Anda di halaman 1dari 2

1.    What is anatomy?

study of the large structures

2.    What is physiology? study of functions
3.    What is histology? study of microscopic structure (tissues and cells)
4.    What is pathology? study of disease
5.    What is disease? abnormal structure and/or function
6.    What is a symptom of disease? experienced by person but cannot be measured or seen
7.    List three examples of symptoms of a disease. pain, nausea, ache, etc
8.    What is a sign of a disease? observable indications which can be seen and measured
9.    List three examples of signs of a disease. high blood pressure, fast heart rate, redness, swelling, etc.
bacteria, virus and fungi invade the body in large enough
10. What is an infection? numbers to multiply and can destroy healthy tissue
11. What is the difference between a local infection and a
systemic infection? Local = small area Systemic = whole body
Protective tissue response characterized by signs (redness,
12. What is inflammation? swelling, and heat) and symptom (pain).
13. What are the characteristics of inflammation? Redness, Swelling, Heat and Pain
14. What is a fever? Elevated body temperature
Homeo = common or same Stasis = remain delicate
15. What is homeostasis? internal balance
16. What happens when the body’s homeostasis is disturbed? The person may experience signs and symptoms of disease.
17. What is stress? Anything that causes tension or strain.
18. How does stress influence the body? Can cause the body to compensate to maintain homeostasis.
19. What are the three primary planes that divide the body? Sagittal, Coronal, and Transverse
20. Which plane divides the body into left and right parts? Sagittal Plane
22. Which
Which plane
plane divides
divides the
the body
body into
into left and right
anterior halves?
and posterior Midsagittal Plane
halves? Coronal Plane
23. What is another word for anterior? Ventral
25. What
another wordthe
divides forbody
into superior and inferior Dorsal
portions? Transverse
26. What is another word for superior? Cranial
27. What is another word for inferior? Caudal
28. Describe a body into the erect position. Body is in a standing position.
Body is standing with arms hanging to the side, palms facing
29. Describe a body in the anatomic position. forward.
Body is lying in a horizontal position with the face and palms
30. Describe a body in the supine position. turned up.
Body is lying in a horizontal position with the face and palms
31. Describe a body in the prone position. turned down.
32. Describe a body in the lateral recumbent position. Body is lying horizontally on either the right and left side.
33. Place the following words in order from least complex to most Cell – Tissue – Organ – System
complex: “organ - cell - system - tissue“
34. What is the integumentary system? Outer covering of the body (Skin)
35. What is the largest organ of the body? Skin
Protection, heat regulation, secretion and excretion,
36. What are the functions of the skin? sensation, absorption, and respiration.
37. Describe the skeletal system. Framework for support and protection of the body.
Voluntary and involuntary muscles that is necessary for
38. Describe the muscular system. movement.
39. Describe the nervous system. Controls and coordinates all the body systems.
40. Describe the digestive system. All structures involved in the process of digestion.
41. Describe the excretory system. Responsible for eliminating waste products.
42. Describe the respiratory system. Responsible for gas exchange in the body.
43. Describe the cardiovascular system. Controls the circulation of blood.
44. Describe the lymphatic system. Responsible for the exchange of supplies (medium of
45. Describe the endocrine system. exchange)
Manufacture hormones that affect body functions.
46. Describe the reproductive system. Ensure continuance of the species.
47. What are the two major groups of body cavities? Dorsal or Posterior and the Ventral or Anterior.
48. What organs are found in the dorsal cavities? Brain and Spinal Cord.
49. What is the name of the cavity that contains the brain? Cranial Cavity
50. What is the name of the cavity that contains the spinal cord? Spinal Cavity
51. What are the two major divisions of the ventral cavities? Thoracic Cavity and Abdominal Cavity
52. What is found in the thoracic cavity? Heart and Lungs
53. What is the name of the cavity that contains the heart? Pericardial Cavity
54. What is the name of the cavity that contains the lungs? Pleural Cavities.
Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, and the Small and Large
55. What is found in the abdominal cavity? Intestines.
The lower third of the abdominal cavity and contains the
56. What is the pelvic cavity and where is it found? bladder, rectum, and some of the reproductive organs.
57. What are the three main kinds of compounds that provide Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats
nourishment for the body?
58. What
59. What breaks
happens food down in the
to complex fooddigestive tract?
molecules in the digestive Enzymes
tract? Split into smaller units
60. What does the body’s tissues do with the smaller units of food? Used for fuel and building blocks for new and growing tissues.
61. Which main compound is an essential part of every cell? Proteins
62. What are some functions of proteins? Repairing damaged cells and building new tissues
63. Which chemical elements are found in proteins? Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
64. What are the building blocks of proteins? Amino acids
65. What are some examples of proteins? Animal flesh and most living matter in plants.
66. Which main compound provides the body with the majority of Carbohydrates
the energy required to operate muscles and nerves and to build
and repair body tissues?
67. Which chemical elements are found in carbohydrates? Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
68. What are the two types of carbohydrates? Simple and complex
69. What is an example of a simple carbohydrate? Glucose
70. What is an example of a complex carbohydrate? Glycogen
71. What happens to glucose inside the bloodstream? Rapidly absorbed and carried to all cells for fuel
72. What is the name of the complex carbohydrate that is made Glycogen
by the body?
73. What is another name for fats? Lipids
74. Which chemical elements are found in fats? Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Energy, production of hormones, utilization of vitamins, and
75. What are some of the functions of fats? formation of cell membranes.
76. What are the basic units of life? Cells
All chemical reactions occurring within a cell that transform
77. What is metabolism? food into nutrients
78. What are the two phases of metabolism? Anabolism and catabolism
79. What is anabolism? Process of building larger molecules from smaller ones.
80. Does anabolism release or require energy? Requires energy
81. What is catabolism? Breaking down of larger molecules into smaller ones.
82. Does catabolism release or require energy? Release energy
Proteins acting as catalysts to start, accelerate or control
83. What are enzymes? metabolism.

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