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Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund.

Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n


Good morning, everybody.

Good afternoon, everybody.
Hello, everyone.

How are you today?

How are you getting on?
How's life?
How are things with you?

Let's begin our lesson now.

Is everybody ready to start?
I hope you are all ready for your
English lesson.

I think we can start now.

I'm waiting for you to be quiet.

We won't start until everyone is

Stop talking and be quiet.

Close your books.

Put your books away.
Pack your things away.

Who is absent today?.

Who isn't here today?
What's the matter with you today?
What's wrong with Jim today?
Why were you absent last Friday?

Where have you been?

We started ten minutes ago.
What have you been doing?

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.



Come in.
Go out.
Stand up.
Sit down.
Come to the front
Stand by your desks.
Put your hands up.
Put your hands down.
Hold your books/pens up.

It's almost time to stop.

I'm afraid it's time to finish now.
We'll have to stop here.
There's the bell. It's time to stop.
That's all for today. You can go now.

Pay attention, everybody.

You need pencils/rulers.
We'll learn how to ...
Are you ready?
Open your books at page ...
Turn to page ...

The bell hasn't gone yet.

There are still two minutes to go.
We still have a couple of minutes left.
The lesson doesn't finish till five past.
Your watch must be fast.
We seem to have finished early.
We have an extra five minutes.
Sit quietly until the bell goes.

Look at activity five.

Listen to this tape.
Repeat after me.
Again, please.
Everybody ...
You have five minutes
Who's next?

Hang on a moment.
Just hold on a moment.
Stay where you are for a moment.
Just a moment, please.
One more thing before you go.
Back to your places.

It's time to finish.

Have you finished?
Let's stop now.
Stop now.

This is your homework for tonight.

Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your

Prepare the next chapter for Monday.
There is no homework tonight.
Remember your homework.
Take a worksheet as you leave.

Let's check the answers.

Any questions?
Collect your work please.
Pack up your books.
Are your desks tidy?

Goodbye, everyone.
See you again next Wednesday.
See you tomorrow afternoon.
See you in room 7 after the break.
Have a good holiday.
Enjoy your vacation.

Get into a queue.

Form a queue and wait for the bell.
Everybody outside!
All of you, get outside now!
Hurry up and get out!
Try not to make any noise as you leave.
Quiet as you leave. Other classes are still

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


1.- General Facts:


Readers name and date of Reading.

Bibliographical data: author, date of edition, place of edition

2.- Facts about the Reading you choose:


Genre: novel, fairy tale, drama, play, poetry, essay...

Main subject: travel, love, adventures, science, sports... (there can be
more than one).
Main characters: name, description...
Other characters: describe shortly.
Location: country, city....
Plot: showing youve really understood the book.

3.- Personal Valuation:


Is the title the best one? Why? Invent another different one.
New vocabulary. (Al menos 10 palabras, y busca el significado y
Is the Reading interesting? Explain why or why not?
Choose and copy tour favourite paragraph..
Write a mark for the novel (0-10)
Personal opinin.

NOTA: Se presentar el trabajo a mano, a doble espacio, en formato A4 (folio en blanco

u hoja de actividades, y si te tuerces, usa plantilla), y antes de la fecha indicada en
clase en el momento correspondiente. Es imprescindible presentar la actividad con
caligrafa aceptable, escrito en ingls o no se le tendr en cuenta para la evaluacin.
Se tendr en cuenta para la calificacin final la claridad, originalidad y la expresin.
Este es un nuevo apartado respecto a cursos anteriores, que contar como nota de procedimientos
(30% del total junto a otros aspectos). Para mejorar la comprensin de textos escritos, ser
OBLIGATORIO leer dos novelas en ingls a lo largo del curso, pudiendo elegir los alumnos y
alumnas la fecha y evaluacin donde quieren entregarlo, y en ella se le contar la nota. Los libros
estn disponibles en el Departamento y hay que pedirlos a los profesores de la asignatura, aunque
cabe la posibilidad de comprarlo o pedirlo prestado a conocidos o bibliotecas pblicas.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


o Personality adjectives, Hobbies
o Present simple, Adverbs of frequency, Present simple: questions, like + -ing form
o Third person -s
o A good friend, Culture: Greet the world
o and and but, Write a personal profile
o Film friends
o Describe people, Do an interview, English you need: Get to know people

1.- Traduce usando el presente simple del verbo TO BE: (en todas las oraciones aparece este verbo)
1.- El ordenador de Bryan est sobre su pupitre.

2.- Nuestro hotel est enfrente de la estacin de tren.

3.- De dnde es Fanny? Ella es de Francia, es francesa.
4.- Est Michael en el cuarto de bao? S, l est.
5.- Mary y Ken no estn en el parque, estn en el cine.
6.- Cuntos aos tienes? Tengo 12 aos, y t?
7.- Tengo fro; puedes cerrar la ventana?
8.- Tenemos mucha suerte.
9.- Jeff tiene suerte.
10.- Quiero pizza, tengo hambre.
11.- A qu hora se levanta l? Se levanta a las 8:00 a.m.
12.- Cmo va al colegio cada da? l va al colegio en tren.
2.- Traduce usando THERE + el verbo TO BE, en expresiones diferentes:
1.- Hay tres libros debajo de tu cama.

2.- No hay zumo de naranja en la nevera.

3.- Hay muchas manzanas?

4.- Hay una mesa en nuestra cocina.

5.- No hay rboles en el jardn.

6.- Hay algn tomate?

3.- Present simple: traduce oraciones en afirm, negat e inter ( LIKE, HATE, ENJOY, LOVE + ING form)

1.- A ella le gusta jugar al tenis, pero no le gusta ver la televisin.

2.- Nos encanta vivir en el pueblo.
3.- Odias estudiar los fines de semana?
4.- No me divierte trabajar en el campo.
5.- No les gusta cocinar.
6.- Te divierte conducir? No, pero me gusta viajar.
7.- Te gusta leer novelas de detectives?
8.- No encanta leer antes de dormirnos.
9.- Los alumnos odian los exmenes los lunes.
10.- No le gusta salir los jueves, prefiere salir los sbados

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

4.- Los adverbios de frecuencia: ( siempre delante del verbo principal, y detrs del verbo TO BE ).
1.- Ronald y Peter juegan a las cartas habitualmente.

2.- Nosotros siempre vamos al colegio a las 8 de la maana.

3.- Ben nunca estudia los sbados por la tarde .
4.- Ellos estn jugando algunas veces en el jardn de George .
5.- Frecuentemente bebemos agua en la comida.
6.- Siempre estoy en la tienda de Jenny por las tardes.
5.- Traduce usando verbos seguidos de otros con ING: ( LIKE, DISLIKE, ENJOY, HATE, MIND, LOVE )

1.- A ella le gusta cocinar.

2.- Les encanta montar a caballo.

3.- A Pedro no le importa esperar.

4.- Odio el ruido.

5.- No me gusta conducir en la ciudad.

6.- Mara se divierte viajando a otros pases.

7.- Te importa ayudarme con los deberes? 8.- A Greg le gusta cantar pera.
9.- Te divierte jugar al baloncesto?

10.- A Susan le encanta conocer amigos.

6.- Los adverbios de frecuencia (Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never).
1.- Helen nunca ve la televisin.

2.- Paul no ve a menudo la televisin.

3.- Ellos nunca pueden encontrar la respuesta correcta.
4.- Este estudiante siempre llega tarde.
5.- Algunas veces bebe vino.
6.- Mi hermano siempre conduce despacio.
7.- Los chicos normalmente van a la cama a las 9.
8.- John nunca olvida a su novia.
7.- Traduce estas oraciones de present simple ( afir, neg e Inter. ):

1.- Peter coge el autobs para el colegio a las 9.00 de la maana.

2.- Yo no conduzco al trabajo, voy en metro.
3.- Bebes caf todos los das No, slo los fines de semana.
4.- Mi padre vuela a estados Unidos dos veces al mes.
5.- No vemos la televisin por las noches.
6.- Juegas a algn deporte? S, juego al baloncesto en el equipo del colegio.
7.- Dnde ensea Alice? Ella ensea en la Universidad.
8.- No ganamos mucho dinero en nuestro trabajo.
9.- Dnde aparcas tu coche por las maanas?
10.- Dave llega tarde al trabajo por las tardes porque vive lejos.
8.- Vocabulary: complete using TALL, FAIR, OVERWEIGHT, SHORT, SLIM, YOUNG, ELDERLY

1.- Hes only one metre 52. Hes quite ________________

2.- Very ____________ people are often good at basketball.
3.- Models are usually _______________
4.- Is her skin dark? No, its ______________
5.- Shes only 12. Shes very _____________________
6.- If I eat too much, Ill be _________________
7.- My grandmother is in this hospital. Its a hospital for ______________ people.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

9.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones de genitivo sajn: (REPASO de 1)

1.- Los libros de Patrick estn sobre la mesa.

2.- El gato del cartero es blanco y marrn.

3.- Los nombres de mis hermanas son Mary y Kate.
4.- El coche de los ladrones es rojo y negro.
5.- Las orejas del perro son muy grandes.
6.- Los amigos de Danny van a la playa en Agosto.
7.- El primo de Ryan no est en mi clase este ao.
8.- Mi hermana juega en el equipo de Frank.
11.- Read this text and answer the questions:

Reem likes to go to the park with her mom. She likes to play at the park with her friends. Today
when Reem goes to the park, she looks around and becomes very sad.
What is wrong, Reem? Mom asks.
There is so much trash on the ground, Reem says. It seems like each day, I see more trash
Reem and her mom look around. There are old boxes on the ground. There are popped balloons
on the ground. There are old cans, too.
You are right, Mom says. The park is very dirty.
What can we do? Reem asks.
I am sure you will think of something, Mom says.
Reem and her mom go home. Reem paints a picture of a park. She uses blue, green, brown, and
yellow paint.
PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN, she writes in big letters on top of her picture.
Lets go back to the park, Mom, Reem says.
Okay, Mom says.
Reem grabs a bunch of trash bags to take with her. She also brings along some tape.
When Reem gets to the park, she tapes her picture on a big trash can.
Here you go! she says to her mom. She hands her mom a bag. Will you help me pick up the
I sure will, Mom says.
The children at the park run over to see what is going on. Reem hands them bags. Lets clean
this place up, she says.
The children pick up lots of trash. They talk and laugh as they work. Soon all the bags are full.
We need to come back another day. There is still some trash on the ground, Reem says. But
the park looks much better.
It does, Mom says. I knew you would think of some way to help.

