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Now What?

Call #12 Transcript

By Donna Powers



Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class 12, our last class together, where we will continue talking about
infectious illness. These particular illnesses we are covering today are the ones where
conventional vaccines are used as prevention and nowadays in childhood school age
children, teens and adults. Today's infectious illnesses being discussed are hepatitis A,
B and C. We are going to cover all three of those today.
DP: So here we go, as always I ended up doing more research and I'll offer what I can
today and I'll try and keep it in an organized fashion and there is a little bit to cover. So
in my clinical microbiology text for made ridiculously simple which sometimes it's not,
they have one chapter that is devoted to the hepatitis viridae, which just simply means
hepatitis virus. In fact, when you start doing the research, you'll find out that these
different letters to the hepatitis are in different families, but what's important to know
that a viral hepatitis is an infection of the liver, hepatocytes. So these are the cells in the
liver that's what "hepa", "hepato" and "cytes" mean, it's just liver cells, by viruses.
DP: So any time you see itis on the end of any name of an infection or an illness, it
simply means inflammation. So this is an inflammation of the liver. So it can be
attributable to these particular viruses, but you can get inflammation of the liver from
other kinds of things like cirrhosis of the liver, which is alcohol can sometimes be a
contributing factor. But what they have identified with hepatitis where there is a
common group of symptoms including the jaundice, so even babies were born or
sometimes put on the light and the reason that they have jaundice is because of the
bilirubin, their liver is not quite up to functioning. So with the hepatitis illnesses you do
get that jaundice look, the yellow skin, the yellow eyes, the pee can be very, very yellow
as well.
DP: But with viral hepatitis there are five RNA viruses. So there is a difference between
RNA and DNA. So I did do some research with that and I am going to include a link for
you because I found one of the most entertaining websites where they have lectures,
podcasts and you just got to love what you can get for education now on the Internet.
So I will include that in the... Let's see if I've got it, yes, And all I did was
Google the question what is the difference between DNA and RNA? And there is a
structural difference and the functional difference, which is what you learned in your
DP: So it was interesting to me that there would be one is a DNA virus and then the
rest are RNA viruses. So I am not sure what all of that means, but I was curious simply
because there are some serious complications and adverse risks to the hepatitis B
vaccine which is given to babies in the US at birth. And I believe it's being introduced, I
didn't look it up on the Canadian schedule. So my curiosity was aroused with that. So
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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
the five RNA viruses are A, C, D, E and G. So they are all alphabetical letters and these
are the ones that have been identified. The only DNA virus is the hepatitis B and this is
the one that babies are vaccinated for.
DP: So with that, the hepatitis A is in the Picornaviridae family. Now remember I told
you it's nice to have these scientific names because it just helps you with your
knowledge when you go in and are considering more information from your doctor on
vaccines, whether to vaccinate or not or if you are just researching for your own. So the
Picornaviridae are these RNA viruses and they include your rhinoviruses, which are
your cold symptoms. So rhino, rhinitis, is an inflammation of the nasal passages so you
get the runny rose. It includes Hep A, the hand, foot and mouth disease virus, and
some 63 enteroviruses and you may recall that we talked about that with polio. Polio is
one of these Picornaviridae and it's transmitted by the orofecal group, so the mouth
through the butt, essentially.
DP: It also includes the Coxsackieviruses which includes the hand, foot and mouth
disease, herpes kinds of... Herpangina it is called where you've got herpes-like lesions
in the mouth and on the hard palate. Aseptic meningitis. So, last week we were talking
about aseptic meningitis where it actually poisons the blood. So there are a few other
respiratory illnesses and those illnesses resembling mild paralytic polio, and this is all
the coxsackieviruses. So, just know that that's where your hepatitis A lands. It's in the
same place as those other ones that we mentioned, including the polio. The same as
we talked about with the polio viruses, you may never know if your child has actually
had an episode of polio because the symptoms early on could just look like a cold and
a runny nose. This is that family.
DP: So, it is that you could have hepatitis A and never know that you have had it and,
through passive immunity, could actually have life long immunity with it. It is
transferred, again, fecal oral route so which implies hand washing, cleanliness,
hepatitis A can be highly prevalent in daycares, in nurseries, in the drop-in centre,
places like the drop-in centre, nursing homes, and so hygiene becomes a really
important element in that and clean water. So, where you will see instances of hepatitis
A usually they will be in developing countries where the sanitation just is not quite up to
DP: I also wanted you to know, in the clinical microbiology book, we're going to the
symptoms in a minute, but the hepatitis A is a fairly benign illness even in children.
Here are the statistics. Young children are the most frequently infected and they have a
milder course than do adults, often without developing jaundice or even symptoms. At
the other end of the spectrum, a small percentage, 1%-4%, usually adults will develop
severe hepatitis. However, deaths from HAV, hepatitis A virus, are very rare. So this is

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
one of those instances where you really want to weigh the benefits and risks of a
vaccine and the benefits and risks of the illness.
DP: What I reassure parents with who are travelling to places like Mexico, Costa Rica,
if you're staying at all inclusive resorts or you have your own place, chances are very
good if you're travelling back and forth you are going to develop your own life long
immunity to especially hepatitis A. Now, if it happens that you do get hepatitis A, you
could get quite sick with it. So, anecdotal story time. When I was a child we all had
hepatitis A. In my day and age when I was a child it was simply called yellow jaundice.
