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July 1999

Dear friends,
My, hov; time flies! Both Henk and I
have returned safely and v/ithout major mis
hap form our hoped for trip to he in the
U.S. for John Kark*s graduation.
internet John Mark was able to find cheap
Only hitch:'' we had to travel



Kenk's month (May 3-30) was

past almost before we realized he'd

Unfortunately, due to a change

in policy and a misunderstanding, John Mark

did not get to graduate from L.C.C. Kay 13
as expected. He will be receiving his

diploma (equal to graduation with his BA

degree) as soon as the requirements for



GREEK are turned in.




pray for him as he finishes these

requirements during the summer break from College and when he

resumes studies in Seminary while ministering with young people

in Springfield:^ 111,
V-Ze were able to share in the lovely ordination service for John Mark,

setting him apart to full-time ^iristian ministry at the Prairie Streams

church. Dad and Mom Roland were also present from Kansas Cnow retired
from their mission years in India), Folks who'd planned on being present
for graduation visited with us at John's home before going on to their next
How nice to share with longtime friends and acquaintances in
this way.

Also while Henk was still in the States we made a road-trip tl learned
some new expressions from our Americanized son!) to visit his family in

Peachtree '^ity, Ga. It was an all to short visit with Sam and Kina Surfus
and their grown/growing family as well as Herman and Alice Boonaerts Csome
we've not seen in over 6 years). To wrap up the Georgia trip we all
celebrated John Mark turning 30 with the ."Belgian clan" in the home of
Kina's oldest daughter.
For you who remember Kina and would like to write,,

they are at 303 Broken Bit 'Way, Peachtree City,


30269; phone 770 ^86

We made several trips to L.C.C. to benefit from their media center

and bookstore (copying audio cassettes and viewing pertinant videos and
buying several books on sale to be useful in our further ministry and

personal spiritual life).

Fortunately we were also able to visit one of

our SLCC professors, Russel Boatman and

onetime fowarding agent, Louella

Roller together.
Returning to Belgium Henk picked up a detox program with
one of his addict friends that he'd started before his departure.

God there was willingness to continue this hard process of breaking

the drug habit.
Pray for strength and insight, patience and grace
for each involved in this demanding ministry.
One high priority and very important reason for the trip to the States
was concerning the fowarding agent situation.
After much prayer and un
certainty, God did open doors almost at the last moment!
Visiting Linda
Coake just days before my return to Belgium, I was able to assure her of
new folks taking over.
By way of this letter we also want to notify you

of the upcoming changes.

Through the month of July gifts can still be sent
to Linda at the Tri-City church in Virginia,
THEN BEGIKNING IN AUGUST Larry and Barbara Falish of Iowa will resume

these duties. From then on please make checks payable to the Community
Christian church, including a note indicating funds are for Belgium for
Christ support. Mail these to Larry and Barbara Falish. % Community,

fphnnP^TQ ^^l ^Q69),

Church, 912 .20th Ave,. Coralvillp^ Tntxra
Please pray for a smooth transition, strength and understanding
for Larry and Barb, longtime friends and supporters of this
Belgian work. Thank Qod for t^ieir willingness, along with
the Iowa ^^hristians to be our new "funneling congregation"

for your donations,


With this good news I will close :for now.

Next time I plan to tell some

more about my stay in the States until'July 5 and update on the ministry to
addicts in and around Genk.
May you Have a refreshing and fruitful summer

as you continually look for the coming of our Lord.

(I Thess. 4:13-18)

pray it will be the encouragement to you it was intended by our brother Paul.
So even though time sort of got away and we've not been in touch since our

Jan.-Feb. writing or seen as many as vje*d hoped, v^e have had much for which

to praise God and be thankful.

Signing off until next time, I remain for

time and eternity your friend and sister in Christ,

ya u/ l /

Especiallj'" for those we didn*t see here's a picture taken while in the States

and one of our granddaughter, Chloe (a year and half old alreadyi) that we
shov/ed 'most everyone i>rhile there!
Besids William and Jean Roland (far
right)fHenk and myself, you see John Majrk with his girlfriend, Michelle Cox
of Granite City, 111,



<L^ /


' -V



Hello to vou,
I'm back again after a month of all sorts

of activities with a new page of "prayermunition" items. You'll never guess the praise
and prayer points this time#

It would seem

Larry and Barb's stay in Iowa turned out more

temporary than any of us realized. It has
evidentally already served God's purposes*
Larry was able to find a new job for himself


and an apartment for them to move to all in a

week's time..