1) Why is Reem sad?
A. Her friends are not at the park.
B. She cannot find her mom.
C. There is a lot of trash at the park.
D. She hurts herself on the slide.
2) What is on the ground?
I. old boxes
II. paper
III. plastic wrappers
3) What does Reem do when she gets
A. She makes a sign.
B. She eats dinner.
C. She paints her face.
D. She cleans her room.

4) What is the purpose of Reems picture?

A. to encourage people to clean up the park
B. to make the park more beautiful
C. to improve her skills as an artist
D. to show people how beautiful the park is
5) Why does Reem tape her picture to
the trash can?
A. so people can see it
B. so it falls to the ground
C. so people get mad
D. she is tired of holding it
6) Who helps Reem pick up trash?
A. her dad
B. her mom
C. other children

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


o Shops, Music genres
o Present continuous, Object pronouns, Present s. vs present cont, Time expressions
o // and /i/
o Look whos here!, Culture: Autographs
o My free time, and, but, or, because
o Music survey
o Talk about what people are doing, Do a music survey, English you need: Make requests

1.- Wh pronouns. Where, who, what & How. Completa las oraciones con un pronombre WH y una
forma del verbo to BE. Luego tradcelas. (Repaso de 1)
- .................... my keys? Theyre on the table.

- . The time, please? Half past five.

- . Your father? Very well, thank you.

- . The photographs? In the bag.

- ..your new shoes? Theyre red.

- . That man in the car? Hes my uncle.

- .. you? Im 12 years old.

- .. that woman? Shes my mother.

- .. Peters parents? Theyre on holiday.

- ............your grandfather now? Hes much better!.

2.- Completa con HOW MUCH o HOW MANY, y luego traduce: (Repaso de 1)
-.................. students are in your class?

- .. bread is there in the cupboard?

- .. languages do you speak?

- . People are there in the party?

- is a ticket to Berlin?

- . Books do you need each day?

3.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con presente continuo:

1.- Martin no est haciendo sus deberes en la habitacin.
2.- Susan y Ron estn jugando al tenis por la tarde.
3.- Nosotros estamos leyendo un libro muy divertido en el colegio.
4.- Ellas no estn viviendo en Dover este ao.
5.- Lauren y Helen estn estudiando historia en la Biblioteca.
6.- No estamos durmiendo ahora porque son las diez y veinte.
7.- Karen est viendo la televisin en el saln con July.
8.- No estoy comiendo hamburguesas porque no me gustan.
9.- Carl est bebiendo zumo de naranja y Helen no est comiendo.
10.- Bob est vistiendo unos pantalones verdes y una camisa blanca.
4.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
1.- Ests estudiando msica? No, estoy estudiando geografa.
2.- Estamos haciendo los deberes? No, estamos viendo la televisin.
3.- Est Dave comiendo pescado? No, l est comiendo patatas fritas.
4.- Estn Mark y Helen jugando al hockey? No, estn estudiando.
5.- Estis bebiendo coca cola? No, estamos bebiendo batido.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

5.- Traduce usando el Presente Continuo:

1.- Marge est hablando con su madre por telfono.
2.- Est tu padre durmiendo? No, est leyendo en su cuarto.
3.- Mr. Todd est bebiendo un zumo de naranja en la cocina.
4.- No puedo contestar al telfono, estoy tomando una ducha.
5.- Estn tus hermanas escuchando msica?. No lo s, yo estoy viendo la tele.
6.- Qu ests haciendo en el cuarto de bao? Estoy secndome el pelo.
7.- Mr. Smith est comprando en el supermercado en este momento.
8.- Estamos esperando al autobs, pero va a llegar tarde.
6.- Write questions for these answers:
- Sam sees Joe everyday at school ____________________________________________________?
- Sam sees Joe everyday at school ____________________________________________________?
- He is playing for Manchester United this season ___________________________________________?
- His school has four different sites ___________________________________________?
- Over 2.000 students take the exam ____________________________________________?
- The school employs over 20 teachers ____________________________________________?
- Hes studying photography in the evenings ________________________________________?
- He is working in a factory this summer _____________________________________________?
7.- Repaso de la formacin de los sustantivos plurales. Aade S, -ES, -IES o haz el irregular, segn
day _________

wife __________

sandwich ___________

story _________

bus ________

class __________

radio __________

fly ________

knife __________

lady ________

leaf _________

woman _________

camera __________

match _________

roof ________

Mouse ________

ox _________

goose __________

diary ___________

brush ___________

8.- Complete the following sentences with the right time preposition: IN, AT, ON.
1.- What do you do ___ Sundays?

7.- We all go to Wales______ the weekend.

2.- The classes start ___ September.

8.- I usually go skiing ______ February.

3.- My job starts ___ April.

9.- She finishes school ______ June.

4.- I go to school _____ Mondays.

10.- I dont like driving _______ night.

5.- Carol plays ____ the evening.

11.- I usually stop working _____ 17:00 .

6.- I work ____ Christmas day.

12.- It gets very hot here ______ summer.

9.- Complete the following sentences with the right OBJECT PRONOUN.
- I havent got a dictionary. Can you lend ________________ one, please?
- I want to invite Paul to my party, Ill call ___________________ tonight.
- Who is that woman? I have never seen ______________.
- I like your shoes. Where did you buy _________________?.
- I brought the book to the classroom, but I lost _______________ there.
- We are living in London now, Phone ______________ when you come.
- Pam, the teacher is looking for _______________ .
10.- Replace the underlined words with the correct OBJECT PRONOUN.
- Do you like Jennifer Lpez?

- They never write to their grandmother

- Our teacher gives me and the other students lots of homework

- Give the CD to David
- I play football with the other students after school.
- Can you and your friend be quiet, please!

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

11.- Vocabulary: Where do you need to go? (a shop)

- I want to get a newspaper. _______________

- Your hair is too long. _______________________

- I need some stamps. _____________________

- We must get Jim a present. _________________

- Id like to buy a book. ______________

- I want to buy everything in one shop. ________

12.- Vocabulary: Write the words for these definitions.

- A person who sells things in a shop _______________________
- Money not a cheque or credit card ___________________
- A person who cuts hair _____________________
- plastic money ________________________
- A floor lower than the ground floor _______________________
13.- Read the text and answer the questions:
Bryan doesn't like going to school anymore. He is tired of being bullied. Some of the bigger boys
at school are mean to him. They push him to the ground. They hide his books. They call him
names. They are bullies. When things get really bad, Bryan tells his mom he is sick.
You should stay home and rest, Mom says. You'll feel better tomorrow.
Then Bryan gets to stay home. He reads books. He watches television. He eats what he wants.
He is not scared.
You should tell someone you are getting bullied at school, says Bryans best friend, Link.
But Bryan is scared. He doesn't want to tell an adult.
That will make things worse, Link, says Bryan. You dont go to my school. You have no idea
how mean these guys can be.
You cant keep missing school, says Link. Your grades will fall. You will be in trouble at home.
And besides, you don't want to be in the seventh grade forever, do you?"
Bryan thinks Link is probably right. He will tell his mom about the bullies when she gets home
from work tonight. He will see what happens.

1) Why doesn't Bryan like going to

4) What grade is Bryan in?

school anymore?

A. fourth grade

A. The work is hard.

B. sixth grade

B. The kids are mean.

C. seventh grade

C. His best friend does not go there.

D. tenth grade

D. He wants to read books at home.

5) What do the mean kids do to

2) How might Bryan feel when the


kids at school are mean to him?

I. call him names

I. angry

II. steal his money

II. scared

III. hide his backpack

III. strong

6) Why hasn't Bryan's mom helped

3) Who are the bullies in this story?


A. Bryan and Link

A. She is busy at work.

B. the gang members at Bryan's school

B. She does not care.

C. the teachers

C. She does not know.

D. the bigger boys at Bryan's school

D. She does not want to.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

Transport, Places in a city
Comparatives, Superlatives
-er and than: //
Tourist spots
Compare people and things, Make a quiz, English you need: Ask for travel information
Bike it!, Culture: Under London
My city, Punctuation

1.- Translate into English the following sentences:
1.- Jim es ms divertido que Steve.

6.- Steve es ms inteligente que Jim.

2.- Steve es ms popular que Jim.

7.- Jim es ms honesto que Steve.

3.- Jim es ms agradable que Steve.

8.- Steve es ms alto que Jim.

4.- Steve es peor que Jim.

9.- Jim es ms rpido que Steve.

5.- Steve es tan guapo como Jim.

10:- Jim es tan viejo como Steve

2.- Traduce estas oraciones usando adjetivos superlativos:

1.- John es la persona ms vieja del pueblo.
2.- El Nilo es el ro ms largo de frica.
3.- Londres es la ciudad ms grande de Europa.
4.- La habitacin de mis padres es la ms cara del hotel.
5.- Sarah es la ms joven de las 5 chicas.
6.- Ian es la persona ms inteligente de la oficina.
7.- Laura es la peor jugadora del equipo.
8.- Sam es el ms joven, pero Josh es el ms alto.
3.- Completa las oraciones con el superlativo de los adjetivos que se dan. Alguno se pueden usar ms
- The _______ spot in the oceans is called the Mariana Trench and its 35.979 feet deep in the Pacific
- Lake Titicaca in Peru is the ___________ navigable lake in the world. Its about 12.500 feet above the
sea level.
- The ____________ lake is the Dead sea, which is in the Jordan Valley of Israel. The surface of the water
is 1.302 feet below sea level. Its also the saltiest lake in the world.
- Lake Superior is the freshwater lake that covers the _________ surface area in the world.
- The Nile River in Egypt is the ____________ river and is 4.14 miles long.
- The worlds ______________ river ,according to the Guiness Book of World Records, is the Roe River. Its
only 200 feet long and flows between Giants Springs and the Missouri River near Great Falls.
- The Amazon Basin in South America is the ______________ river because it has the greatest water flow.
This is because it flows through the Amazon rain forest the largest and ____________ rainforest on
- Angel Falls in Canaima National Park, Venezuela is the ___________ waterfall in the world at 3.212

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

4.- Write sentences in the comparative and superlative form using the following information:

A tortoise / a rabbit / a lion (STRONG)

A BMW / a seat / a Porsche (EXPENSIVE)
A car / a bike / a motorbike (CHEAP)

- A tortoise / a rabbit / a lion (FAST)

- Maths / History/ English (GOOD)
- Messi / Ronaldo / Iniesta (HANDSOME)

5.- Complete with THERE IS / THERE ARE. ( afirmat, negat, interrog : (Repaso 1).

