun drew most matter in our
system in to itself. All but 0.2% of the matter left over formed the
planets. At 99.8% of the mass in our solar system, our star is truly

The Sun was perceived by all our ancestors as eternally self

resurrecting. As our world turns and day and night follow each other,
always victorious over the powers of darkness. Reborn anew each
morning in a blaze of glory that is blinding. This is not surprising as
our star comprises several million billion tons of exploding hydrogen
nuclei! It was not long before the Sun was recognised and worshiped
as the Creator and All-Seeing-Eye. It is supreme in human
experience and central to the foundation of all world religions. As
soon as life developed self-awareness the Sun was recognised as
Lord of all things.

Almost all thought on the nature of Deity and Divinity have been
compared to the Sun. The Persians called the Sun Mithra and prayed
to it for protection, mercy, victory and healing. The Greeks and
Romans, the Maya, Egyptians and Peruvians, the Aboriginals of
Australia and the Norse of Teutonic Europe all recognised the Sun
God as Supreme. All our ancestors watched as the Sun sacrificed
itself, every day, every year to darkness and then renew itself in a
blaze of fertility come spring and every new morning; irrepressible,
eternal, awesome and radiant. Ever present and powerful beyond all
forms of measure or conceptualisation. The Sun is Life; more, it is the
heart of our collective spirit and its intelligence is our own.

The Sun was one of the first facets of

life to be symbolised. To our
ancestors this symbolisation was an
act of magic. The magic of writing is
taken for granted in our modern age.
However, magic it remains. Bonded
to the symbol, every time it is drawn,
are the thoughts and beliefs of all
beings who have venerated the Sun
as holy and all powerful. Every time a
symbol is seen it keys the viewer into
the morphogenetic field of its idea.
Symbols are a harness of collective
mind. As such the symbol of the Sun
evokes its majesty and ever present
celestial intelligence, unfathomable to
all but the most enlightened sages.

Solar Worship or Heliolatry is the root of most

world religions; at least the realisation that
the Sun rules all life on our world generated
profound respect for it. It must be said though
that although the general populace revered
and worshiped the Sun as an embodiment of
Deity the Schools of Initiation into Spiritual
reality knew and taught that the Sun Symbol
represented the Inner Sun, the Infinite Sun.
Images of the
Buddha are often
shown with the
rays of enlightenment or a solar disk
emanating from his head (above right).
Christian art (St. Andrew right) often
shows the Saints with radiant halos which
are symbolic of solar mind or
enlightenment. The image above shows
an impression of rock art found at High
Altai in Central Asia. The Sun Symbol is
seen on its bottom right. These carvings
are around 7000 years old.
Today, the Sun still rules our lives. Consider its plasmic wind which
moves, blown in great arks spanning the solar system (Heleospheric
Current Sheet, Below), at around 400kps. It is this which causes the
Aurora around the magnetic poles of our world. Truly there is nothing
here but the Sun’s presence and a few specks of dust called planets
held in orbit by its vast gravitational & magnet field.

Some levels of thought associated with the

Sun Symbol are deeply profound. The Dot is
the equal to the Word or Original Thought that
caused all things to be, the meditation of the
ineffable mind of the First Cause. It represents
the Initiator of Genesis as the Architect of
form, the Primal Source of All Things and No-
Things, the Intrinsic Awareness of Self-
Existing Divinity.

The circle around the central Dot enfolds all things, it represents the
Ultimate Sphere (the Womb of the All-Mother who nurtures all time-
space) within which all things come to be and pass from sight. It can
also be understood is as the ring pass not of the sacred space, the
circumference of our world and the outer rim of
our galactic disk (Ouroborus). The Sun Symbol
is found at the centre of the Torch of Life

The Torch of Life is a Solar Symbol. Firstly it

bears the Symbol of the Sun at its centre.
Secondly the main runic structure takes the form of the sun wheel
symbol also knows as the Heart of Buddha or the Swastika. Lastly its
dimensions, Fibonacci ratios of the number 27.05515486, are
symbolic of one day from the Sun’s perspective in Earth days. That is
the mean number of Earth days for the Sun surface to swirl round on
its magnetic axis once at thirty degrees north and south of its
equator. The diameter of the Galdrastafr represents one Solar day.

The Torch of Life is 3 x a Sun Symbol!

By the Word, By the Heart and By its Measure.

Ormungandr Melchizedek

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