God was good and they were able

to move back to the Green Bay area where they

had lived before and many of their family and

friends are. To contact them personally;
Larry and Barbara Falish, lll4 Western Ave,
Green Bay, Wisconsin 5^305; phone

920 497 3294,

They were still looking for a

church home when he called in Sept.

Barb is

also recovering from a stay in the hospital

but is doing better with a change of medi
cations, so please keep all these matters in
your prayers.

But that's not all.





To make the fowarding team complete there is also

^ "funnelixig--ehTircli''
also already
able to maJc^,-a?rangements
Church of~~Ctni^.
This isbeen
only a^G<Jngregation that has long supported efforts in Belgiuciv-but Larry
has^^rved with this group in the past and knows the present preacK^^ This
i^a double blessing all around surely. So take note of this changeaS^o,
please. _ Make checks out to the Mountain Church of Christ and mail them^th
note indicating the donation is for Belgium for Christ expenses/fundinaHelen Anderson, 95^7 N, Kelly Lake Road, Suring, Wise, 5^174

Isn't it

eat these folks join the ranks in a new position! Thanks to the Coralvilie


tians for their involvement in this time of transition.

Ther^"-i^___^s^ll more for which to praise the Father and

petition lriS-fti-r41ier.__gj^i_da^LC_e_aj^blessings, so read on.

I always find it a bit hard to know wBTch news

lends itself for prayer each month as~there is always an

abundance. Since we've already been on the topic of

health it seems natural to include some updates con

cerning our health at this time. as you porbably realize
since my malignant thyroid cancer operation in I995 it is advisable to

have a reoccurance check-up once yearly. That time has just uassed and I
had to be without the thyroid harmone several weeks in preperation for the
radioactive scan.

(That in itself can be a trauma with several undesirable

symptoms 1) There were some uncertainties so I had to return a second day.

Fortunately "there were no arguments" so I was given a "clean bill"

as far as those tests were concerned. Butthere was an enlarged lymph

gland wich which the Dr. wasn't to happy. It is therefore with great
relief and thankfulness I report these extra tests showed benign gland
so it's only necessary to return again about this time next year for
the regular testing!

However, as can be expected with those above 50, health begins to

deteriorate noticably and we each have our troubles with which to cope.

We had hoped to take advantage of cheaper prices while in the US.




and buy eye glasses. We discovered these are o^ item not cheaper, so
waited until getting back to Belgium. While "house-sitting" for
friends this summer we went for eye check-ups. I;enk is now getting
used to bifocals (see foto next page while in Andre and Brigitt's

nome) and I'm enjoying seeing slightly better with stronger reading glasses,

^e botn have occasional toothachs so need dental cars, but are glad to still

have our own teeth (though the number seems to deminish almost yearly!)
Henk also has to take necessary precautions as he has a weakness for stomach

Lately he's been having trouble with

ri^ht arm and leg^


rheumatism from his roof-repairing days. He plans to have this

checked out before long as it begins to hinder his walking
abilities more and morem and the pain; 'even is keeping him
awake nights sometimes,
After 10 years searching for the cause of a

coughing irritation it was discovered I had a stomach

condition (I) for which I've been taking rather

expensive pills for a couple years.

Along with several

If Bfjrt



" y(

other precautions including careful diet, it seems to be

more or less under control. It does seem to act up in the

spring and fall, as is often the case with chronic stomach


Also my arthritis is slowly causing more and more

' aJ

" |L^

disability so that I hope to get some outside help for the

household. Fortunately this is a possibality via our (socialized)
health insurance but it will take adjiustments and extra finances,

There's one more ^'HEALTH TKHiliD" I cannot refrain from sharing

with you about.

It is something I have never experienced to such

and extent as the last few weeks.