London isnt an old town. any old buildings.

Look!. a photograph of your brother in the newspaper.

Excuse me! . A bank here? Yes, at the end of the street.

. 5 people in my family; my parents, my two sisters and me.

How many students .. in your class? Twenty.

Can we take any photograph? No, a film in the camera.

Where can we sit? any chairs.

a train at 10:30. Its a fast train.

. Any cigarettes in the box.

6.- Prepositions of place: (in, next to, under, on, in front of, between ). Traduce estas frases.

Hay una nia en la casa.

El banco est entre el cine y la cafetera.

El gato est debajo de la mesa.

Pedro est en frente de la tienda.

Ese libro est sobre la mesa.

El coche est delante de la Biblioteca.

Estamos en la clase hoy.

El supermercado est al lado del aparcamiento

7.- Las preposiciones de localizacin : haz una frase con las siguientes preposiciones ( si no sabes el
significado, usa el diccionario ) : ABOVE, BEHIND, BETWEEN, BY, IN FRONT OF, NEAR, OPPOSITE,
8.- Vocabulary: Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

Buffet car

a) a place to eat on a train

b) bags and suitcases
c) it says when trains depart and arrive
d) what you must pay when you travel
e) planes do this at airports
f) it travels on water e.g. The Titanic
g) where you stand when youre waiting for a train

9.- Read the text and answer the questions.

Just before Christmas in 1944, a letter arrived at our house in Philadelphia. The postmark was
from Tuskegee, Alabama, so we all knew who it was from. We excitedly gathered around Mother
as she opened it at the kitchen table.
My Dear Mother,
I did not get the leave I expected for Christmas. I will miss all of you. Please leave the Christmas
tree up until I make it back. I hope to be home by March. Love from your son, Clifton
I was 17 years old at the time. My heart sank. I felt a profound sadness that my favorite brother
would not be home for Christmas. He was one of the Tuskegee Airmen and was responsible for
maintaining the airplanes flying off to fight in World War II.
My mother, being the optimist she always was, said, Well, it looks like well get to have two
Christmases this year!
After Christmas, my sister and I worked together to make sure we kept that Christmas tree
looking as pretty as possible. This was no easy feat.
By mid-January, the branches drooped so low to the ground that they became a sliding board
for the decorations. Each day, ornaments would come crashing to the ground and there were
brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor. My sister and I took turns
sweeping them up. We repositioned the ornaments to the stronger branches on the tree, hoping
they would stay on.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

Each time we freshened that tree up, my sister and I were full of thoughts about Clifton and
how happy we would be to see him again. It made us feel that he was close by, even though he
was hundreds of miles away.
On March 5, the doorbell rang. We ran to the door and gave Clifton a big hug. As he hugged
Mother, I could see him peek over her head at the Christmas tree.
Its beautiful, he said. Thank you. Clifton opened his presents and told us all sorts of stories
about his work in Tuskegee.
That night as we slept, we heard a crash in the living room. We all ran to see what had
happened. The tree had toppled onto the sofa and there were needles and broken ornaments
everywhere. We all had a good laugh. It was fortuitous Clifton got home when he did!

1) After Clifton's letter is read to the
family, the narrators mood shifts from
A. arrogant to humble
B. sad to joyful
C. uncertain to clear
D. excited to disappointed
2) In the middle of the story, we learn
that the mother is an optimist. This
means she
A. is not easily upset
B. upholds high standards
C. maintains a positive viewpoint
D. considers all outcomes before making a
3) What can we conclude about Clifton
by reading the letter?
I. He will not be home for Christmas.
II. He will be home by March.
III. He is one of the Tuskegee Airmen.
4) Which of the following words best
describes the work the sisters did to
help keep the tree looking pretty?
A. miracle
B. disaster
C. drudgery
D. teamwork
5) What is the most likely reason the
narrator compared the tree limbs to
a sliding board?
A. They were so high in the air.
B. The ornaments were slipping off.
C. The sisters liked to play on them.
D. The branches looked ugly without their
6) The main reason the narrator found it
necessary to maintain the Christmas
decorations so carefully was because she
A. holds a deep respect for Christmas
B. needed something to take her mind off

C. wanted the decorations to look good for

D. did not want to disappoint her mother
Questions (continued):
7) "Each day, there were brand new
sprinklings of pine needles all over the
wooden floor."
"My sister and I took turns sweeping
them up."
Which of the following is the best way to
combine the above sentences while
keeping their meaning the same as used
in the story?
A. Each day, there were brand new
sprinklings of pine needles all over the
wooden floor; despite this, my sister and I
took turns sweeping them up.
B. Each day, there were brand new
sprinklings of pine needles all over the
wooden floor, and so my sister and I took
turns sweeping them up.
C. Each day, there were brand new
sprinklings of pine needles all over the
wooden floor because my sister and I took
turns sweeping them up.
D. Each day, there were brand new
sprinklings of pine needles all over the
wooden floor unless my sister and I took
turns sweeping them up.
8) For the sisters, caring for the tree
came to represent
A. a continual hardship
B. a way of being close to their brother
C. the hope that the war would end soon
D. an ongoing Christmas celebration
9) What other title would best fit this
A. "Flying Home"
B. A Christmas War
C. "Granting Clifton's Wish"
D. The Disappointing Letter

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


ALL 4 ONE . I swear.
I swear by the moon and the ______ in the sky and I swear like the shadow that's by your side
I see the ___________ in your eyes I know what's weighing on your mind
You can be sure I _______ my part Cause I stand beside you through the years
You'll only cry those happy tears And though I _______ mistakes
I'll never break your heart
And I swear by the moon
And the ________ in the sky I'll be there
I swear like the shadow that's by your side I'll be there
For better or worse
Till death _______ us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear
I'll give you ___________ I can I'll build your dreams with these two hands
We'll hang some memories on the _________ And when (and when) just the two of us are there
You won't have to ________ if I still care Cause as the time turns the page
My love won't age at all And I swear (I swear) by the moon
And the ________ in the sky I'll be there (I'll be there)
I swear (and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there (I'll be there)
For better or worse
Till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear
And I swear (I swear) by the moon And the ______ in the sky I'll be there (I'll be there)
I swear (and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side I'll be there (I'll be there)
For better or worse (better or worse)
Till death do us part I'll love you
With every single beat of my ________
I swear I swear I swear

TAKE THAT. Back for good.

I guess now its time for me to ________, I feel its time
Got a picture of you _______ me, got your lipstick mark still on your coffee ______,
Got a fist of pure emotion, got a head of shattered ________,
Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now
Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didnt ______ it, I just want you back for good,
Whenever Im _______ just tell me the song and Ill sing it, youll be _______ and understood.
Unaware but underlined I figured out of the ________, it wasnt good,
But in the _______ of my mind I celebrated glory, but that was not to be,
In the twist of separation you excelled at being free, cant you find a __________ inside for me.
Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didnt ______ it, I just want you back for good,
Whenever Im _______ just tell me the song and Ill sing it, youll be _______ and understood.
And well be together, this time is forever; well be fighting and forever we will be_______________

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

1.- Translate these paragraphs into English:
a) En la casa hay ocho habitaciones grandes y dos habitaciones pequeas. Tambin hay un bonito jardn
con dos rboles pequeos. La mesa est en la habitacin cerca de la ventana. Hay un perro en la casa, es
un perro negro. Tambin hay un gato negro, pero no hay gatos blancos.
b) Mi padre a menudo habla cuando duerme. Sin embargo, cuando se despierta, nunca recuerda sus
sueos. Mucha gente habla y se levantan mientras duermen. Los expertos dicen que el cerebro nunca
duerme. Conozco a gente que tienen papel y lpiz para escribir los sueos.
2.- Complete with HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU or THEY:
- You and John ____________

- Eyes _________

- Sally and I __________

- Sister _________

- Jane and Mary ___________

- Pen __________

- Book _________

- Brother ________

3.- Change these sentences into plural:

- My cat is black _________________________

- I am tall ________________

- This dog is white _______________________

- This clown is funny ______________________

- He is an old man _______________________

- This fox is brown ________________________

- This is a fat cat _________________________

- He is a good doctor ______________________

- She is a good teacher ___________________

- It is a book ______________________________

4.- Underline or choose the correct word:

- This book is my/mine.

- The black skirt is her/hers.

- Mr Smith is their/theirs teacher

- This is Johns book. It is his/her.

- This is our/ours house.

- This car is their/theirs.

- My/mine dog is black and white.

- Dr. Black is her/hers doctor.

5.- Underline the correct alternative:

- Is your friends / friends name Robert?

- The girls/ girls names are Ana and Luisa

- My fathers / fathers sister is French.

- My parents / parents car is red

- the childrens name / childrens dinner is ready

- My cousins / cousins name is Juan

6.- Answer these questions using the correct prepositions:

- When do you usually do your homework?
- What time do you usually get up?
- When were you born?
- What days do you have English classes?
- When is the next Olympic Games?
- When do you usually watch TV?
- When is your birthday?
- What days of the week do you have maths classes?

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

1.- Complete using a Word from the box (special use of verb HAVE):
- I always have __________ for breakfast.
- I have an ___________ with the dentist at 3 oclock.
- Do you want to have a game of _____________?
- Janes having a __________ on Saturday. Are you going?
- Do you want to have a ____________? The bathrooms just here.
- I have an ___________ tomorrow, so I have to study tonight.
- We must have a ____________ to talk about these problems.
- Im going to the caf to have a _____________. Do you want to come?
- The hotel has a swimming pool, so we can have a __________ every day.
- We can have __________ before the film, or we can eat after it.
2.- Join these expressions with their definitions:
Greeting / Farewell / Expression
How do you do? / Nice to meet you
Good morning / afternoon / evening /
See you later /tomorrow
Bye, see you soon
Have a nice weekend / holiday
Happy birthday
Happy Christmas / New year
Excuse me
Bless you
Good luck

- To someone in his/her birthday
- To get the attention or when you want to past other people
- These expressions are used in different parts of the day
- You will see someone again, but have no plans to meet them
- Used in formal situations when you meet someone for the first
- If you plan to see someone you know late the same day / the
next day
- Used to express good wishes when you have a drink with other
- To someone when they sneeze
- When you say goodbye to a colleague or friend on Friday
- To wish someone well before a difficult situation
- To someone who has just achieved something
- To someone at the beginning of the year or just before or on 25 th
- When you want to say sorry or when you want to repeat what
they said

3.- Write a word for these definitions (shops & shopping):


A shop where you buy meat is a __________________

A place with any shops, either outside or indoors is a _______________
A person who works in a shop is a ______________________
The place where you can try on clothes in a shop is a __________________
The place where you pay for things in a shop is the ________________
To look round the shops without planning to buy anything ___________
A shop where you buy wine, beer and soft drinks is an ________________
A shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo etc _____________


Tienes que realizar una pequea investigacin sobre una ciudad de Gran Bretaa. Se escribir a
mano, en 2 3 folios blancos sin fotos ni dibujos, con mrgenes, en espaol y buena
presentacin. Podra haber una pregunta en el control del tema 4. Puedes elegir alguna de stas:
ESCOCIA: Aberdeen, Inverness, Glasgow, Stirling, Edinburgh.
GALES: Swansea, Cardiff.
IRLANDA: Dubln, Galway, Cork, Waterford, Belfast, Londonderry.
INGLATERRA: Oxford, Cambridge, Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton, Newcastle, Birmingham
James is
homeless man. For
him, life
is always

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

READING FOR CHRISTMAS. One hundred dollars.