Everybody seemed to know what it was and my mum knew that she had to keep all of
us at home until we were all finished being yellow. It wasn't very pleasant. We'll go
through the symptoms. So, know that there's a whole spectrum. You can have what
looks like maybe a cold and maybe a little bit of tenderness in the liver area, but it
resolves itself or you could have the full expression of it where the eyeballs turn yellow,
the skin turns yellow and you really have more severe symptoms.
DP: The concern with getting any hepatitis infection is that it can develop and be
chronic. So, the beginning symptoms of a viral hepatitis are very similar to the flu. You
have fatigue, a low grade fever, muscle joint aches, cough, runny nose, pharyngitis
which is inflammation in the pharynx which is near the larynx which is the back of the
mouth, throat. And one to two weeks later it may develop into jaundice. So, what is
happening is the liver is working to eliminate the dead cells and as it does that the
bilirubin increases and this is why you get the colouration. So, two weeks into the
illness is when you get yellow and the liver can get enlarged and you have... How they
test it are for blood levels of liver function enzymes.
DP: So it's transmitted contaminated food or water or coming into really close contact
with somebody who's infected Neil Miller in his book states three deaths per thousand
cases, mainly adults greater than 50 years of age, and I would suspect that it's
somebody who might not be in good health or has possible stress on their liver anyway
from alcohol. I don't know if cigarettes affect the liver, quite possibly. It takes about two
months, less than two months and you recover and you will not get it again. So when I
go to give blood now, I tell them I had yellow jaundice as a child. They want to know
how old I was and I fall in the category of they will test the blood, they will see that I've
had an experience with hepatitis A, which is a concern, but because I have it and I
have the antibodies then it's okay to donate that blood.
DP: So young children are, for the most part, not a group at great risk. Unless you were
travelling, say... And I do know of situations with this with families who did opt to get...
That was the only vaccine they got for their child, was the A and B. They were going to
a developing country and they would be living in a very rural area. So, it's something to

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
consider, but again, you would want to weigh that with the risks of the vaccine.
DP: As of right now, the hepatitis A as a vaccine is given with the hepatitis B as well,
and it's called the Twinrix. And they have Twinrix for young children. I've got the ages
here for it. And the Twinrix is for both A and B. So I'm just going to go through with it a
little bit. If there are any allergies to antibiotics you will want to reconsider because in
Twinrix there are antibiotics. There are no clinical trials for pregnant women and the
other... So it also has aborted fetal tissues in it and it is grown on yeast. So again, if you
have any candida or any allergies to yeast or yeast products, it would be important to
know there's formaldehyde and it does not contain preservatives.
DP: And here it is here as well, the jaundice that turns the skin and eyes yellow is
common in adults, but rare in children. Most children under the age of six years do not
get sick from the infection, but can spread it to older children and adults. So the
incubation day can be quite a spread from 15 to 45 days or about four weeks. And I
think that was about how long... Well, my mum would have been nursing several of us
kids, but I recall that we were out of school for probably quite some time while we were
doing that. And it is possible for the virus to begin shedding through the stool of the
infected person from two weeks before to one week after the onset of the disease. So
that gives you an idea the length of it, and most of it will resolve.
DP: And it says, "Some outbreaks of hepatitis A have been traced to contaminated
food, water, milk, frozen raspberries and strawberries, and shellfish." That's interesting.
So, cook your food.
DP: So, the treatment for hepatitis A, you will be told that is the vaccine for prevention
for travellers. And if the person has been exposed the only other treatment that
conventional medicine offers is a pooled immune serum globulin. So we talked about
that with tetanus as well. And what it is is a pooled immune... So it's from a lot of
people's different blood product, it's a blood product. And if it has the hepatitis A virus
antibody then that's what they will give to you. Once infection is established treatment
is only supportive. So, there's really not much you can do except use some good
homeopathic remedies, and we'll talk about that as we go on.
DP: And just so you know that there is, with the Hep A and B vaccine or the Twinrix,
there is well-documented evidence of quite severe adverse reactions to this particular
vaccine. So you really want to read the vaccine package insert to find out if this is
going to be effective for you when you travel. You're going to have to weigh the
benefits and the risks and be very clear on that. So the National Vaccine Information
Centre, as always, supports the availability of the Hep A vaccine for all who choose to
use it, but they oppose the mandate of Hep A vaccine for the following reasons. So it's
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
simply what we've talked about so far. It does not cause chronic infection and rarely
causes death.
DP: So, we're talking about Hep A. Hepatitis A gives lifelong immunity, but the vaccine
does not. And children can often show no signs or symptoms if they get hepatitis A,
and they will have a lifelong infection. Child-to-child transmission in school is rare and
that's according to the CDC, the Centre for Disease Control. And they oppose it
because the hepatitis A vaccine can cause reactions. So there's been a know
relationship between Guillain-Barre, which is the neurological illness. You can actually
get Guillain-Barre post influenza. If you've had a flu you can naturally get Guillain-Barre
syndrome, but again homeopathically that can be addressed.