Henk has brought so many reports

of various addicts he has seen in the, shopping areas (center or malls,

whichever you prefer). Time and again he is so excited and glad to tell

of various ones being so well on the way to recovery from their habit,
looking good and seeming to make headway.

For this we can but praise God


and petition that it may have it's complete working as they recover toward
spiritual soundness as welli
Th HIM be the GLORY,

As we get older, nearing the "retirement age" we realize it just takes

longer to get things done and we're not able to tackle as much as when we

were younger.

Maybe that's one reason having/being able to spend more time

with devotions and spiritual matters is a blessing.

me when reading I Thess. 5sl2-2^ recently,

This especially struck

"...respect those who work hard

among you...hold them in highest rega.rd in love because of their work...

help the weak., be patient with everyone,,,be joyful always, pray continually;
give thanks in all circumstances...may God himself...sanctify you through and
through, >iay your whole spirit, soul' and body be kept blameless.. .The one who

calls you is faithful and he will do |it."

Sorry if the outlined changes have caused some inconvience or delay the
past few months.
It seemed best to wait until we had all the information to

pass on to you at once. A hearty thanks again for working with us in.every
way you happen to be involved. . Peace to you and may you be in good

health: body, soul and spirit.

My regards in Christian love,

Pedicurea brand new sensation for Hary ii-sther,

first in

Feachtree ^ity, Ga, this summer with Kina's daughter.

There's a young lady in the congregation in Opglabbeek
who's in training.
'.^Jonderful to have your painful feet

pampered this way,

I'm hoping it can become a regular

on my agenda with Sabine shown here and my feet,..

Hi! Again,


back in Belgium two months already# I

attended the regional mission's prayer



meeting Sept, 7 and it seemed like I'd been

absent a year. It had been four months for

me, what with being away in the states and



they wern't held for two months since so many

were gone on vacation#,

It was so good to see

iS^everyone again and pray for friends in various

parts of the world.

Other activities are beginning to pick

up now also,. It seems once school starts,

traditionally the first day of September in

Belgium, Bible studies, committee meetings,
etc, also start up again!

Sept^. 12 is (at

composition) the "Open Bouse" of Bethesda


Cguest speaker, workshops and aconcert of some


H0P/ERWH3 14 X 2

^ where John Mark did his internship a few years

They usually have a good prograni with

gospel group in the evening.

Aug.. - Sept.. 1999

One usually sees lots of friends from other

congregations besids being informed of this Christian counseling center's

activities, making it a nice happening.

So, one gets back into the swing

of life where one is,

I LEFT JOHN'S PLACE for Pittsfield, 111. where I was to meet my folks to
make^my way East for my flight out. I stopped by the Christview church in

St. ^harles, Mo. where we'd attended when John was born 30 years ago.


was good to see Tom McGee, former president of SLOG and others we'd known.

In Pittsfield I got to see a friend I'd met as a girl while on furlough

from India. .. V/e had-stayed friends over the years but had not seen each-

other in some 15 years, (She even considered being our fowarding agent at
one time.) It was great to visit with her, her folks and others, and see
places we'd shared my first years at LCC. My parents came from Kansas and
we went first to visit Dad's second brother, Clyde and his family in


Then we headed to Virginia where we stayed with former missionaries

to India,

It was at Bill and Ethel Gulick's I was able to visit with Linda

Coake sharing new plans for her job being taken over by Larry and Barb. The
stay there was far to short, but they were expecting other guestsalmost
like Grand Central Station at their home, they know wo many people!
Our next destination was my oldest brother Charles' home in Maryland.

^ We attended a church that Sunday where my folks had been in '95 just before
^V^returning to India,

They had told of my cancer operation so folks had

prayed for me. They seemed glad to have an update on my condition.

preacher was an LCC student during the time I attended and he'd even
stayed at Grandad Roland's ! Nice to have such surprises and blessings
along the way,
V/e'd made reservations to attend a

Woodstock old students reunion in

Bristol,. HI next. Since Mom had attended the V/oodstock boarding school in
India, as well as all four of us kids and both Dad and Mom had taught and
been dorm parents, this was a must. There wern't a whole lot of my genera
tion present, but I surely had a great reunion with those who were, and
enjoyed the workshops, Indian food and so forth tremendously!
It all ended"

July ^ as I had to be in Newark, NJ the 5th to return to Belgium.