Jethro gets ready for his job interview. He takes a shower. He shaves. He brushes his teeth. He
cuts his fingernails. He combs his hair. He puts on the new suit he bought just for today. Jethro
feels confident. He is also very nervous.
Here is why. Jethro graduated at the top of his class in college. Still, Jethro knows the economy
is bad. His dad just lost his job at the bank a few weeks ago! Many people are interviewing for
the very same job. There is a lot of competition.
Jethro is still positive. He thinks he has a good chance of getting the job at the technology
Jethro arrives at his interview at 9:45. He is 15 minutes early. He realizes the importance of
being prompt. He does not want to be late.
Have a seat. Mr. Stone will be right with you, the receptionist says.
Jethro sits. He thinks about what he has learned to do in an interview. Look people in the eye.
Give a firm handshake. Speak clearly. Jethro feels ready.
Mr. Stone is ready to see you now, the receptionist says.
Jethro takes a deep breath and walks into Mr. Stones office.
Good to meet you, sir, Jethro says and gives Mr. Stone a firm handshake and a smile.

1) What kind of job is Jethro
interviewing for?
A. a college job
B. a banking job
C. a technology job
D. a receptionist job
2) What is one thing Jethro does to get
I. He talks to his dad.
II. He calls Mr. Stone.
III. He combs his hair.
3) What time is Jethro's interview?
A. 9:30
B. 9:45
C. 10:00
D. 10:15
4) What does it mean to be
A. to be early
B. to be sure
C. to be worried
D. to be nervous
5) Why might Jethro be nervous?
A. He did not do well in school.
B. He is not a very good speaker.
C. He does not like to wear suits.
D. Many others are interviewing for the
same job.
6) What is competition?
A. when people get ready to go out

B. when people go for a job interview

C. when people feel they are not good
D. when many people are going after the
same thing
7) Why is it good that Jethro gets to
his interview early?
A. It gives Jethro time to think.
B. It helps Jethro speak clearly.
C. Mr. Stone likes people to be early.
D. The receptionist asks him to be there
8) What has Jethro learned to do in an
A. be positive
B. tell good jokes
C. talk about his college experience
D. look people in the eye
9) Why might Jethro be positive about
getting this job?
A. The economy is bad.
B. He did well in school.
C. Jethro's dad lost his job.
D. He knows Mr. Stone well.
10) Which of the following can help
make a good impression at an
I. looking people in the eye
II. wearing a new suit
III. being well groomed

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

The body, The face
was/were, could, Past simple: affirmative, negative and questions
Past simple: regular verbs (-ED)
Back in time
Talk about your abilities in the past, Interview a historic figure, English you need: Say whats
Child prodigies, Culture: Einsteins brain
Before/after + -ing form, My family history

1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con el pasado del verbo TO BE:
1.- Estuvo Ann en casa ayer por la noche?
2.- Nosotros estbamos muy contentos de verte.
3.- Mi abuelo fue mdico, y sus tres hijos fueron mdicos.
4.- La clase no fue interesante, fue aburrida.
5.- No puedo encontrar las llaves. Estaban aqu esta maana.
6.- Fuimos buenos estudiantes en el colegio? No, no fuimos.
7.- De dnde era Joe? Era americano, pero su madre era espaola.
8.- Quin era aquel chico? Era Sam, estaba en mi clase el ao pasado.
2.- Traduce estas oraciones con el pasado de verbos irregulares:
1.- Marco Polo fue a China en 1292 en barco.
2.- Ellos le dieron a Marie Curie el premio Nobel en 1911.
3.- Coln no fue el primer hombre en Australia, fue el primero en Amrica.
4.- Gan Francia la Copa del Mundo en 1994? No, gan Brasil.
5.- No nos levantamos a las 7.30 los fines de semana.
6.- Olvidamos los libros en clase ayer por la tarde.
7.- El verano pasado, mi familia gan una competicin en Espaa.
8.- Peter compr muchos regalos para su familia.
9.- Qu visteis? Vimos Trafalgar Square y el Big Ben en Londres.
10.- Hablasteis con mi primo ayer? No, l sali al colegio.
3.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con el pasado de verbos regulares:
1.- Ron vivi en Manchester 5 aos y despus trabaj en Liverpool .
2.- Vio Conrad la televisin ayer por la tarde en su casa?
3.- La semana pasada llovi mucho en Japn.
4.- Martina limpi el coche de su padre el sbado por la maana.
5.- El ao pasado no estudiamos francs en el colegio.
6.- Salt desde la ventana al jardn de su casa.
7.- Respondi a la pregunta? No, no respondi.
8.- Esperamos a Steve ayer? No, no lo esperamos.
9.- Laura escuch msica en el concierto de Jenny.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

La interrogativa en pasado: ( usando DID + suj + INF + compl.?, excepto el verbo TO BE )

1.- Conocas a ese hombre? S, es un amigo de Greg.
2.- Quera Oscar comprar esta casa? No, porque era muy grande.
3.- Jugaba Mary al tenis el ao pasado?
4.- Estaba tu madre en el saln? No, estaba en la cocina.
5.- Viste una buena pelcula ayer?
6.- Conocan los nios a los profesores? No, porque algunos eran nuevos.
7.- Olvid Jeff las llaves en casa?
8.- Llam Peter ayer? No, pero llam el jueves por la tarde.

5.- Traduce estas oraciones con verbos en pasado y AGO (que va siempre al final):
1.- Comenc este trabajo hace diez aos.
2.- Habl con Mark hace 3 meses.
3.- No me gustaba el profesor de msica hace aos.
4.- Yo estudi matemticas hace 12 aos.
5.- Estuve en la playa hace seis meses.
6.- Oraciones con CAN COULD expresando habilidad o capacidad para algo:
1.- No grites, puedo escucharte muy bien.
2.- Mara sabe tocar tres instrumentos: la flauta, el piano y la guitarra.
3.- Come en un restaurante todos los das porque no sabe cocinar.
4.- John no saba contestar las preguntas del test.
5.- Pude entender todo lo que dijo Pam.
6.- No saba ingls, pero saba hablar francs.
7.- Puedo comprar libros? No, no tenemos dinero.
8.- No poda correr tan rpido como Tommy.
7.- Completa con CAN, CANT, COULD, COULDNT, y luego tradcelas.
- Sue ________ play the piano really well.
- I _________ remember his name. Do you know it?
- You ________ take your driving test until you are 18.
- We __________ go now. Its stopped raining.
- We _________ go to the party because we went to a wedding.
- Last week he _________ come to school because he was ill.
- Not many people _________ run a marathon is less than three hours.
- I ________ swim even when I was a baby.
8.- Vocabulary: Complete these sentences with parts of the human body:
1.- A hand has five ______________

2.- A foot has five _____________

3.- An adult has 32 ______________

4.- You smell with your ____________

5.- The ___________ is a symbol of love

6.- You hear with your _______________

7.- The child sat on her dads ____________

8.- Your ___________ type can be A, b, AB or 0

9.- Vocabulary: Translate these sentences with parts of the human body:

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

10.- Read and answer the questions:

Julian works at the bookstore. First, his job is to unload boxes of books from the truck. Then he opens
the boxes. After that, Julian puts the books in different piles. One pile is for books that tell true stories.
These are called books of fact. Another pile is for books that tell stories that are not true. These are
called books of fiction.
Julian then puts the books on shelves in the bookstore. Putting books on shelves is what Julian likes to
do best at work. When Julian has free time at work, he likes to read through all of the books. His
favorite books are the ones that tell true stories about real people and their lives.
On Sunday and Monday, Julian does not work at the bookstore. On these days, he stays at home. He
uses this time to write a story about himself.
Julian grew up in Peru. Now he lives in the United States. He works at the bookstore to pay for school.
Julian wants to be a teacher. One day, he hopes to turn his story into a book. He hopes to see it at the

1) Where does Julian work?

7) Which word describes a story that is

A. on a truck


B. at a bookstore

A. fact

C. in Peru

B. fiction

D. at an art store

8) What does Julian like to do best at

2) What must Julian do first at his job?


A. open the boxes of books

A. unload boxes

B. read through all of the books

B. open boxes

C. unload boxes of books

C. put books in piles

D. sort through piles of books

D. put books on shelves

3) What is the second thing Julian

9) What does Julian do during his free

must do at his job?

time at work?

A. open boxes

A. write stories

B. tape boxes shut

B. read books

C. put books on shelves

C. tell stories

D. put books in piles

D. put books on shelves

4) In how many piles must Julian put

10) Which books does Julian like best?

the books?

A. true books

A. two

B. funny books

B. three

C. sad books

C. four

D. books with happy endings

D. six

11) Why does Julian work at the

5) In what piles are the books placed?


A. easy and hard

A. to buy a house

B. long and short

B. to pay for clothes

C. true and not true

C. to pay for school

D. funny and not funny

D. to pay for a trip to Peru

6) A book that contains a story that is

12) What does Julian hope to turn his

not true is called

story into?

