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17 essential slang phrases you need to understand people

in England

1. On the piss
Going out on the town with your mates to get drunk. Usually ends up in vomiting, questionable
decisions, a hefty hangover and a serious case of beer fear.

2. On the pull
Usually an aim of the night whilst on the piss, being on the pull means to be on the lookout for a
member of the opposite sex to have a drunken, bad shag with.

3. Snog
More often than not, this is what happens in a club when initiating drunken sex whilst on the
piss. A snog is what we English call making out. Full-blown, tongue-wrangling kissing.

4. Shag
The end goal to being on the pull whilst on the piss. A shag is sex.God, I cant believe I almost
shagged that guy last night. Glad I wasnt as sloshed as last time!

5. Sloshed
Drunk. Other words for being under the influence include: shitfaced, arseholed, trollied, legless,
pissed, battered, blottoed, steaming, hammered, hanging, kaned, leathered, lashed, mashed,
mullered, haggard, spangled, squiffy, lubricated, off me trolley, off me pickle, out of it, rat-arsed,
pickled, ruined, wasted, razzled, slaughtered, smashed, stonkin, trashed, tanked, tipsy, tired and
emotional, canned, plastered, boozed-up, boozey, well-oiled, merry.

6. Bodge
We bodge things quite a lot here in England. To bodge something together means to
do/write/make something quickly so that itll just about do. It usually isnt good enough and
probably wont last, but bodging something makes life easier in the short term.

7. Telling porkies

Telling porkies means telling lies. Comes from the cockney-slang: pork-pies. Rhymes with lies.
Get it?

8. Chav
Our equivalent of white trash.

9. Slagging someone off

Sounds filthy. Its not. Slagging someone off means to bitch about and say horrible things about
someone behind their back.

10. Wacky-backy
What my mother, your mother, and every other English mother in the country calls weed. You
Americans call it pot.

11. Faff
When someone faffs around they are taking their time, floundering, and mincing. This means
that they likely left everything they needed to do until 2 minutes before they had to walk out the
door. Oh my God, sorry were late. Tom was being a mincer and faffing about. The phrase
fannying/fannying around is also appropriate here.

12. Smarmy
We Brits love this word. Being smarmy means that you hold a certain attitude often accompanied
by an air of superiority that instantly makes people hate you. Until recently, the term smarmy
git was reserved mostly for British politicians, now however, asshat fuckbucket is preferred.

13. Grub
You go to the pub for some pub grub, or your mam will cook up some grub for tea. Food, not

14. Jammy

15. Slap and tickle

Another phrase for sex. Bang, bonk, rumpy-pumpy, and a bit of hows your father are
also appropriate.

16. Waffle
To talk on and on and on and on and on and on and on about nothing.

17. Taking the piss

Our British sense of humour is mostly centered around being horrible to our friends. We find this
hilarious. And its called taking the piss. Also taking the Mick and taking the Michael can be
used around younger members of the family. Nothing to do with urine, but making fun of people

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