DP: Stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and joint pains, so again the whole idea of
whatever an illness can cause, the vaccine can cause as well. And all you need to do is
check the VAERS or the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and you can actually
see if there have been deaths from this particular vaccine.
DP: So we talked about... It's got the human fetal tissue to grow the virus and there's
traces of fetal human diploid cellular proteins are also present, and this for me ties in
with the idea of the DNA and the RNA and these bits from the vaccine that they can't
completely strain or take out of the vaccine end up into our blood stream when they
are injected. So you have to check the package to determine... Some of them will
actually say this has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or
it's potential to impair fertility. So, read, read, read, read, read.
DP: The other objection the NDIC has is that there were no long-term studies to
evaluate whether hepatitis A vaccine given alone or in combination with other vaccines
is associated with chronic illness or disability, such as the development of diabetes,
asthma, seizure disorders, learning disabilities, ADHD or autism. We'll get to the
hepatitis B but it has been implicated in quite serious illnesses and conditions. So
autism, MS and type II juvenile diabetes. The hepatitis B vaccine here in Canada is
offered to grade five students and it is also the same time as the Gardasil and they're
now introducing the Gardasil vaccine for boys. So, the long-term studies when you
read it has not been done with fertility or how it would affect that as well and with the
Gardasil being introduced at the same time, you really need to research and
understand what's going on.
DP: So that is hepatitis A. So just think mouth, butt, oral, fecal, hand washing,
cleanliness, sanitation, clean water. So, if you're travelling into an under developed part
of the world, living rurally say on a mission or Habitat for Humanity, or a church
mission, you may want to just ramp up the hygiene and take along water purifiers, that
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
kind of thing, because that will be more how it's transmitted. So you're more at risk
than a child is. So children are pretty much, this is not a real consideration for them.
DP: Are there any questions about that one?
DP: It will mean, and we'll talk about the remedies for it, but just know that again, when
we have flu like symptoms, it really could be... All these illnesses present with fever,
aching joints, pain, muscle pain and this is the beauty of homeopathy, you just need
the remedy picture rather than these common signs and symptoms and you'll never
really know what you have avoided.
DP: So, Dr. Mercola has a really good article, July 7th, 2011. I will include the link on
your follow-up email. And the title of this article is just simply "60 Things that can go
terribly wrong with the hepatitis B vaccination." This is the one that is a DNA virus, as
opposed to the other ones, which are RNA viruses. This is the one that is of most
concern because it can cause chronic long-term liver damage as the illness.
DP: But the vaccine as well, this vaccine might cause autoimmune inflammatory
polyneuropathy, which is similar to the Guillain-Barre. So the polyneuropathy just
simply means it has affected the nervous system and it has become an autoimmune
disease, so one of the autoimmune illnesses you might think of is rheumatoid arthritis.
MS, I know of people, I actually know people who were travelling to Mexico, they
thought it would be prudent to get the Twinrix vaccine which has the A and B in it, and
they ended up with MS shortly after. And I will actually go through a case from
Vermeulen's Monera book that talks about using the homeopathic hepatitis to undo the
damage that was done by these vaccines.
DP: Anaphylactic shock and death in infants. So, this is hepatitis B. Remember in the
US it's given routinely. I don't think it's given routinely here in Canada. Chronic arthritis,
autism, and Bell's palsy. Bell's palsy is again a neurological ailment that causes part of
the face to be paralysed and it droops. So homeopathy can be used to address Bell's
palsy. It takes a very long time to recover neurologically from that.
DP: So, who's at risk for the hepatitis B? In my clinical microbiology book, this is the
big bad virus, B for bad. Simply because one of the complications... I wonder, when I
read this things, I always ask myself more questions than I have answers for. But
hepatitis B was introduced as the first anti-cancer vaccine.
DP: So hepatitis B, if you get it, naturally one of the concerns is hepatocellular
carcinoma, which simply means liver cancer. So when they developed the vaccine,

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
some of the thinking was that this was the first anti-cancer vaccine. So, I beg the
question, I started to ask myself, "Hmm, I wonder if there's been any research done on
any increase in liver cancer in children?" So, these are the things, this is kind of how
my head goes. So, you can do that research on your own. If you find that interesting as
DP: So, that's just a little aside, and I think that's probably some of why the push to
continue this vaccine. The other push is that you can... The idea of hepatitis B is a
blood-to-blood illness. So you can only get it from blood to blood contact. So when
babies are born to mothers who have been drug users or have had multiple sex
partners, who may have contracted hepatitis B, the baby is susceptible to developing
this illness. Statistically, this particular population of drug users, multiple sex partners,
is not always compliant with following up.
DP: And so, a policy was developed so every baby born would then be part of this
prevention. So catch everybody at the same time. So, the transmission can only occur
either through birth, the birthing process, needle sharing, accidental medical exposure,
so medical staff are often required to have this particular vaccine. But I can also tell you
another anecdotal story. My sister-in-law, who is a nurse, did get poked by a blood
product through a needle from somebody who was infected with the hepatitis B, and
she's fine. She's recovered very, very nicely. She chose not to go on any drugs or
anything. It took her a little while, but she got through it.
