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Regeneration Facilitating Recovery

A biological process from which healthy players benefit after exertion

Hard physical work is followed by two processes
1. Recovery Process
The re establishment of the ability of all finctional system under stress, to
function fully
2. Adaptive proses
Morphological re-organisation of those funcyional system
Regenerasi - Memfasilitasi Pemulihan
Sebuah proses biologis dari manfaat pemain yang sehat setelah
pengerahan tenaga
Pekerjaan fisik yang keras diikuti oleh dua proses, yaitu
1. Proses Pemulihan
Pembentukan kembali kemampuan semua sistem fungsional yang
berada di bawah tekanan, berfungsi sepenuhnya.
2. Proses Adaptif (penyesuaian)
Penyusunan kembali morfologi dari sistem fungsional

For any training to be effective it is essential that both training and recovery
proceses be adequately accommodated and that training be synchornised with
agar pelatihan menjadi efektif, sangat penting bahwa kedua proses
pelatihan dan pemulihan disediakan secara memadai dan pelatihan
tersebut di sesuaikan dengan tenaga yang ada
As work load increases, so does the time adaption and recovery.
beban kerja meningkat, demikian juga dengan waktu adaptasi dan


Enable the athlete to willingly and fully participate in other important

activities after training
Enable an athlete load tolerance, partyculary frequency of work, to he
advanced and athlete could make more rapid progress whilist training
under full load.
No new work should be introduced before most important functional
system (energy muscular, nervous, circulorespiratory) associated with
work have recovered.


New work has to be at least equal to the work that preceded it.

Penyembuhan cepat



Memperbolehkan atlet dengan senang hati dan berpastisipasi

penuh dalam kegiatan penting lainnya setelah pelatihan
Memperbolehkan beban atlet - toleransi, frekuensi dari latihan
, untuk atlet ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dan atlet bisa
membuat kemajuan lebih cepat selagi pelatihan bawah dalam
beban penuh.
Tidak ada pelatihan baru yang boleh diperkenalkan sebelum
sistem fungsional yang paling penting (otot energi, saraf)
berkaitan dengan kegiatan yang telah pulih.
Pelatihan yang baru setidaknya harus sama dengan pekerjaan
yang dilakukan sebelumnya.

IF recovery time is insufficient


Fatigue will increase and work processes will be interrupted and

prevented from developing
Levels of performance may even decline and athletes become more

JIKA waktu pemulihan tidak cukup


Kelelahan akan meningkat dan proses pelatihan akan

terganggu dan dapat dicegah melalui pembinaan
Tingkat pelatihan bahkan bisa jadi menurun dan atlet menjadi
lebih rentan

The time required for the body to recover sets a limit to the rate at which training
can progress.
Waktu yang diperlukan bagi tubuh untuk memulihkan dan menetapkan
batas untuk menilai di mana pelatihan dapat berkembang.

Accelerate a playerss recovery as quickly as possible

Remove cause of fatigue from body.
Renew functional abilities that have been temporarily impaired.

- Mempercepat pemain pulih secepat mungkin
- menghilangkan penyebab kelelahan dari tubuh.
- memperbarui kemampuan fungsional yang lemah sementara.

Rates of recovery of systems

To accelerate recovery, atemps must be directed at the system requiring more

time to recover; this varies with intensity of traning load .
Kadar pemulihan sistem
Untuk mempercepat pemulihan, upaya harus diarahkan pada sistem
yang membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk pulih; ini bervariasi
dengan intensitas beban latihan.
Biochemical research had shown that rates of recovery in muscle content, of
various substances (glycogen, protein, nitrogen) varies with the intensity and
other characteristic of training load.
The time required for different functional system to recover , varies as does the
time for replenishment of the different biochemical substance
e.g replenishment of glycogen stores is quicker than mending of protein
Penelitian biokimia telah menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemulihan dalam
isi otot, berbagai zat (glikogen, protein, nitrogen) bervariasi dengan
intensitas dan karakteristik lain dari beban latihan.

Waktu yang diperlukan untuk sistem fungsional yang berbeda untuk

memulihkan, bervariasi seperti halnya waktu untuk pengisian bahan
biokimia yang berbeda

misalnya penambahan cadangan glikogen lebih cepat daripada

memperbaiki kekurangan protein
connective tissues (tendons,facial) and supportive tissues (ligament, bone)
usually take longer to recover than heart /circulatory system and methabolic
By the large, ability to recover occurs as a natural result of improved
performance and load tolerance-achieved trough training.
High level athletes needs to concentrate on recuperation of general on muscular
system. Diferrent activity determines which local muscle groups are fatigued,
which every energy system is trained and to what extent, the neurological
system is stressed. Based on those variation, different means of restoration
need to be applied.
jaringan ikat (tendon, wajah) dan jaringan yang mendukung (ligamen,
tulang) biasanya memakan waktu lebih lama untuk pulih dibandingkan
jantung / sistem peredaran darah dan sistem metabolisme.

