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How to get a job in companies like Google, Microsoft and flipkart?

1. You have to be proficient in at least one programming language. Whether it is C/C++ or JAVA.
(knowledge of other languages like Python are also given importance but you should at least have a
knowledge of either Java or C/C++). I can speak only for C/C++ here. For the interview purposes you
can go through books like "The C programming language by Kernighan and Ritchie and "Test your C
skills" by Yeshwant Kanetkar. These books are sufficient to brush up your concepts of C.
2. Other than programming, these companies focus a lot on puzzles and logical ability questions.
Over time these questions have become an integral part of interviews for any tech giant. And not
only in interviews, most of these companies conduct a written exam based on aptitude questions.
There are some very good websites to prepare for such puzzles like Riddles, Brain Teasers and
Puzzles (Big Riddles) and Puzzles - XKCD Wiki
3. Now about the core of these interviews, algorithms and data structures. Your best friend in this
case will be Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, popularly known as CLRS. But you can only learn
theory from this book and in interviews you will be asked questions based on real life scenarios and
you will have to apply these algorithms in those questions. It is very easy to learn the theory, it's the
implementation part that is tough. You have to exercise your brain cells just to think what algorithm
you should apply in a particular question. For this you need to practice such questions in advance.
Competitive programming. Sites like Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) and topcoder can help you in this
case. GeeksforGeeks - A computer science portal for geeks is another useful website to prepare
algorithms and data structure questions. Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann
McDowell is also an amazing source to prepare for interview questions.
4. Most companies conduct multiple round of interviews and one of these rounds is definitely a
"Technical round" where they test your technical skills, that is, the skills other than core
programming. The things covered in technical round are Operating Systems, Database Management
System and Computer Networking. Operating System Concepts by Galvin and Modern Operating
Systems by Tanenbaum are best books to prepare for OS. Database System Concepts by Korth
should be sufficient for DBMS because DBMS is given very little weightage and questions are limited
to topics like "Normalizations", "Joins" and "Indexing". For Computer Networking you can rely on
Computer Networks (5th Edition) by Tanenbaum and Computer Networks by Forouzan.
5. Another type of questions that are commonly asked in interviews of all the big tech companies are
design questions. From the personal experience, I can say that Cracking the Coding Interview by
Gayle Laakmann McDowell is one of the best source for preparing such design based questions.
You can also take help from GeeksforGeeks. But basically you will be presented with a new and
different question in the interview and you have to think how to design that thing.
Apart from all these things, luck also plays a major role when you are applying for such companies.
Best of luck.

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