A. a book of fact

A. a book

B. a book of fiction

B. a movie
C. a play
D. a TV show

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


Verbs of movement, Science fiction
there was/there were, Past continuous, Past continuous: questions, Past simple v. past
Weak forms
Close encounters
Say what was happening, Describe an alien encounter, English you need: React to stories
Witnesses, Culture: Unsolved mysteries
Past time expressions, My story

1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones de pasado continuo: ( was/were + ING form)
1.- Bill no estaba leyendo una revista en la biblioteca.
2.- Alex y Alice estaban escuchando msica en el parque.
3.- Pam estaba hablando con Ben cerca del rbol.
4.- Mi padre no estaba viendo las noticias en la televisin.
5.- El gato estaba trepando al rbol muy deprisa.
6.- Ayer no estuvimos comprando en el Centro, fuimos a la tienda.
7.- No estuvimos comprando aquella camisa porque no me gusta comprar.
8.- Cuando Harry lleg, estbamos escuchando las noticias.
9.- Susana se estaba durmiendo mientras Rafa tocaba el piano.
10.- Qu libros estuviste leyendo ayer por la tarde?
2.- Completa los huecos con verbos en past simple or past continuous:
1.- I _______(see) the accident, when I _________(wait) for the bus.
2.- I ________(write) a letter while you ________ (clean) the windows.
3.- When I _______(come) in the room, two boys ________(play) football.
4.- I __________(break) my pencil while I ________(do) my homework.
5.- While we ________(run) in the park, Mary _________(fall over).
6.- Jim _______(break) his leg while he _________(play) golf in Almuecar.
7.- Peter ________(turn on) the TV, but nothing ________(happen).
3.- Completa las frases con pasado simple o continuo y las traduces:
1.- When I _____ ( go out ), it _____________ ( rain ).
2.- When Mary ________ ( arrive )home, she ___________ ( make ) tea.
3.- When I _________ ( see ) John, he __________ ( shop ).
4.- When Peter _________ ( see ) , he __________ ( stop ).
5.- When I _________ ( walk ) , they __________ ( talk ).
6.- He __________ ( talk ) when I __________ ( walk in ).
7.- The police __________ (arrive) while I ____________ (have) breakfast.
8.- While I ___________ (take) a summer course, I ___________ (meet) many people
9.- My father _____________ (cook) the dinner when he _____________ (burn) his fingers.
10.- We ______________ (have) a party when the neighbours ________________ (complain)

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

4.- Completa el siguiente prrafo, usando past simple & past continuous, adems del verbo entre
My sister Naomi _________ (meet) her husband when she _________ (travel) round New Zealand. She and
some friends ____________ (tour) the South Island when they _________ (stop) in Christchurch for a few days.
While her friends ___________ (shop), she ____________ (go) to look round an art gallery. She _____________
(look) at a sculpture when a young man ___________ (come) into the room and ____________ (start) to put it
into his rucksack. She _________ (call) the security guard because she _________ (think) the young man
_______________ (try) to steal it. She ___________ (be) very embarrassed to discover that the sculpture
_________ (belong) to the young man. However, while he ___________ (pack) it away, they _____________ (chat)
and then he __________ (ask)her to have a coffee with him. They ____________ (get married) three months
5.- VOCABULARY: Complete using walk, run, jump, dance, swim, jog, climb, fall in the correct way.
- Jack likes _________ round the park every morning but betty prefers___________ the dog.
- Everyone______________ at the party last night.
- Every day Jane _____________ 10 lengths of the swimming pool before breakfast.
- James can _____________ very fast. He has won a lot of races.
- Robert loves ___________ hills.
- The old lady ____________ on her way home and broke her arm.
- Sandra ___________ into the swimming pool and quickly _____________ to the other side.
- It is much better for you to ____________ to work than to go by car.
6.- VOCABULARY: RIDE, DRIVE, GO BY or TAKE? Complete with the correct one.
- Can you __________ a motorbike?

- He works for a railway company. He ___________ a train

- She sometimes _________ the underground - I prefer to _________ a bus than ___________ a car
- Would you like to __________an elephant?

- You never forget how to ____________a bike.

- I usually __________a taxi when it rains

- He goes away from home a lot. He ___________a lorry.

7.- Utiliza la informacin y los verbos que se dan para hacer oraciones negativas en PASADO

They/ for the test _____________________________________________________

She / home for the weekend _____________________________________________

I / tea.It was coffee ____________________________________________________

It / yesterday. It was sunny. ______________________________________________

You / to me! __________________________________________________________

Michelle / more shoes __________________________________________________

We / computer games __________________________________________________

His brothers / their bedroom ______________________________________________

Pierre / the car ________________________________________________________

The computer / because it was broken ______________________________________

8.- Corrige estas oraciones:

- They are walking their dog every afternoon.
- They visit me often at weekends.
- Look at that car! It burns!
- The police are stoping the traffic.
- What are you meaning?
- He always tells the truth?

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

9.- Read the text and answer the questions.

Today is a special day for Talia. She is getting ready for a dinner celebration. She wants to look very nice for
her night out. First, she gets her hair cut at a salon. A salon is a place where people go to get their hair and
nails done.
Then, she gets her fingernails painted pink. A woman who works at the salon paints Talias nails.
Talia is not happy with the color. She asks the woman to change the color to purple. She likes the purple
very much.
It is almost time to go out. Talia goes home and looks in her closet. She tries on a pair of light blue pants
with a white shirt. She tries on a purple dress with a black belt. She tries on a brown skirt with a green top.
She wears the purple dress. Many of her friends and family are at the restaurant when she gets there.
She hugs her mother and father. She gives her grandfather a kiss. Talias sister gives her a big smile. Her
best friend, Asra, gives her a present. Tomorrow is Talias birthday, but she is celebrating it tonight.
Happy Birthday, Talia, they say. You look great!
I feel great because all of you are here, says Talia, for my last night as a teenager.

1) What is Talia doing for her special day?

6) What does Talia do when she sees her

A. She is having a party at home.


B. She is going to her friend's house.

A. She smiles.

C. She is making dinner.

B. She says hello.

D. She is going to a restaurant.

C. She gives them a hug.

2) Why does Talia want to look nice?

D. She gives them a kiss.

A. She is celebrating.

7) Who smiles at Talia?

B. It is a national holiday.

A. her mother

C. She is going to church.

B. her sister

D. She is going a dance.

C. her father

3) What does Talia do first?

D. her friend

A. She picks out a dress.

8) How old is Talia?

B. She gets her nails painted.

A. 15

C. She gets her hair cut.

B. 16

D. She goes out to eat.

C. 19

4) Why does Talia change the color of her

D. 21


9) As described in the beginning of the story,

A. It does not match her dress.

what is a salon?

B. She is not happy with pink.

A. a restaurant

C. Her friends tell her to change the color.

B. a place where people talk about business

D. She is not happy with purple.

C. a gift shop

5) What does Talia wear out?

D. a place to get hair and nails done

A. light blue pants

10) Why does Talia feel great?

B. a brown skirt

A. because she looks great

C. a purple dress

B. because her friends and family are there

D. a green top

C. because her hair is cut

D. because her nails are purple

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

TV programmes, Electrical appliances
Countable and uncountable nouns, a lot of, some, not any, How much? How many?, a lot, not
much, not many, none, not much/not many with verbs
// and //
Switch on!
Do a habits survey, Talk about things you cant live without, English you need: Give
TV habits, Culture: Switch off!
My favourite TV programme/film, because and so

1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones usando contables e incontables:
1.- Cuntas obras escribi Shakespeare? Escribi un montn.
2.- Cunta azcar necesitas para hacer un pastel?
3.- S un poco ingls y hablo unas pocas palabras de francs.
4.- En Oxford hay un montn de museos y pocos bares.
5.- Escuchas msica? No, pero voy a muchos conciertos.
6.- Hay un montn de cines cerca de mi casa.
7.- No debes comprar muchos libros porque no hay mucho dinero.
8.- Tienes muchos amigos ingleses? No, pero tengo un montn americanos
2.- Los cuantificadores: a lot (of), (a) few, (a) little, much, many, some, any,
1.- No puedo encontrar nada de mantequilla, pero tengo algo de aceite.
2.- Las plantas necesitan un poco de agua cada da.
3.- Pocas personas comprenden las matemticas.
4.- Tengo un montn de azcar en la cocina.
5.- Necesito mucha harina para hacer el pastel, pero no necesito muchas manzanas.
6.- No tiene algo de dinero, pero tiene algunos amigos.
7.- Puedo ofrecerte algo de caf? Gracias, pero prefiero algo de t.
8.- Cuntos amigos tienes? Tengo un montn.
9.- Estudio muchas asignaturas, pero slo apruebo algunas.
10.- Unos pocos estudiantes irn a isla Mgica el prximo mes.
3.- Uso de los determinantes contables e incontables: SOME y ANY.
1.- I would like _________ water.
2.- There arent ______ letters for you.
3.- We neednt ________ milk.
4.- Shes got _______ interesting friend
5.- Are there ______ restaurants?
6.- Do you Know ________ americans?
7- Have you got _________ time free on Wednesday afternoon?
8.- ________ of Lauras friends were at the party last night?
9.- I have three sets of house keys, and I cant find _________ of them now.
10.- I dont do _________ revision for the exam!
11.- Helen can ride a bike without __________ help now.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

4.- Completa con HOW MUCH o HOW MANY, y luego traduce:

-.......................... students are in your class?

- .. bread is there in the cupboard?

- .. languages do you speak?

- . People are there in the party?

- is a ticket to Berlin?

- . Books do you need each day?

- .................. computer games have you got?

-.............. water do you drink every day?

-.................. people live in your house?

- ............. hours do you watch TV every week?

5.- Uso de los determinantes contables e incontables: MUCH y MANY.

- She doesnt speak _____________ English.

- She doesnt buy _____________ clothes.

- I havent got ____________ time.

- Do you play __________ football?

- There arent __________ people here

- Are there ____________Americans in your company?

- We dont have ___________ rain in summer.

- I dont eat _________ meat

- Have you travelled to ____________ countries?

- We dont go to ___________ films

- Was there __________ traffic on the road?

- Not __________ tourists visit our city

6.- Vocabulary: Fill the gaps using: soap opera, documentary, nature, teenage, internet, comics, news.
- The ___________ in on Channel 3 at nine oclock every night.
- Ten million people watch this ____________ every week. Its very popular.
- There was a ____________ about traffic problems in cities last night.
- I saw a ___________ programme about birds in Antarctica.
- My sister is 13, she reads ___________ magazines every week. She likes the love stories in there.
- With my computer I can get the sports news on the ____________
- Most young children dont read newspaper, they prefer ____________________
7.- Read the text and answer the questions.
Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the
shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearts and a Velcro tab. Now she needs
new shoes.
Maddy's mom takes her to the department store on Saturday morning. The store is filled with people looking
for shirts, dresses, pants, and toys. Maddy's mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is crowded, and
there is a long wait. Maddy does not mind.
Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She sees a
pair of green flip-flops. She wants the purple sneakers.
"But you do not know how to tie your laces," says Maddy's mom.
"I will learn," says Maddy.
Maddy's mother thinks. She does not want to tie Maddy's laces each morning before school.
"If we buy the purple sneakers, you must learn to tie them before you can wear them to school," says
Maddy's mom.
"I will! I promise!" says Maddy. She is very happy.
Maddy practices tying her laces for the rest of the day. She practices more on Sunday. Finally, she learns
how to tie her laces. She gets to wear her new shoes to school on Monday.
"I did it," she says with a big smile.