DP: Sexual contact, blood transfusions, perinatal transmission, so it's extremely
contagious. So, this is some of the arguments that you will hear from somebody like Dr.
Mercola, it really and truly if you are... Have been always with your partner, and you're
not a drug user, and you haven't been to questionable tattoo parlours while you were
pregnant, it is highly unlikely that you will fall into that category where you would need
the hepatitis B vaccine or the treatment that goes with it. If that is your situation, then
you have to be looking at the vaccine as a potential for preventing any problems with
your child.
DP: It can become chronic hepatitis and it can be severe and acute with destruction of
the liver. So this is why the push for it. But not everybody follows into that whole thing.
So, again to take it to the idea of travelling to Mexico, Costa Rica, or another part of
the world, if you are not... One of the other ones you have to watch for are manicures
and pedicures. If they do not have an autoclave, I would recommend that you'd be
extremely cautious about having manicures or pedicures while you're away. Even at allinclusive resorts, even in Calgary. If they do not have an autoclave, you really want to
think twice about having your manicure or pedicure, if they do not have the proper
sterilizing equipment.

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: And, you just simply ask when you book your appointment, do you have an
autoclave? And are all of your instruments either single use, or are they sterilized in
between? They have to have a standard of hospital sterilization techniques, and that's
why an autoclave. Same as if you go to a dentist, they put all of their instruments
through an autoclave because they're reused and they need to be sterile so you're not
transferring infectious viruses.
DP: So, if you travel and you're not getting a tattoo, you're not anticipating you'll have
to have blood products, you're not in drug use, you're not going to brothels, it's highly
unlikely that you would need an A or a B. With the A, the only other one you want to be
aware of are ice cubes, and you'll see that on the ad on TV. Generally, in all-inclusive
restaurants they have their own water filtration system and they are impeccable about
their sanitation and the hygiene. These places are set up for North American people to
bring their money and spend time there. So, they do not want anybody leaving there
with sickness.
DP: So, in January there's a group of us from the Western College of Homeopathic
Medicine who will be travelling to India. So my husband will be doing a lot of travelling.
It's possible he's already had hepatitis A. We're from that same generation born in the
'50s and growing up through the '60s and '70s. It's likely his family also had yellow
jaundice. So, the only thing for him would be to make sure that he's carrying his own
bottled water, which the team who is getting ready for our arrival has already
suggested. And that he'll have to wash his hands, cleanliness. So, I even do it here in
Calgary, if I'm out grocery shopping, pushing the cart around, I don't use those sterile
things. But, when I do go home and before unload groceries, I'm careful to wash my
hands. So, that will help with some of that.
DP: So, the hepatitis B is from another family of viruses, Hepadnaviridae. So, just so
you know that the Hep A is from one other family and this is from a completely different
one. This is from Franz Vermeulen's Monera book and it's about the hepatitis B. He has
it in there, and again transmission person to person in blood, saliva, and semen, thus
ranking it among venereal diseases. So unless the mother has this particular virus,
babies being born generally do not need this vaccine.
DP: So it's a concern worldwide simply because there are areas of the world where this
is prevalent. So, the incubation period can be as long as six months versus six weeks
for hepatitis A. So, you might have, say, you actually decided to get a tattoo. Who
knows how we make these decisions, and you might not know for six months and then
you end up with a flu like kind of illness. It's an extremely stable virus and it can survive
for prolonged periods on needles, so drug abuse, body piercing, tattooing that's not
done in a licensed facility, surgical tools, and even thorns or sharp stones. So some
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
might start thinking thorns or sharp stones, but again, if I were in Africa, I have a friend,
a colleague in Malawi right now. She doesn't go anywhere in sandals, so you take
these precautions as well. These are common sense things.
DP: Chronic hepatitis B virus, HPV can lead to liver cancer, and it's one of the most
common cancers afflicting humans. There actually is, I did find that out, there is a rise
in liver cancers right now, and whether it's related to introduction to the Hep B vaccine
or not, I do not know. The symptoms can include headache, anorexia, so losing weight,
nausea, abdominal bloating, just a general malaise, not feeling well, darkening of the
urine, lightening of the feces. So, when there's liver involvement and the poop starts to
turn clay or chalk colour, you know there is a liver involvement there, somewhere.
Jaundice, rigoursthat's simply where you get the chills and feverand there can be a
loss of desire to drink alcohol or smoke. Recovery can take up to several months.
DP: In Homeopathy, this is the case that I wanted to relate to you about, for some of
you who are studying to be homoeopaths, this will be in your repertory program or your
Materia Medica, your reference work program, and it's from Tinus Smits. He's probably
best known for introducing CEASE therapy, reversing vaccine damage especially in
situations for children have been diagnosed with autism.
DP: So, this one particular case. A 34-year-old mother of two, excellent physical
condition, sport loving, and she was suffering from chronic fatigue shortly after her first
hepatitis B vaccine. And she had headaches at the back of the head, and got all kinds
of infections, in particular she got throat infections. So, she was unable to work and
she finally had to quit work. Her health was too bad. And then she was treated in the
psychiatric hospital. She was ready to try anything, but the psychiatrist didn't
understand her case. Something just wasn't connecting.