Oleh besar, kemampuan untuk memulihkan terjadi karena hasil alami

dari peningkatan kinerja dan beban toleransi- yang dicapai melalui
Atlet professional perlu berkonsentrasi pada penyembuhan umum pada
bagian sistem otot. aktifitas yang berbeda menetukan mana kelompok
otot lokal yang lelah, dimana setiap sistem energi dilatih dan sampai
sejauh mana, sistem saraf dapat ditekankan. Berdasarkan variasi
tersebut, berbagai cara pemulihan perlu diterapkan.
When an athletes total work load exceeds his performance capability and his
work capacity the result is overtraining.
Persistent overtraining causes progressive worsening of fatigue when the
athlete is leaned the opportunity to fully recover his capability to perform to
capacity before resuming training.
This result in a progressive worsening of performance until the causes of
overtraining are removed.
OVER TRAINING (Overtraining merupakan keadaan dimana tubuh terlalu lelah
untuk melakukan recovery atau pemulihan, biasanya dikarenakan latihan yang
melebihi kapasitas dan kemampuan)
Ketika jumlah beban kerja seorang atlet melebihi kemampuan kinerja
dan kapasitas LATIHANNYA - hasilnya adalah overtraining.
overtraining yang berkepanjangan dapat menyebabkan kelelahan
secara terus menerus, ketika atlet kurus merupakan kesempatan untuk
melakukan pemulihan secara menyeluruh untuk menunjukan
kemampuannya kembali sebelum melanjutkan pelatihan

1. Errors in training method
Rate of workload (progression to rapid)
Poor planning, workload excess
2. Incorrect training behavior too rapid volume increase, excessive volume
3. Life-style incompatible with training
4. Psychological, physical problems outside training tension in relationships
5. Improper nutrition, sleep, rest
6. When numerous, consecutive training bouts are too intense with respect
to load, volume
PENYEBAB overtraining
1. Kesalahan dalam metode pelatihan

Tingkat beban kerja (pengembangan menjadi cepat)

Perencanaan yang buruk, beban kerja berlebih
2. perilaku pelatihan yang Salah - peningkatan volume yang terlalu
cepat, volume yang berlebihan
3. gaya hidup yang bertentangan dengan pelatihan
4. Psikologis, masalah fisik diluar pelatihan - ketegangan dalam
suatu hubungan
5. nutrisi yang salah, tidur, istirahat
6. Ketika banyak sekali pelatihan secara berturut-turut yang terlalu
intens yang berhubungan dengan beban dan volume.
Important that coaches know as much as possible about the individual
background responsibilities and are therefore able to co-ordinate training
Penting bahwa pelatih mengetahui sebanyak mungkin tentang latar
belakang tanggung jawab individu dan oleh sebab itu mampu untuk
mengkoordinasikan pelatihan
Must distinguish between normal fatigue symptoms (which fade quickly) are
real overtraining symptoms (last longer). E.g occasional sleep loss after hard
training can be a associated with exceptional overloading in training, but
imsomnia may result from over training.
Mengenali overtraning
harus membedakan antara gejala kelelahan normal ( yang cepat
memudar) dan gejala overtraining yang sebenarnya (lebih lama).
misalnya kurangnya tidur setelah latihan berat bisa dikarenakan
terlalu banyak latihan, tetapi susah tidur / insomnia merupakan
hasil dari overtraining.
The initial stage of overtraining is indicated by a number of psychological

Negative attitude
Lowered powers of concretation
Increasing irritability sensitivity to criticism
Persistent insomnia
Lack of appetite

Tahap awal dari overtraining ditunjukkan oleh sejumlah reaksi

Sikap Negatif

menurunnya konsentrasi
Meningkatkan emosi - kepekaan terhadap kritik
Insomnia yang terus menerus
Kurangnya nafsu makan
If these symptoms are ignored, it leads to disturbances in the co-ordination of
movements and a decline in fitness and increased possibility of injury.
Jika gejala ini diabaikan, itu mengarah ke gangguan koordinasi
gerakan dan penurunan kebugaran dan meningkatkan kemungkinan
Performance level drops and the athletes condition become worse

Errors technical and tactical are committed

Disturbance in flow and rhythm of movements
A lower endurance, speed, strength and a need for more rest
A fear of competition
Easily demoralized nd tendency to give up competition