1) Why does Maddy need new shoes?

2) How does Maddy get a hole in her shoes?

A. Her shoes are too small.

A. riding her skateboard

B. Her shoes are very old.

B. riding her scooter

C. She lost her favorite shoes.

C. jumping rope

D. She got a hole in her shoes.

D. playing basketball

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

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2 E.S.O.

3) Which shoes have a hole?

7) When can Maddy wear her shoes to

A. the green flip-flops


B. the red sandals

A. when she learns how to tie the laces

C. the pink shoes with hearts

B. as soon as she leaves the store

D. the purple sneakers

C. after summer vacation

4) Which shoes does Maddy want to buy?

D. tomorrow

A. the pink shoes with hearts

8) As used in paragraph 8, what does

B. the purple sneakers

promise mean?

C. the green flip-flops

A. that Maddy wants to learn to tie

D. the red sandals with dots

B. that Maddy will learn to tie

5) How does Maddy feel about the long wait at

C. that Maddy cannot learn to tie

the store?

D. that Maddy might learn to tie

A. She is mad about it.

9) What does Maddy's mom not want to do?

B. She is happy about it.

A. buy Maddy new shoes

C. She is excited about it.

B. buy Maddy green flip-flops

D. She feels okay about it.

C. buy more than one pair of shoes

6) Who does Maddy see in the store?

D. tie Maddy's shoes each morning

A. a lot of people

10) How might Maddy feel after learning to

B. her older sister


C. her friends from school

I. happy

D. one of her neighbors

II. proud
III. nervous

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


JAMES BLUNT. Youre beautiful.
My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant. My love is _____, I saw an angel, of that Im _______
She smiled at me on the ________, She was with another man
But I wont lose no sleep on that, cause Ive got a _______
Youre beautiful, youre beautiful, youre beautiful, it ______
I saw your _______ in a crowded place, and I dont _______ what to do,
cause Ill never _____ with you.
Yeah, she caught my ______, as we walked on by
She could see from my _______ that I was flying high
And I dont think that Ill see her ______,
But we shared a moment that will ______ till the end.
Youre beautiful, youre beautiful, youre beautiful, it ______
I saw your _______ in a crowded place, and I dont _______ what to do,
cause Ill never _____ with you.
Youre beautiful, youre beautiful, youre beautiful, it ______
There must be an _____ with a smile on her face, when she thought up that I ________ be with you
But its time to face the _________, I will never be with you.

BABYFACE "Change The World"

(feat. Eric Clapton)
If I can reach the _______, Pull one down for you, Shine it on my ______ So you could see the truth:
That this ______ I have inside Is everything it seems. But for now I find It's only in my __________.
And I can change the world, I will be the sunlight in your universe.
You would _______ my love was really something good, Baby if I could change the world.
And if I could be _______, Even for a day, I'd take you as my queen;
I'd have it no other way. And our l______ would rule This kingdom we had made.
Till then I'd be a fool, Wishing for the _______...
That I can change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would ______ my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world. Baby if I could change the world.

TEXAS. "In Our Lifetime".

There are _______. I can't tell you. I love you _____ _______ to say
I stand undressed. But I'm not naked. You ________ at me and who I am
Understand that it is _______ to tell you. That I've given all I have to give
And I can understand your feelings. But then ____________ has a life to live
Once in a lifetime. You have seen ________ I've seen
You will _________ swim for shore. Once in my lifetime
I'll never be in between. Some _________ you just can't ignore

Now reach out. You can touch _______

I'll let you have my life to share. Years, the days
And the __________. Yeh time has such a puzzling grace
Understand that it is hard to tell you. That I've given _______ I have to give
And I can understand your feelings. But then everybody has a life to _________
I just need to have your _________. I just can't say no
It's a gift from way above. I just can't say no
It's the one big ___________. If there's one thing I can have
I just can't say no. I just can't say no. Yeh yeh yeh
Chorus (x2)

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

CONSOLIDATION 2. (everybody)
1.- Translate these paragraphs into English:
a) Iremos a la playa, iremos a Brighton. Cogeremos el tren temprano y estaremos en
Brighton a las 11:00. Nos baaremos en el mar y nos tumbaremos en la arena.
Compraremos helados y patatas fritas y yo me beber una cerveza fra. Por la tarde
visitaremos los jardines y el zoo, compraremos unas postales. Cogeremos el tren a las
18:00 y llegaremos a casa a las 19:30. ser un da fantstico.
b) Mary, ayer vi a tu hermana. Dnde la viste? La vi en la estacin. Hablaste con ella?
S, estuvimos hablando. Qu te dijo? Me dijo que iba a Reading a ver a su amiga. S,
su amiga Pauline, va a verla a menudo. Bueno, ah viene mi autobs, voy a cogerlo.
Adnde vas? Al centro, maana es el cumpleaos de mi madre y voy a comprarle un
2.- Fill in the right word from the list as in the example:
- The cat is _____ (Helen)

That red car is ________ (Jane)

- The car is ________ (You & Helen)

Those flowers are __________ (Mother)

- These books are ______ (Donna & I)

When is _________ birthday? (Father)

- Are those cards _______? (Debbie & Jane)

__________ car is black (Jack & Joan)

- It is _______ food (The dog)

That bag is _________ (I)

3.- Put the verbs into the correct tense (pay attention & be careful):
- She always _________ (GO) to church on Sundays.
- I __________ (BUY) a new bicycle last week.
- My family ____________ (GO) to the theatre yesterday.
- Tom _________ (LIVE) in London three years ago.
- My mother ___________ (MAKE) some coffee now.
- Sam ___________ (GO) to the circus tomorrow.
- I _________ (TALK) on the telephone at the moment.
- Sally always __________ (TIDY) he room at the weekend.
- I _________ (HAVE) dinner in a restaurant last Friday.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

1.- Fill in the gaps with a suitable word:







We had really thick ___________ this morning.

When its hot, you still get a lovely ___________ off the sea.

I hope we dont get any more thunder and ___________

We had a heavy __________ of rain this morning, but it only lasted minutes.

The hurricane completely __________ the village. Theres nothing left.

Its quite hot when the sun ____________ out.

Whats the _________ today? It feels much colder than yesterday.

Hey said it was ten degrees below __________in New York yesterday.

2.- Complete using an animal from the box:


A _____________ goes to sleep in winter and walks very slowly.

A ________ has a very long neck.

_____________, ____________ and __________ are birds.

_____________ and ___________ are large cats.

You can ride a __________ and an _____________.

_____________swim and ______________ fly.

You can buy __________________at butchers.

_____________ and _____________ give us things for breakfast.

3.- Fill in the gaps with one of these verbs:


Do you ___________ much exercise?

I only __________ volleyball in the summer.

If possible, Id like to ___________ a fitness club.

I love football. Do you? Which team do you __________? Liverpool.

My Dad played football but he __________ last year because he was too old.

We used to ___________ camping in the mountains.

Why dont you __________ hiking o swimming, or something?

If you want to __________ fit, you need to run some miles four times a week.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

I live in a house by the water. I sit by the water each day. I take my bag there with me. In it, I
pack a book and a blanket. I also carry a chair and a basket of food.
I walk down my back steps and sit in the same spot along the grass. When I go out to the water
in the morning, I am alone. I hear the water. I see the boats. I feel calm. It is the part of the day
I like best. Later, some children come to play by the water.
It is afternoon. I hear them laughing. I see them play ball.
Nestor, Nestor! the children yell when they see me on the beach. I wave and smile.
Play ball with us, Nestor! the children shout.
No, thanks, I say. "I am too old to play ball. I walk with a cane and my hands are no longer
good at catching."
I try to read my book, but it is hard with all the noise. I watch mothers and fathers fish along
the shore. I am happy. I hear the water. I see the boats. I eat my lunch. Later, the sky gets dark.
I gather all of my things and go back to the house. I get in bed. I hear the water through my
open window. The sound puts me to sleep.

1) Where does Nestor live?

6) When do the children come to the

A. on a farm


B. on a mountain top

A. in the morning

C. in a boat on the water

B. in the afternoon

D. in a house by the water

C. in the evening

2) What does Nestor do each day?

D. at night

A. He sits by the water.

7) What kind of person does Nestor

B. He plays by the water.

seem to be?

C. He runs by the water.

A. calm

D. He swims in the water.

B. sad

3) Which of the following things does

C. loud

Nestor bring with him to the water?

D. young

I. food

8) What does the children's noise

II. a blanket

make it hard for Nestor to do?

III. a fishing pole

A. eat

4) Nestor lives in a house by the water.

B. catch fish

What is another way to write this?

C. read

A. in the water

D. sleep

B. over the water

Questions (continued):

C. close to the water

9) Who fishes?

D. far away from the water

A. Nestor

5) What do the children do by the water?

B. the children

I. fish

C. mothers and fathers

II. laugh

D. all of the above

III. play ball

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

10) Why doesn't Nestor play with the

12) What does Nestor mean when he says


that the sky gets dark?

I. He is too tired.

A. that it is night

II. He cannot catch.

B. that it is raining

III. He feels he is too old.

C. that the wind is blowing

11) How do Nestor's feelings change

D. that the sky is angry

during the story?

