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Be(4|iiUN/ ^iKi/ Ch/iidi

Forwarding Agent:
Mr. John McDonald
2213 Dawn Street

Granite City
Illinois 62040

Mary Esther

Vol, IV No. 2


May June

"But a camel has one or two humps on his backl" "Yea, but our camel has an
extra hump. He's a hump-backed camel, with three humpsl" We had hoped by
writing the financial account, and making our needs knovwi by way of our lost

letter (March-April Newsletter), not to have to mention money or finances again

for a year. That was before we got our "hump-backed camel I"
For many years Henki had trouble with one ear. He had been deferred from mili
tary service because of this. It got worse, so he went to a specialist. Henki not
only needed on operation on that ear, but the other and his nose as well. His
nose operation has been completed, but we have not as yet received the bill.
John Mark and Mary Esther have had such a lot of throat infection this winter

that the doctor recommended their tonsils be removed!

Thus, we hope by these

operations we will all be relieved from further troubles . . . but it will be an

extra expense.

The second hump on our camel is a little nicer, but also has to do with money.
As you will see from the article onpage three, we have the opportunity to return
for a year to the United States. Fares" forthe three of us will probably total about
$700.00. There are many things for us to get in order before leaving Belgium on
such short "noticeAs funds arrive and needed moving, packing, and other
arrangements are attended to, further announcements of our trip will be made,

(continued on page 2)

Hump-backed Camel, contin^ed

Possibly the last hump of our |:amel is the best, and the greatest! Since finding
the hall in Maas-mechelen for, church gatherings, v/e have also been looking for

another place for our home. |l^nt amounts are almost equal to monthly payments
for a loan when buying a homel. The home in Boorsem will no longer be suitable,
and is badly located. We hadi hoped tofind a home to buy whata long, drawn-

out, and discouraging procesiii Then, just before Messimers' return we finally
found a house for sale, "in cii^r price range," and nearer the gathering hall in

Maas-mechelen. Now, things lore happening so fast too fast compared to how
we can gather the needed money.

Since Messimers are going to live in our home while we are gone, their "rent"
was paid in the formof the lO^ down payment we had to payl Now we need 11%
to pay for the loan and get theideed for the house. The sooner we can get these
things cared for, and some repairs made for Messimers to move in, the sooner we
can return to the U .S.

So you see, we have a hump-badked camel financially. We hope all who can

help above their usual gifts wilFj Ido so. It is also our plea that all support con
tinue before our return to the LI ^S. and during our stay there, as our needs will
be the same. Your gifts are still a Iways our only "income" so we must depend on

you. We are confident we can ji^imp the humps one by one, as God works through
His people to meet our needs. 11
Scraps and Pieces 'o News:
1 I

Kina (Henki's sister, who went toj^he U.S. with him in '67) and her husband Sam
Surfus are back in Europe for a few months. Sam is studying in France for credits

in theology for his degree at Lincoln Christian College. Kina is staying -with her

pqrents, after not having seen the|r| for about four years.
(continued on page 4)




So many discouraging things kept happening. We were upset trying to discover

what was the problem. It seemed like so many things were "working against us."
We tried to keep our chins up, being convinced God hod reasonsfor what He was
doing, though we could not see the outcome yet.

Again, in young lives inChrist we have learned that faithand trust in God PAYSl
Wea re now beginningto see why, and some reasons things did not work "ourway."
God's ways are somuch greater than ours, and it is wonderful when we can finally
begin to see the picture taking shape. Every phase of our life has been this way,
and we rejoice to know once again with assurance: God is in control.
Dennis and Linda Messimer returned fro/nthe United States after a year's absence.
They had some plans for trying to beginanother congregation where they may find
a nucleus of interested persons. In passing, and almost jokingly we offered for
them to come to Boorsem and "take over" our work. Becoming more serious, we

came to realize these were just the doors God was opening for us all.
We have been remembering that Henki still is in need of studies to receive his
B.A. degree. Messimers could not only continue our work, but move into our

home for a year, so we could return to the United States. This would make a
number of things possible.

(1) Give Boonaerts the opportunity to personally thank the supporters in the
U .S. for their faithfulness.

