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3 Applying knowledge about useful microorganisms

1. State the examples of the uses of microorganisms in the following bubble map.

Use of

2. Explains with examples the roles of useful microorganisms:

a) Food digestion:
- intestinal bacteria produces ____________________ that are needed by the body.
- in herbivores, cellulase-producing bacteria can be found in the sac-like structure
called ________. These bacteria produces the enzyme _____________ to digest
cellulose into _____________.
- examples of bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus, ____________________________
b) Decaying process:
- decomposing bacteria and fungi help to decompose (break down) dead organisms,
animal wastes and plant matter into simpler chemical compounds such as
- in sewage treatment plant, the bacteria are used to break down _____________
wastes into harmless by-products such as _________________________________.

c) Medicine:
- some bacteria are used in producing drugs called ____________________ that are
used to weaken or destroy other microorganisms that cause diseases.
- some virus or bacteria are also used to produce ____________________ that are
used to prevent infectious diseases through the vaccination process.
- bacteria can be genetically engineered to produce ____________ which is used to
treat diabetics.
- algae such as green moulds named Penicillium notatum is used to produce
antibiotics called ____________________, which is used in treating diseases caused
by bacteria.

d) Agriculture:
- the ____________________________________ bacteria in the soil can change
ammonia into ___________, which are absorbed by plants as nutrients.
- Pea and bean plants have root nodules / legumes that contains the _______________
bacteria, which can convert the nitrogen into amino acids.
- genes from genetically engineered bacteria are used in agriculture as
________________. This genetically engineered genes are inserted into commercial
crops such as cotton plants, so that this cotton plant can produce a _____________
that is harmful to some insect pests.
e) Industry:
- bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus can be added into milk to produce
- bacteria are also used in production of citric acid. Citric acid is a chemical
substances that are usually added into candy or soft drinks.
- fungi such as yeast can be used in the making of _____________ or cakes. When
yeast is added into a mixture of sugar, flour and water, carbon dioxide gas will be
produced and this causes the bread dough to rise and finally produced fluffy bread.

1.4 The harmful effects of microorganisms

1. The harmful microorganisms are called __________________.
2. The pathogens can cause diseases by:
a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________
3. Diseases caused by bacteria:
- vomit
- muscle cramps
- diarrhea
- pain when urinate
- white pus flows out from testis
- can cause sterility eventually
- persistent cough
- yellow and thick sputum with blood
- chest pain
- weight loss, tiredness
- fever
- small, red pimples at the site of
infection on reproductive organ
- hair loss

4. Diseases caused by Virus:

- mucus in the nose, running nose
- fever, headache
- sore throat, cough
- high fever, headache
- muscle and joint pain
- rashes
- bleeding may occur in the nose,
mouth, skin, internal organs
- swollen lymph nodes
- weight loss, diarrhoea, fatigue,
- fever, skin rashes
- fever, tiredness, jaundice
- vomit, muscle and joint pain
- loss of appetite

Method of transmission
- food
- water
- sexual intercourse

- air
- water
- food
- sexual intercourse

Method of transmission
- air

- by vector called Aedes


- contaminated syringe
- body liquid (such as
blood, semen)
- contaminated food,
- body liquid

5. Diseases caused by Fungi:


- has white spots
- itchy rash between the toes.
- skin becomes red and itchy
- infected scalp causes hair loss

Method of transmission
- contact
- spore fall on moist skin
- contact

6. Diseases caused by Protozoa:


- high fever
- anemia, fatigue, headache
- pale skin

Method of transmission
- by vector called
Anopheles mosquito.

- diarrhoea
- weak
- liquid faces

- contaminated water

7. Infection transmitted through vector:

- Typhus
- Blight disease
- malaria
- dengue fever
- filariasis
- cholera
- dysentery
- food poisoning.

Infection method
Rats bite
Mosquitos bite

Pathogens are transferred

from its legs to the food.

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