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Module One Wellness Plan

Fill in all logs and answer the reflection questions completely with supporting details.
Section 1: Goals
Include your goals for each area of wellness before completing the reflection question.
1. Physical- to decrease percentage of body fat and increase lean muscle and stamina in
order to learn how to dance without my body restricting me from what I am able to
achieve. I can do this by working out 5 times a week, between 30 minutes to an hour a
day for the next 3 months.
2. Social- to exercise with friends and encourage each other to eat right and push
ourselves a little further every day, and take responsibility as a senior and understand
that my actions effect other people. I can do this by going on a run with a friend twice a
week, for 30 minutes, for 3 months.
3. Emotional- stick to my goals and at least be half way there by December through
sticking to a clean diet made up of fruits, raw vegetables, and white meats like chicken,
turkey. I can do this by logging my foods every day for the next 3 months.
4. Academic- receive straight As in order to get into a good college with scholarships. I can
do this by devoting 4 hours of my day to study and do homework before I go out with
friends, until the day I graduate.

Goal Reflection Question:

Which of your wellness goals is the most important to you? Explain why.
Physical, because maintaining order in the physical aspect of my life, makes it easier to
maintain order in my social, emotional, and academic life. Leading a healthy life is much more
than exercising regularly, it is about eating right, maintaining a healthy weight, being a good
example, and striving to be a better version of who you were yesterday.

Section 2: Target Heart Rate

My resting heart rate is __72__ bpm.
My target heart rate zone is __142__ bpm to _203__ bpm.
Heart Rate Reflection Question:
Were you able to maintain your workouts within your calculated target heart rate zone? Explain
which activities you enjoyed most and which best helped you stay in your THR zone.
I was able to keep my heart rate in my THR zone through running. Running is the best exercise
for me to get my heart rate up and my body moving. I enjoy running the most because I am able
to listen to music and mindlessly run until my legs cannot go any farther.

Section 3: Fitness Assessments

Include the Baseline and Module One results below.

Mile Run/Walk
Body Mass Index
Aerobic Capacity

Lesson 1.03
Module 1
Baseline Results Wellness Plan

Trunk Lift



Sit and Reach

11 left and right

11 left and right

Module 2
Wellness Plan

Module 3
Wellness Plan

Fitness Assessment Reflection Questions:

Explain how you feel about your scores when compared to the Healthy Fitness Zone Standards.
I feel that I am within a normal range and that I have definite room for improvement, but I am in
no health risk right now
Explain how your activity routine is improving each of your health-related components of fitness
(flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular, and body composition)?
My activity improves health-related components of fitness by training my body to slowly, and
steadily, become more flexible, by stretching before and after workouts. By endurance because
I slowly push myself to go a bit farther, or go longer than I thought I could, every day, but no to
the point where I can injure myself. It effects my cardiovascular health because it is getting my
heart rate up and pumping, so that I will not have problems in the future in regards to my heart.

Section 4: Physical Activity Log



Physical Activity

Activity Minutes
without Warm-up


10 min stretching
10 min stretching

Toning Pilates class

HIIT cardio workout,
Rainbows 3 sets of 10 reps
Kick Boxing Class
Pilates Class

30 min
30 min


10 min stretching
1 hour
10 min stretching + 20 min
30 minutes
intense walking
10 min stretch
30 min run + strength training 1 hour
5 min walk
45 min run + core workout
1 hour
10 min stretching
30 min run
30 min
10 min stretching
45 min jog/sprint
45 min
Include all moderate and vigorous physical activity in the table below. Keep adding rows to show
all of your activities.
Physical Activity Reflection Question:
Explain how you have applied or will apply each of the FITT principles in your workouts.
I have applied the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type) principles to my workouts

by making sure I do a move a certain amount of times, I usually do 3 sets of 10 reps,

and I go 65% for half of the workout, and for the other half I go up to 90%-95%, I always
make sure my time is according to my energy levels or how much time I have. Since I
do classes, they are mostly 1 hour, and when I run/train by myself, I make sure I get at
least 30 minutes into a workout before cooling down. I always try to mix up my routine
between different classes, running, and training by myself in order to keep my body
from habituating to the same workout.

Section 5: Fitness Tracker Data

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Wellness Plan
Average Daily
Moves This
% Toward My .00752962
Goal This Week
Total Moves
This Week

Fitness Tracker Reflection Question:

Discuss changes you can make in your workout routine to increase your activity participation
and improve on your achievements. Include adjustments to completed activities and activities
you may wish to add to your routine.
I can try to add more variety and more time to my workouts.

Use the formulas to calculate your moves and complete the chart above.
Average daily moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes
for the last 7 days x 26.19 Percent toward my goal this week = Total average
daily moves by 12,000 Total moves this week = Total number of physical
activity minutes for the last 7 days x 183.33 Parent/Guardian/Lab Facilitator
Signature____Lucy Ambrose___________________


Include all moderate and vigorous physical activity in the table below.


Physical Activity

Activity Minutes
without Warm-up


10 min stretching
20 min cardio
10 min stretching

Spinning class
Yoga class
Spin class

1 hour
1 hour
1 hour

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