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KT4114 Operating Systems

Assignment 1 Processes in Windows

In a command prompt, capture the current state of all processes to a text file using wmic as follows:
wmic process get > process.txt
In Excel (2010), import the text file using the following icon under the Data menu:

After youve imported the text file, in the Text Import Wizard, make sure the following settings are
Step 1 Make sure Fixed width is selected
Step 2 Add missing break line and remove extra break lines:

Add missing
break lines

Step 3 You can choose General data format.

Remove extra
break lines

Once the data is imported into the spreadsheet, make sure there are 46 columns (until AT). You will
have to redo the import if there are missing columns. Below are the names of the columns:
Caption, CommandLine, CreationClassName, CreationDate,
CSCreationClassName, CSName, Description, ExecutablePath,
ExecutionState, Handle, HandleCount, InstallDate, KernelModeTime,
MaximumWorkingSetSize, MinimumWorkingSetSize, Name,
OSCreationClassName, OSName, OtherOperationCount,
OtherTransferCount, PageFaults, PageFileUsage, ParentProcessId,
PeakPageFileUsage, PeakVirtualSize, PeakWorkingSetSize, Priority,
PrivatePageCount, ProcessId, QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage,
QuotaPagedPoolUsage, QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage,
QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage, ReadOperationCount, ReadTransferCount,
SessionId, Status, TerminationDate, ThreadCount, UserModeTime,
VirtualSize, WindowsVersion, WorkingSetSize, WriteOperationCount,
WriteTransferCount, System Idle Process
You can hide columns to get a better view.
Select all the imported data and add filter as follows to easily sort the data:

Appears after
filter is added

You can also freeze panes to lock the first column and row:

Save the imported data as an Excel file.

Freeze at this

Besides the data from wmic above, obtain also a screen shot of memory usage from the Resource
Monitor via Windows Task Manager:

Brief Report (maximum 2 pages)

Include the above screen shot from Resource Monitor in your brief report.
In your report, answer the following questions in reference to your PC:

Which process spends the most time in Kernel Mode? What is the function of this process?

List down the processes which are purely in Kernel Mode.

Which process has the most number of threads? What is the function of this process?

Which process has the most number of Child Processes? What is the function of this Parent

What is the sum of the Working Set of memory use for all processes (from wmic)? Comment
on this value against the total amount In Use from Resource Monitor above.

What is the sum of Virtual memory use for all processes (from wmic)? Comment on this
value against the total amount of Virtual Memory from System Information.

Include your name and Matric. No. in your report. Submit under Tasks in iFolio. The deadline is
this Friday, 09/10/2015. Thanks.
Dr. Ashrani

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