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Irish Queenie L.


5 Sleeping disorders

Sleep Apnea

It is a serious type of sleeping disorder that occurs when a persons breathing

is interrupted during sleep. People experiencing this kind of sleeping disorder
stops breathing frequently during their sleep and it will always occur
whenever they sleep. There are two types of sleep apnea as follows;
The first one is Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) it is more common one type of
sleep apnea. It is caused by episodes of complete or partial airway blockage
during sleep. It is usually happens when the soft tissue in the back of the
throat collapses during sleep. While the second one is central sleep apnea
(CSA), the airway is not blocked, but the brain fails to signal the muscles to
breathe. This is caused by instability in the respiratory control center in the
central nervous system.
Sleep Apnea can be treated by changing the lifestyle of the patient. For
example, it can be losing weight (if the patient is overweight), avoiding
drinking alcohol and sleeping pills, sleeping on sideways, using nasal sprays
or breathing strips, and avoiding sleep deprivation.
There is also a kind of therapy that can help to treat Sleep Apnea it is called
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. CPAP is often
necessary for those with OSA. Special appliances that are placed in the
mouth can help those with mild-to-moderate sleep apnea. These appliances
prevent the tongue from blocking the throat and help move the lower jaw
forward during sleep. In some patients, surgical procedures effectively reduce

sleep apnea in those who have too much soft tissue or malformed tissue that
blocks the airflow through the nose or throat.


Insomnia is a kind of sleep disorder in which people have difficulty falling

asleep, staying asleep, early morning awakening or unrefreshing sleep in the
setting of an adequate opportunity for sleep. According to the survey, about
50 percent of adults experience occasional bouts of insomnia, and one in 10
suffers from chronic insomnia. It is twice as common in women as men, and
is more common in older than younger people. There are also two kinds of
Insomnia as follows;
Primary insomnia is a kind of Insomnia which sleep problems is not
associated with other health problems. Meanwhile the other one is Comorbid
insomnia the sleep problems due to another health condition, pain, medicine
or substance abuse.
Insomnia can cause people to feel sleepy during the day, general tiredness,
irritability and problems with concentration or memory. Insomnia varies in how
long it lasts and how often it occurs. It may be short-term (acute) or long-term
(chronic). Insomnia is considered chronic when it occurs at least three nights
a week for a month or longer. Psychophysiological (mind-body) insomnia is a
disorder in which people cannot sleep because their minds or bodies are not
Insomnia can be treated by having good sleep habits and cognitive behavioral
strategies with or without the use of short-term sleep aids. The patient
experiencing Insomnia can follow the following good sleep habits strategies to
cure themselves.
Before getting into bed
The patient should establish a daily routine for their bedtime. They can also
create a positive sleep environment. It is also important for them to be relax
before getting to bed. It is also more effective if the patient should avoid from

drinking alcohol, smoking and caffeine at least for a few hours before their
bedtime. Lastly, the patient should not go to bed unless they are sleepy
While in bed
It is suggested if the patient should turn their clock around and use their alarm
instead so that they wont be conscious to the time and let themselves to be
busy. If they cant fall asleep within 20 minutes, the patient should get out of
the bed and do something relazing until they feel sleepy.
In the morning and daytime
When they wake up every morning, the patient should avoid having daytime
naps, caffeine especially in the late afternoon and evening. The patient should
also add to their daily routine to exercise regularly but not within four hours of
their bedtime.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a kind of sleeping disorder the causes an

intense and often irresistible urge to move your legs. It is brought on the
person by lying down or sitting for long periods of time. RLS can occur at any
age, it is more common in older adults and affects women more than men.
There are also several medical problems that can contribute to developing
RLS, including iron deficiency, Parkinsons disease, renal (kidney) disease,
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain,
tingling or loss of feeling in the extremities). It can also occur with pregnant
women, dialysis patients, and those taking antidepressants, sedating
antihistamines or anti-nausea medications may develop RLS.
There are different symptoms that can be occur to the person experiencing
RLS. The first one is the urge of the person to move their legs. It is often
accompanied by tingling, pulling, creeping or uncomfortable sensations. This
kind of symptom is typically occurs in the evening. This kind of symptom can

be partially or completely relieved by stretching, walking or exercising the

affected muscles. Experiencing RLS can cause problems falling asleep,
staying asleep, daytime tiredness, irritability and concentration problems.
RLS can be treated in different ways. It depends on the intensity of the
symptoms. There are some cases that RLS is temporarily resolves when
other conditions are treated. Having RLS can be primary (inherited or genetic)
or secondary. If it is secondary the causes cannot be treated (like in renal
failure or peripheral neuropathy, but It can be manage by the medications
prescribed. In present, there are now several types of medications that are
effective in treating RLS. It can also be treated by changing patients lifestyle.
For example, avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Having massage, warm
baths and leg stretched can also be helpful in treating RLS.

Circadian Rhythm Disorder


Circadian rhythm disorders is a kind of sleeping disorder that occurs when the
body clock of the person is not the normal one. It is usually occurs with the
person experiencing sleep phase disorder, advanced sleep phase disorder,
jet lag from traveling between time zones, and shift work sleep disorders
caused by irregular sleep schedules.
There are different symptoms of circadian rhythm disorders. The first one is
experiencing continuous or occasional disruption of sleep patterns.
Experiencing this disruption in the sleeping schedule can cause malfunction
of the internal body clock or a discrepancy between the internal body internal
clock and the external environment regarding timing and length of sleep.
Therefore, people having this kind of sleeping disorder experiences insomnia
and sometimes excessive sleepiness. It can also cause problems being
productive at work, school or in social activities.
There are many different treatment that varies based on the type of disorder
the patients have and how is it affecting the quality life of the person. The

following treatment as follows; (1) Behavior therapy includes standardizing

sleep times, getting regular exercise, and avoiding caffeine and stimulating
activities before bedtime. (2) Bright light therapy is receiving a 30- to 60minute treatments to reset the circadian clock. (3) There are also medications
such as melatonin, wake-promoting agents and short-term sleep aids. Lastly,
Chronotherapy it is a type of treatment that adjusts the sleep times of the
patient by one to two hours per day to shift the sleep cycle.


Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that has been linked to reduced

amounts of hypocretin in specific parts of the brain that are important in
regulating the sleep-wake cycle. People with narcolepsy experience
excessive daytime sleepiness and uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep
during the day despite adequate sleep. These sudden sleep attacks may
occur during any type of activity and at any time of day.
People who suffers from narcolepsy experience excessive daytime
sleepiness. There are other symptoms which may include episodes of sudden
loss of muscle tone or weakness (cataplexy), a temporary inability to move
during sleep-wake transitions (sleep paralysis), as well as sleep-related
hallucinations and disturbed nighttime sleep.
Different treatments that helps in improving alertness during the desired time
of day. It differs based on the needs and lifestyle of the patient. It also helps if
the patient should maximize the quality of sleep by improving their sleeping
habits. For example, maintaining a regular sleep-wake schedule, not staying
up late on weekends, avoiding alcohol and other central nervous system
depressants, modifying work and school schedules, taking short naps to
avoid unintentional sleep attacks, using moderate amounts of caffeine to stay
alert as needed. There are also operating motor vehicles and heavy
equipment with extreme caution and only when approved by your doctor.
Medications are used to treat daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep-related
hallucinations and disturbed nocturnal sleep.

Works Cited
Disorders, T. C. (2012). Understanding Sleep Disorders. Retrieved from Cleveland

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