DP: And that's how sick you can get sometimes, you really start to think you're crazy,
that it's a mental thing. And she got depressed, started on Prozac, which there's
litigation suits, class action lawsuits against Prozac. The problems are when you come
off the Prozac. So she completely had lost confidence in everything. So, Tinus Smits
had her as a patient and he gave her three courses of hepatitis B homeopathically in
30, 200, 1M, and 10M and over five months she recovered completely.
DP: So this is one instance where you can see the use of homeopathy in this kind of
vaccine clearing way. So when you are doing your research and your reading or your
talking to other mums on other chat boards, this is the kind of information that you
might hear. So there is some success with that. Sometimes the classical homoeopath
might use an overall constitutional remedy, but again sometimes these vaccines can
set up these... It's like they're healing, healing, healing, and then there's no more
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
DP: So, if you make a decision to have a vaccine for whatever reason, it's always really
important to record. This is why I encourage parents to get the download from the
public health agency of Canada, that you have the lot number, the manufacturer's
number of the particular vaccine that you've had and you know the health of your child
going in or your adult going in and then follow it up after. And if any of you had a
chance to listen to Cam's radio interview, it was wonderful. I was so proud of her. I
know how nervous she can be because I was nervous on mine. But it's not until
sometimes we start putting the information down chronologically that we start to see
these patterns, and this is what Cam had noticed for her own child. Once she put it
down chronologically she could see the pattern.
DP: So as a homoeopath, sometimes when you see a direct correlation between
health, vaccine and compromised health, then you're a homoeopath and you can talk
about the consideration of doing clearing vaccine. Now I've also seen instances where
the vaccine nosode was given and it has not cleared the particular situation, the health
concern. So, you really have to hang in there with your homoeopath or your naturopath
as you try and sort through any vaccine damage if that is your situation.
DP: So the hepatitis B. What else can I tell you about it? That's pretty much it in the
Monera book. The other concern with the hepatitis B vaccine, as with all vaccines, it's
not life long immunity. And this is some of what is being seen again. So this is one of
the arguments that has been presented by Mercola. At grade five, kids who you would
think for the most part are not sexually active, they are given this hepatitis B vaccine,
but that's the only way that it can be transmitted. By the time they reach their teens
and they are becoming more sexually active, this is likely the time when the vaccines
could be waning. They have no way to measure this at all.
DP: Interesting facts, a study published September 2009 in the Annals of
Epidemiology, so this is a reputable journal, found that giving hepatitis B vaccine to
infant boys more than tripled their risk for an autism spectrum disorder. This was
doubly concerning because an earlier study by the same researcher group using a
different database found the same result. So, that I will make sure that I have the link.
Okay, that is from Mercola's vaccine. Not his vaccine. Mercola does not have a
vaccine. Maybe his newsletter is the vaccine you need, but it's in his article. So, even if
you go to his website, and check a search engine for hepatitis B, you will
find all the articles on there for reference.
DP: Oh, I do have it! Oh gee, I'm way ahead of myself. Today's headlines: "Liver
Cancer On The Increase. And that I had just found out on my research yesterday.
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
That's the CBC News Canada. "And liver cancer incidents have tripled in Canadian
men and doubled in women since the 1970s." I'd be curious when the hepatitis B
vaccine was introduced. I would have to look that up. "The greatest risk factors for liver
cancer are chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections." So there's currently a
vaccine against Hep B but not for Hep C. So, again, my mind just goes to, "Gee, I
wonder if this is like the strep and staph infections that we talked about and the
pneumococcus, the pneumococcal strep and if one is being treated for the other and it
gets more and more serious?" So, of course this articles not going to answer those
questions. It's going to need a quite a bit of research.
DP: So, other risk factors for liver cancer: alcohol use, diabetes, and smoking. So,
there you go. So, it begs the question. The other one that is associated with hepatitis B
is the hepatitis D. So, again, is there any research being done to see if giving a vaccine
for hepatitis B is increasing the prevalence of C and D, which are the RNA viruses. So,
when I give you the link to that DNA versus RNA, if you come up with any kind of
connections, please let me know.
DP: So, in Canada, grade five, hepatitis B, HPV for girls only. But that will change.
They're introducing the Gardasil or HPV, Human Papillomavirus vaccine to boys as
well. The World Health Organization claims it is the first vaccine against a major human
cancer. I don't know how they can say that when in fact it's not life long, the protection
from a vaccine. So, I'm not sure how they can say that.
DP: Young children are in the lowest risk category for contracting hepatitis B. But
they're given at age 18 months and then a fourth booster around 11-12 years of age. In
the US it's in the hospital before they leave after birth. So... And the only way a
newborn is at risk is if it is borne to a mother with an active hepatitis B infection. So, it
really begs the question about why children and infants are being given this vaccine.
DP: So, here's the final statistics for you with the Hep A/Hep B. For most children the
risk of a serious vaccine reaction maybe 100 times greater then the risk of hepatitis B.
VAERS contains 25,000 reports related to hepatitis B vaccine, about one-third of which
were serious enough to lead to an emergency room visit, hospitalization, or death. So,
even the American Physicians and Surgeons have called for an immediate moratorium
on mandatory hepatitis B vaccine for all children pending further research on
dangerous side effects. That information is from Vaccination Liberation, which is
DP: So, any questions, any clarifications, any information? Any stories?