(2) Provide Boonaerts with the chance to give personal reports of the progress
of the work in Belgium.
(3) AllowHenki to work furtheron hisstudies, and refill our "spiritual reservoirs"
for further work in Belgium.
(4) Accommodate Messimers with a place to live and work while trying to make
contacts to begin another congregation, using our home and furniture.

(5) Supply someone to help guidethe young Boorsem group in Boonaerts' absence,
since we promised not to leave until we could "provide" someone to preach.
These are just the five most important reasons giving us a HANDFUL OF HAPPI
NESS in our Christian lives.
(continued on page 4)

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(conHnued from page 3)

Handful of Happiness




We hope you will invite us to share the

report of the-wonderful things God has
done in Belgium the past few years. We
need to renew and moke new acquaint
ances among our brethren in America ,
We also hope you will help provide
funds for Henki's tuition and studying
expenses, and our living expenses this
coming year. We look forward to a
year of blessing with the brothers and
siii-ers in the United States. Please help
in every way to make this possible.
Share in the happiness of God's bless
ings and guidance.

(continued from page 2)

Scraps and Pieces

Boonaerts are expecting Marty Daily to

be with them for an internship beginning
in May for mission work. He is from
Kentucky Christian College, and he
and his wife Rose plan to work in the
future in the Netherlands for Christ.

Pray for all these, and others doing

His will.





written by Mary Esther Boonaerts;

edited, printed, and mailed by John
and EileenMcDonald. it is distributed

every two months to inform and en

courage support of the work being done

in Belgium for Christ by the Henki

Boonaerts family.


"oooFor we do not know how we ought to pray? the Spirit himself pleads with
God for us, in groans that words cannot express.ooofor the Spirit
pleads with God on behalf of God's people in accordance

with God's will."

Romans 8;26b, 27b
Sometime after she married, and her folks would not let her in - their
home, her father had a bad automobile accidento Alvier went to visit

him in the hospitals

Upon visiting Polets we found Alvier and her husband
visiting her parentso
We were of course glad for the reconcilation,
Mro Polet
is not completely recovered from the accident, so is glad for help from his
new son-in-law.
We ask for you to continue to pray that their relation to
Christ may become personal.
She continues to go to church regularly in Genk with her parents.
Her young, eager love for Christ is obvious and bubbl;lng over.
Pray this may grow to maturity, developing into something even more beautiful,
Contacts 1)

The shipper and his wife moved from the Maasmechel^n area soon

after we wrote concerning them being offended by teachings on

(That had nothing to do with their moving, just a coincidence,)
Henki has visited them again, letting them know they are still welcome to
services in Boorsem. We have heard nothing from them since.
Possibly later,
fruits may be reaped from our contacts with them,
2) MrSo Kuypers is a friend of the shipper and his wife who has
remained faithful in worshipping in Boorsem,
She was originally
from Holland, but her first marriage to a Belgian brought her to this
She has two sons by that first husband, and she has two sons by her
second husband.

Now she has been l e f t alone with four

sons to raise.

Her two older sons are quite wild.

Jos, the eldest is still living
at home, and though he works, he wastes most of his money drinking.
He was
recently hit by an automobile while at a tavern, and now is nursing a broken

Mrs Kuypers has asked for the congregation to pray for Jos, not
only that his body will be healed, but that his life may be changed by Christ.
The two younger sons are fanatical for the Catholic church. Audry,
tlia, oldest o-.thess-tiwo has been-in-several services-recent^.

He ooomo to

be very receptive to the gospel, c.nd anxious to join again with Christians on
How wonderful it would be to see Mrs, Kuypers and her entire house
hold won to Christo
There have been many things happening that could lead
to such a happy conclusion.
Join with us, praying that God's will shall be

3) Another lady., Mrso Kottas whom Henki called on has been coming

for about a month.