My folks

got me safely on a shuttle bus that whisked me off for my flight.

While still at John's after Henk left, I made several short trips and
had visits with my brother David and his wife Glenda and several friends of

LCC and SLCC days and supporters of the Belgian work.


Each was a special

gift of
with several
adding up to make this
oi God,
uoQ, along witn
severaj. other
oT^ner surprises

^^:i"furlough" so very different from every oither.

It was truly with very

mixed feelings I returned, but I'm so thankful
for the trip and for being
back home as Belgium has also become.

AN INTiiiNSE RECOVERY TREATMENT program in our home with an addict came to dh'

end and Kenk went to Oostend to visit his brother Willy, relaxing and re
gaining strength at the North Sea.

Back home he met several other addict

friends, childhood classmates and others while he was in the shopping

centers (malls) in Genk. He came home with reports of several who were
really good, going to better their education, and in different ways
making serious efforts to become responsible citizens in society, Some

times he gets word of some he's worked with who are sitting out Jail
sentences, or sees one who's "gained weight and is really looking good,"
or hears of one who has a new girlfriend and seems to be "getting his act
together," There are always ups and downs but it is encouraging to see
positive efforts and results every once in a while. Two even instigated
talks about immersion and what it entails to follow Jesus so steps are

being taken in the right direction spiritually, also.

Seed planted, who

knows when, how long ago or how often, does take root.,.

Without perseverance in prayer none of this could be possible.


and they are dependant on those who ^rfreetle on their behalf, though they
may be unaware of the need or the battle.

Bless you and God and all who

join with us and thank you again very ffluch for, in one way or another,
being part of the lifeline in Belgium for Christ.

James 1:4-8

Bye for now,

JL 0-^^


The new letterhead is a wheatfield in

Opglabbeek, Beyond the field and behind
the clump of trees is our home. There is

a new kind of plant that is filling small

fields and plots of ground.

I've been

intrigued to see this fad of something new


being harvested in Belgium that hadn't been

seen to this extent before#

In many places

you see pumpkins and gords for sale like

at this home near ours..

box quaint?

(Isn't their mail

Typical here in Belgium..)


hope and pray the

spiritual harvest
this year will also

bring Him glory

all over Belgium
as Christians
witness and

faithful to
their LORD

Please find'someone to
pray with or share this

prayer and praise page

with others.- -.feke ch^ks

o\^ t<^ Comraun;2^y Chpistia

indi^y^ing ix is ^or
3eJ^iumJ>f Chri^.
to Larry and Bacrb Falish,

Thanks ageuLn l

'-' I hope you are ready for some encourage

ment because I think that's what ;-ou are about
to set.

Someone must have prayed.


Lots of someones,

in fact and for a long time. YC'J may have been

one of those "someones." Someone spent several
hours teaching.

Someone convicted the heart of a

sinner as HE so often does.

Someone opened his

heart in belief and the miracle began to happen.

Then carefully plans began to be made, .-ilready
from honday it was known that vhere was going to



be an immersion in the Genk church of Christy

Those responsible for the baptismal robes did

their part. The elder did what was necessary
to fill the baptistry.

The sonr service was

finished and everything was ready,

hop;erweg u y 2

i'-oone ex

pected what happened next. V.hen the two were

about to go down into the waterlo! and behold

it was all but goneJi

ixtra scngs were sung,

L. ./f9 f

spontaneously chosen by otners present v/ith an emphesis on Daniel as our nev;

brother was named. We sang about daring to stand knowing you aren't alone
though facing all sorts of oig problems, "ivhen he was finally immersed it was
in sufficient warm v^ater, ihat was a blessing as it was a winter day soon after
the temperatures had dropped to freezing, as so often, even tnis mishaD turned
out lor the best, all things working together...

But now, v/ho is Daniel?