DP: Okay. Now I do want to make mention of one other resource. Sheri Nakken offers
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online courses. I may have mentioned this before, what she has done, she was a
conventional nurse before she became a homoeopath and started all of her research in
the '80s. And she runs these courses and you get regular emails with just a lot of
information. A lot of the information is sourced from research journals, medical
information, and if you can keep up with the reading, you will learn a tremendous
amount that you can share with others, if that's important for you.
DP: So Sheri Nakkenyou will also find her on the whale.toher courses are really,
really inexpensive and I really appreciated being able to take her courses. So a story
like Michael Belkin, and he has actually had a child die from the hepatitis B vaccine, his
five-week-old daughter. So, likely has this family's information and their story
on there.
DP: Hepatitis C comes from yet another family, the Flaviviridae, which is in the same
family of viruses as yellow fever and dengue fever. I have just had a student enquire
about yellow fever, so when you travel in different countries, there is sometimes a
regulation that you cannot enter another country if you have been in a country where
there is a yellow fever outbreak. You have to either have the vaccine or you can get out
of it with medical exemption, but you have to have a medical doctor say why you can't
have the yellow fever vaccine. The only piece of advice I would give you is if you're
going to that kind of travelling, and yellow fever is required, you're really going to have
to look at the vaccine as something that you may need to do. You'll want to really
research it and it may affect where you travel and how you travel.
DP: Yellow fever vaccine, I talked to a medical doctor who is an expert in travel
vaccines, there are two vaccines you do not want to get when you're in a developing
country, unless you're at a very major, large medical centre in a very large city, yellow
fever is one of them and rabies is the other. They have very specific refrigeration
requirements, so if you are rurally in a country where there is a yellow fever outbreak or
epidemic, and they are vaccinating people at that point, you don't want to get a
vaccine there. You want find a major centre and possibly have a vaccine there.
DP: So, this is one vaccine that you'll want to research before you make any travel
commitments, especially if you're travelling from one country to another. The Centre
For Disease Control is where you need to go and you check the country, and they
always recommend that you get all your childhood vaccines up to date, and then they
will list what is currently out, what is required for travel in that country.
DP: So, yellow fever: there can be outbreaks at any time. It's transmitted by
mosquitoes, it's mosquito-borne, so again, it looks like flu, sudden onset fever, chills,
nausea, vomiting, or there could be constipation; jaundice, so the liver gets involved,
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so remember, that's why hepatitis C is in this family. And there is death in seven to 10
days in 20% to 50% of the cases, so it's a serious illness, yellow fever. Dengue fever is
another one that is insect-borne.
DP: I'm just checking. So, it can be from animals as well. Eupatorium perfoliatum is our
most specific remedy for dengue fever, and it has high fevers, nausea, vomiting, violent
headache, skin rash, bone and muscular pains, which would be the indication for
eupatorium. And there's a long convalescence with that. So, just so you know that this
is the family that it's in and it will affect the liver. I think that's all I need to say about
DP: So, going on to hepatitis C, and again, this is in the context of intravenous drug
abuse, and it's spread by exposure to blood and blood product, so a transfusion,
dialysis. If you're somebody who has to be on dialysis, you are likely making your travel
arrangements to include a major centre where you can continue dialysis with blood
products you know that have been checked for hepatitis C.
DP: And the... So, with homeopathy, none of the Flaviviruses is employed in
homeopathy, except for the nosode yellow fever vaccine. And there's one case of
infectious jaundice where it was used as an intercurrent remedy and it was simply
based on the similarity between infectious jaundice and yellow fever, and the remedy
helped. Again, as an intercurrent, in between what would have been a constitutional
remedy or a remedy that was addressing the rest of the symptoms.
DP: So, I would like to move into homeopathic remedies. And, again, with homeopathic
remedies, what you're always looking for are the characteristic symptoms of the
person with the illness and match them with the characteristic symptoms of the
remedy, and then you will have a good result. Sometimes though, what we have, like in
Arnica, is where Arnica, the picture of the remedy is so similar to accidents and injuries
and swelling that it's the reason that it works for 75% of the people 75% of the time.
So let's go through the remedies.
DP: Now, in your handout you'll get all the signs and symptoms again. So some of
these are slow to develop into the disease, but once they've started it can be very
sudden. So Aconite, especially if there's a fever and sharp pains in the liver. And this
can be used in newborns. Aconite has to do with shock and suddenness, so
sometimes for babies that have these yellow skin, yellow eyes, you can actually use
Aconite right away.
DP: Arsenicum is another one, or sometimes it's sold as Metallum Album here in
Canada. And we've gone through the pictures of Arsenicum pretty carefully in the flu
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and in some of the other... You know, it's well known for the diarrhoea, so that whole, if
you're vomiting and diarrhoea both at the same time, and very chilled, and wanting hot
drinks, and burning pains, and wanting warmth. Arsenicum is going to be your go-to
remedy, and you may never know if that's actually what you had was any of the
DP: So Bryonia. Again, we've gone over Bryonia very carefully, and if the symptoms of
Bryonia are present, then you know that you probably are going to do some good work
with that. So the characteristic symptoms of Bryonia are desire for huge quantities of
water all at once, not wanting to move, it's very painful. Any Bryonia symptom is worse
for motion. It's a very big part of that picture. Bryonia is a huge liver remedy. Bryonia
you also think of with irritable businessmen. They're very dry, it's all about business, it's
all about work.
