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CERN – The Blunder of Search for Higgs Boson Particle

CERN research Programme for “Higgs Boson particle” and answers for question
like origin of mass, dark matter, unification of force is underway with huge public
fund. The energy used to split the particle is three and half times higher than
previous experiment. The next experiment would raise the energy further many fold
at huge increase in expenditure. Where will it end? In our mad quest for material
power we are making the simple nature more complex and at the same time we are
leading the whole world to BIG COLLAPSE

Common sense tells us that Symmetry is death. Asymmetry is the foundation of

nature. With out asymmetry flow cannot occur. Quantum flow is the foundation of
nature and its dance and it manifest into motion. The simplest way to imagine
quantum dance and the coexistence of symmetry and asymmetry is to imagine
number eight with the arms existing in 4:3 ratio. A quantum flow occurs from the
dominant to the recessive. Half way through the flow there is an external symmetry.
The system wishes to exist in this state. But by the law of energy transfer leads to
quantum collapse and the ratio reverses 3:4 and a new journey begins in reverse
direction. The process of quantum collapse occurs in four steps and complete cycle
takes 8 steps. For more details read site “Awakening to Truth”

Now we can answer the fundamental question that CERN is enquiring

1] What is the Origin of Mass? – Answer is simple. The origin of mass is non-
equilibrium design. The smallest particle to the whole nature has this design.

2] What is the origin of Dark Matter – Dark matter coexists with white matter in an
inseparable way. They exist as day and night, as inertial and gravitational mass, as
kinetic and potential energy. When the ratio of their coexistence reaches a critical
limit in favor of one of them the system begins to collapse and go into new order.
We in the ignorance of truth have up set the day and night or time/energy cycle of
nature and are heading towards a GREAT COLLPSE.

3] The question of unification of force – Nature works on two opposing force gravity
and anti-gravity. It works on two opposite systems life and mater. Matter and
Gravity tends to collapse to a center in time. Life works against it to sustain the
universe. The only exception is ADULT Human being who has become slave to
material force and eats the forbidden fruits. By ignorance modern man has aligned
with material force and is breaking the design of earth, upsetting the day and night
cycles, climatic cycles, leading himself to self destruction and to the BIG
COLLAPSE The only hope
for humanity exist to awakening to Truth of Nature

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