She use to worship with a Baptist congregation
that gathered in Eisden ten years ago. When the group discontinued services,
she faithfully attended a nearby Catholic Church,
She seems extremely
happy for the opportunity to join us in Boorsem for worship,
They are still without leadership for any sort of regular meetings.
They often "congregate" at Henki's parent's home, since two of their
girls are teenagers.
Guided study and planned activities are so
necessary for this age group.
Please pray earnestly that God will raise up
someone for




Now that Henki is working again in the coal mine, he sees Jeff
often at work. Again Jeff has held himself absent from gathering
with Christians in Genk,
It is sad some are unable to grow on their own,
yet we are taught to help those who are weaker.
Hopefully Henki and Jeff
can grow together, and witness as they work in the mine,
We are happy to announce Kina's wedding to Mr, Sam Surfas on
December 22,
They both plan further education, before possible
work in Germany as missionaries.
Pray for happy years of married life for
them, and fruitful service in God's Kingdom,
Kina did move to Lincoln, 111,,
and was able to find a job as well as an apartment.
Again we see answers to
many prayers,


These men, neighbors of Henki's parents have recovered from their


automobile accident.


Pressatuk with his wife has been to services

both in Boorsem and Genk,

There is no indication of change in
We continue to visit him, trying to keep the doors of
communication open.
One day i t may be God's will that they both surrender

to Christ,

FURLOUGH address



Henkl Boonaerts

John McDonald

1360 Grandvlew Dp.

2213 Da-wn Are.

Granite City, 111,

Florissant, Mo


Vol. Ill No. 3



Mory Esther

John Mark


Jxay-Sept. 1973


I Can remenber when I was a child, after exams and the end of each qu
arter, "report time" was a time to vhich I looked foward with much

dread. I usually did not have a very good report for my efforts lAiich
were usually only "half-heartedI"

Now God has given us a "report time." We have returned to the U.S. to
give a report to the supporters and other brethem of the work that has

been done in Belgium the past three hears. I certainly do not look fo
ward to this time with dread, for I know that we have reports of ^Aiat
GOD has done, and our efforts have been whole-hearted. We are, indeed
anticipating with eagerness to give the report among the (torches (as

was the practice of Paul in his dayActs 15j^) to declare >4iat God

has done with us among the Gentiles to glorify His n^e.

V;e arrived in the U.S. Aug. l6, jjist in time for Henki to enroll for
classes at St, Louis Christian College. Please note that further news
letters will be limited to once every three or four months. We will be

dependant on word from brethem in Belgium, and news of College studies

will not lend itself to well to bi-monthly reportsl We also hope that
by personal visits, the need for written reports will not be as great.

Feeling a little more settled and adjusted to the American way of life,

we are looking foward to hear from you. Please contact us by writing

the above "furlough address," as we stand ready to report of God's work.


Just a year ago we annoiinced having been able to find another house that
cculd be remodeled for use as a church hall.

We mentioned how we were

especially happy because the new location was imich more suitable.- The
work on remodeling ground to a hault during the winter, but we made up
for that during the spring ^nd summer months. The people of the Boorsem
church, folks from Genk, fmd even a group of students from Ozark Bible
College helped!
Vfhen we say remodeling, we almost mean rebuilding, for we had to tear
down four walls to make the gathering hall large enough. Then the walls,
floors, and ceilings all had to be redone. When we made plans for re
turning to the U.S. we wanted to try to get the hall ready be&po
How happy we were that first services were held there before our depar


The Wayne Meeces (returning from Liberia to the U.S.) were just

in time for our first services; and we Invited the brethem from the
Genk church, and the Utrecht, Holland church to share in this happy oc
casion, Henki's sister, Kina and her husbsnd Sam were also there from

the U.Sb for the big day. To add to the rejoicing, Mrs. Kottas (for
whom we hsve been praying so long) had been immersed just the week
beforel How God had blessed and was working for the upbuilding of the
faith of many.
The Lord added still more to our blessings in that we were also able to

purchase a house (with a loanl) in Eigden, ju^ a couple miles down the
road from the relocated church. This not only keeps us closer to the
church, but provides more permanent living quarters for us, and those
who may "fill-in" during our absenceas now with Messimers.

In another roll of our relocation, we rolled back to the U.S.t In some

previous letters we had indicated having financial difficulties. One
church, immediately upon our return to the St. I^uis area offered for us

to "help ourselves" out of this difficulty!