DP: And so you often think of the liver, and it's related to the anger idea in Chinese
medicine. So it's particularly good if all of this jaundice and this hepatitis have been
brought on by a fit of anger. So you might also think of Chamomilla, but the
Chamomilla patient gets hot and sweats, while the Bryonia patient ends up being chilly
even though he appears hot. And this dryness, Bryonia is dry, dry, dry. It sometimes is
referred to very funnily as dryonia.
DP: The other remedy to think of that we have not talked about that has a very big
affinity for the liver is Chelidonium. It's in the same family as opium, or the poppy
family, Papaveraceae. And this remedy would be for someone who has the grey or
yellow loose stools, the fever, and the jaundice, the yellow skin or the eyes as well.
They might have a craving for milk, so it's good to find out if there is a craving and a
thirst for any particular food or drink. They will feel better lying on their left side. So this
is where you start getting into the unique and particular characteristic symptoms.
Having a hot food or drink might even bring some relief. So even though there's that
liver pain, they may want milk or hot food or drink.
DP: China, homeopathic cinchona, or China, is often thought of in malaria. So again, if
you're doing a lot of travelling overseas, China is probably a remedy you will want in
your kit. So it will be good for malaria but also for any liver ailments where there's a
sensation of fullness in the stomach. And there may be a lot of burping, but there's no
relief with the burping. And they might have a craving for sweets or cold drinks or
DP: Lycopodium, we likely haven't covered this very much, but it's one of the primary
remedies for hepatitis in children and adults. And they'll feel tension in the liver area.
They won't want anything around their liver. They might have difficulty standing up, and
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can feel full after only eating a little bit of food. The other thing that is characteristic
about Lycopodium is their pains will likely come on between, or be worse, between 4
and 8 PM, or 4 and 8 AM. So it's very distinct with Lycopodium. Big craving for sweets.
Big craving for sweets. They might not want to give that up at all.
DP: Nux Vomica. We've talked about this in terms of some of the digestive illnesses,
but also with flu. It can be a flu remedy, but it has a lot of gastric symptoms. Again,
huge affinity for the liver. Bryonia and Nux Vomica can look very similar in some ways,
because Nux Vomica can also be like a businessman or businesswoman's remedy.
And with Nux Vomica, there's a lot of chilliness so it might remind you of Arsenicum,
only it's even more irritable. It's a very irritable remedy, a lot of anger. And what else
can I tell you about Nux? They might have more toward the constipation, but they can
also have the runny stool.
DP: Now, Podophyllum is a remedy that I recommend for people who have...
Sometimes in families we all seem to have a tendency toward sore throats, or a
tendency toward colds, or a tendency toward sunstroke. If you are a family that has a
tendency to diarrhoea when you travel, I would really recommend Podophyllum. It's
probably one of the best remedies in the Norwalk virus outbreaks that we sometimes
get from time to time. And this one in terms of the hepatitis, there's a large flow of bile
and there's a lot of jaundice with it, and the liver is quite congested, it's swollen and
sensitive. The face and eyes are yellow and there's a bad taste in the mouth. This is
where you can have a tongue coated white or yellow and the bile, you might have
gallstone colic with it as well.
DP: Watery diarrhoea, or if it's constipation, this will be an instance where the stools
are clay coloured and you'll be able to see it. It's quite an unusual look. So the
Podophyllum. The person needing the Podophyllum will probably rub the region of their
liver with their hand quite a bit. And I believe Podophyllum is the one that has the
rumbling all through the intestines and then the diarrhoea, the explosive diarrhoea.
There are a couple of remedies that have that, but I'm pretty sure Podophyllum has that
as well.
DP: The other one to think of is Phosphorous. And you'll have that in your handout; so
do read through that because that's more for the chronic damage that has happened.
And if the symptoms of Phosphorous are there, it's likely that it will be a good one to
use. Now the other one that I have used successfully, this is going to be the last
homeopathic remedy that I talk about in terms of hepatitis, is simply because I have
used it in practise and it was of an instance with a mum and her son.
DP: With Hispanic children, there is a much higher tendency toward the risk of getting
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autism that was, you know you always have to be careful about saying "caused by,"
but there's a relationship between the hepatitis B vaccine and autism and in particular
in the Hispanic community and with the boys. So in this instance, it was the mum who
had come, the little boy was diagnosed with autism. The mum, while she was pregnant
with the child, was given a hepatitis B vaccine, and when the child was born he was
given a hepatitis B vaccine at birth.
DP: The symptom picture for the little boy was interesting to me because it was
reflected in the mum's state as well. And the state and the hepatitis B vaccine all led to
the prescription of Sepia. And Sepia has a huge affinity for the liver. And I didn't know
this at the time when I was doing my work on this case. It also has the yellow colour of
the eyeballs, and a sensitive of eyes to the daylight, a yellowness of face. So when you
read the old Materia Medica, it's called a "sallowness" with the Sepia person. Yellow
saddles on the nose and cheeks, so there's a discolouration of the face.