13) What is Nestor's favorite part of the

A. from calm to sleepy to happy


B. from sleepy to calm to happy

A. the morning

C. from calm to happy to sleepy

B. when he is watching the children

D. from happy to sleepy to calm

C. the afternoon
D. the night

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

Healthy habits , Body words
Should, should: questions, must, must v. should
Mind and body
Give tips, Give instructions, Give opinions, English you need: Give opinions
Train your brain, Culture: Nothings impossible
but and although, My top tips

1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones expresando consejo (VERBO SHOULD):
1.- No deberamos trabajar los fines de semana.
2.- Deberas respetar las seales de trfico.
3.- Debera Susan jugar el ltimo partido? No, est enferma.
4.- Alan y Josh deberan ir al colegio todos los das.
5.- Yo no debera comprar esa casa porque es muy cara.
6.- No deberas hablar rpido, deberas hablar despacio.
7.- Debera trabajar los domingos? No, no deberas.
8.- Maana debera ir al gimnasio por la tarde.
9.- Qu debera hacer? Deberas tener ms cuidado.
2.- Usa la informacin que se da y el verbo SHOULD para hacer oraciones:
- we / go / out for a meal sometimes __________________________________________
- Martin / do / more sports __________________________________________________
- you / see / a dentist ______________________________________________________
- you / not be / rude to Chris _________________________________________________
- we / study / for the exam ___________________________________________________
- I / not see / the computer so much ___________________________________________
- she / send / me an e-mail __________________________________________________
- they / buy / him a present __________________________________________________
3.- Give advice for the following situations using SHOULD:
- I have a terrible headache. ___________________

I havent got any money. ______________________

- I have a difficult exam tomorrow. _________________

My mother cant sleep. ___________________

- I cant speak Chinese. __________________________

I want to lose weight. _____________________

1.- FATHER: You _________ home by eleven.

2.- TEACHER: You ______________ in ink

3.- FRIEND: We ___________, were late

4.- DOCTOR: You _____________ smoking

5.- BOSS: You __________politely on the phone

6.- TAX OFFICE: You ___________ the tax now

7.- MOTHER: That child __________ to bed now

8.- TEACHER: Your daughter ____________harder.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

5.- Complete these sentences with these expressions: be careful, have a good journey, help!, Hurry
up!, look out!, Sleep well, come in, dont forget..., dont worry, follow me, have some ....., make
yourself at home, sit down, wait for me!
-_______________. Theres a child crossing the road in front of you.
- ______________. Were going to be late.
- ______________. Theres ice on the steps.
- ______________. I cant swim.
- ______________. Thanks!. Ill send you a postcard.
- Im going to bed. Goodnight. __________________________.
- Ill be at home late tonight. OK, ________________ your keys.
- ____________________. I cant walk as fast as you.
- ____________________ coffee. No, thanks,If I drink any more I wont be able to sleep
- Id like to speak to the manager. Of course, sir. ___________, please.
- Jills gone into hospital. _________________________. Shell be all right.
- Hello. ____________in and ___________ down. Please, ______________
6.- Put in SHOULD or MUST:
- Do I look all right? You ___________ get a haircut.
- I cant leave, I ____________ finish this work today.
- I __________ take more exercise, but Im too busy.
- You ____________ not smoke near babies.
- The sign says we ____________ not smoke here.
- What _________ I do to get a visa?
- You ___________ be over 16 to buy cigarettes in here.
- What music __________ I play? Id like Mozart.
7.- Vocabulary: Translate these expressions.
- Im very well ______________________

- Im fine ______________________

- I dont feel well ____________________

- I feel ill ______________________

- Im going to be sick ____________________

- Ive got a headache _________________

- I got hay-fever ____________________

- I sneeze a lot _________________

Now translate these illnesses:

Asthma, malaria, cholera, heart attack, cold, cancer, toothache, AIDS, stress
8.- How do you call people from: Germany, Britain, china, Nepal,

Scotland, Peru, Sweden, Egypt,

Holland, Portugal, Iraq, Brazil, Iceland, Poland, Argentina, Israel, Jamaica, Spain, Switzerland, Korea,
Greece, Russia, Finland, France, Australia, Ireland, Wales, Egypt? Write them in the correct box.




Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

9.- Read and answer the questions:

It is Levis birthday. He has a party at home with his family. Everyone sings, Happy Birthday!
Levi has nine candles on his cake. He blows them out. He opens his presents. Levis mother and father give
him a bicycle. Levis little sister gives him a game. Levis uncle gives him a baseball jersey. Levis grandma
and grandpa give him 20 dollars!
"Thank you!" he yells to everyone.
Levi is excited. He likes all his presents. He likes the 20 dollars best. It means he can go to the store. He can
buy anything he wants!
Can we go to the store now, Mom? asks Levi.
Mom frowns. Levi, your guests are still here. I will take you to the store tomorrow.
That night, Levi dreams of all the things he might buy with his 20 dollars.
Maybe I will buy a video game! Maybe I will buy a guitar! Maybe I will buy a camera! Maybe I will buy a tool
In the morning, Mom takes Levi and his little sister to the store.
Will you buy me something, too? asks Levis little sister.
Maybe, Levi says. He runs to look around the store. Ugh!
The guitar costs more than 20 dollars. The video game costs more than 20 dollars. The camera costs more
than 20 dollars. The tool kit costs 12 dollars.
Levi buys the tool kit. He buys his little sister a key chain. He buys his mom a pack of gum.
You are a sweet boy, Levis mom tells him.

1) Who is at Levi's party?

7) When Levi goes to the store, it is

I. his parents

A. morning

II. his friends

B. afternoon

III. his teachers

C. evening

2) How old is Levi?

D. night

A. 9

8) Levi doesn't know that

B. 10

A. he has received many presents

C. 11

B. his baseball jersey is too big

D. 12

C. most things he wants cost more than 20

3) What does Levi's sister give him?


A. a baseball jersey

D. his sister has more money than he does

B. a bike

9) Levi goes to the store with his

C. a game

I. sister

D. money

II. mother

4) How does Levi feel about his presents?

III. uncle

I. He likes all of them.

10) Levi buys himself a

II. He likes the money best.

A. pack of gum

III. He likes the game least.

B. key chain

5) Levi dreams about buying a

C. guitar

A. bike

D. tool kit

B. camera

11) Levi buys himself a tool kit. What

C. key chain

else does he buy?

D. baseball jersey

A. a game and a pack of gum

6) Levi's mom frowns at Levi because he

B. a key chain and a pack of gum

A. is mean to his sister.

C. a key chain and a guitar

B. asks for more money.

D. a game and a key chain

C. does not thank everyone for his gifts.

D. wants to go to the store during the party.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


Measurements, Life plans
will: facts, will: questions, Future time expressions, going to, will: predictions
My future
Predict changes, Talk about life plans, English you need: Talk about measurements
The human body, Culture: Doctor who?
My cause, Paragraphs

1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones de futuro: ( will, wont ).
1.- Martn estar aqu maana por la noche.
2.- Susan y Ron jugarn al tenis en la pista 3.
3.- Nosotros comenzaremos la clase a las 9:10.
4.- Ellas no vivirn en Granada el prximo ao.
5.- Hablarn Lauren y Helen con el primo de Steve?
6.- A qu hora empezar el concierto maana?
7.- Creo que llover maana porque est nublado.
8.- Cundo sabrs los resultados de los exmenes?
2.- Uso del futuro de intencin: ( BE + Going to + infinitive ).
1.- Eric va a jugar al ftbol maana.
2.- Dnde vas a poner ese cuadro? Voy a ponerlo cerca de la ventana.
3.- Alice va a ir a la universidad en septiembre.
4.- La madre de Frank va a tocar el piano en ese teatro.
5.- No vamos a comprar las entradas esta semana.
6.- Alec va a vivir en Barcelona en verano, y en Madrid en invierno.
7.- Qu vas a comprar para el cumpleaos de Mark?
8.- l no va a leer la carta de Gary.
3.- Diferencia en las siguientes si debes usar WILL o GOING TO:
1.- Im sure that Mary ________ have a baby.
2.- Perhaps we _______ meet again one day.
3.- Be careful, you ____________ fall down.
4.- Look! Andy ________ fall off his bike.
5.- I think you _________ love Scotland.
6.- Look at those clouds: it ________________-- rain.
7.- Laura es la peor jugadora del equipo.
8.- Sam es el ms joven, pero Josh es el ms alto.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

4.- Traduce estas oraciones usando I THINK. / I DONT THINK.:

1.- Creo que Peter no est en casa.
2.- No creo que ese problema est bien.
3.- Creemos que no tenemos dinero para comprar la entrada.
4.- Susan cree que no ir al partido maana.
5.- Crees que Ryan estudia en este colegio? No lo creo.
6.- Crees que no s lo que estoy haciendo.
5.- El futuro: WILL (cosas seguras, inevitables), BE GOING TO (intenciones y predicciones), PRESENT
CONTINUOUS (citas futuras, sealadas en agendas etc..)
1.- Voy a aprender a jugar al tenis el prximo ao.
2.- Ir al teatro el prximo mircoles, tengo las entadas.
3.- Visitar al mdico el mircoles que viene a las tres.
4.- Cumplir 23 aos el prximo martes.
5.- Creo que no va a venir a clase hoy.
6.- Le vas a escribir una carta? No lo s.
7.- Maana es sbado, as que no iremos al colegio.
8.- Los Jonson no vendrn maana a visitarnos.

6.- Vocabulary: answer the following questions using vocabulary from the unit.
- How far is the nearest shop?

- Whats the length of the room?

- Is it very far to a Post Office?

- Whats the height of that wall?

- Is it a long way to the next town? - Whats the depth of the pool?

7.- Vocabulary: use your dictionary to look up these words / expressions.

- Rent an apartment

- Go camping with my tent

- to get a gentle breeze

- walk along the cliffs

- to have a paddle

- to sunbathe on the beach

- To get a suntan

- to get sunburn

- Spend holidays in seaside resorts - to cool down on a sunny day

8.- Read this text and answer the questions.

It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania. The temperature is below freezing. Snow is
starting to fall. Dr. James turns on the television to check the weather. He must leave for his
work at the hospital soon.
Today is going to be very cold, says the TV weatherman. Be sure to wear very warm clothes
when you go outside. Also, be careful driving on the roads. Snowfall will make them slippery. In
fact, if you can stay home today, do it!
Dr. James cannot stay home. Very sick people are waiting to see him at the hospital. He goes to
his closet. He takes out the warmest clothes he has. He puts on a sweater, jacket, gloves, socks,
boots, and a hat. He opens his front door to go to work. A gust of cold air blows inside.
Wow, it is very cold outside, Dr. James says. He is from Miami and is not used to the cold.
The weatherman was right!
Before he can drive to work, Dr. James must clear the snow off his car. He does this very fast.
He hops in the car. He shivers. His neck feels especially cold.
Dr. James drives slowly to work. Everyone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffic on
the road. There are cars in front of and behind him. Suddenly, the cars in front of Dr. James
come to a stop. There has been an accident!
Dr. James hurries from his car to check on the driver of the car that has swerved off the road.
Is everyone okay? Dr. James asks.
Yes, yes, we are fine. We slipped on a patch of ice, the driver says. This would have been a
good day to stay home in bed.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

1) If the weather is frigid, it is very
A. cold
B. rainy
C. windy
D. slippery
2) In what city does this story take place?
A. Florida
B. Miami
C. Pennsylvania
D. York
3) Dr. James doesnt stay home because
A. There are sick people waiting for him.
B. He listens to the weatherman.
C. He has to clear snow off his car.
D. He must help the people in the accident.
4) What could Dr. James have put on his
neck to keep it warm?
A. gloves
B. a scarf
C. another hat
D. a jacket
5) What does Dr. James do before he
leaves for work?
I. He dresses warmly.
II. He checks the weather on TV.
III. He clears snow from his car.
6) Given what is said in the story, what
is probably true about Miami?
A. It is a warm place.
B. It is a rainy place.
C. It is a windy place.
D. People drive slowly there.
7) How are people driving today?
A. badly
B. slowly
C. very fast
D. like they do not care
8) As described in the beginning of the
story, what does it mean if the roads are
A. The roads are full of cars.
B. The roads are easy to slide on.
C. The roads are very long and curvy.