^-ne of the addicts rienk has worked with, on and

off, sometimes alone and some'^imes with others, for the past 2-5 years. Since
this summer the subject of fcllov/ing uesus has come up more often. Daniel
began reading lervorently in zr.s -::ible. That's always a jrood sign. Kany
questions anc long discussions followed. I-le began to be concerned about fellow
addicts, r.e even openi.y v/ivnessed (in henk's presence) to two other junkies
that "his 'drug' was the c-icle." These are all signs v;e'd experienced with
young converts during criurch planting days, an exciting and joyful time

for us and we're sure tnere muse have been a lot of rejoicing in heaven.
Remarkable was the peace anc arive Daniel sroke of, telling he was convinced

God^was^the only One wno could help him.

As an immersion text he was given

1 Tim, o:12 and we're anxious ~o see what plans God has for cur new brother

and how he'll be used in his kin;:dom and where.

Another kind of feasting i allowed shortly after the old -^aniel v/as buried,
V.e were invited to spend Thanks giving with an American military couple involved in the educational syste m who live in the province of Limburg, Our

friendship has grown over the y ears having been in their home several times,
They attend the Genk Free Lvanr elical church and are involved with youth t:iere,
Carolyn had often stayed over night with us as John had to be away from home
quite a lot. Just over a year ago they adopted two
Hussian children makin-r Lila and Yuri brother
and s i s t e r 1



l i f e with a

Sunday dinner
with henk's
i'-iom in her home

Also present for tlie big meal was a ./ounrj couple, John ar. i Jarolyr. also

2 in the foto), recently moved to Belgium with the "?o ri wenk" factory.
They expect a stay of about a year and half. They're air 5ady making headway learning Dutch, we discovered.
-he fourth couple was also a missionar;
couple, and "mixed" marriage, she being .wTierican and he elgian. He is
presently involved as a prison chaplain.
It was a very e njoyable evening
getting to know eachother and sharing experiences of adju sting to the
Belgian culture as Americans)
It was a real ThAr-KSGIVIIiG , probably our
first to celebrate since about '95i that in itself making z special.
Together with vvilly and Sue Tops
v/ere unexpectedly clz si as the guests
of honor adding a kind touch of encouragement,
3 next 10 henk in foto.)

Several weeks before all this happened, I'd just gotten back from a short
bike ride.
I'd hoped to catch a better view of the sunset by the fields
east of our home where there aren't so many trees and houses.
The wind was
blowing pretty hard as I went along and I had to bike up hill part of the
I missed the sunset but while sitting outside the house I looked up
at the clouds. They appeared completly calm and still. Suddenly I saw a
first star of the night then I thought, no 1 it must be an airplane, it's
moving pretty fast.
Soon I realized it was still equidistant from our home

an awful long time so ^

wasn't "npving,"

Instead the clouds, that I

thought were so calm and s-till were! flying past causing this optical illusion.
Isn't that how i t is in life sometimes? V/e're surrounded by troubles,
frustrations, doubts and inadequacies in the midst of a bad situation, with


-ing-ir^p') us-i-. It doesn'-t SEEMthings ar-e- moving or at-

least not fast enough.

Then suddenly everything is past and we realize God

was working after all.

Nothing in life, not the "good things" nor the "bad
. IT
are forever.
Everything i
life is temporary.
V.'hat a relief to
know God i s at work all around us, all the time, near and far away, in us
and others.
V/orking to bring aboujt lis purposes and what He has ordained^
(Eph.. 1:11) It has alwaj'^s been that way and it always will be. Life is a




This is one reason i t is gooG to ikr.ow that some are sent and otiiers stand
behind those sent,
I want to than K you who've faithfully stood behind our

sending" in so many ways.

Do you realize come Hay,


viill have

been here

30 years? 've couldn't have made it without your support Spiritually and
materially helpers make our presence in Belgium possible, so Daniel and
others like him can hear the gospel and have the opportunity to accept it.
This gives cause for celebrating tliat actually brings glory to Christ, All
praise to His name in summertime and wintertime, at Thanksgiving and Christ
mas ,

May the good news of the angels some 2000 years ago be cause for celebration

during this season and every day off the coming year for you and all dear to

Rejoice in the Lord always, i I v;ill say it again., r.e.^oicei (rhil. k:k)

K^tanton's (/r 1)

for a very special





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