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Vatican Easing Humanity Toward

Alien Disclosure?
Sermon Overview: Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel
Funes in a long interview with the L'Osservatore Romano newspaper
this week made news by saying "Just as we consider earthly
creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an
'extraterrestrial brother'?". The statements by Funes are the latest in
Dr. Scott Johnson a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a
belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life. In
asking whether little green men might be guilty of original sin, the
Catholic theologian astronomers don’t blink. Fr. Funes said he was
sure that, if aliens needed redemption, they “in some way, would
have the chance to enjoy God’s mercy.” Vatican astronomer, Guy
Consolmagno was more explicit: there’s no problem in getting the
Son of God to every planet with ETs because, as Christians accept
every Sunday during the Holy Eucharist, “Christ is truly, physically
present in a million places, and sacrificed a million times, every day
at every sacrifice of the Mass.” Consolmagno tackled this subject in a
50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe. Approximately 7
years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he
said ETs were actually already interacting with earth and that some of
the Vatican's leaders were aware of it. Before his death in 1999,
maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such
more than once. Some perceive this as a careful doctrinal unveiling
over the last 24 months & a deliberate effort by church officials to
"warm-up" the laity to ET Disclosure. We will also be looking at a
Cutting Edge article entitled: "Holographic Technology Takes Huge
Leap Upward! Technology To Stage Antichrist Is Perfected". New
Age leaders love to brag that, when their New Age Christ arises, his
image shall be projected globally using Holographic technology.

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure? Church

Astronomer's Interview May Be Latest Of More To Come Regarding "Our
Space Brothers”
Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L'Osservatore
Romano newspaper this week made news by saying there is a certain possibility of intelligent life
elsewhere in the universe, and that such notion "doesn't contradict our faith." "How can we rule
out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,'
and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of
creation," he said. The statements by Funes are the latest in a string of recent comments by
Vatican astronomers confirming a belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien
life, including intelligent life, and that this discovery would not unhinge the doctrine of Christ. In
2005, another Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno tackled this subject in a 50-page booklet,
Intelligent Life in the Universe, in which he concluded that chances are better than not that
mankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. Approximately 7 years ago
Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he said ETs were actually already
interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican's leaders were aware of it. Before his death in
1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such more than once... If ET
life is something Vatican officials have privately considered for some time, why speak of it so
openly now, in what some perceive as a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months? Is
this a deliberate effort by church officials to "warm-up" the laity to ET Disclosure? Are official
church publications on the subject an attempt to soften the blow before disclosure arrives, in
order to help the faithful retain their orthodoxy in light of unprecedented forthcoming knowledge?

The Vatican and Little Green Men

Here's the curious thing about the head of the Vatican’s astronomical observatory saying there’s a strong
likelihood that extraterrestrial beings exist and that they are part of God’s plan: not the “what,” but the
“when,” as in “why now?” In the long interview he gave the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano
yesterday, Father José Gabriel Funes, a Jesuit priest from Argentina, called the existence of
extraterrestrials a real possibility. “Astronomers contend that the universe is made up of a hundred billion
galaxies, each of which is composed of hundreds of billions of stars,” he correctly noted. (The interview
was headlined The Extra-terrestrial Is My Brother.) “Many of these, or almost all of them, could have
planets. [So] how can you exclude that life has developed somewhere else?”

Vatican's Chief Astronomer Cites Possibility of Advanced

Extraterrestrial Life: Thinks They May Be Closer To God Than Humans
Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said:
"Certainly, in a universe this big you can't exclude this hypothesis." In the interview headlined, "The
extraterrestrial is my brother," Funes said he saw no conflict between belief in such beings and faith in
God. "Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent,
created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative
freedom. Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation." Funes, who
runs the observatory that is based south of Rome and in Arizona, held out the possibility that the human
race might actually be the "lost sheep" of the universe. There could be other beings "who remained in full
friendship with their creator," he said.

"Holographic Technology Takes Huge Leap

Upward! Technology To Stage Antichrist Is

New Age leaders love to brag that, when their New

Age Christ arises, his image shall be projected
globally using Holographic technology.

That moment has now arrived.
If Ruins Of An Ancient Civilization Are Discovered On Mars, Will You
Lose Your Religion?
Added: Apr 22nd, 2007 3:44 PM

According to polls, a majority of people could accept a genuine ET

reality without losing their faith in God.

by Thomas Horn

Portland, April 20, 2007 / / -- NASA's

recently released ultra high resolution pictures of the "face on Mars"
reveal details as small as a few inches across including what some
believe to be girders, windows and walls from ancient structures.
Richard Hoagland and his Enterprise Team believe this is the smoking
gun. "The debate is over," he says. "I no longer need to prove that
these are ruins, my critics need to prove that they are not."

A few years ago the movie "Mission to Mars" sent NASA Commander Luke Graham (Don Cheadle) with a
crew of four astronauts to the red planet. While exploring strange geological formations on the Martian
landscape, the truth about the Face on Mars and the origin of mankind was discovered.

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