DP: A vomiting of bile, the liver's very sore and painful and is relieved by lying on the
right side. So where you have Podophyllum, I think it was, better lying on the left side,
you have this one lying better on the right side. Deep coloured urine, red like blood,
yellow urine, very offensive urine. There's a lot of weakness and tiredness with
trembling in Sepia. So it was a good learning for me. And I saw them a few times and
I'm not sure how they're doing. It's one of the things that happens, even when people
get well or you're unable to help them and they move on to somebody else, you don't
always know how the story ends. So I like to think that it ended well for them.
DP: So are there any questions? We actually have time today to have a discussion or
talk. It looks like Ellen had to leave the call. I want to make sure that I say on the
recording for everybody who's here on the call, that who go through our listening on
the MP3 recordings or reading the transcripts, thank you so much for a great 12 weeks.
I just feel so privileged that I'm able to share this information with you and that you are
here wanting to learn. It's a nice combination for me. I used to drive my mother crazy
when I was a kid. I'd come home and have a million stories to tell her about what I
DP: So when I find an audience for my learning, I'm in seventh heaven. So I'm very
grateful to all of you today. My dream is that you will now take this information and be
little pods of light and create networks where you are equipped to not just help your
family in acute situations with homeopathic remedies, but to help others who want
help. You are qualified to use homeopathic remedies in acute situations simply
because an acute means that there's a beginning and a middle and an end, and what
you are doing is giving homeopathic support.
DP: If something continues on, and there's continuous diarrhoea, or there's continuous
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constipation, or there's continuous lung infections, this moves from an acute situation
into a chronic. And this is when you seek out help from your homoeopath, your
naturopath, your medical doctor. And hopefully your medical doctor will support you
while you use homoeopathy to help support healing any chronic conditions.
DP: In terms of acute illnesses, you are equipped to use homeopathic remedies. If it's
not helping, the remedy you're giving, it's either the incorrect remedy or you have yet to
develop a symptom picture that will show itself in a correct remedy choice. And
sometimes you just have to call your homoeopath for a bit of support.
DP: I love that the Facebook page is now being used for this kind of sharing of
learning. This is what will be very helpful to you when there are outbreaks of infectious
illnesses. So, that's my dream, is these little satellite communities where you have your
remedy kit and you are able to help others. Quite simply in an epidemic or a pandemic,
the hospitals, medical offices, walk in clinics will not be available and you will be doing
some great work as lay homoeopath.
DP: So, any questions? Anything from the previous 12 weeks at all? Anything
Jan: I was just going to ask Well, I'm just doing laundry as I'm listening, wondering
about what was the homeopathic remedy that you said was good for... Was it the
Norwalk virus that was similar to like for hepatitis? So, like what...
DP: Yes. It would be Podophyllum.
Jan: Okay.
DP: Yeah. It's a good one to have on hand if you've got really young kids, daycare, stay
home, school...
Jan: Like for vomiting and diarrhoea and stuff like that?
DP: Vomiting and diarrhoea, especially when you hear that rumbling. And we call it the
10-foot flu here.
DP: You can't walk any more than 10 feet from a toilet.

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Jan: Yeah. Okay.

DP: And Norwalk does come up. It was in the nursing home shortly after my mother in
law was placed there. And it can go through like wild fire.
Jan: Yeah, because last week, I don't know if it was the tail end of the virus that, the
cold virus, that Archer had that he was purging because nobody else seemed to get...
We never had... None of us vomited after that. Like, and I was cleaning it and you know
what I mean? So, yeah I think it was just the tail end of him kind of getting...
DP: Quite possibly, but good old discharges, that's the only way our body has of
getting rid of these things. So, it's either going to be poop, vomit, snot... All the good
things that mums...
Jan: Love to deal with.
DP: Sometimes the dads too.
Barb: Just thank you so much for sharing all, your wealth of knowledge with us,
Jan: Yes. Thank you. It's been...
DP: Has it been helpful?
Jan: Oh my gosh, yes.
Barb: Oh, yeah. There's so much there. Yeah. It's great.
Jan: Yeah, yeah. And I'm starting to feel more confident in my use of homoeopathy, like
it's just been something that I've needed to have, not a push forward, but just to have
that base to go by, and... Yeah.
DP: Yeah. And it's just practise. It's practise and learning, and when a remedy doesn't
work, you'll know. And when a remedy really works, you'll go, "Wow!" And if you're
close, you're still going to help support healing. But, yeah, it's just a good system of
medicine. So thank you so much and I'll have a follow-up email and I would love any
feedback, things you loved, things you'd like to see changed. And I've had good

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feedback. I don't know if I had a message from you, Jan. I had just posted on the
forum of option one just keeping this group private including...
Jan: Yeah. I did respond on there. I think I put a comment.
DP: Okay, alright. I'll just double check. So, it looks like we're going to go with option
one. This will be our forum. And as more participants take the course, then they can
join us on that. So, good.
Barb: Alright. Thank you.
DP: Thanks so much everybody. Have a good day, and Merry Christmas. Have a
wonderful holiday season. Bye-bye.


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