They provided us with a

jobs church custodian and youth-co-ordinatorboth jobs for both of us#

We are not only being paid for the work, but the congregation is gra
ciously continuing their regular support.
The Boorsem church has relocated to Maas mechelen, our home to Eisden,
and our residence to the U.3*, but we are still just pilgrims, looking
for a better dwelling, eternal with our God and King.




Sometimes there are real advantages in knowing more than one language#-. ;
For example when John Mark is nav^hty, that word just does not express
the idea as well as the Fiend^"stouterik** or '*bandito.**

But an

even better word to me is the Hindi**nut-cut!" Somehow that captures

the thought much better, maybe because I had it used at me so ofl^en
while growing up...there are certain, strong associationsS

At the present time there is another thought that Just is not ^quite as
forceful to me in English or even Flemish.

That is \Aat wef have ex

perienced to a certain extenteverything is up-side-down; or as they

say in Belgium, "everything is on it's head!" It seems "ulti-poolti**
from India is more expressive of how I have felt in the confusion of
the past few months.

Before we left Belgium there were several things to bring about con
fusion, Henki was gone most of the time helping get the new gathering
hall in Maas mechelen ready for worship. This left me with everything
else to do, and that without a car?

Then John Mgrk was home from

school for his vacation, and was always wanting to see everything before
it was packed. You see, that was another thingeverything had to be
sorted and packed into three divisions.

Some things were to be used

by Messimers in our absence and moved to our new home.

Other things

just had to be packed away to be stored v^en we moved from Boorsem to

our new home. The last division was what we needed in suitcases to
take with us to the U.S.

We had to move out of the Jiouse in Boorsem by Aug. 1 and live in one
bedroom of "our home" in Eisden for our last two v/eeks in Belgium. (Tte
lady Tdio rented the house before we were able to buy it, had not yet
been given another apartement. She' was still living there and was not
expected to move out until sometime in November for Messimers to be able
to move in.)

>lhen we arrived in the U.S. we had an unfumid^ied apartement waiting

for us at St, Louis Christian College.

We asked around in the area

churches, and slowly were able to get the things we needed to set up
housekeeping. We got back just a few days before regristration and
classes at College, Everything was rushed and confusedj With work,
letter writing, speaking engagements, and studies, the best word to
describe our confused condition is "ULTI-POOLTI," I'm surelt



SrUDHHG lil-18 class hours at St.




Louis Christiaji College, prepar

ing for Henki* s BA degree.
our family portrait as we
anticipate an addition in Feb.I
REPOKTING to the churches and giving

H- W

oersonal thanks to our supporters*

SECURING new correspondant, foward-

ing agents, and other helpers for

"states-side" aspect of our work.
RECRUITING R\ore workers for Belgium,
and the work in Maas mechelen.
ENCOURAGING added interest in and

support of the work in Belgium

for Christ,

o u r spiritual resevoirs
for future service to be


effective witnesses for Christ.

ASSOCIATING "our mission" with a
church for tax and mailing



REUNITING with our physical relatives

and our family in God.
PLANNING for our return to Belgium
for the work that is heavy on our

special note



Recent word from Belgium since our

return is that two more teenage boys,

Lao and Tony (a Belgian, and an It

alian) accepted Christ as Saviort
This issue of BELGIUM FOR CHIRST was

prepared by Kary Esther Boonaerts.



It is distributed to inform and en

courage support of the work in

Belgium for Christ by the Henki
Boonaerts family. Donations and re
quests for information can be sent to
either address on first page.

Belqittiit [oY/ Ch/iidi



Mary Esther

John Mark

October - December, 1973

Vol. Ill, No. 4




There may be those who feel unless hundreds or even thousands can be reported
as accepting Christ, the work is falling short. Indeed It thrills our hearts when
we hear of such victories for Christ. Yet as you have followed reports of our

efforts, you have probably noticed quite another situation. We hope you will not
become weary in our reports of the ones and twos who are immersed. Every victory
in Christ brings rejoicing so we report by name. May we admonish and encourage

you not to become weary in doing well as you uphold these individuals before
God. Work in Europe may be slow compared to other fields so . . . blessings can
be counted one by one ! !

