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Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta merupakan perguruan tinggi swasta yang

memiliki jumlah fakultas terbanyak di Darerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kampus Universitas Islam
Indonesia Yogyakarta telah mengalami perkembangan yang relatif pesat, dalam hal ini jumlah
mahasiswanya yang setiap tahun bertambah. Meningkatnya jumlah mahasiswa di Universitas
Islam Indonesia, menimbulkan masalah dalam sektor lahan parkir di fakultas FTSP UII.
Kurangnya tempat parkir menyebabkan parkir kendaraan menjadi semrawut dan banyak yang
parkir di pinggir jalan sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
untuk menganalisis karakteristik parkir dan kebutuhan ruang parkir pada kondisi eksisting dan
kondisi 5 tahun yang akan datang, pada lahan parkir sepeda motor di sebelah timur FTSP UII dan
lahan parkir mobil di sebelah selatan F. Psikologi UII.
Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif, yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan
mengungkapkan suatu masalah, keadaan, peristiwa sebagaimana adanya atau mengungkap fakta
secara lebih mendalam mengenai karateristik parkir di lahan parkir sebelah timur FTSP UII . Untuk
mengetahui karakteristik parkir diperlukan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh
dengan pengamatan langsung dilapangan meliputi data kendaraan masuk dan keluar areal parkir
dan inventarisasi fasilitas parkir. Data primer diperoleh dengan cara melakukan survei selama tiga
hari mulai senin, 20 mei 2013 sampai dengan rabu, 22 mei 2013. Data sekunder diperoleh dari
bagian manajemen kemahasiswaan yaitu berupa data jumlah mahasiswa UII, sedangkan data
perkiraan jumlah mobil mahasiswa dan data distribusi parkir diperoleh dengan cara bertanya
langsung dengan petugas parkir dan juga dari pengamatan secara visual. Pemodelan pertumbuhan
kendaraan parkir dilakukan dengan memakai metoda analisis persamaan regresi sederhana dengan
bantuan program SPSS 15.0. Variabel bebas yang ditinjau adalah tahun ajaran kuliah. Sedangkan
variabel terikat adalah jumlah mahasiswa.
Dari hasil analisis diperoleh karakteristik parkir sepeda motor yaitu: volume parkir 1530
kendaraan dengan akumulasi tertinggi 639 kendaraan. Kapasitas statis parkir 560 kendaraan.
Sehingga kapasitas ini tidak bisa menampung permintaan parkir saat jam puncak sebesar 639
kendaraan. Karakteristik parkir mobil yaitu: volume parkir 54 kendaraan dengan akumulasi
tertinggi 32 kendaraan dan rata-rata lamanya parkir 1,64 jam/kend. Kapasitas statis parkir 33
kendaraan. Sehingga kapasitas ini masih bisa menampung permintaan parkir saat jam puncak
sebesar 32 kendaraan. Dari hasil analisis permodelan persamaan regresi untuk menghitung
pertumbuhan kendaraan parkir didapat model persamaan regresi untuk pertumbuhan kendaraan
parkir di fakultas FTSP yaitu Y = 3684,567 605,102X + 46,917X 2, fakultas Psikologi Y =
148832,733 + 74,921X, dan model persamaan regresi untuk fakultas kedokteran yaitu Y =
171975,067 + 86,006X. Kebutuhan parkir 5 tahun mendatang untuk sepeda motor sebesar 1161
kendaraan, sedangkan kebutuhan parkir 5 tahun mendatang untuk mobil sebesar 35 kendaraan.
Kata Kunci : Parkir, Karateristik Parkir, Kebutuhan Parkir


Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta is a private university which has one of the
largest faculties in Yogyakarta. The campus of the Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta has
experienced relatively rapid development, in this case the amount of the student body each year.
The growing number of students at the Islamic University of Indonesia, causing problems in the
sectors of the parking lots at the Faculty of UII FTSP. Lack of parking area has become chaotic
for vehicle parking lot so that many vehicle to park on a side street, causing traffic jams. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of parking and parking space
requirements on the existing condition and the condition of 5 years to come, in the motorcycle
parking area on the east FTSP UII and car parking area to the south of F. UII psychology.
This is a descriptive quantitative research, which aims to describe and reveal a problem,
situation, or events as they uncover the facts in more depth about the characteristics of parking in
the parking lot east FTSP UII. To know the characteristics of parking required primary data and
secondary data. Primary Data obtained by direct observation in field include vehicles entering
and exiting the parking area and an inventory of parking facilities. The primary Data were
obtained by means of conducting a survey over three days starting Monday, May 20, 2013 until
Wednesday, May 22, 2013. The secondary Data were obtained from the student affairs
management in the form of the number of students UII, while the estimated number of distribution
data and student car parking is obtained by way of asking directly to the parking attendants and
also from observations visually. Modeling growth vehicle parking is done using simple regression
equation analysis method with the help of the program SPSS 15.0. Independent variables being
simulated is college school year. The dependent variable was the number of students.
From the results of the analysis of obtained characteristics of motorcycle parking,
parking volume is 1530 vehicle with accumulation of highest is 639 vehicles. static capacity of
parking is 560 vehicles. So that this capacity cannot accommodate demand parking at peak hour
of 639 vehicles. Characteristic car park is: parking volume is 54 vehicle with accumulation of
highest is 32 vehicles and average for parking is 1,64 veh/hours. Static capacity of parking is 33
vehicles. So that this capacity still can accommodate demand parking at peak hour of 32 vehicles.
From the results of the regression equation modeling analysis to calculate growth vehicles park
obtained model the regression equation for growth vehicles park in the faculty ftsp is Y =
3684,567 - 605,102X + 46,917X2, the faculty of psychology is Y = - 148832,733 +74,921X, and
models the regression equation to medical schools are Y = - 171975,067 + 86,006X. The parking
needs of the next 5 years for motorcycles of 1161 vehicles, while the needs of parking a car for the
next 5 years of 35 vehicles.
Keyword : Parking, Characteristics of Parking, Parking Requirements

From the results of the analysis of obtained characteristics of motorcycle

parking, volume parking 1530 vehicle with accumulation of highest 639 vehicles.
Capacity static parking 560 vehicles. So that this capacity cannot accommodate
demand parking hour puncak of 639 vehicles. Characteristic car park is: volume
parking 54 vehicle with accumulation of highest 32 vehicles and average for
parking 1,64 / kend hours. Capacity static parking 33 vehicles. So that this
capacity still can accommodate demand parking hour puncak of 32 vehicles.
From the results of the regression equation modeling analysis to calculate growth
vehicles park obtained model the regression equation for growth vehicles park in
the faculty ftsp namely y = 3684,567 605,102x 46,917x2, the faculty of
psychology y = 148832,733 74,921x, and models the regression equation is to
medical schools are y = 171975,067 86,006x.

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