Penurunan derajat kinerja dan kondisi atlet memburuk

Kesalahan - teknis dan taktis berkomitmen

Gangguan aliran dan irama gerakan
daya tahan yang rendah, kecepatan, kekuatan dan kebutuhan
untuk lebih banyak istirahat
Ketakutan kompetisi
Mudah kehilangan semangat dan kecenderungan untuk menyerah
dari kompetisi

Eliminating the consequences of overtraining


Reduction in amont of work immediately

Use of methods of promote recovery
E.g active recreation, massage, baths, food rich in vitamins, reduced
protein consumption.
Discontinue competition
Absolute rest may cause further disturbance (acute syndromeof relief)

Menghilangkan konsekuensi dari overtraining

i. Pengurangan jumlah pekerjaan scepat mungkin

ii. Penggunaan metode meningkatkan pemulihan

iii. Misalnya hiburan aktif, pijat, mandi, makanan kaya vitamin,
mengurangi konsumsi protein.
iv. menghentikan kompetisi
Upon the resumption of training, once the symptoms have faded, first the
volume then intensivity of training training should be increased.
It is essential that signs of over training be recognized as soon as possible
and eliminated. Consequently there must be close co-operation between
coach, players physician and dielician.
Training plan, structure of training i.e relationship between volume, intensity,
method and cycles should be modified.
Chage of training environment to aqict region.
Avoidance of intense sun, light or sun-ray treatmen from a lamp.
Setelah pelatihan dimulai kembali, sekali gejala telah memudar,
pertama- tama volume dan intensitas pelatihan harus ditingkatkan.

itu merupakan tanda tanda penting - pelatihan harus di lakukan

sesegera mungkin dan dieliminasi. Akibatnya harus ada kerjasama
yang erat antara pelatih, pemain, dokter dan ahli gizi.

Rencana pelatihan, struktur pelatihan yaitu hubungan antara

volume, intensitas, metode dan siklus harus diubah.
perubahan suasana pelatihan
Menghindari intensitas terkena matahari, cahaya atau matahari-ray
pengobatan dari lampu.
Now that increased demands are being made on sportsmen by training and
competition, there is a growing need to improved recovery rates.
Sekarang peningkatan permintaan sedang dilakukan pada
olahragawan dengan pelatihan dan kompetisi, ada perkembangan
yang dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki derajat pemulihan

1. Recovery, enchancement through better understanding

a. Players attitudes towards training is important.he must know the
objective and tasks in training
b. He must physically and mentally prepare himself for training
c. Organization of training phases and sessions must be selective load,
phases , intervals, active means of recovery.
d. Possible change in the variety of content of training exercise, content,
1. Pemulihan, peningkatan melalui pemahaman yang lebih baik
a. sikap pemain terhadap pelatihan sangat penting. dia harus tahu
tujuan dan tugas-tugas dalam pelatihan
b. Dia harus secara fisik dan mental mempersiapkan diri untuk
melakukan pelatihan
c. penyusunan fase pelatihanan dan sesi harus selektif - beban,
tahapan, interval, aktif berarti pemulihan.
d. Kemungkinan perubahan dalam konten dalam pelatihan - latihan,
konten, beban.
2. Rgeneration Methods
a. Using water/hydrotherapy
1. Warm water shower
2. Bathing in warm-water pool- for 15-20 minutes and gentle, slow
movements of affectedlimbs.
3. Swirl of water, water jets as under-water massage
4. Underunder water massage using high pressure water streams
5. Alternate warm/cold water streams over athletes (showers) for
invigorating effect
2. pembaruan Metode
a. Menggunakan air / hidroterapi
1. mandi air hangat
2. Mandi di kolam renang air hangat selama 15-20 menit dan
lemah lembut, gerakan lambat dari anggota badan yang
terkena cedera.
3. berputar-putar di air, seperti memijat dibawah air
4. pemijatan di bawah air menggunakan aliran air tekanan
5. secara bergantian dialliri dengan air dingin atau hangat
selama (mandi) untuk efek menyegarkan
b. Sauna
1. Eliminates toxins

2. Never after strenuous training as it further increases dehydration,

electrolyte loss and elevates the heart rate increase stress on the
3. Alternate 9-12 minutes in sauna (hot environmental) with a short
period in cold water, air-repeated three times.
b. sauna
1. Menghilangkan racun
2. Jangan dilakukan setelah pelatihan berat karena lebih
meningkatkan dehidrasi, kehilangan elektrolit dan
mengakibatkan denyut jantung meningkat dan stres pada
3. secara bergantiaan BERENDAM 9-12 menit di sauna (panas
lingkungan) dengan waktu yang singkat dalam air dingin,
udara dingin dan diulang tiga kali.