Shortly after we returned to the U.S. we had reports of two more who joined the
ranks of His Kingdom . On October 14, 1973, Leo Hermans and Antonio Olivetti

obeyed the commands of Christ to become Christians, Messimers also reported that
they have been able to start youth meetings with about five In attendance. Con
cerning Leo and Antonio, Messimers say, "We were thrilled at the faith theyshow,
and their faithfulness in church, Bible study, and youth meetings."
Both of these boysare about fourteen, and mostassuredly need our prayers support
ing them, that they may not become weary 1n doing well ce they run to completing
the race before them .



meant a great big lawn to mow! This sign

can be seen from the Highway 270, on a
piece of land recently purchased by the
St. Louis Christian College . Our apart

ment Is the "White House" (behind the |

sign) set back from the gravel Grandviewl
Drive leading to the College, north of i
the sign.


October and November brought many hot

days, and plenty of outdoor recreation as

well as cooling off by the airj-condltloner

indoors 1

We were glad when all the grass lawn

was covered by fourteen Inches of snow
just before Christmas. We were house
bound for several days during the largest
blizzards of St. Louis' history in several
-years. We thought it was just great.


have taken place in our three years'

absence besides the rise of the cost of

living. We rejoice, for Instance with

the Buckeye Church in Illinois who now

have a new building (pictured). Having
the opportunity to visit many of our

faithful supporters has already been our


IHenki has also fill-in preached where

congregations were temporarily without

a minister. Work with the St. Charles

church has also helped keep us busy.

TiT .:

As we continue contacts with previous

acquaintances, and make new friends

In Christ, we rejoice that change also
brings growth to maturity and stability



to the "spacious" white house we are

now living in was something elsel

From four bedrooms (with one used for

an office-study) In Belgium, too one-

Ihas been cozy! We mode up for those

bedroom house (with nothing for a study)

inconveniences fast by having indoor

toilet, a bathroom, plus hot running

water that we didn't have in Boorsem!

John Mark is getting used to no school

(after a year of nursery), with the T.V.

as a teacher; while Henki has to get
used to 6:30 rising for much school and
hard studying! The kitchen table serves
as T .V. stand, typing table, and office

study desk. We have even managed a


of travel have already become history.

Right around St. Louis you can add
up the miles shopping, laundering, and
mailing, etc . I We have also been
to the Missionary Convention in
Oklahoma where we shared a booth

with Mary Esther's parents and brother

Paul (seen here with his wife Helen).
Our trips, besides to various churches
as mentioned with the pictures opposite,
have taken us to Kansas for Christmas

and HIndsboro, Illinois, to see Henki's

sister and family. We don't plan to

venture too far from St. Louis for awhile.

Hopefully you'll understand better why

when we can announce about our new

arrival due in February!

few meals from the table, and some

times that with guests in our kitchenliving-dining room!


50 ^



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has become an oft heard motto because of the

fuel crisis. You could help us be thrifty in

another way, to save on the price of mailing
our newsletters:



any form of address change I

This will help us save $3.00-$! 0.00 per mail

ing, plus much time and anxiety. You will
keep up to date on the progress of the work in
Belgium as otherwise you may miss issues of
newsletters and become less effective in your



this demonstration of Christian love which we

read from I Cor. 13:4 Is long suffering and

pa; W 3


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' t


kind. God bless I


No driving Sundays has forced worshipservices

for Genk and Boorsem congregations to be on
Saturday. Later 9:00-11:00 p .m. services on
Sunday were held when driving was allowed
after 8:00 p.m,
Cold weather and fuel shortage caused added
physicaIdiscomforts. It is hard to knowwhat's

best to do in such situations, so please pray

for the missionaries in Europe.

This issue of BELGIUM FOR CHRIST was pre

pared by Mary Esther Boonaerts, and printed
by the St. Louis Christian College Print Shop,
it is distributed to inform and encourage sup
port of the work in Belgium for Christ by the
Henki Boonaerts family.

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