D. The roads lead to a place with lots of

9) Why does Dr. James clear the snow off
his car quickly?
A. because he is very cold
B. because he is late for work
C. because he knows his patients are
D. because he knows he will have to drive
10) There is a lot of traffic on the road.
How can we rewrite this sentence?
A. There is a lot of snow on the road.
B. There are a lot of cars on the road.
C. There are a lot of accidents on the road.
D. There are a lot of people walking on the
11) Why did the car have an accident?
A. because it was snowing outside
B. because Dr. James hit the car
C. because it was so cold outside
D. because the car slipped on a patch of ice
12) What is an accident?
A. something that hurts people
B. something that happens only in the
C. something that happens that has not
been planned
D. something that happens because other
people want it to
13) What is the weatherman right about?
I. It is a windy day.
II. It is very cold outside.
III. The roads are slippery.
14) Why does Dr. James hurry from his
car after the accident?
A. because he is very cold
B. because he wants to get to the hospital
as soon as possible
C. because he is worried about his patients
waiting at the hospital
D. because he wants to make sure the
people in the car are okay

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


Superstitions, Causes
First conditional, First conditional: questions
some/any/no + body/thing/where, every + body/thing/where
/b/ and /v/
Special days
Talk about consequences, Create a special day, English you need: Make a decision
Consequences, Culture: Charities
My cause, Paragraphs

1.- La condicional: tipos ZERO (pres pres) & FIRST (pres fut con WILL). ( La condicional lleva IF)
1.- Si estudio durante el curso, apruebo en Junio
2.- Si llueve, haremos la fiesta dentro de casa.
3.- El agua hierve si la calientas.
4.- Estar muy feliz si apruebo el examen.
5.- Si Dave juega todo el partido, se cansar.
6.- No puedo dormir si tomo caf por la tarde.
7.- Si pierdes la tarjeta de crdito, tienes que llamar al banco.
8.- Comeremos en el jardn maana si no llueve.
9.- Qu haremos si perdemos el avin?
10.- Si no hablas espaol, no puedo entenderte.
2.- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and make conditionals:

I (need) some money if we (go) out tonight.


It (be) funny if Norman (get) the job.


If the boys (come) to supper, I (cook) chicken breast.


The kitchen (look) better if we (have) red curtains.


What (you do) if you (win) the lottery?.


If you really (love) me, you (buy) me these diamonds.


It (be) nice if you (spend) some time with the children.


If she (come) late again, she (lose) her job.

9.- I (go) to the mountains, if I (be) free on Saturday.

3.- Complete the following conditional sentences, using the information in brackets:
- If you dont take an umbrella , ________________________________ (get wet)
- If you dont wear a coat, ____________________________________ (catch / cold)
- If he watches too much television, ______________________________ (hurt / eyes)
- Ill be angry, _______________________________________________ (you / scratch / car)
- We wont get tickets for the match if _____________________________ (not buy / now)
- Will you give John the message ________________________________? (see / him)
- You cant go into the club if ____________________________________ (not be / member)

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

4.- Complete the words using indefinite pronouns:


- Is _________body at home?

- What did you say? No_______

- I havent seen Ann _______where

- Theres ________one at the door

- Can I do any________ to help?

- You can find Coca-Cola every____________?

- No__________ understands me

- Where did you go the weekend? No_____________

- I want to tell you some___________

- Every________ in my family has blue eyes

- Every_________ in this shop is expensive

- I want to live ________where warm.









any/thing/body/where); every/thing/body/where; no/body/thing/where).

- Hay alguien llamando a la puerta.
- Todos hicisteis los deberes ayer?
- No hay nada en el frigorfico, est vaco.
- No puedo encontrar mis llaves en ninguna parte.
- Mi ta Susana vive en algn lugar en el sur de frica.
- No vi a nadie en la fiesta el fin de semana pasado.
- Nadie estudia los fines de semana, el profesor est muy enfadado.
6.- Complete the boxes with the expressions in the correct one:
Mistake, homework, exam, meal, housework, photo, money, subject, break, friends, course, decision, noise,
the shopping, a shower, progress, research, a bus/train/plane/taxi, a difference, somebody a favour,
periods of time, well, a seat, something/nothing/anything, time off.



7.- Read the text and answer the questions.

Martin is in a hurry. He is late to work again. Martin's boss doesn't like it when he is late. Martin was late
last week. His boss told him not to be late again. He really wasnt joking either. He was serious. I mean it,
Martin remembers him saying. Martin thinks he might lose his job if he is late again. The time is now 7:15
am. Martin needs to be at work by 7:30. It takes him 22 minutes to drive to work.
Things dont look good, he says to himself.
Martin runs out of the house. He jumps in his car. He puts the car in reverse. He backs up without looking.
BOOM! There is a sound like someone hitting a drum. Martins car jerks to a stop. He has hit the car parked
behind him.
Oh, no! Martin exclaims. He is angry now. Martin looks at his watch. It is 7:18. He needs to get to work.
He looks around. There is no one on the street. There is no one nearby. He looks in the parked car. It is
empty. Martin drives off quickly. He gets to work 10 minutes late. Martins boss is not around. Thank
goodness, he says to himself.
He stops worrying. He sits at his desk to work. During lunch, Martin goes out to the parking lot. He looks at
his car. There is a big dent in the back. Then he thinks about the other car the car he hit this morning. "I
know that car is damaged too," he thinks.
He feels guilty. That was not right, Martin says to himself. He will see if the car is still outside his house
when he gets off work.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.

1) At the beginning of the story, Martin is in a

8) Martin checks if there is anyone nearby.

hurry. What does this mean?

What does nearby mean?

A. He is running.

A. in

B. He is angry.

B. next to

C. He is late.

C. close by

D. He is moving fast.

D. far away

2) Why is Martin in a hurry?

9) Why doesn't Martin get in trouble with his

A. because he is late

boss today?

B. because he is running

A. His boss is not around.

C. because he is moving fast

B. He gets to work on time.

D. because he had a car accident

C. His boss feels sorry for him.

3) Martin remembers when his boss told him,

D. Martin says he is sorry for being late.

I mean it. What does this mean?

10) Who does Martin talk to in the story?

A. The boss is serious.

I. himself

B. The boss is angry.

II. his boss

C. The boss is emotional.

III. his friends

D. The boss is interested.

11) How do Martin's feelings change during

4) What does Martin think will happen if he is

the story?

late to work again?

A. from hurried to guilty to angry

A. He will get a pay cut.

B. from angry to guilty to hurried

B. He will need to buy a watch.

C. from hurried to angry to guilty

C. He will get fired from his job.

D. from angry to hurried to angry

D. He will need to adjust his schedule.

12) Why did Martin look around after he hit

5) What time does Martin need to be at work?

the car?

A. 6:30

A. He needed help.

B. 7:15

B. He wanted a ride to work.

C. 7:30

C. He needed to check the time.

D. 8:15

D. He wanted to check if anyone saw him.

6) If Martin leaves the house at 7:15, what

13) As used at the end of the story, what does

time does he get to work?

it mean to feel guilty?

A. 7:32

A. to feel bad about doing something

B. 7:37

B. to feel worried about doing something

C. 7:40

C. to feel unsure about doing something

D. 7:52

D. to feel like you want to change something

7) What is the loud noise?

14) What might Martin do if the car he hit is

A. Martin yelling

still there after work?

B. police sirens sounding

I. He might try to hide the dent.

C. Martin driving off the road

II. He might try to find the owner.

D. Martin hitting someones car

III. He might leave a note on the windshield with

his phone number on it.

Colegio Monseor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz

C/ Principado de Asturias s/n

Dpto de Idiomas
2 E.S.O.


MADONNA . Material Girl.

Some boys kiss _____, some boys _____ me, I think theyre _____, if they dont give me proper ______,
I just ________ away, They can ______ and they can ________,
But they cant ______ the light, cos the boy with the ________, Hard cash is always Mr. _______
Cos we are living in a ___________ world, and I am a __________ girl,
_________ know that we are living in a _________ world,
and I am a ___________ girl.
Some boys ________ and some boys _________ And thats alright _______ me,
If they cant raise my ___________, then Ill have to let them ______ Some boys try and _______ boys lie, but I
dont let them ________ , Only boys that ________ their ___________ Make my __________ day
Cos we are living in a ___________ world, and I am a __________ girl,
_________ know that we are living in a _________ world,
and I am a ___________ girl.
Living in a material world, material!!! Boys may _______ and boys may ______, and thats alright you ______
_____________ has made me ________, and now theyre __________ me.

McFLY. The Way You Make Me Feel

I think of ______________, And all the times I ___________ being lonely
I watched the young being __________ While all the singers sung About the way I _________
The days are here again, When all the ________ go down,
What do they show me?, The rules _______ all the same
It's just a different game, To ________ you how I feel
Although it ________ so rare
I was always there
Ooh, ooh, I can't _______ digging the way you make me feel
Ooh, ooh, I can't stop digging the way
Ooh, ooh, I can't stop digging the way you make me feel
I _______ a little time, Scripting all the ________ that I tell you
I'll send them through the _________, And if all goes well, It'd be a day or ________
I spent ________ extra nights, Trying to _________ the things that I've shown you
By now the smoke is cleared And all along I feared, It would ________ out this way
Though it might be _________
My light is always on
Look at us now, ________ me, how did this get so
I'll tell you how, Drag my _________ on the ground
But I'm taking em' all (taking em' all)
And I'm _________ to walk, yeah

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