The contrasting and alternate use of hot and cold is found on the premise that
Ive desire a reduction in the exercise induced waters, lactic acid removal,
reduction of pain, spasm and an increase in oxygenated, fresh circulation to
exercised tissues. Heat is used to simulated muscle relaxtation, imcrease the
lymphatic drainage, reduce tension and increase the blood flow. Cold is used to
reduced pain, swelling and inflammation.
c. Massage
Maintains body vitality and allows recovery after efforts. Massage
assists toxin elimination by mobilizing muscular masses and promotes
a state of relaxation.
A post work/completion massage, may be given 10-15 minutes after a
relaxing shower, concentration on (i) the removal of waste products
from muscles to the lymphatic system; (ii) attempting to achieve
maximum relaxation; (iii) also to improve circulation and expansion of
blood vessels; (iv) Proprioceptive sensibility is heightened.

Restoration of work capacity by massage is in two parts

1. To provide immediate oxidative elimination of lactic acid from muscle
groups that performed the major work
2. Elimination of lactic acid from muscle groups above and below the
working muscles.
80% of treatment time should be devoted to be muscles performing
the major motor task.

Massage when
1. First session
20 minutes after competitive game or training session,
especially beneficial iif combined with a sauna or a shower.
2. Second session 2 hours after competitive match
The heat from the sauna or shower simulates blood penetration into the skin
and muscle
The cold forces blood deep into the muscle which help the body to elimante
the waste

3. On day of rest after the competitive game/heavy training seasion all players
take a sauna or massage

After a match or heavy training season, the body undergoes post-strain lactate
acidosis. Muscled liver reserves of glycogen have been exhausted and there is
also a significant water deficit.
Taking alcohol after a match is highly undesireable as it slow down regeneration.
Approximately one hourafter the match, food should be taken because :

the rate of replacement is three times faster than if food is taken three
or four hours later.
The rate of glycogen replenishment is faster (but only if it is restored
within 20-30 mins. Of activity)

1. 1 gm of carbohydrate should be replaced for every kgm of body weight
immediately after training, playing e.g body weight 75kg replacement
of carbohydrate = 75gm
2. Repeat the process after the first and second hour, followed by full meal
Carbohydrates bread, cereals, rice bananas.
Even more important than food
If fluids intake is neglected, no amount of carbohydrate replenishment will help.
Fluids should be taken during training and competition if possible at the rate of
every 20 or 30 mins. Fluids should be taken as scheduled and not when feeling
thirsty the body needs 20 minutes to absorb water from the stomatch.
Isotonic drink can replace carbohydrate and calories and minerals.

The key to recovery concerning diet, nutrition is

load-up with carbohydrate three days before an event produces

keep well hydrate during and after exercise/activity.
replenish carbohydrates immediately after exercise/activity a boost
for recovery, eat immediately and every hour for two hours after
balance water intake with easily digested foods.
Balance water intake with isotonic drinks
Replenish glycogen levels whitin the first two hours after competitive

Before competitive matches, carbohydrate and glycogen levels need to be

1. Counselling of athletes
2. Talking to players individually and as a group/team and litening to
problems, fears etc


Regular, vigorous activity produce physiological improvements regardless og
age. However, older individuals may require more rest in the face of intense
physical activity. The body shows signs of deterioration around the age of 25
years and as the body ages of recovery rate is enhanced from the metabolic
stand point.
Players beginning to undertake strenuous physical activity may need more
recovery time, depending on the level of training in which they are engaged. This
is why lower levels of training intensity and volume are prescribed during the
first week of training with an increase in load, volume as the player acclimatizes
to the training.
In general, athletes between the age of 15-22 years, have a greatest
recuperative ablity, due to maximum testosterone levels that assist recovery,
The athletes expects the coach to be knowledgeable and as qualified as possible,
to provide proper training conditions for the athletes potential capacities to
develop, to support, believein and stimulate the player

education in his main role in teaching about regeneration


regeneration recovery should be made an integral part of any

programme. Effort and recovery should at times be equalized. For
adequaterepair, a ratio of 2:1 or 1:1 ration would be useful.
Overtraining should be prevented.
Athletes should be educated and encouraged to eat well
Fluid replacement should be emphasized at all items
Maintenance, of body weight is vital it should be restored before the
following practice or competitive match, or over-training problems will
Players need adequate sleep and passive recovery relaxation

An increase in body composition, strength, speed and flexibility and athletic

skill is expected from hard training. If these physiological are not occurring,
then adequate recovery does not exist.
It must be a coachs decision to alter training programme when signs of
overtraining are evident.

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