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The unanimous Declaration of all fantasy football participants

When in the course of competitive recreational events, it becomes necessary for
football aficionados to put aside their differences, and to assemble as one, in separate
and equal (Montesquieu) leagues of fantasy to which Laws of Natural (Hobbes)
gambling entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of sports enthusiasts requires
that they should declare the which impel them to take part in fantasy football.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all league participants are created equal
(Locke, Hobbes), that teams are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are Draft, Trade, and the pursuit of Victory (Locke). To
preserve his team, his Drafting, Trading and Victorious pursuit (Locke), a
commissioner is appointed among leagues, deriving their just powers from the consent
of team owners (Hobbes, Locke). That whenever any league commissioner becomes
destructive on these ends, it is the right of the league members to alter the
commissioners position or to abolish him, and institute a new commissioner
(Rousseau, Locke). Commissioners and their regulations long established that have
run smoothly should not be changed for light and transient causes. Though, when
multiple abuses and usurpations committed that endanger the league members
Natural rights, it is the right of the league members, their duty, to throw off such a
commissioner (Montesquieu, Locke) and establish a new one. The history of present
commissioners in existing leagues is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all
having in direct object the establishment of tyranny over their respective leagues.

To prove this let grievances be submitted to the Fantasy Football world:

They have forbidden rule changes brought up by league members, though they
would benefit the common good and competitiveness of their league
They have offer a multitude of offerings to team owners in order to receive
unbalanced trades in their favor
They have attempted to deceive struggling teams who have minimal
probabilities of victory by offering trades such as backup running back, CJ
Spiller, for the struggling teams best player, Aaron Rodgers
They have edited the timings of league drafts so they correspond to their own
needs, even when this affects the majority of the league negatively
For cutting off trade using a superiority and executive veto, or doing the
opposite and forcefully accepting trades, even when unfit to be consented,
rendering one team incapable of pursuing Victory (Montesquieu)
For requiring additional money to be paid for such transactions
For abolishing leagues most valuable laws, such as all trades benefiting all
participants, as well as the Natural rights of league members (Montesquieu)
In all stages of such Oppressions, Fantasy lovers have petitioned for redress, only to
be answered with repeated injury (Montesquieu). A commissioner whose character is
such may define a tyrant, is unfit to regulate such a glorious, competitive, and
enjoyable realm of sports.

We, therefore, the representatives of enthusiastic fantasy football participants, do, in

the Name, and by Authority of the well educated and researching people of these
fantasy football leagues, solemnly declare propose such a contract (Rousseau), That
these team owners and league members are, and ought to be Free and Independent
teams, worthy of competing for victory week in and week out, that they are Absolved
from all Allegiance to their current unjust commissioners, and that all connections
between league members and their previous commissioners be totally dissolved. As
free teams, owners have full Power to propose an argument to choose a new
commissioner who will appoint fair regulations, conclude peace, contract alliances
that shall be used for trading, draft according to their own needs and desires, and
above, all, each team has the ability to pursue Victory in all manners they deem

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