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Gay marriage

Analysis & Argumentation


1. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay
Gay marriage encouraging teenagers those still confuse to be gay.
Gay marriage also encouraging that it is ok to be gay.
2. Affects childrens academic performance and personalities negatively
Children living in homosexual family have lower academic performance than the
heterosexual family.
Gay marriages affect the personalities of children, because children need both men
and women to raise their talents instead of same sex parents. Women support the
physical and emotion needs of children while men encourage children to be
independence and competitive.


3. Destroys the meaning of family

Family ties can be broken through the conflict that is against gay marriage.
Family consist a man, a woman, and a child
Same-sex couples cannot reproduce or procreate
Gay marriage is one of the most controversial issues in the modern world. For the
past thousand years, marriage has been recognized as the social union between a man
and a woman. In most cultures around the globe, homosexuality is viewed as
humiliation and marriages between same-sex couples is forbidden. However,
homosexual relationships are slowly gaining acceptance. With an increased tolerance for
homosexuality in the society, the controversy over the legalization of gay marriage has
been disputed among people in many nations. Although many nations already legalized
it noting human rights as the reason behind it, Indonesia still has not legalized it. Until
this very moment, Indonesia has not legalized gay marriage and does not need to. Gay
marriage should not be legalized in Indonesia because gay marriage will encourage
people to be gay, affects childrens academic performance and personalities negatively,
and destroys the meaning of family.
First of all, with the legalization of gay marriage it will encourage people to be
gay. The teenagers that are still trying to find their identity will get more disorient with
their own sexuality, and eventually get influenced with all this gay things that is now
trending. It is just like hanging with smart people, you will also get smarter even though
a little. And, so do this applied in this situation. As the Indonesian Professor from UIN,
Anjar Asmoro and Prof. Dr. Siti Musdah Mulia, stated that, The biggest factor of
becoming homosexual is social-culture in this modern world,which is now supporting
the gay marriage. The young people tend to try something new and weird. Their
mentality is still not stable enough and still growing up or trying to figure out
themselves. This will also encourage people that it is ok to be gay, which is not.
Homosexuality is immoral and unnatural. J. Matt Barber, Associate Dean for Online
Programs at Liberty University School of Law, stated that "Every individual engaged in
the homosexual lifestyle, who has adopted a homosexual identity, they know, intuitively,


that what they're doing is immoral, unnatural, and self-destructive, yet they thirst for
that affirmation." A 2003 set of guidelines signed by Pope John Paul II stated: "There
are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar
or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family... Marriage is holy,
while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law." Former Arkansas governor
and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee stated in Oct. 2014 that gay
marriage is "inconsistent with nature and natures law."
Next, gay marriage will affect children's academic performances and personalities
negatively. A 2012 study by Mark Regnerus, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology at
the University of Texas at Austin, found that children raised by parents who had samesex relationships suffered more difficulties in life (including sexual abuse and
unemployment in later life) than children raised by "intact biological famil[ies]." From
that statement, it concludes that children need both men and women to develop their
talents instead of having same-sex couple as parents. Some study in Indonesia stated
that since the kid having different parents than their other friends this will make them
stressed and feel alienated thus, having lower academic performance and behave
negatively. With women to support the physical and emotion needs of children while
men encourage children to be independent and competitive in many situations. And
with the lack of these, children would not get to learn much to interact with different
sex. Since children lacked of "competitive" side from father figure, this would also affect
children's academic performance which is also lower than the children that are raised
from heterosexual family. Also, children without a mother are deprived of the emotional
security and unique advice that mothers provide. They will have a hard time to speak
their mind because of this.
Lastly, gay marriage could destroy the meaning of family. Because homosexual
people have different mindset and vision, family ties can be broken through the conflicts
that are made from same-sex marriage. Most parents would not want their child to be
gay, so this is the main cause of the conflict. As the Indonesian lawyer and celebrity
Farhat Abbas stated that, We can not imagine how sad our parents would feel when
they know their son married a man. Family consisting of a man, woman, and child.


This will change the traditional family meanings; also the traditional marriage is
defined. In upholding gay marriage bans in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee on
Nov. 6, 2014, 6th US District Court of Appeals Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton wrote that
"marriage has long been a social institution defined by relationships between men and
women. So long defined, the tradition is measured in millennia, not centuries or
decades. So widely shared, the tradition until recently had been adopted by all
governments and major religions of the world." These gay people also could not
procreate. Even the Soloist Anji who spotted in SCBD, Center of Jakarta stated that, I
always said to my friend(who is homosexual) to get married with different sex people.
Because to me , with having their own kids, it will become something in their life.
Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing
and raising children to adult gratification. Court papers filed in July 2014 by attorneys
defending Arizona's gay marriage ban stated that "the State regulates marriage for the
primary purpose of channeling potentially procreative sexual relationships into
enduring unions for the sake of joining children to both their mother and their father...
Same-sex couples can never provide a child with both her biological mother and her
biological father." And, the regulation of adopting a child is also not so easy. There are
lots of legal aspects and social aspects must be considered. Legal aspect can be put as
common rules of normal parents to adopt. The social aspect can also be put as ethic and
culture beliefs in Indonesia.
Most supporters of same-sex marriage contend that gay and lesbian couples
should be treated no differently than their heterosexual counterparts and that they
should be able to marry like anyone else. However, marriage between a man and a
woman is the bedrock of a healthy society because it leads to stable families and,
ultimately, to children who grow up to be productive adults. Allowing gay marriage will
radically redefine marriage and further weaken it. Moreover, giving gay couples the
right to marry will ultimately lead to granting people in polygamous and other
nontraditional relationships the right to marry as well. That is why, the traditional
marriage should be kept the way it is.


In conclusion, the reasons why same-sex marriage should not be legalized

especially in Indonesia are gay couples increases the chance of getting diseases, affects
childrens academic performance and personalities negatively, and destroys the
meaning of family. If people carefully consider more about how it affects both the
homosexuals and others such as children, people will finally realize that we do not
need any of this.

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