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Northwest Missouri State University

Social Media Strategies

Brandon Bland

Brandon Bland
Social Media Strategies
Jodell Strauch
June 16, 2015
Social Media Plan Part One Comic-Con San Diego

Comic-Con San Diego was initially founded in 1970 when a group formed of comics, science
fiction and movie fans came together In order to start a convention that would raise the
awareness of comic books, science fiction related film and television as well as other popular
arts. Originally the idea was to have a mini-convention that would house supporters and fans
alike that would raise money in order to host a larger convention over a span of three days.

Mission Statement
Comic-Con San Diego is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and creating awareness
of and appreciation for, comics, science fictional television and film as well as other popular art
forms primarily through presentations of conventions that celebrate the historic and ongoing
contribution of these popular art forms to art and culture as a whole.

Target Audience
The main target audience of Comic-Con San Diego San Diego is Science Fiction and Comic
Book lovers of both male and female genders between the ages of 5-79 years old.

Social Media Footprint

Facebook: Comic-Con San Diego originally started in San Diego, and their Facebook page is
saturated with user generated content from people that have been at Comic-Con and their
reviews of it. There was not much content from the creators as their Facebook page was flooded
with comments in regards to the San Diego Comic-Con attempting to sue Salt Lake Comic-Con
for copying their Comic-Con.

1.2 million likes

16,492 people talking about this

Twitter: There is more of a corporate presence on their Twitter feed. It would seem as if they
have abandoned the other social media platforms in order to reach their audience on the Twitter
platform. All of their promotions are on Twitter and they do not seem to cross post their

3 following
1,718 tweets

YouTube: Again, this part of the platform has been unused and it does not make since because
they hold a convention every year and yet their videos have not been updated for about a year
and the last update was about preregistration.

12,553 subscribers


Salt Lake Comic-Con

o Facebook: they post just about every day or at least once a week. Promoting their
conventions and activities that lead up to the conventions
o Twitter: they are very consistent and attempt to interact with their fans but they
did not cross post any information.
o YouTube: they constantly post videos and seem to have a very consistent way of
approaching their fan base as well as they seem to have a drive to keep in
connection with their fans.
New York Comic-Con
o Facebook: they have multiple posts out toward their fans with promotions leading
up and in between their events
o Twitter: they make somewhat consistent posts to their fan base and have mostly
positive feedback.
o YouTube: they have not posted for 5 months which seems to be only when an
event is coming up in order to reach a wider fan base.

Social Media Information

Neutral Brief mentions of the event without certain implications of favorite or hate.
Ex. Comment: I think I would want to see Hugh Jackman at Comic-Con this year
Ex. Comment: I really hope Comic-Con will end up in Maryville, Missouri this year

Comic-Con San Diego

o Facebook Talk was negative
o Twitter Talk was neutral
Salt Lake Comic-Con
o Facebook talk was neutral
o Twitter talk was neutral
New York Comic-Con
o Facebook Talk was neutral
o Twitter talk was neutral

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