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(BAN, rINN)Chloranautine; Dimenhidrint; Dimenhidrinat;


Dimenhidrinato; Dimenhydramina; Dimenhydrinaatti; Dimenhy- drint; Dimenhydrinat;

Dimnhydrinate; Dimenhydrinatum; Diphenhydramine Teoclate; Diphenhydramine Theoclate.
The diphenhydramine salt of 8-chlorotheophylline .

C17H21NO,C7H7ClN4O2 = 470.0.
CAS 523-87-5.ATC R06AA02.ATC Vet QR06AA02.






Pharmacopoeias. In Chin.,Eur.(see p.vii), Jpn,and US.Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Dimenhydrinate). A white or
almost white, crys- talline powder or colourless crystals. M.p. 102to 106. Slightly soluble in water; freely soluble in
alcohol. A saturated solution in water has a pH of 7.1 to 7.6.USP 31 (Dimenhydrinate). A white, odourless,
crystalline pow- der. Slightly soluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol and in chloroform; sparingly soluble in ether.
Incompatibility. Dimenhydrinate has been reported to be in- compatible in solution with a wide range of
compounds; those most likely to be encountered include: aminophylline, glycopyr- ronium bromide, hydrocortisone
sodium succinate, hydroxyzine hydrochloride, meglumine adipiodone, some phenothiazines, and some soluble

Adverse Effects and Precautions

As for the sedating antihistamines in general, p.561.
Effects on the eyes. Dimenhydrinate 100 mg, given at 4-hour- ly intervals for 3 doses, was found to affect
colour discrimina- tion, night vision, reaction time, and stereopsis. 11. Luria SM, etal. Effects of aspirin and dimenhydrinate
(Dramamine) on visual processes. BrJClinPharmacol1979; 7:58593.

Porphyria. Dimenhydrinate has been associated with acute at- tacks of porphyria and is considered unsafe in
porphyric patients.
Pregnancy. For discussion of the use of antihistamines in preg- nancy, including a suggestion of a relationship

between cardio- vascular defects or inguinal hernia and dimenhydrinate expo- sure, see p.563.

As for the sedating antihistamines in general, p.563.

Uses and Administration

Dimenhydrinate, a monoethanolamine derivative, is a sedating antihistamine with antimuscarinic
and signif- icant sedative effects. It is used mainly as an antiemetic in the prevention and
treatment of motion sickness (p.564). It is also used for the symptomatic treatment of nausea and
vertigo caused by Mnires disease and other vestibular disturbances (see Vertigo, p.565).
The usual oral dose of dimenhydrinate is 50 to 100 mg, given 3 or 4 times daily. For the
prevention of motion sickness, the first dose should be given at least 30 minutes before travelling.
Typical doses for children, according to age, are: 2 to up to 6 years, 12.5 to 25 mg every 6 to 8
hours to a maximum of 75 mg daily (in some countries lower doses of 6.25 to 12.5 mg are giv- en
two or three times daily); 6 to 12 years, 25 to 50 mg every 6 to 8 hours to a maximum of 150 mg
daily (again lower doses are used in some countries). Dimenhydrinate may be given parenterally
in usual doses of 50 mg, a concentration of 5% being used for intramuscular injection and 0.5%
for slow intravenous injection (usually over 2 minutes). Children have been given dimenhydrinate
by intramuscular or slow intra- venous injection in a dose of 1.25 mg/kg four times daily to a
maximum of 300 mg daily. Dimenhydrinate has also been given by the rectal route.

BP 2008: Dimenhydrinate Tablets;USP 31: Dimenhydrinate Injection; Dimenhydrinate Syrup; Dimenhydrinate Tablets.
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3)Arg.: Dr Amin; Dramamine; Marine; Austral.:
Dramamine; Austria: Em- edyl; Nausex; Travel-Gum; Vertirosan; Belg.: Paranausine; Vagomine; Braz.:
Dimedril; Dramamine; Dramavit; Dramin; Emebrid; Neodrin; Canad.: Anti-Nauseant; Childrens Motion
Sickness Liquid; Dinate; Gravol; Nauseatol; Novo-Dimenate; Travamine; Travel Aid; Chile: Mareamin;
Cz.: Travel-Gum; Denm.: Anautin; Fr.: Dramamine; Nausicalm; Ger.: Di- men; Reisegold; Reisetabletten;
Rodavan S; RubieMen; Superpep; Verti- go-Vomex; Vomacur; Vomex A; Gr.: Dravom; Drimen; Travelgum;
Vomex A; Hong Kong: Dimate; Dimenate; Garcol; Gravol; Novomin; Hung.: Daedalon; Daedalonetta;
India: Dramnate; Gravol; Indon.: Dramamine; Stopmun; Irl.: Dramamine; Israel: Dramamine;
Travamin; Ital.: Lomarin; Motozina; Travelgum; Valontan; Xamamina; Malaysia: Dimenate; Dramamine;
Driminate; Hydrinate; Novomin; Setmenate; Mex.: Apo- Mina; Dimetin-F; Dimicaps; Dramamine;
Unitril; Vomisin; NZ: Dramamine; Philipp.: Gravol; Pol.: Aviomarin; Port.: Dramamine; Draminal;
Enjomin; Viabom; Vomidrine; Rus.: Dramina (); Singa- pore: Dimenate; Dramamine; Spain:
Biodramina; Cinfamar; Contramar- eo; Travel Well; Swed.: Amosyt; Switz.: Antemin; Dramamine; Trawell;
Thai.: Denim; Dimeno; Dimin; Dramamine; Gravol; Motivan; Nausamine; Navamin; Phrachedi; Vominar;
Turk.: Anti-Em; Dramamine; Xamamine; UAE: Dizinil; UK: Arlevert; USA: Calm-X; Dimetabs; Dinate;
Dramamine; Dramanate; Dymenate; Hydrate; Triptone; Venez.: Dramamine; Viaje- san.
Multi-ingredient: Austral.: Travacalm; Austria: Neo-Emedyl; Synkap- ton; Vertirosan Vitamin B ; Braz.:
Dramavit B6; Dramin B-6; Dramin B-6 DL; Nausicalm; Nausilon B6; Canad.: Gravergol; Cz.: Arlevert;
Migrae- flux; Fr.: Mercalm; Ger.: Arlevert; Migraeflux N; Migraeflux orange N; Gr.: Vertigo-Vomex; Hong
Kong: Gravergol; Rhinocap; Hung.: Arlevert; In- don.: Dramasine; Mex.: Bomine; Spain: Acetuber;
Biodramina Cafeina; Cinfamar Cafeina; Saldeva; Salvarina; Sin Mareo x 4; Switz.: Agorhino; An- temin
compositum; Dramamine-compositum; Gem Voyage Dragees con- tre les maux de voyage; Rhinocap;
Trawell compositum; Thai.: Roxine.

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