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Elise Thompson

Elise Thompson

Location representation:
The main location for our production is in Chelseas room, the decoration of the
room is what you can suggest is the stereotypical room of a young female adult
moving away from the teenage stages of a pink colour scheme, the decor of the
room is white and silver a much more mature atmosphere. The white being a
connotation of Chelsea innocence and the silver glittery decor to connote that
she is a stereotypical girly female.
Character Representations:
Protagonist Chelsea (played by Sissy Todd):
Gender- Chelsea is represented as a stereotypical female who is inferior to a
male antagonist, we see this through his brutal force which over powers her
during the extract. Chelsea is also presented as a stereotypical female in the
sense of her feminine behaviour an example of this is the flashbacks that the
audience see of her applying makeup in an attempt to impress the male with her
physical appearance.
Race- Sissy is of a Caucasian race and therefore it is stereotypical that she is
represented as the victim in a British film due to the majority of the British
population also being of a Caucasian race.
Age- Chelsea is represented as a young adult in the region of around 18 or 19
there are no particular stereotypes that are relevant regarding this age group.
Disability- Chelsea does not display any physical or mental disabilities however
she has a disability in terms of her physical physique in comparison to the
antagonist who overpowers her with his strength. This adds to the stereotype of
the inferior female.
Sexuality- It is clear to see from the intimacy between the characters during the
opening sequence that Chelsea is heterosexual.
Antagonist Shane (played by Ishmael Raymond)
Gender- As a male Shane is represented as the superior sex in the extract which
is stereotypical in a dramatic thriller we see this in the way he is able to
overpower Chelsea.
Race- Ishmael is black and due to this being a British film a country where the
majority of the population is Caucasian it is very stereotypical that the antagonist
in this production is an ethnic minority.

Elise Thompson
Age- Shane is represented as a young adult in the region of around 18 or 19
there are no particular stereotypes that are relevant regarding this age group.
Disability- Shane does not display any physical disabilities however from his
display of violence a contrast to natural behaviour displayed during a moment of
intimacy the audience can suggest he is displaying sign of a person with an
emotional form of mental disablement.
Sexuality- It is clear to see from the intimacy between the characters during the
opening sequence that Shane is heterosexual. Which explain his masculine
behaviour as this is a stereotypical trait of heterosexual males.

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